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Show THE PAGE SIX Of TIMES-NEW- XEI'HI. UTAH S. Thursday, November 12. 1936 Hi IHTEREST TO M HOUSEWIFE WO RLD'S BEST COMICS Paper white narcissi planted In a bowl containing pebbles and water will last from November to March if bulbs are renewed as those in bloom fade out. Leftover boiled rice served with cream, sugar and topped with Jelly usually appeals to the children for lunch dessert. It's very nourishing, too. Place straws in lunch boxes when cocoa or milk are included. The children will delight in using tl.em during the lunch period. The Mind Meter o Bll 8yndlcl. Lighter Side of Life as Depicted by Famous Cartoonists and Humorists x I ..Hl.- - THE FEATHERHEADS Bitten by the Bug ou mope vvOd FROM HERE, Cl6AR FACE VOU'Rt CUTTINCr INK? wi TeRRiTORy AMD I WONT STAND FOR IT UoW.lOO VOU AMD . S I t r I r1 Use scissors for cutting over fish, meat or fowl. This also applies to leftover vegetables. up left- i SAVf (ac (Kit. - iKTf A Fo)L ; DEAR MRS FEATHEKHEAP, TO STATB -- VOU MuVT HAVE N "TOtiR ACTiNor I - - YV I will Sou i TMAT rKOWAtsL ITS ( ACTl6 HAVE SOmGThiMG AHL 3LOOO 'I VACCINA I iOTi f I Sometimes when the gravy from roasts is not quite as dark as you want it to be, try adding a little kitchen bouquet. Just enough to color it. e Bell Syndicate. WNU Service V 6. in-st- pr-p-t- 7. pu-i- c. 8. 9. 10. -y. su-o- r-. sti-n- d. attract. 1. 6. property. 7. visible. 8. neglect. public. amazement. country. industry. 9. 10. support. stipend. ft and Phrases Amour propre. (F.) Self-lov- 6elf-estee- S'MATTER POP Ya Never Can Do Much About Scared Feet rJ I V I If IN By - TttDVRlT V.-v-- ? . our Br S. r1Y TEET- - IT WA5 - -" 4FRAl ? 7 i Billet doux. (F.) A love letter. Dum spiro, spero. (L.) While I live I hope. (Part of mofto of South Carolina.) , En bon train. (F.) In a fair way, on the road to success. Flagrante delicto. (L.) While committing the crime; caught in the act. Gosse. (F.) Street slang for "child," "infant." Compare "kid," "kiddie," and the Irish "gossoon." Ilors de propos. (F.) Not to the purpose; irrelevant. Iterum. (L.) Again. Mi6 M (CoprTpht, MESCAL IKE CM. PAYNE 9 Tiw u4aT 7 1. Foreign Words "VOU Don't let Winter catch you unprepared word. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dr. Fieree's Favorite Prescription make weak women strong. Mo alcohol, bold by drugguU in tablet or liquid. Adv. Intellect and Heart I would not undervalue the culture of the intellect, but would exalt the culture of the heart. rvlf. WNU Answers SSN NtoU A FOOL MAKE. ME WERVOUS 1IENDEK.SON Vt'orJ Completion Test In the following exercise there are tea skeleton words. That is, in each case some of the letters have been omitted. Study the letter given and try to fill in the missing letters to make a common 2. 3. 4. 5. ' By LOVtEIl tOTW. h TV Bn Sndioit. fffj Inc.) - i To Alkalize Stomach Quickly Among Those Present L. HUNTLEY thai Faii ? the way to gain almost incredibly VX. C- hv 8. fOmyrlehl. n- FINNEY OF THE FORCE L- - Hunitvy, Trade MWrk Reff. U. 8. Oftlee Officer. Call a Cop! Br Ted O'Louihlia Sic 2 or WAL P(. BAMAWA FRaiT OFF'M A STAMP wot Book' IMPtRSONW A OFFICER vVHY L AM" WMOT GsOMkIA WP7 ... SARSE-WH- FER i n AT WOULP YOU I V quick relief, from stomach condition arising from overacidity, is to alkalize the stomach quickly with Phillips Milk of Magnesia. You take either two teaspoons of the liquid Phillips' after meals; or two Phillips Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Almost instantly "acid indigestion" goes, gas from hyperacidity, from "acid - headaches" and in food or smoking nausea are relieved. Try this Phillips way if you have any acid stomach upsets. You will be surprised at results. Get either tha liquid "Phillips" or the remarkable, new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Only 25 for a big box of tablets at drug stores. dm, FORM' Each tiny tablet in the equivalent of a teaspoonful of genuine Phil yt- -r lips Milk of Magnesia. ALSO IN TABLET ADAMSON'S ADVENTURES J( H I I By O. JACOBSSON A Coupla Other Guys PHILLIPS' MAGNESIA FALLING HAIR DANDRUFF BALD SPOTS? for They call regular use of Glover's Mange Medicine, followed by a Medicated Soap. Start today, or have your Barber give G you treatment! CHANGE TO Iotci'i QUAKER STATE Sold by Failure MATTER Ol Curse of Progress THE OLD SCMOOL .f EDM Towards the end of last semester an English professor decidec to spring a character quiz on his s Chaucer class. Among the "Who was one asking, laughed and sang all day?" After much squirming and struggling one student wrote. "The second little pig." and handed in his paper. It came back a week later marked as follows: "Triple credit will be taken off because the answer is wrong, your attitude is too flippant, and besides, it was the first little pig!" prict . . , 35t per quart all the time showin' off his intellectual superiority so as to make me feel that 1 got my money's lNinl.M. W FIRST AID IN UTAH By GLUYAS WILLIAMS AND vjues-tion- How It Worked Out "I sent Josh to college," said Farmer Corntossel, "so that he'd have the advantage of a better education than I had." "How did it work out?" "Josh overdoes his gratitude. He's "Retail all Druggists worth." V-- i" C0MtilH,ftNN0yIW6 UfflE PROUDW fHAf HE HAS Clrf r,N6ER m SOWfcH SEE, AND 6MDA6E INFIHHE5IMM. MOfHERfO ASKS CPU HE tf HIMSELF? t AHfiSEPflC APPtlES Mos-- FOR MISSIH6 6016 r of It ADHESIVE 60-- 1APE MiO COfS Off OVER WASH A OR SO FIH6ER AND BOWi. ITS THE HOTEL BEN LOMOND Ogden's Finest . . One of Utah's Best 350 Rooms 350 Baths $2.00 to $4.00 FiflDS frtAf ADHESIVE TAPE ADHERfcS MOf 0M-- io (HE FiMER, et-f- pseiw ccnnnc- - W ENfAN6U Hi If, Bltf FlNAUV MAKES A 61AR-- auvS . WRAPPlNii if Fiuishes rrripE' HAffH0lH BANPA4E IS A IrffLC BULKV, If LOOKS IMPORfANf reaujes HE ClK Of OTHER FEELS H supDrKLV-iUor- r 0U F1N6IR HAND, BlK DOESN'T" MAf- - WA Air Cooled Corridors Delightful Rooms lonll Koom tottee bhop Spacious Lounye and Lobby Courteous Service Every Comfort and Convenience will be found at THE HOTEL BEN LOMOND OGDEN, UTAH "COME AS YOU ARE" CHAUNC6Y W. WEST. Gen t MO. j |