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Show THK Ml'lll. TIMl-.S-NKWS- . I "l'AIl PAGE i,i ih. l ull !';.:- - j Milsli-uselection wele mveli bv V.i!: Ciiiip Mrs Ixiuisc Py-- r und Herman " u. ' :u muh- iiulti nit; MiCuiii', grand children of Mrs. Mi' Kim I:imtui hit I'nd.iy. Pi.ximm 'I l .. y 1.1 Itu.scn K ',': Mis. Atit-P. McCune, president by her t'rtmdr of tlx? County D. U. P. offered a "(ii:in i:.- i.t..itfbUT. Mrs. Vera P. Hi.w'll. Mrs. it w remarks. Itefreshmeius were td:i P. UWlistoti tin- top- rve dto thirty-fou- r members and ' tlif Hand Curt Company. kui-sl I 1. 11 l - .1 : 1 'illaiillilllli;iUlli:i,,ylJl:ij,,!ilU!llJi!!)'.UllilXiUiat . $' ' Mr Mi H all- -, Wli.i.m. .1.1 S..luiia .tiiU Sunday 111 Of Mr. ami Mrs u' i' lis the Kiie.sts It Hall and Mis !: ; limlcy. ui ul U-r- t JoM-phi- i.n di.sc-nss.i- i - -- -- wiim Mr.-- Jones l with II! Ncphi ).!!.', P. Saturday and us 'he guests nf h r J. D Pexton iind Mis ei ! Murray friends and w-it- .-d Ms Salt Ijike t'l'j Mrs her V. Mrs. I) and Ijiki- - CltV were at the home nf Mrs SS Pl PINT VSv0,B QUARTBourboli. No. 167 Rye No. 166 Ryo No. 64 ftourboa No. 63 -- 2? - M Oek. y at Siindav tttn-.sl.- "A tAil A. t. Mr and Mrs. Valid Pearl of Idaho are visitinc m Nephi Willi relatives; and friends Tltey are Ihe guests of Mrs Joseph W. Carter r at the 90 home of Mr. rfiriMn" y We'll be Newtiouse. and uni;i; l of course! The low rates at this, our favorite hotel enab'.. us to visit Salt Lake often. THE OLD QUAKER COMPANY. LAWRENCEBURG, IND. Birds-ey- e View of the Unemployment G)mpensation Work. State Industrial Commission' Unemployment Compensation Division 6th Floor Union Pacific Building: SALT LAKE CITY Half Month 1) Ouy Half a month coiimms of 4 to a lsmn of a days, iiecordin , no mutter how court In many days the month Itself may contain. d- Hei-lin- ti ti ; S2 to Single D.uhle S2.SO all with S11 Only to Half Ai!fl EqntRU Prica Finest cabinet im Ameri. Operate 00 either AC or DC current Standard Broadcast and Upper Police Bands 550 to 1750 Illuminated Prokilocycles tected Dial Size: 9 in. high, 11H io. wide Weight onl? m d 7Klbs. W. K. IRIT 'WwRr IKItS. AY BGiN Awair You" iiionniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiniininiir 'resident "1.50 ta tt hand-rubbeaginable can walnut Served in Your MliS. 3. IL W S4 fukfi BAILEY.-McCUN- eaks? o t'.iV.i . 6 Tube PROOF STRAIGHT WH.SJK EY AS YOU PREFER; IN BOURBON OR RYE Hi ! Nothing Like Thtf Has Evef Been Offered" at Uie Hotel Famous For Hospitalitif and dood Fond IsrKi:!.3: - ' j ewSiouse Hotel The Mrs. Irene Harward and daughter Charlene of Provo visited Sunday Richard Sudweeks. k Ring" T r'l.ci Monday MskWr h Mr and Mrs. Gerald Cazu-ha i u ; their Btiests Sunday evenni,! Dr. and Mrs. Harrison li. Merrill of the 15. y. U. at Provo and Miss Fi t da Jensen and Mr. Haxter o! Sa't Lake City Mr. Haxter is a member of the steiu-ra- l Ixiard of the M Mrs i 1 Akin Howies Mr. and Mrs. Ray Powell had as Kiiests duriiiK the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Galbraith and Mirses Dona and Mildred Galbraith of Raymond. Alberta, Canaoa. SUTTON, (iriil. Maiuter chine inn." THE FORD FOR 1937 V-- 8 .9 of one per cent; Benefits begin after January 1, 1938. Any person whose work record shows him entitled to unemployment compensation can get compensation regardless of his financial status; "need" has nothing to do one way or another with compensation payments. The Utah law calls for contributions from employers of FOUS ox more. EMPLOYER (Contributes) H STATUS REPORTS EMPLOYEE (Does Not Contribute) r Information to show which employers come under the law; type of business or industry; number of employees; other general information. CONTRIBUTION REPORTS The contribution; record of employment, names of employees; time worked: wages, other information to help determine benefits. Contribution forms for 1937 will be different from those of 1936 because most of the detail information will be asked beginning January 1, 1937. It is illegal for an employer to accept direct or indirect contributions from employees. Farm labor, domestics, charitable, religious, certain family service exempt. FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICES Public employment offices will be coordinated with Unemployment compensation division. Names, addresses, qualifications, work history of all employees who come under the law. Such offices to function in filing of claim and payment of benefits. Information frotm employer and employs will be available to the state industrial commission and the unemployment Compensation Division in determining the amount of compensation due ANY ONI Or 70,000 INDIVIDUALS who wQl be protected by this law. This information will also be a basis for merit ratings, by which employers who stabilize their employment will be relieved of the payment of contributions. T MERIT RATING (1941) When the employer's i 1 reserve account, after January 1, 1941, exceeds 7 per. cent of the average annual payroll his contributions begin to decline; when the reserve reaches 12 percent of the average annual payroll the contributions stop until the reserve ratio falls. Employers making contributions to Ut. fund get credit on federal payment up nine-tentof the amount due U. Unemployment compensation tax. hs I. ' I Two ' STATISTICAL SECTION ; O T t BENEFITS (1938) Any person who is employed 16 weeks in the preceding 62 and who is laid off through no fault of his own is entitled to benefits half pay but no payment more than $15 a week; minimum of $7 a week three-fourtor average weekly wage, whichever is the lesser. Benefits are at the rate of one week of benefits for four weeks of employment until 14 weeks have been paid. If a person has worked more than 56 weeks he gets additional benefits at the rate of one week of benefit for 20 weeks of employment. Thus the maximum, five years of employment nets a man 14 weeks benefit, plus an additional 10 weeks or 24 weeks benefit in all. GENERAL INFORMATION After January 1, 1938 when a becomes unemployed be should go to the nearest employment office and report himself readyperson for work or benefits. He will then wait for a period, not to exceed two weeks, during which time the employment office will endeavor to place him in a position he is capable of filling and which is comparable to the one he lost. During the waiting the compensation office will go into his work record and see how he should draw in benefits. Eeriod : it will investigate the reason for dismissal. If, at the end of the waiting period no position has been found for him he will begin to draw his benefits. When a suitable place is found for him he must take it or his benefits cease. Contributions wffl be paid to the UTAH UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION FUND through a special division of the State Tax Commission in the Unemployment Compensation Division headquarters in the Union Pacific Building. U. S. contributions of of one per cent will be made to toe U. S. bureau of internal revenue by employers of EIGHT or more. one-ten- th Do not confuse with old age benefits which also calls for payroll contributions. 1 Pert2 Maximum Good -- W 1 1 76in I1 V-- 8 New engine Engine Sizes - One Wheelbase AND A NEW LOW PRICE Ford V-- 8 for 1937 is the beautiful Ford car ever offered. It is built in only one size one standard of roomy comfort and modern appearance. But you may bave either the improved V-- 8 engine for maximum performance or the new The for maximum economy. The smaller engine makes possible a lower operating costs lighter car and a lower price. When you drive the 1937 Ford with V-- 8 the engine, you are master of a power plant that gives everything you can possibly demand in 'speed and acceleration. Today, improved carburetion enables it to deliver its thrilling performance with unusually low gasoline consumption. The new engine delivers V-- 8 smoothness and quietness even at speeds up to 70 miles an hour with gasoline mileage so high that it creates an entirely new standard of economy in modern motor car operation. V-ty- pe invite you to see this new Ford car, and arrange to drive one equipped with the engine that fits We your needs. FEATURES A newly designed car. Headlamps recessed in fender aprons. Modern hood hinged at the back. Larger lnggage space. Spare tire enclosed within body. Comwindshield pletely new interiors. Slanting opens in all closed cars. APPEARANCI lid-ty- BASE 480- - PRICES At Dearborn Plant Taxes, Delivery and Handling, Tire and Accessories Additional Body typps available with 60 or 85 horsepowrr engine (without de luxe equipment) : Tudor Sedan, Tudor Touring Sedan, Fordor Sedan, Fordor Coupe Touring Sedan, De Lime types, with engine: Tudor Sedan, Tudor Touring Sedan, Fordor Sedan, Fordor Coupe, Touring Sedan, Roadster, Phaeton, Club Cabriolet, Convertible Cabriolet, Club Coupe, Convertible Sedan. Bumpers, Spare ... AUTHORIZED FORD FINANCE PLANS after asaal down-pa$25 a month,model Car 1937 Ford ment, bays Mnjr from any Ford dealer anywhere in the United States. Ask your Ford dealer about the easy payment plana of tha Universal y V-- 8 Credit Company, V-ty- COMFORT AND QUIET A big, roomy car. Extra spare is in the body, not taken np by the engine nnder the hood. Comfort of the Center-Pois- e Ride farther increased by smoother action of the springs, with new pressure lubrication. New methods of mounting body and engine make this a quieter ear. g SAFETY New Safety Brakes, of the cable and conduit control type. "The safety of steel from pedal to wheel." e car momentum is used to help apply the brakes. Tests show that about less pedal pressure is required to stop the car. BRAKES Easy-Actio- n g one-thir- d Not an ounce of wood nsed for structural strength. Frame structure all steel, sheathed with steel paneU top, sides and floor. All are welded into a single steel nnit of great strength. Safety Class all around at no extra charge. BODY Jackson Motor Co 3 Mora Tim Needed "What we iieeil." said Uncle Eben, "is more time for argument dat can't be Interrupted by s ma- t Contributions payable on 1936 payroll Rate on 1936 payroll 1.8 percent on 1937; 2.7 on 1938. i jfn 6 V VVll.-.i;l- Mi mniu TUBE Model the1 at no KADETTE hirti lid mi-the- luin SIX .Sunday. K!'e parents, Mr. C'aar (ierald m uf V i V. M FIVE |