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Show I THE PACK EIGHT E Local News Band Mothers' Club has follows: Presireorganized as Belli-ton; First dent. Mrs. Lester Vice I'rehident, Mrs. Asahel Petty; Vice Pie.s:d(nt, Mrs. Lynn Mrs. Oipin; Sercetary - Treasurer, WilIn.nK Harris: Reporter, Mrs. t.ircl Pratt; Mcmtvrahip thulrnun,! Mrs. Uernell Lunt. The regular ineetin is to be held Monday. December 1th at 4 P. M. lis the Juab Hi: :!i School building. Ew-rmother of a band member is urgt d to be present. The sole purpose of this organization is to further the Interests of the bund. Muc'i was accomplished by the (l ib in tin- year Just pas-;.i- d and It Ls sincerely hoped that wit it the cooperation of the moth- -' crs this year will be a highly sue lul one. Special Until Dec. bt-e- I 8 x IO Portrait 98c Four Poses To Choose From SOME OF !i lb phane bug Tea Hewlett Service Coffee, per pound Hells for Cello-25- c CHAPMAN STUDIO PUDDING Chocolate TOILET Regular 5 pk Chwo-- g late I'uUdms, 3 pkg f To date 45 applications for eo- -! peratlon on the range conservation proeram have been received and hi.r.dled by the county committee and the range examiners. J These 43 applications cover an 'iaiea of nnnrcx.mately 40,000 acres of privately owned prazing land In Juab county on which the wish the cooperation of the! government on Improvement such as the chains out of springs, the' construction of ponds and reserves and reseeeding, The rantje programs for 193C con. Mr. and Mrs. Falban Hickman the completion of all Jnd daughters of Salt Lake City templates undertaken by or before were guests Sunday at the home projects The December 15 of this year. of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lunt. deadline for receiving applications for range Improvement under the I to? ram has been set as Nov-- 1 A. J. Cowers Jr. of Salt Lake ember 30. Any person owning ranre City spent Sunday at the home of land desiring to cooperate should hit, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred fill applications at the County J Gowers. Agent's office before that date. BARS JELLO MHd and Mellow Half pound bar Klr J COCOA Ilers.hr' 1 Local and Social Tlie following peoiii,o returned Sunday from a trip to Emery coun. ty. where they presented the pageant "An Answer to Ella's dream" hi Cleveland, Huuntlngton. and Or:'Tpei!!i?: Willi-tCollard. William Soren-so- r, Clco Johnson, Mr. and Mr. John ir. Snow. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. ChriKtianesn. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pearm.itn. Mrs. William Sorenson, Mai'irlft Frandson, Mymm Lund, Jewel Lund, J. D. Coombs, Caroline LUwel'yn, F.tta Rasmussen and Peterson. --3 j- 3 Cocoa. f inest Quality Blue IOC Kunklat Oranges per dozen MACARONI i SUC Jello Goose or ""2 PI 1a3' RINSO Ilolsum Macaroni made from Hearts of Wheat and Milk, 2 pound carton Large Package Rin'so JOn POT ROASTS Choice Grain fed Beef, per lb LAMB ROAST Milk and Grain Fed Lamb Shoulder Roast Per pound 15 A fin 17c Barreling Whitley Whisky generally goes Into the barrel at 115 to 120 proof. During aging, alcohol Is lost more rapidly water, so after the explraiton The H. E. C. of the Juab high thanfour years the whisky Is from school have organized its club this of 105 to 110 proof. year with wonderful success. The responded girls of the school have to the call 100 per cent and are boosting for the good of their club and school. They have elected officers, as follows Goble; Edra President, Kathleen Wells; sec retary and treasurer, mnime ara. reporter. Marjorie Jackson. THZ BEST BUY IN Many Interesting activities have been outlined for the year's work. CALIFORNIA W1N2 un. are already Parties, dances etc derway. and will prove to make the club not alone profitable in the way of education, but also to develop social activities. School News BEGINNING FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27 AND FOR ONE WEEK ONLY We are- cutting prices on Dressers, Buffets, China Cabinets, Living Room Suites, Davenets and Other ALSO Baby Carridges and Radios Goods. IF YOU NEED We are goingf to move them out MAKE US AN OFFER-WANY OF THEM Chevrolet also have BRICK for sale and a one-to- n Truck. MAKE AN OFFER. - WEHAVEL e King Furniture Supply Local and Socio - See KQ Nott for and We will call Farmers : pay in cash as high as for Miss LaVerne Christensen and Miss Laura Madsen of Mt. Pleasant were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Cooper during the week end. DEAD OR USELESS COWS AND HORSES India First in Manganei India holds first place in the world for manganese with fully 35 e ore. per cent of $5.00 Per Head We also buy dead sheep and hogs. mediately for prompt service. UTAH HI 8 Ph; Hi CO, it ' J ... Jt You can make your Christinas Shopping a real pleasure Lf you will "DO YOLK CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY" Our store is filled with gifts for every age . . Jor every person- ality. Our store Is a veritable gift haven . . . bring in your list and let us help you make your selections. arrann;-- 1 Nephi Drug Co. i WE ARE HERE TO SERVE 'it'll'rjr! "V !!"'!": !ll'l'l'riMr'jr'.':j!in!iHti!iitin:iMTntMiMiM;r1ni'ii!!!i illiiiiiliiii List of Nominations FLECTION FOR MEMBERS OF BOARD OF EDUCATION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, CLASSIFIED 1 FOR SALE new buck. - Adobies and 41R1. 1936 For Representative District Number 2. Nephi North Ward Albert E. Sells L. K. Webb yi For Representative District Number 4 Nephi Ward Francis H. Beckstead Harry Foote W. W. Jenkins J. Earl Reid chim-Ca- ll FOR SALE Dining room table, buffet, Cole's lv;t blast heater. All ui good condition. Call 174W STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF JUAB ss I, J. E. Lunt, Clerk of the Board of Educaiton of Juab Schocl District, Juab county, State of Utah, do hereby certify nm that the above and foregoins is a full and correct list of the nominations from the Representative Precincts number 2 and 4, to be Voted for at the election on Wednesday, Dec- ember 2, 1936, in said Representative precincts two and four as now appears on file and of record in my office. T WITNESS my hand and seal at Nephi, Utah, this 25th nm day of November, A. O. 1936. J. E. LUNT Clerk of the Board of Education, Juab School District 1 (Seal) KEFT FOR SERVICE WHITE CHESTER HOG Bernell Cooper. ss alfalfa meal, see Jos. Nelson, or call M. M. O'Gara Phone 211R2. m j STEADY WORK GOOD PAY. Reliable man wanted to call on farmers. No experience, capital needed. Write today. McNESS Co., Dept --mm I'llll M M, Frecport, 111. ll1 ! , i f "v i' ih, ill ' 'it' i i ' ! W fc . 1 . 1(K i ' . r: - v s f j Tires - ' 86.8 proof The straight whiskies in this product are 15 months or more old. 25 straight whiskies 75 grain neutral spirits. 5 straight whiskey 4 years old, 20 straight whiskey 15 months old. SlLVEIs B3APLB INT Ho. 229 Present the family with a year-'rouChristmas present ard hundreds of entertaining: hours, wonderfully delivered through this marvelous Sparton radio. Sparton builds a set to suit your individual needs, and to suit your budget requirements. Every set contains the sparkling Sparton tone quality. protection Allowance on your old tires d j I ti Ed. Chase, PHONE 33 fr WIr imi n ft Wjj t! DRIVE IN TODAY and insure car against a COSTLY SKID. SEEIVICE f SPAR ON RADI O jj U i ol U3 im- - ji non-ski- l C'HRfSTM.VS is less than a month away and many early bhoppcrs have made lists of what they will select to aid In filling Santa's pack. It in high time that everyone began to think of tli is most merry season and to plan for their Christ- mas buying. p tL.i. Give more traction and f V Christmas Will Soon Be Here It NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING : of the vM The annual meeting stockholders of the Nephi Irri:- ation company will be held at the Juab county court house at 2 P.T.I. Monday December 7th, 1936. The purpose of the meeting is to el- - gy ect two directors to serve for a period of three years and transact S such other business which may pj properly come before said meeting. ri C. W. GLAZIER f3 Secretary. y Good- - Year .v:' Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Steele and ner guests Sunday at the home A l.inre number attended the road show of the M. I. A. last family of Salt Lake City were din- - of Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Steele. Tuesday evening. htgh-grad- Enterprise 30 Spanish Fork 88 1 Mile West of Sugar Factory Highest prices paid for hides, sheep pelts, wool and GEO. PRICE, Manager raw furs. Phones 2726 FOR SALE My REO car fully equipped. Radio, 2 heaters, ad- in.titnhtp rnrtintnr rfti'prc pnmnlpfo ! tool kit and all accessories. In first class mechancial condition E. R. SHAW. $275.00. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Jarrrett had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bernell Openshaw of :V j The Elite Club met last Saturday at the home of Mrs. Jennie Anderson, where the afternoon was spent in chatting after which a delicious hot dinner was served- Surety of Purity" on This 20T2L j - G.RSKAGGS :; 4. p'or.'ram is b' inz M for the M. I. A. meeting next Tupsd:'v iinht, under the- direction of the music committee. It will censis't of the dramatization of three of cir L. D. S. church hymns.' The general public is invited. FOOD Get in ' All' Mr. and Mrs. Don Nielson and family have just moved Into their new home, recently completed. ORANCES pound can fl : Mrs. Glen a son. lu-D- PAPER Pac-hag- 1 12, Mrs. Call Draper is at the 8. hospital where she wps operated on l?st week. AjC Zee Toilet Taper 3 rolJs w worth y - ; and NrjvTYhbPr Miss LaPriel Aagard of Salt La'ie City visited last week end with Mr. at;d Mis. John E. Aagard. COFFEE TEA Mr. to Lake City last Friday after receiving word Thursday evening that her rl.inihter, Murjorie, was in the L P. 8. hospital and had under-- : nno an operation for appendicitis. Her condition is improving, according to reports from the hospital. BL'VS FOR FRIDAY AND S.VITKD AY OIK BEST ;rn Mrs. Lyrla Guvir.ln went to Salt year-"roun- i E Shepherd, If to you Mill Jio you like to btrrkh jour food dolUn? buy all yuur get BatihfiU'tioii in knowing you tan hal.-lO. V. bkaKgn Kylem htore, where quality is grueriri lit where d prices are loner. avurrd and f'K-oiM- Ft. Green News I Food Dollars That Stretch The Thursday, November 26, 1936 NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- 5" f'4 QUART No. 228 Local Copyright 1930, Uealer FOR HOME DEMONSTRATION wrw j Jo. 8. Finch & Co he 8chenlar, Vm. v |