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Show Shop and r Mail For I cany The Times, Volume 27, No. . Only Xmas Nephi, 4S Post Master Urges Early Mailing of Gifts, Cards Be No Mall Delivery In Nephi on Christmas Day States Local Postmaster There Will Auditors Praise City Officials Juab County, Utah Thursday, November 26, Shopping Days Before Xmas Q The News. Volume 1936 Conference Meetings Are Set Building Program Is Fully District arid For Saturday Sunday Here Four members of the M. I. A. General Board will be in attend, arc Saturday and Sunday to give George A Boy Scout District Chairman 48 of School Explained There seems to In I lack of information regarding the improvement and additions contemplated by the Board of Education of Juab School district. Through understanding of any question is necessary before a proper attitude toward the problem can be formed. With this thought In mind, we thought it wise, as well as a service to the patrons of the district, to give the facta regarding the present plans of the school officials in the matter of a building program. To some it may seem unwise and If thA- - know the New Agency Is Opened Here Sperry Is Named 17, No. During the holiday time the volInstructions and suggestions to the ume of mall Increases apporxlm-atel- y Association Mutual Improvement 200 per cent. To assure and teachers of Juab Stake officers . auto A new Hudscn-Terraplacvonventlon xivc, Nephi city corporation has recelv during the two-da- y mobile l"IUS 'lu if""8 uy agency has been established " and stake quarterly conference. the of the of audit George A. Sperry was selected make it a potntj fu,anclal' records everyone lii the Vern Stanley building on w f Saturday evenint? at T P. M. in chairman of the Juab district of the east side of Main Street, ac I'or the two years ending December the North Ward Chapel the Stake the National Parks council Mont.h street from the Venice 31. 1935, made recently by Reeves. Board meeting will be held. according to information by Lloyd Larson of Salt at 7.30 a Joint meet day night, Theatre, Wood and Ostler, certified public Beginning tmaS' ftCCOrdmS accountants, shows the records of ing of stake and ward boards. It given out Tuesday by Raymond T. Lake City, formerly of ManU. to president of the Juab stake desination Mr. Larson has a large territory. this city to be In a very fine con lr, desired that the stake presi- Bailey, M. I. A. has worked Mr. All parcels must be securely dition. comprising some of the Important dency, high councilmen assigned In the Boy Scout Sperry sev movement for Male Chorus, cities and towns in Central Utah, Use strong packed and wrapped. The following comments are to M'. I. A. supervision and all eral years, and is well qualified for a The Nephi City In the territory from Provo group of 40 voices, Articles made by the auditors. paper and heavy twine. bishops and councilors be present the understand taking Is a He In teacher position. Is practicing each Wednesday even which gives him all of, "Condition of Accounts and Rec at this meeting. easily broken or crushed .must be attit,,rt ma h school. Juab the nan unaer high Utah of at the boxone close or county, of Juab At city the Nephi county, the crated ing and part meeting ords securely packad Your accounting system Is t ap picUm M Mr. Sperry succeeds J. Walter the dlretion of Frank Wanlass, and part of Sanpete county. ed and marked plainly "Fragile". in excellent condition. The offic hour of sociability will be enjoyed. At pears at the present time. -- lll.tnmnhll.l Juab .JJI.I.t of the music high 9 Paxman, A. M. resigned. the at supervisor Parcels containing perishable artic- ials charged with the keeping of Sunday morning a of the that school. Officers organization Larson Mr. was as les shall be marked "Perishable" your records are to be commended convention workers will meet in named reports Clayton J. Beck general,, housed m the shop building garage and shop will be maintain which Is not only undesirable but and packed In suitable container. on their work. Your own willing- - the high school building. All stake commissioner of scouting for this are: as H. Clarence Control:. Anderson of James Board with shop hazardous. It also creates a double some to Articles boards contents. with their priest- district, and for the past ed, ness to accept the suggestions of and ward according Wil-foforeman. likely to spill within the reasonable your auditors In the past, togeth- hood representatives are expected time has been working as Ex- Wamer, Ed. V. Downs and disturbance. The elementary pu- -emjn-j- -. Mr. Larson was time required for transportation er with the ability of your officials, to be in attendance. Bailey: secretary and treasur plorer commissioner, this position activities and dlsturb plls hop ElCo. O. librarian. and Motor m. the general Conference having been filed Monday night er. Albert ed by the Mantl At 2 p. Starr; and delivery will not be accepted has resulted in the present excella declded ln tum the sho been has fci the past six months session will be held In the Stake by appointment of Boyd Sorenson. don Tanner. for mailing. Use special delivery ent condition of your records. chud-- j-. turbance to the accompanist. wciuti , - To ill "The affairs of your city appear Tabernacle. stamps to expedite delivery. cinpiuy ui uua Other committee heads in the Keith Kendalltois build the situat. present improve for Hud the group intermountain distributor The closing session will be held district are: hoped Addresses, including local mail, to have been conducted with honJ, Earl Reid; uuIttoiseven ion the Board of Education has a sel son - Terraplane at automobiles. number of a at 7 P. M. in the Tabernacle as rural scouting,Finance, should be complete, with house esty and carefulness. larger Walter J. Paxman; w. f. a. project approved ior uw-in-g the general board are returning camping, George Belllstoa; read' ected voices and from time to time Salt Lake, City. number and street number, post down the Old South School and to Salt Lake City after the meet ing. J. L. Franco m. Lev an; lead. new members will be admitted office box or rural route. an addition to the Cenerecting chorof the efforts the to ing. improve Postage must be fully prepaid tral building of two class rooms ership training, Max Thomas; act us and to maintain the activities on all mail Pull Information conivities, Ralph Belllston. and a large room to be used for a uniformly high level. cerning postage rates can be obThe group meeting Monday eve at The music, auditorium and play room. Is mainJoseph Chrlstensen of Nephi has chorus of the tained at the parcel post window. object This is a very much needed Imbeen summoned to appear for Jury ning set December . 17 as the ten ly one of altho No parcel may be more than provement, which will make it posservice In the United States Dis- tative date for the second annual community interests will be consid100 inches In length and girth comsible to have all the elementary Fathers Sons banquet. and 30. Court November trict nor 70 in ered. exceed bined, pounds children in one building under much hard Is that through It hoped weight. better conditions and added facilavdirection able the under Use Air mail for speed. First work, ities. of William Bird. Nephi's Friends g represnt-lnof a in arrival, first delivered, first group worthy ailable, oldest citizen, are invited to call All the material that is usable and will be The answered. the city developed opened and first The Extension Ser on him at the home of Lynn Olpin from the old South building will -will be of advantdomestic rate for air mall is six vice in Utah State with its and that presence shortest the Soon long days next December On 4th. Friday, in the new building. Also, the W. P. cents for each ounce or fratlon a. navecooperation age and of benefit to the citizens. est nights of the year will be upon utilized all the W. P. A. labor that it Is tabulated 101 this day Mr 3ird will reach his thereof. The new cmbined air- farm recordrecently to be us. the But 93rd they on promise books that date. anniversary from practical to use will be used. mail and special-delivestamp cooperating farmers obtained brightest, cheeriest and most color in Juab CoIn Junior and Senior High we provides immediate delivery at des- unty. ful nights of this or any other have a health and physical educatination at all times and is particDr. O. J. year. who has tion Utah farmers and land owners from the State office, program star-likularly desirable for use on mail charge of the Wheatley, e incandesof Galaxies tabulations, reports which provides that every pupil may expect a more active demand which will arrive at destination that the will cent sparkle lamps again labor inrnma operator's for salable ranch properties Judgon Saturdays, Sundays and holi- of these 101 house shall have a period each dav in from windows, doorways, farms for last year ing from the trend of figures supit is thehealtn and Physic- -l education. We days. The use of a special delivery and roofs wca shrubbery. to irum jbuu a our negative num. vo plied by the farm credit administ stamp . will assure delivery on of $600.- - . ., modern - world's wX ' oi carrying carryimout this iiHvmg iacuities ration of Berkeley. "A report shows Chrldtmas day " if mailed - at the program. The fed40 farmers....j.-.--outdoors Christmas or the 40 by spirit cent of per a rising demand for Utah farm Mrs. Georgina Parkes Kendall, 79, proper time. Special delivery ser- the 101 farms obtained med- eral government has a provision for incomes land and an increasing number of widow of Dr. Alma S. Kendall, and means of a most appropriate vocational education, extending vice means immediate delivery at between 500 world all the ium for and and light, $3600, while 48 which will give undergraduates and office of address. The annual Senior play, "Grow- voluntary sales in the state. one of the earliest settlers of Ne to share. farms or 45 per ent of th tnti Valuable domestic third and received incomes graduates added opportunities to ing Pains", is to be presented in Apparently many farms which phi, died Wednesday at the family Each succeeding year over the prepare between $500 and the for some specific vocation. fourth class mail should be in- zero. Juab High School auditorium, were taken over by rs v, residence in Salt Lake City. J 15 farmers or 15 uCl. " During the depression percent Friday, December 4. we have not sured. Coin, currency, jewelry and of the total failed to in foreclosure Eng Derbyshire, Born de. Derby, the through during ol modem vogue mumtaating tralned Je pay all their articles of considerable value should expenses of The play describes the dilemma pression or bought for investment land, December 25, 1858, she emi n Earh mh operation and return are ntw Positions T!aCe for fratoed be sent as sealed first class, regis the Mclntyres who see their boy purposes now are being sold back grated to Utah while a girl and set ,1ueS lights grow into a anything to the operator in pay- of but few to m7the tered mail ment for his labor and manage- and girl tossed in the cataracts to active farmers as one of the tied In Nephi. She moved to Salt almost as far reaching and beau. , of adolescence and can help little chief results of the improvement Lake City in 1885, and had lived Mail going to foreign countries ment. tlful as the Christma spirit itself. to must be mailed during November there ever since. She was a mem' In all these figures, however, further than give directions for in prices for farm commlditles. thousands of the state m cooperation with the This year, new or the fore part of December in item of course from a dist the Sale of farms in the state, as ber of the L. D. S. church. r numes wmuuuu .c furnished by the ance,turbulent we must lnc- federal order to insure delivery before Xarm has living sons advise which are and four always Surviving youth reflected outdoor light rease ourgovernment, been index volunthe millions countless of of by omitted. Is facilities. It Christmas. Latest dates of dispatch Mrs. and of course. W. B. Kendall rejects, daughters, tary transfers, has increased ap generally reported that most ign displays and so enhance the meet the issue in these lines, may be obtained by inquiring at farms furnish the operator in the These two kids, George and Ter- proximately 25 per cent since the Fawn Bangerter of Salt Lake City; beauty of the magnificent spectacle theTo Board the post office. is taking advantage of of San Kendall A. Francisco, Park in brawls value of rent saved and their low go through ry of Yuletide. A such is America transactions at point in that produce company with the P. W. A. setup and making apOther than Special delivery, no for home and Mrs. Mamie Schmidt of Stock- vertlble fairyland of kids. 1934. now neighborhood is at It the y apprixim-atelconsumpition highest mail will be delivered on Christ plication to the Federal government $600. Thus, in comparing the Many things happen to all of level since 1931. More than 400 ton, Calif, and elgth grandchildren. lights. mas day. through the P. W. A. for a grant of the end is bright and Utah farms were sold or traded Mrs. Kendall was a sister of Mrs. farm returns with wages but them, before Weeks Christmas, obtained shoppers For further information concern- by city on a Voluntary basis during the Lizzie P. Bryan, Mary Ann P. Caz everywhere may find a wide var- 45 per cent to erect a physical edpromising. it workmen, would be ucation mechanical arts building any postal matter inquire at necessary to add The characters are as follows: real estate year ending March 15, ier, T. H, G. Parkes and Alphus iety of new decorative lighting ing. Theandschool approximately the post office, officials feel that $6C0 to the operator's labor income. Professor Mclntyre, Clifford Gar- 1936. compared to a little over 300 Miller, all of whom have passed equipment in local stores which owe it to their constituents they Dr. Wheately points out that bett; Mrs. Mclntyre. merelectrical Geraldine pieces of farm property in the cor- away. and lighting to take advantage of the governBurial will be in the Nephi ceme carry since 1935 was a comparatively nor Cazier; Terry Mclntyre, Marjorie responding period of 1933-3- 4. Among- the ornamental ment program ser chandise. and get these needed a brief grave-sid- e where tery, n,al year for the prices of farm Jackson; George Mclnutyre, Don one will find available equipments The federal land bank of Berimprovements while the help is avprooucts In Juab County, this dls- - Gowers: Prudence Darling, Grace keley has been proving an Import vice will be held at 1.30 Saturday, all sorts of lamp-studd- ed wreaths, ailable. This would take care of uiuuuon or income inBlackett; Sophie, Minnie Howard; ant factor ln the purchase of farm November. 28th. bells, stars and "flaming" andles about half the cost. door-wadicates the need for strongly y Mrs. and window Patterson, Myrtle designed for Bailey; inyl possible during the past 12 larger farm The school district is ln splendMr. and Mrs. Lynn Greenwood businesses and better farm manage-nie- n Elsie Patterson, and light Barbara Petty; "tiAfa- - A broadening of the lend Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Linton are decoration With Unor to be id financial condition. of Salt Lake City and Miss Afton festoons practices if the farmers of Traffic Officer, Warren O'Gara; ing policy of the land bank acting the for edging son born a of proud parents hieher Der- conditions, Greenwood, who is employed in the mis. county are to receive adequate Dutch, Tom Hall; Brian, Jack Pace; for the land bank commissioner on November among evergreen sprigs or proved strung 19. centage of taxes is being paid, and schools at Richfield, will be guests farm income in the future. Omar, Clair Kendall: Hal, Alma nas resulted in many farmers be. Clarence Folger of Salt Lake along the garden hedge. Not only more have come in, Since greatly higher prices for Garrett; Pete, Kieth Kendall; Pat- wo mug owners wun at the home of Mr and Mrs. Robor an e-- City is visiting this week at the are these new ornamental pieces which redemptions less has made it possible for ert Winn during the Thanksgiving farm products seem unlikely, Dr. ty, Alice Christiansen; Jane, Kath- quity than was heretofore possible home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles inexpensive, but they're in better school district to accumulate Wheatly points out that the large leen Wells; Miriam Nancy Radley; An increasing percentage of appli A. Hall. taste and more pore practical than the holidays. a nice balance. before. ever percentage of farmers in Juah Vivian, Maxine Park. TWi TAk cations ior land bank and comm. nt Rait Thnmtnn Alirp The total cost of both projects Dick Garbett, who is enrolled at county who revelve low operators Student director, Margetta Elli isfioner loans has been for the! Of course, greater dependability will City is visiting at the home of $95,000. approximate The be those the U. S. A. C. at Logan is visit- - ir.comcs under average prices should son; Stage managers, Phill Garrett, purpose of the acquiring of the'luT elect from expected may parents, Mr. and Mrs. George rical Christmas decorations offered school district can get by with an 1&nd- ing this week at the home of use every effort to increase the Evan Orme, Lucious Rowe. V. Ord. of about $54,000. There his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. size of their production. by reputable American manufact expenditure will be sufficient funds HGarbett. urers. True, this merchandise costs probably on to hand a few cents more than similar ap- this amount. take care of half of Leaving an indebtedMiss Priscilla Wilson, accompan pearing equipment of foreign make, ness of $25,000 QLn... IS dollars O70VV led by Senator and Mrs. Elbert D. but repeated experience has shown which can be or $30,000 taken care of with a few pennies more buys a Thomas, and daughter Chiyo of that revenue spread over a perI'M THANKFUL Salt Lake City left last week for considerable saving of time, eff- current iod of 5 or 6 years. . Los Angeles where they will visit ect and inconvenience. THE -- LECHON These needed improvements can for a short time. A fetching outdoor display amy be had under the present set-u- p The picture show, "The Green be installed these days in less than without IS RA5f involving the school disthalf-hou- r. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wade had as Pastures" sponsored by the Juab All it takes is a small rict unduly. their Ernests Sunriav Mrs. Weston Stake Seminary for misslonarv a little cash and outlay Ingenuity. big success. Approxi-Blake and daughter and Mrs. C.funds was The "fairyland" is fun to create; Blake and son of Salt Lake!mately $95.00 was cleared and will Its a genuine satisfaction to own; bo sent to the missionaries as a and its a source of Joy for all City. Christmas gift. passersby. Miss Beth Clayson of Payson The Nephi Junior chamber of The students who had worked commerce Invites all people of Neis visiting tnis weeK at tne nome for almost a week selling tickets of Mr. and Mrs Frank Warner. to their show were rewarded when phi to cooperate in their home and street lighting project by the 20 lbs of chocolates approximately Miss Marjorie Olpin is the counMrs; George Luvtoll of Rtrie, were given to them as a erift. thru purchase of a small outdoor lightIdaho spent Saturday and Sunday the cooperation of J. N. C. Pexton ing equipment device and make ty winner of the Servel Electrolux their home a place of more beauty Gold medal of honor, for her in Nephi visiting with Mrs. Thos. and Earl Steele. A gift of $1.00 Vickers. Mrs. Luvol is a daughter was given to the boy and girl who during the holidays. championship achievement in H of William Morrowman, formerly sold the most tickets. These prizes Club Food preparation and Presof this city. went to Virginia Cowan, Barbara ervation contest for 1936. Miss Olpin is a daughter of Petty, and Kieth Chase. An extra L. Mr. Will Mrs. and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olpin of this Hoyt, prize was given due to a tie be and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Pratt, Itween the two girls. Gifts of one city. Mrs. A. B. Gibson and Mr. and pound boxes of choclates went to More than 250.000 H girls from THANKFUL Mrs. J. H. Vickers attended a next place winners. These were all parts of the United States Thurs-dawon by Eunice Irons and David banquet held In Delta last HAVE A SECULAR participated in the contest evening. for the three college schol. Employment for an unusually Bailey number of men and women arships which go to national winlarge Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell and of Nephi is offered for a period ners to be announced at the natLoskiel Jenkins, who is employed Mr. and Mrs. J. N. C. Pexton mot- of from two or three weeks, ace ional H club congress to be held at Fort week the Douglas, spent nrpd ti Fftirvipw Rnnriav to visit ording to the National Reemploy' in Chicago November 27 to Decend at the home of his parents,! with friends and relatives. ment office. The work consists of ember 5. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Jen. the various phases of Turkey pickThe Food preparation and presklnsMr. and Mrs. Roger C. Lunt ervation contest was conducted by ing. and daughter Wynema, spent the! Any residents of East Juab coun- the National Committee on Boys Will L. Hoyt, P. J. Sanders, and week end in Salt Lake City and desiring to work are asked and and Girls club work. The sponsor ty PN. Anderson, local attorneys, While in Salt Riverton. Utah.l to register at the Commiss of the contest is Servel, Inc., ol urged atwere in Beaver Monday night Lake Citv Mr. Lunt attended a room in the court house Evansville, Indiana, manufacturer " --T loners ifTt I, I 1 II 4M t ITT3IMK , PS IX 1W r I. hi.-- Vfc. LI Lflfl ir ,u r farewell party given in honor of tending a testimonial oanquet m vnu'y. -v I SATURDAY v ' ONLY, between the of kerosene operated refrigerators ibqi-""I v vt 'rg Homer A. Collins, manager of the honor or juage --fttoy ti. oox, for farm use. hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P.M. Mutual Creamery company. given by the district bar association. '""' Jto ne Male Chorus Is Organized .; .! jb.. l.f - self-initiat- ed ht r.,Ji rd i"Jr i ! Farm Records of Juab Co. Are Inspected Land Values Are Going Up ry t--r- High School Seniors To Present Play - Next Friday Lighting tffect Helps Cheer Up Holidays Former Resident of Nephi Died In Salt Lake Wednesday 4. non-farme- .u ' 1 ; - ?n' & JL'prbeS multi-color- ed Local and Socio i Com,'naru Jllllliary Thanksgiving Time A Financial Sucses Marjorie Olpin Wins Electrolux Award 4-- sjTt - 1 m i) Register Saturday For Employment 4-- eom-petiti- ng 4-- |