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Show THE PAfiK EIGHT TIMES-NEW- Undergraduate or capable practical nurse for general duty Mt. Pleasant Hospital, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. IRE Nov BARGAINS 13-1- 4 13c ...... T Bone or Sirloin Steak jyrup Quart bottle Persons who furnished foodstuffs at the Old Folks dinner are asked to call at Heber Jenkins residence 17c BRAZIL Nuts, New crop for 35c i pounds Pound bar or Half, lb 29c GOOD PAY. WORK Reliable man wanted to call on farmers. No experience, capital needed. Write today. McNESS Co., Dept M, Freeport, 111. STEADY 19c pounds ZZ CRANBERRIES Ox Package JO Barton' S & n 9c ... o W COFFEE 1 pound 1 Pound .... 4 popnds .... 25c 49c 97c FRESH SALMON AND HALIBUT We buv Veal. Pork. Beef l.mh nnn r . r P LWSSMHii . rffJW mmm Banana Bava- rian Cream slips down so easily It tastes so good and It's real foodt You'll find it specially delicious if you serve it with a tart fruit sauce cherry sauce for instance. Banana Bavarian Cream 1 package gelatin; 1 flint hot water, 4 teaspoon salt. V4 cup sugar, cup heavy cream, 6 bananas. Dissolve gelatin in AT.fr. Add salt and eugar Chill until ;oid .nd syrupy Fold in cream, whip only until thick and shiny, but not stiff. Crush bananas to pulp with silver fork and fold at once into gelatin mixture. Chill until slightly thickened. Turn into mold. Chill until firm. Unmold. Serve with oi without sahce of tart fresh fruit Servea 8. lemon-flavore- at,. h-- APPAREL Attractive Warm Snow Suits, sizes 2 yr to 10 yr. Prices $2.98 to $7.95. See the newest thing in sport sweaters in the Juab High School tolors. LADIES GOLDENS rub- FOR SALE OR TRADE Light ber tired wagon Leland Belllston $5.00 Per Head for Phone us I FLOUR Hustler1 Ml-sse- KiUihn Maid Hour 48 pound bag $139 Fresh Stock Da'tw Put in 1 Pound Cellophane Bags, each 10c CITRUS PEELS COCOA Rock wood's Cocoa s 1V pound can CHERRIES lb bottle Liberty 35c Marcheno Cherries SHORTENING up Lemon, or Orange Ruby s and Ina Painter of Salt Lake City visited over the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Painter. sit inmiil ss trfcsa v mm4 mmm mmi (iris, mmtk a mm Si, Jmmmj mmt fmm rW fcs mtmrnj mm skat sfswfaafesi irss mmm mmi as mm will a sasrglss of rmmfi frmm dtfmdmf mfm lit mimd fsf is nsa silsf. Prittl Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Ford and ftmlly visited Sunday at the home of Miss Vera Smith in CenterVUle, Utah. f" mmm asan srss ssd sspplsf sissy for ssroaf, sturdy SUMf, SMUrf he Vmnmt Amm mm foar duld Ml mmm4 t myU. b tin ultU4 Mrs. O. W. Lunt had a.4 their guests Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Sloan of Ogen. Steven MeMurrln of Los Angeles, and Miss Georgctta Slddoway of Salt Lake City, who were enroute to Los Angeles, California. Mr. and Citron Vti, fresh stock put in cel'ophane bags, lbjp29c CRACKERS Purity A- -l Soda Crack ers, 2 pound box .... 20c ' j1 Mr. and Mrs. William Chrlstensen returned to their home in Olendale, California, Monday, after a very 's pleaasnt visit with Mrs. Chris parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Broadhead and other relatives and friends. ten-sen- Jewel Shortening, A real Choice Shortening, CCf 4 lb cartons SPAGHETTI American Beauty Macaroni or Spaghetti 5 lb box, eah V 1 Pound Cellophane ALBER'S CEREALS Albers' 8C Pound Bag AND jp. JJ MARSHMALLOWS Fluffy Masrhmallows-- MACARONI Oats or Wheat Larfe Package IJfC POT ROASTS Choice Steer & Heifer Pot Roasts, pound j Spring Rhode Island Reds Roasting Chickens Per pound AjC m. The National Youth Administrat- next ion Projects wll commence week in Juab County. Ten young people between the ages of 18 and 25 will be requisitioned from the Provo office to work in Nephl, Levan and Mona. As soon as any boy or girl receives assignment slips please report to Mrsi Joel Taylor, 154 W 1st No. . PRATT MERC. CO. The Board of County Commiss ioners met Monday to canvass the vote of the recent general election. SALMON MINCE MEAT All three members of the commissFresh Sliced Salmon ion were present. Hewlett's Choice 1 While it lasts The change In the number of votes Mince Meat, 1 lb carton IUv received by the respective candi dates were very slight, according: to Bureaacracy official figures in the office of J. Bureaucracy Is government by an H. Vickers, county clerk. elaborate system of administrative departments and officials, the lower The officers of the Nephi Ward functionaries FOOD subordinate In all SiTMl7TLjr STORES M. I. A. and their partners enter matters to the The buhigher. tained at a social in the armory to betends reaucracy generally "A Surety of Purity" hall Tuesday evening for Alma come In Its laborious and unwieldy Burton who will leave Sunday, November 15, for the L. D. S. mis operation, through the absence of Sim sion home in Salt Lake City prior discretion In any but the higher offto leaving for the Central States icials. This produces red tape or Starvation Does No'. Kill Fish Mission. During the evening Mr. oversystematlzatlon. kills Bureaucracy that starvation fish, Forest Isn't Acreaga It Pennsylvania's o t h H t the for there is always ample food in Burton, H. C. Crane, and Alma may exhibit also a tendency to disaRVfl mi. ..t . . . . . j lue T7At. ivim Onrvlr-each gave a brief talk. regard Individual rights and to enoriginal forest in Pennsylvania (the the average inland lake to take Tranter, care of many times the number of after which, Mr. Burton was pre- gage in arbitrary acts. Its most forest wuicn was mere vucu fish that Inhabit them. But when sented with a gift. Social games frequently charged defects are Its state was first settled) covered were and refreshemnts ser rigidity, conservatism and spirit of acres. The woodland of a lake freezes over solid and re- ved toplayed those present. routine. Washington Star. more than for condition covers In mains any that Pennsylvania acres. length of time the oxygen content To Overcome Rusting; of the water lowers to such an exBusting can be overcome by the fish suffocate. It is the tent that ddltlon of relatively small amounts "Devil' Corkscrew" Rocks the lack of circulation In the water The big spirals of rock popular- and the decom FOUND WRIST WATCH OWNER of certain types of organic comIn to the watery media held ly called "devil's corkscrews" sc- position of organic matter that may have same by identifying it pounds In ferrous vessels, according to InNebraska are thought by some fish life sufadv. the on for this and and this paying brings dustrial and Engineering Chemistry. ientists to be the fossil burrows of fers accordingly. an extinct kind of rodent. Terra Firma Terra firma Is the upper layer Founder of Gallaudet College Merchandise Returning Edward Miner Gallaudet was or layers of earth which may be The practice of returning purborn at Hartford, Conn., in 1837, the dug, plowed or excavated; spehas grown chases in retail stores the loose surface mateto such proportions that between son of T. H. Gallaudet He was cifically, ',' $5,000,000,000 graduated at Trinity college In 1853 rial of the earth In which plants and $4,000,000,0(10 In cases of most grow, consisting and taught In his father's Instituworth of goods nrp returned annution for deaf mutes in Hartford, disintegrated rock with a mixture ally in the Unltfrt States. 1856-6In 1857 he organized the of organic matter and soluble salt. r i Columbia Institution for the Deaf, "Adobe," Clay Forms.ti.il Dumb and Blind at Washington, D. "Adobe" Is the name given to cerC He developed from it the Gallaudet college, of which he became tain clay formations, or soils, which the first president, serving from cover thousands of square miles Id the Southwest. 1864 to 1911. He died In 1917. 15c SNOW COLLEGE Q P. SKAGGS COMEDV Maurice Olsen of Mt. Pleasant, and Fonda Pederson of Ephraim wll play the leading role In "The First Year," first production of the Play Production class of Snow College which will be presented, Friday, November 20. In the college auditorium. Others in the cast are: Stanley Dunn of Tooele, Lamar Sorensen of Salina, Geraldlne Thomson of Ephraim, Maude Jensen of Ephraim Frank Brienhot of Ephraim, Ruth Rigby of Fairview, Dorothy Sorensen of Manti and Douglas Cheney i of Ephraim. The play, "The First Year" by! Frank Craven Is a three act comedy. This is one of the most humorous pays ever presented at Snow College, according to Miss Helen A. Nelson, under whose direction the play is being given. CLASSIFIED g oxygen-absorbin- TO PRESENT ex J3 sjkv- - y V7 sikxf DEAD OR USELESS COWS AND HORSES Phones JV Choice and Mrs. Stephen Boswell had as their dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Boswell of Salt Lake City. OOD sfcoas Vj sVraUsatai ss sulk is i pun We will call for and pay in cash as high as We also buy dead sheep and hogs, mediately for prompt service. Choice Light Amber Walnuts Halves, 1 Pound l(lll-)- n pahne Bag Miss Catherine Bowles, who is employed at the Ephraim Public schools, visited over the week end with her mother, Mrs. Alvin Bow. les. Mr. DATES NUTS 2 ss Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brough spent Saturday and Sunday in Salt Lake City on business. CHICKENS By Frances Let Is the dessert with thi BLESSED the dessert which is suitable for the last course of a substantial din ner, yet which makes a .genu Ins contribution to the nourishment of the meal. A CAKE FLOUR 14 V, TESTED RECfiPE 19c Pound High Patent flour Made from Choice Hard Winter Wheat 48 pound bag O. P. S. 1 Three girls for house WANTED work In Callente, Nevada. No Call Mrs. D. K. Brown. children. MINCE MEAT J dishes. 54 C SMOKED HAMS Whole their FOR CHOPPING HAY, Grain or alfalfa meal, see Jos. Nelson, or call M. M. OGara Phone 2UR2. SUGAR 10 FLOUR WHITE KEPT FOR SERVICE CHESTER HOO Bernell Cooper. Spring ROOSTERS pound FOR SALE 1931 Chevrolet Coupe Perfect condition at Bargain Price. Alma Burton. FOR RENT Two apartments at the Forrest Hotel Annaa. 31c .. "honrst-to-goodne- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY'S BARGAINS WANTED for nearby Raw-lelg- h routes of 800 families. Write DenRawleighs, Dept. UTK-61-Sver Colorao. 5tlpald Sleepy Hallow Maple There is but one O. P. Skaggx system store in Nephl, and at this store you will always find staple food sold at We don't often advertise Uirs Low f rhes. every.day foods but ak you to feel confident that our store does much to hold the cost of foods to s reasonable price. Five Yearling Suffolk FOR SALE Bucks. See F. M. Beck. MEN 20c - pound at The can be arranged Inquire Times News office. Steer Beef POT ROAST Tuund Only One WANTED Wheat land near FOR RENT Owner here Nov. Loan Mills Thursday, November 12. 1936 Local and Social CLASSIFIED Allen's " NEPHI, UTAH S, X tfi. ( ' im- - Thru Service . jjg&i M rr r4m M Everywhere andKANSAS EAST WEST BOSTON Spanish Fork 88 Enterprise 30 1 Mile West of Sugar Factory Highest prices paid for hides, sheep pelts, wool and raw furs. GEO. PRICE, Manager CITY DENVER CASPER BILLINGS SALT LAKE CITY NEW YORK CHICAGO DAVENPORT DES MOINES OMAHA CONVENE RT Fast Tim COMFOITMLE ECONOMICAL fTrSmi ThUWhUke,!. 1EPENBABLE AS THE BURLINGTON RAILROAD IHS BtSt old, 100 proof whiskey BUY IN ARE BEST FOR WINTER DRIVING COMFORT f A change to WINTER MOTOR OIL will give you a QUICK START and releive the battery of extra effort SILVER MAPLE SERVICE PINTS I Sstg cr m 1 h hie 11 4 i " 4. U Are America's Outstanding Values The great 16 month CAUFORNUWINS Heaters J CLOTHES Tlcitsd J. f. DOUGLAS Vsalcs Colo 74 So. Main St. Psoas 74 Hot Water . MARX-MAD- E and Round Trip Far with Bums Evsrywhsfs Information aXtfjfct. U--r LOS ANOELES ihortest Routes Low Ons-wa- y Cormscfiont V m i. w tisirw V Code No. 55 FIFTHS WOOLENS All woolens are thoroughly SHOULDERS All shoulders are worked out by hand, thus producing a clean fitting, faultless shoulder. pre-shrun- k. .... TOP-COLLA- are basted by hand, giving the right Top-Colla- rs amount of ease to insure a perfect fitting collar. Come in and select your suit or overcoat now. A small deposit will hold it for you. Code No. 54 mm I KIISHI lJnSSMMlMI SL.J |