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Show 'Ml Buy Locally Provo Judge Chamber Speaker at ClubMeeting Is "Social Problems of a Changing World", Topic Discuss ed by George S. Bailiff, A Judge of Juvenile Court. "Social Problems in a Changing World,'" were discussed by Juvenile Judge George S. Bailiff of Provo, before the Nephi Klwanis club Monday noon, stressing particulary the changes that had taken place in the minds of the people of the United States tha led to the landslide election of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Judge Bailiff called attention to the fact that In the early days ot American history It was necessary for our citizens to work, save and Invest, with the result that an expansion program was realized that todlay Is so enormous that the chief concern of the people Is sec. urity of that which they have and which they need. The program of Social Security of the administration named as the chief contributing force that led to the landslide elction of Roosevelt, he cntended. It was stated by Judge Bailiff that we have now arrived at the agen of plenty with the" national Income and saving reaching near the point that they reached In 1929, before the crash came. He stated that with the passing of the social security acts to cars for the aged. Insure assistance for youth when they reach the old age period and provide unemployment insurance for those of our work, that America can now seek greater In education. advance leisure, Church work and government. He praised the work of the schools In taking care of the youth of the nation and preparing them for leadership In the future rather than as charges of the,, state In reformatories. u; The club went on record favoring the construction of an Ice skating pond in this rity. The rity tennis courts and the old Social Hall comer were suggested as the most feasible sites. A second project of this kind was suggested for the Mount Nebo Recreational area for winter sports. Railroad Travel Increase Is Reported County, Utah Thursil.tj, emlor X. V), V).V The News, Y'olumc Winter Scene at Bryce Canyon Lays Applications for Board Positions Filed by 6 Men Plansfor Xmas Decorations Christmas lighting program be sponsored by the Nephi Junior Chamber of Commerce, under the direction of the Utah Junior C. of C. This program ts state-wid- e and is a part of the many activities sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. All merchants in Nephi will be contacted and urged to cooperate in eking Nephi one of the "bright spots" In Utah. A small cash outlay and a little effort will make an artistic display which will attract attention and More naturally stimulate trade. details will be given and a complete program announced in the near future. Members of the committee for Christmas lighting are: Burnell Aagard, Paul Christison. Albert Starr. Don Gadd, Alma Tranter. Eldon Tanner, Roy Gibson. Fred Chapman and Ray Phillips chairman. . Date for Harvest Ball Set by Clubs The annual Harvest Ball, given the F. F. A. and the H. E. C. of the Juab High School wiU be held Wednesday, November 25, in the high school gymnasium, at 8.30 P. M. The main feature of the evening will be the election of the Harvest Ball Queen. Candidates for queen were chosen by the classes and organizations of high school. Miss Lillian Peterson of Levan will represent the H. E, C. and F. F. A.; Miss Grace Blackett, the En Avant Club; Miss Geraldine Cazier, seniors: Miss Melba Bird, juniors: Miss Norma Christiansen, sophomores. These girls have taken an active part, in the school activities this year. by Leva rV News Mrs. Jewel McBride of Grants- ville has been visiting here at the home of her mother, Mrs. H. B. Angell. Mrs. Gene Powell and sons Lynn pnd Clyde went to Fountain Green Thorsday where they are visiting at the home of Mr", and Mrs. Niels Jensen, parents of Mrs. Powell. Local and Socio Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ingram celebrated their golden wedding an niversary Sunday at a family din. ner. Fifty eight children and grand children were present at the af fair. Among the visitors present were Mr. and Mrs J. A. Glllett of Twin Falls, Idaho; Mr. and Mrfs. Thomas Ingram of St Anthony, Idaho: Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Cowan of Cedar City and Mrs. Ronald Greenhalgh and family of Lynn-dy- l. Light refreshments were served to sixty-eigvisitors who called during the afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. AMn Goble recelv. ed work Friday that Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goble of Castlegate, are the proud parents of a son, born November 11. Mrs. Goble was forPostmaster Gerald Cazier has anmerly Miss Alice Sudweeks of nounced that the closing time for Mantl. the afternoon dispatch of mall has Miss Claudia Falrbourne, who Is been set at 3:30. Mail In the office training at the L. D. S. Hospital In by 3:45 MAY be dispatched on Salt Lake City, spent Saturday nni the 4:00 P. M. bus, but any recSunday in Nephi at the home of eived after that time will be held for one day. Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Warenski. ht v. V f citizens have fiUnl applications for election as school board members. From district No. 4. (Nephi Ward, Harry Foote, Francis H. Beckstead. J. Earl Rcid, and W. W. Jenkins. From District No. 2 (North Ward, Albert E. Sells and L K. Webb have filed applications. The school board election will take place on Tuesday, December 2. Voters living in District No. 2 will vote In the North Ward Relief Society hall. The American Legion room in the city hall will be the, polling place for voters living in number 4. ) A' 17, No. 47 Juab Stake Conference Six A will Mrs. Delinn Farnsworth and son Garwln returned home after visit lng relatives in Salt Lake City for some time. Union of the business Passenger Pacific railroad has been better Mrs. Faye Warren of Nephi came during the current year, both In total volume of business and the cut on Wednesday to visit at the number of passengers, than any year hoe of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. since 1929, It was reported recent, Roy Jackman. , pasly by W. S. Basslnger, Omaha,Union senger traffic manager of the Next Tuesday night, November Faciflc Railroad. 24, the Mona ward will present a railroad "The volume of passenger special program entitled "The Story travel In and out of Salt Lake of Three L. D. S. Hymns'" In the Cilty, and on the entire Union Levan ward mutual meeting. Pacific railroad, was better this year than last year, last year was Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peterson vis better than the prior year, and bus ited friends in Salt Lake City oVer iness Is going right ahead through the week end. the winter with every likelihood that there will be further increases The girls of the Levan home ecnext year", Mr. Basslnger said. onomise club spent Saturday In Pro. The tremendous return of pass vo. enger travel to the rails was attrib uted by Mr. Basslnjrer to determin Mrs. Lyman Christensen spent ation by the Union Pacific of "what Friday and Saturday in Provo with the traveling public wanted" for her husband who Is employed there. lowed by modernization and mod erate rates and merchandising of Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Dalby and railroad service. Miss Virginia Hansen spent a few "Air conditioning of trains has days of last week In Salt Lake City .been a great factor in Increasing passenger travel In the sum-ti-.- er The Levan ward primary con time," Mr. Basslnger reported ference will be held In the ward but he also pointed to the nurse- - meeting house Sunday evening. stewardess service by graduate It will commence promptly at 7 'nurses on the Challenger trains as P. M. responsible for the popularity of these trains "as from 60 to 75 per on the cent of the passengers -Challenger trains are women." The Aracla Club met at the home V'of Mrs. J. G. Iors Friday after noon, November 13. A book review, Forsaking All . Others," by Alice Duter Miller, was given by Mrs. Refreshments were Vivian Hoyt. served to Mrs. Maud Forrest, Mrs. It ha Parkes, Mrs. Ellen C. Cole, Mrs. Florence H. Chase, Mrs. Elizabeth Pace, Mrs. Edna J. Cazier, Mrs. Vivian Hoyt, Mrs. Chloe Bailey. Mrs. Laura Brough, and Mrs. Alice P. McCune. Juab Nephi, The Times, Volume 27, No. 47 Buy Locally I Nov. 28-2- 9 M. I. A. and Relief Society Conventions To Be Held In Connection With Quarterly Gathering of Juab Stake The conference convention for the Relief Society and M. I. A. organ- - at'ons Sunday; U ta Nm'ZZ W,B8atu'f,a regular 29' J? quart-Distri- ct erlL confere.nce. ine iteuei oocieu wm noia tneir first session In the tabernacle Sat' urday at 11:00 A. M. This meet, !. 4 i J: v "V, ing will be for the Stake oBard members. At 2:30 P. M. a meeting for the Relief Society class leaders department will be held In the a tabernacle. Sunday morning, Retiring Bishop Myron R. Moyle meeting for the officers, advisory of the Nephi ward will be honored high councilmen, bishops and ward at a party In the north ward piesldencies will begin at 8:45 A. M. amusement hall Friday evening at The Sunday morning session will 8 P. M. The farewell party will be begin at 10:00 A. M. for the public, in the form of a dancing social, and relief society stake and local officAll members of the stake ials. a program will also be given. to to the park, were the prime movers In getting the Bryce Arrangements keep the highway All residents or the Nephi Ward are urged to be present Canyon national park open all year is just action. The first session for the M. I. over 15 years of age are Invited to another step forward in developing an all year, A Stake boards will be held Satthe and a attendance party, good In who seen have the Many people canyon around tourist business in Utah. of ward members Is rekuested. urday eVenlng at 7 o'clock In the the winter, blanketed with snow, say it is more P. P. Patraw, superintedent of the park and Refreshments will be served dur- North ward chapel. At 7:30 a conbeautiful than in the summer. ing the course of the evening. joint meeting of the Stake and Ruby Syret, proprietor of an inn one mile from ward M. I. A. officers, with the A program In charge of the Ne stake presidency, high councilmen phi Kiwnals club was presented to and the bishopric members. A play, the members of the Jericho C. C. C. "While The Toast Burned" will be camp Wednesday evening, Novem presented at 9:30, after which an ber 18. The following numbers were hour of social dancing and games presented: Talk, Herman McCune; will be enjoyed. On Sunday morning at 9 o'clock vocal solo, Roene Bigler; saxaphone solo. Glen Pratt: reading. Reed in the Juab high school building, Government checks for $27,257.50, Judd: Diano solo. Delene Jensen the stake and ward boards will "Social Relations" was the sub reading, Ned Higginson; vocal solo,meet- and at 10:30 the Stake and approximately representing LAKE SALT CITY Readjustject of an interesting talk delivered war a Doaras or me young Men ana - Herman McCune. of allotment wheat the paytc the combined exploer partolls ments must be made In the Tax rrpnt. tj fflrmppc r .TuaK nnnnfrw Young ladies will meet separately. The regular quarterly session or of the three wards of Nephi by Dr. assessments on Utah farms if afor their compliance with contract the conference under the direction F. H. Beckstead at the American set ration is to be reached that appliations In 1936, arrived at the of the stake presidency will begin will enable all farmers to pay on a offie of the County Agent on Nov Legion room In the city hall Tues at 2:00 P. M., and a member of the fairly even basis, is the message ember 13, and are being distributed day evening. general authorities will deliver the is brought forth bulletin to the farmers of the county. .The explorer group cf the Nephi that Mah-oneprincipal address. This money Is being paid from a ward M. I. A. are at present plan released recently by Dr. J. R. The program for the Younger was recently special appropriation made by the ning an extensive program for the elected Dr. Mahoney members of the stake win be given president of the Utah Ed- last congress for the purpose of enremainder of the year. The first Sunday evening under the direction asabling the Agriculture Adjustment project being undertaken by the ucational Association and Is an of the stake M. I. A. boards. to fulfill its promise class Includes the characterists and sociate professor of Ecnmlcs at the Administration o fpayment to farmers who in good construction of the airplane, and a University of Utah. The National Farm Bureau Confaith, signed applicatins for wheat The elk herds In Rocky Moun talk by Howard Pratt next Tuesday notWide variences are to be found allotment contracts, and set aside tain National Park have moved vention will be held In Pasadena, in county assessments In only will begin the study. evening the state, but also within the coun-ie- s, the required acreage from their fail down to their winter range In California, December 9, 11, and 11, Archery and Vanball are also In his 48 planting In 1935, Just a few months the broad valleys on the east slope according to James H. Ellison, said Dr. going to be discussed by the group, page booklet, Mahoney, as tax on before the Supreme court decision of the park, where they are gath- president of the Juab County Farm and this and a Vanballteam will be worked Is the heart decision nullifying the allotment ering In large numbers to spend Bureau. Very property tangible up and entered in the Vanball meet of the tax farmers who wish to attend state of of plan. the sysem the winter, national park officials theAllconvention at Salt Lake City In January. are asked to get In these should be Utah, discrepencies announced. The conditrecently Leaders in the variosu phases touch with Mr. Ellison so that the once. at cleared Cache ion reup county, of Is the herds excellent, have been named as follows: Leon names of the local can be for Instance, is paying an average flecting the fine growing season filed In order thatdelegates Petty, patrol leader; Howard Pratt, of 59.8 cent farm valuation, for food A per their count of Included In the statethey may Ar-be plants. dramatics; Darly Starley.' good whereas Beaver county Is paying group. more than twenty per cent of calves turn leader; Reed Judd, drama and' rangements are being made for a but 37 per cent. In county assesin herds the wildchecked by was Armistice Hanow Pexton, song leader. celebrated in day delegation representing this county sments, said Dr. Mahoney, some Fountain Green in a very fitting life workers Indicates a substantial to attend the convention. districts in Weber county are pay- manner. increase In total numbers. An unusually good play ing as low as 14 per cent valuation, The elk, together with abundant Union meeting for all of the while others In the same county are etitled the "Poor Married Man' was presented in the evening with deer In readily accessible parts of auxiliary organizations and the paying the sum of approximately the following comprising the cast the park, are proving a great atpriesthood will be held In the Juab 120 per cent Valuation. Leland L. to autumn Visitors. A rechigh school building, Sunday, NovThe booklet was printed under sen, Karl Hansen, Odell Christen- traction Seeley, Jack Sorenson ent week end saw the largest Octember 22, at 2.30 p. m, The date of the auspices of the University of Athalie Johnson, Mabel Smyth, Myr- ober travel on record when hund the meeting has been scheduled one Utah, and will be distributed among week ahead of time so as not to the various county officials and the tle Christensen and Ora Livingston reds of motorists entered the park A fine Armistice day talk was also despite the fact that the in interfere with stake quarterly con legislators to the state, with whom, travel over Trail Ridge ference which will be held on Nov. Dr. Mahoney feels, lies the solut- given by Mayor Niels E. Mikkelson road has been blocked by drifting 28 and 29. ion to the problem. Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Tidwell and snow. This heavy travel was atbaby spent a few days this week tributed by Superintendent Thos. in Salt Lake City. Out In the extreme EUREKA J. Allen Jr., to the fact that nowhere In the United States may western end of Juab county a Mr. and Mrs. Dale Anderson are large herds of elk be seen In their mining property has now been visiting at the home of his fath native range by such large numb- - developed to the stage where It er Carl Anderson. bers of people with as little effort could be placed on a paying basis as is required In Rocky Mountain were It not for the fact that It Is An exceptionally fine Stake con National Park:. so far from a railroad station that J ference was held in Moroni last A circle drive of less than fifteen the cost of transporting the ore to Saturday evening and Sunday. miles passes through Moraine Park, to the railway cutsIs the profitleft. but little Beaver Meadows and Horseshoe a point where there F. Mr. and Mrs. Reese Bradley three centers of concentrat- The property Is that owned by S. 15 and family of Moroni have return Park, ion of the herds. On the way, the Faulkenbery, who for the pastthis ed home after spending the sum motorist been developing has many opportunities to years hasmineral of n'ei with her father, .Martin Lund secure ground which la snapshots of entire herds id piece In Granite Canyon, very located ly feeding, young bulls not ready close to the Nevada state line. for real combat, playfully butting Faulkenberg has done a lot and pushing with locked antlers, of Mr. on this property and has work or giant stags, proudly showing a vast body of gold ore themselves within a few yards of developed which runs $12 and up to the ton. J. A. Christensen announces the the roadside. On one Sunday, more He estimates that about a hundengagement of his daughter, Mer-le- than fifty elk were grouped In the red thousand tons are available. At to Victor Collard of Fountain open meadows In front of the Mor- the present time the ore must be Green. The marriage will take aine Park Museum, and during the hauled distance of about 60 afternoon hours, the road was lined miles toa the place In the near future. at Gold with cars when tourists stopped to Hill and the roadrailroad Is of the poorest Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jenkins enjoy this display. type. This costs about (4.00 a ton announce the marriage of their During the mating 'season now and the railroad cost of $3.00 per McClell-eat its to elk bull Leslie n are height, the dnughter, Emma, ton makes a total transportation of Union. The marriage was heard periodically throughout the cost of $7 per ton to place it at 11 in Oregon day, bugling defiantly, with vigor- the smelter. After smelter performed November charges where they will make their home. ous notes that serve warning on there Is not much left for the all others of his kind that he Is operator. ready for battle In defense of his However, Mr. Faulkenberg Is now The late afternoon working many , wives. with a view to and evening hours being the bugl- money for the erection of securing a coning to Its climax, and many lovers centrating mill. He has plenty of of this woodland music resort to rater for this purpose and It to the elk range where for hours they hoped that he ts successful In is offered for listed with all the ardor of MissEmployment the money for this work. a group of East Juab county ouri foxhunters. This symphony of raising When directors of the Associated Civlo dabs of Southern wild musical notes is but prelimpeople as follows: A meeting for members of the 12 boys ages 18 to 21 Utah meet m Moab on November 21, they will decide whether inary to terrific struggles. A sight Utah Poultry producers cooperative 25c per hour. of the and skill worthy In patience or not to "put the lock" on the state highway funds by sponsoring association will be held 8 Wet roughers, . 35c per of stalking necessary to Its en- the city hall at 2 P. M., Friday according a constitutional amendment. This seems to be the only safe way hour, must be experienced. joyment is a duel between two to Clarence Gowers of the local of protecting the future development of our state highway system 40 ladies Turkey pinners. mighty bull elk. With mad charges, plant. 25c per hour. as the number of requests for a share of the funds is on the Mr. Gowers announes that William crashing of antlers, and gruelling Applications will be receivstruggle, the battle may last for A. Shuldberg, and Assistant General Increase. ed between 10 and 3 o'clock more than an hour with Intervals Manager H. M. Blackhurst will at the County Commissioners Other states which have already adopted constitutional of rest and maneuvering, and oc - give talks on problems of vital lm court room house. In the j amendments preventing any diversion Include Colorado, Missouri cassionally results In the mortal port an ce to the poultrymen of this mounding of one of the combatants. district. and Minnesota. Plan Farewell Party For Bishop Moyle i 4V,' Local Physician Is Speaker At Meet - . Readjustment Needed In Tax Assessments Government Checks Being Distributed two-thir- - ds Elk Herds Are ia Colorful at The Rocky Mt Park y. Ft. Green News trans-mcunta- Let's Do The Same Local and Socio ne Work Offered Mines Being Developed In Western Juab |