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Show PAGE I THE OUR TIMES-NEWS- NEPHI, UTAH , ford Balllnger, toastmaster. Bar.auet J. E. Kerby and La Due Williams. Tony H(,e:"ion and Housing TRdor. chairman; O. J. Meador, C. O. Wright, Dr. J. W. Williams, D E. Baldwin, Ralph J. Miller, V. tt. Mitchell Mellch, Mars Pope, The Associated Civic Clubs i'. rush, J W. Corbln, A. C. Jorgensen, Tom will hold the,, Southern Ut-- h M ab Situr- - Mix, C. S. Thompson, E. W. Stout h! mpetj lf-Woodruff, George Buret and - ?. ,,v and Sunday Nov-ml- , l? oss Thompson. Th Mr,., i, j.'o'is ci'E. W. Stout. Band music hrst to - the clvl-- voi'tt t Banquet Tickets J. T. Learning o 'rn'n e ! n:r. rr!?nt for the visitors It is expected that the from the Southern part of the stat will leive Price Sat morninff arriving in Monb nhout noon. A brsiness meetlnc will be held at 2 P. M. in the high rrhoo! audltoriiiT, which will lat most of the after, noon. General business matters confronting the association will be discussed and acted on. At 8:30 p. m a banquet will be held in th high school pym for tli5 A entertainment of the visitors. program of speaking and music will be rendered during the banque,, which will be serve to those holdlncr Local and Social Clubs To Meet Hobbs and at Moab, Utah lsltors in Salt City Friday, Mrs. Lloyd Lake Mi', r- .mly illr !vn wiUl re,atlv,,s ... ?u. ana i H(mry rn-i- iwrs j " ' w were; n PanteJ" ttnd v I and ueorge n I Id) ' rTirnins nt tlieir guests Sunday their Mr. and ;liter and Mrs. Curly Ie Wall of Santaquln. J d "J 1) Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkey GAYMODES Ringless! Full Fashioned! C pr. FANCY SOCKS A low Rayon Plan Over Celanes . mercenzeu sole Double hul crivA i t i vup, iirt:i miu and high price for these first quality stockings. They've long, wearing mercerized soles, picot tops! An iwi spliced art, led wpat! Value! B'A-lO- yl. Silk Chllf on Hosiery Rayon Underwear Ringless! Children's Gaymodesl "Utile Mist Prep" our;' These full oned hose are of fashi- the little girls on your list someth ing to wearl Vests, Give perfect iilk, specially twisted for greater dur, and abilty beauty! Sixes 8 to panties, bloomers. Lace trimmed lOtf. or tailored. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) INOF THE DEPARTMENT TERIOR, U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 21, 1936 NOTICE is hereby given that Rolf Bryan of Nephl, Utah, who on November 18, 1931, made stock-raisihomestead entry ..o. 050235 for SE Sec 17; EH Sec 20; SEU-NW- ; NWKSWH; WHNWH of Sect'on 21. Township 14 South. Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before A. B. Gibson, Notary Public at Nephi, Utah, on the 2nd day of ng December. 1938. Claimant names as witnesses: mot-cie- d to Salt Lake City Sunday to Mr. Wilkey will visit lndefintely. also transact business while In Suit Lake City. Semi-Servic- e I son-in-la- I) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ostler and fimily spent Sunday In Provo with Mrs. Ostler's mother. Mrs. N. V. Si Una n. - : n-- r.-- del'-ftat- Mark Bigler celebrated his 80th birthday anniversary Sunday with a family dinner given in his honor at the home of Mrs. L. A. Bailey tickets. The immediate family was Jr. At 9:30 p. m. a prand ball will present at the dinner. held at the W O W hall to whirr, the general public Is Invited. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Tolley reOn morning, the visitors turned hoe Sunday from Salt Lake will beSunday taken for a trip to the City where Mr. Tolley has been re- scenic wonders in Arches National covering at the L. D. S. hospital. monument. A lunch will probablv be served in the monument at Miss Shirley Irons, who is at- noon. The visitors will leave for tending the L. D. S. Nurses' school their homes shortly after noon, and returned to Salt Lake City Satur- many of them plan to return hy day evening after spending the day way of Monticello. Blandlng and in Nephl visiting with relatives and Lee's Ferry. friends. Special Invitations are being ex tended to the members of the Misses Maida and Betty Starr Blandlng Commercial Club, Monti- vho are attending school at Salt cello Civic Club. Greenrlver Civ!-cluLake City, were visitors in Nephl and the Cortez chamber of Sunday. They were accompanied commere. bv Miss Eddis Bunker of Salt Lake Full details for the entertainment of the visitors have not been City. worked out by the Moab Lions Mr. and Mrs. Glen Worthington club, whose entertainment commof Kaysvllle returned to their home ittee will have charge of arrangeSunday evening after spending the ments, but they will be announced past two days at the home of Mrs. within the next few days. The following committees have Thomas H. Burton. Mrs. M. W. Jones of Murray, Miss DaNell Bur- oeen appointed to handle the enton and Alma Burton accompanied tertainment: them to Salt Lake City, where Mr. General comlttee J. E. Kerby. Eurton enrolled in the L. D. S. Tony Meador and LaDue Williams Mission home November 16. Program Mrs. LaDue Williams and Mrs. D. E. Baldwin. Dr. San- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) U. S. LI AND OFFICE at Salt Lake City. Utah, November 16, 1936 NOTICE is hereby given that Dadid Russell Latimer of Nephl, Utah, who on September 17, 1929, made homstead entry No. 044225, for WJlThisWhiskey il would a Is 16 Months p-fe- DOT in any other FACE look the SAME ioowoof KENTUCKY f 1 1 Straight Bourbon Whiskey 0Unmon$istjlleries MintuCHT a OUlCnsaoDO. The plaintiv.3. oqonizod look . . . the onsw oi utter wrong . . . the mouth puiseci up In hotly pas- sionate qury! Only Giuyas Williams can and only draw such a face through our pupor can residents of this community follow his unparalleled skill! Don't Miss l I o. 1 1 fill Bent R. Bryan, Charles E. Step- 1HSW4 Sec. 30; NENWW, 4, henson and Rufus Golden, of NeSection SEttNEVl, NE'4SEU, nor McPherso phi Utah and Roy 29. Township 12 South, Range 1 THOMAS F. THOMAS, West., Salt Lake Meridian, has filed Register. notice of intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the The One Who Worries land above described, before the A hypochondriac is a person who Clerk of the District Court at constantly worries about his or her Nephi, Utah on the 29th day of health and suffers from Imaginary December, 1936. Claimant names as witnesses: ailments. Burnell M. Lunt, Merl Jarrett., Cod of Silence Bent R. Bryan and Charles O. MilHarpocrates, the Egyptian god of ler, all of Nephi, Utah THOMAS F. THOMAS, silence, was represented holding one of bis fingers on his month. Register. PINT FIFTHS Code No " 54 Georgia and the Constitution Georgia ratified the federal Constitution on January 2, 1788, being the fourth State to take action. arks the car with the ytff PI Q" COUNT of las! year's emergencies handled by the Association shows "3,200,000 motorists Automobile American caught with depleted batteries . . . and 2,000,000 had starter difficulties." Don't let it be you this Winter. Have your electrical system checked, of course. Buy good gasoline. And give your engine the big extra surety with Conoco g nlv x a definite Plating of Ilk is ... if d car with New High Com pcession Engine, New t, All Steel Bodies, and New Diamond preference! Crown Speedline Styling . . . the only low priced car with That's the word that is coming from the cities, towns Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, Improved Gliding Knee-Acti-on and farms of all America, where more than ten million Ride and Super Safe Shock proof Steering d people viewed this new Chevrolet in the and the only car which first 24 hours . . . where thousands upon Genn'me Fisher No Draft Ventilation THE ONLY thousands have already placed orders . . . and Safety Plate Glass All Around at no and where the demand for new 1937 extra coetl COMPLETE CAR-PR- ICED Chevrolet is increasing with each passing Take a look at ' car, take a ride in lay! and we are confident that you wiO give it, The reasons are plain. This new SO LOW your complete preference to the complete Chevrolet for 1937 is the only d ear completely Valve-in-Hca- -- -- ... -- low-price- Oil-Plat- e Oil-Platin- g. Thousands upon thousands have already placed orders. Other thousands are huying at this moment. . . . See and drive this brilliant new car and you will want one, toot com-hiii- ea i Cmrrml Af.f.rf g Oil-Plate- viewed the New Chevrolet in the first 24 hours and Shockproaf Steering mn Mtattr Dlj,r, miUU tniy. CUnh Motor Co Dtroil. Uidk. Germ Processed oil -- patented -l- eaves on every engine part continuously . . . always there to head off wear, not only while you drive, but between times, too. Through hours of cold at the curb or at night when other oils drain down your engine reFor the patented Germ Process actumains completely oil this with to unite enables bearings, pistons, cylinders and ally them for smooth, slippy, dragless starts. other parts, to Since there cannot be a moment of "missing oil," the greatest cause of Winter wear is out, as you change to Conoco Germ ProContinental Oil Company cessed oil and its exclusive Then More Than Ten Million People TS WINNING THE OKAY OF THE V. S. A.t And more than the okay the enthusiastic oil of modern Continuously! J Knr9-Acli- n 3 Code No. 55 OFFICIAL ' -- NH-NE'- "IWCIEWOLIEIW I Proof VM2MB (MESMSWiSMll Progress of Poverty livery years dies a movement which will end poverty, every year another one Is horn. THE FUNNIES 100 III onEPirtT liuteXlmtmrnt Plan mmmtUy r&-A Cimm id raiaa. Man roadbent & Snyder i Y |