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Show Thursday, November 12. THE 19.W Local and Socio ROMA WINE (lj;'' 0,, Au VV , Levan NEPI1I, UTAH PAGE N ew si Local FIVE and Social 7hj? Mr. and Mrs Win ChrlMene.-- n last of Glendale, CaUfornia Emm,.tl oxiaru. who Is attending Miss Marjorle Gadd who Is at. week here with relatives. Hu'y. B Provo. U. Y. at UmverMly of utuh, gpent tUe the tending Mr. ot home were the at guests fwk mfX ,n N w Visited over the week end with Peterson. Mrs. Ralph (,uK Mr uml MnJ M M 0 rjara her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A V and snt Also Brandy and Champagne hv TIMES-NEWS- Gadd TOWS Mrs. Lesley Taylor and children, Mrs Thomi,.s vll.kprs return,, of Mt. View, Wyoming are visiting Rn enjoyable afur spendm(, ... ... k .,,,,. Wallace Blackett of Cedar City nere ai uie nuiuc ui m. muim ,,f Mrs ,h T. A Carver In Salt Lake City. spent a few days of last week at Mrs. Helen Benedict. the home of his mother, Mrs. J. W. The Levan ward will hold their Blackett. Mrs J R. Retd left Thursday for annual ward conference In the ward Los Angeles, California where she meeting house Sunday afternoon at will make her honif lor the winter Mrs. Barah Starr has returned 2 P. M. months In weeks home after visiting three Salt Lake City and Magna with Hnttik Hiculiuson Perry Jackman. who has been returned to friends and relatives. away from home for some time. Is'g, Uvke City Sunday after spend- vlsltinn at tne nome or nt par- day jn N,.phi with rela Miss Nelda Cowan, who Is ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackman. tues In Salt Lake City, spent the week end In Nephl visiting at Mrs. IX'lla L. Tunbrldye returnMr. and Mrs. WUford Bailey the home of her parents, Mr. ana ed home Saturday evening after had as their guests Sunday, Mr. ana Mrs. P. B. Cowan and with friends. visiting In Salt Lake City at the Mrs. Reed W. BaUey of Op den and home of her sister and brother-l- n Mrs Pearl Snarr of Provo A fire at the home of II. D lr.w. Mr and Mrs. IJoyd Christen, Goldsbrough Monday morning bur- sen. Miss Mildred Bean left last Wedned a small hole In the roof of the nesday for Los Angeles, Califorhouse. The fire was quickly distinB. Mr. and Mrs. P. Day of nia where she will enroll at the announce the marriage of Woodbury College guished and did but very little For the past damage. their daughter Itora to Lyman three years Miss Bean has been Chrlstensen. son of Mr. and Mrs. S. employed by the Mountain States P. Chrlstensen of Levan. The marTelephone and Telegraph Company. riage was performed by Bishop Brun-soat the home of the bride's Miss Margarett Parkes.' who Is Mr. and Mxs. Delbert Broadhead parents in Fillmore, on Saturday attending the B. Y. U. at Provo, November 7, in the presence of spent the week end with her attended the banquet and dance Immediate relatives & friends. Fol- mother, Mrs. T. H. G. Parkes. She given by the Electrolux Company was accompanied by Miss Laura lowing the ceremony a wedding din-tiwas served to the honored Charwick of Provo. While In Ne. guests. phi they attended the banquet The young couple will make their and dance given by the Junior C. home in Levan at present. of C. ffi Si ' UJorterj'.cX'tA em-nlov- C?f ZPvxhcl of 4mxlea'i Xaiyiii WUuuf Ftll-mc- re n "H I In Provo Wednesday evening. Mrs. John Kendall accompanied them to Provo. er Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Burton of Cedar City arrived In Nephi SunMr. day to make their home. Burton will be employed at the J. C. Penney Co. store to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation Salt Lake City returned home with of Alma Burton, who will leave them Sunday evening. soon for the Central States fe 90 proof Straight Bourbon Whiskey distilled and aged in the heart of the famous Bluegrass region of Kentucky. This whiskey is one year old aged in temperature controlled warehouses. : iis SCHENLEY i L'' wtllJdtf jj5 O'Sjb000 Jf gSfe 111? ZTJS,fv $ M II 3 Pl jp2 f .sis f v x,.,. ml DISTRIBUTORS. INC ' "' The Elementary school presented an Armistice day program on WedThe Daughters of the Utah pionnesday afternoon in the meeting eers of the Fort Wall camp will house. meet at the home of Mrs. Fern Pax-ma- n Friday, at 7:30 P. M. The The Road show presented on Mon- biography of Ann Rushen Keys day evening was a great success and Paxman will be given. She was one a large crowd attended. of Nephi's oldest pioneers. The topic will be discussed by Mrs. Ida Belllston. All hand cart memNOTICE FOR PUBLICATION bers are to be special guests at this (Publisher) meeting, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTJ. S. Land Office TERIOR, at A most family homeSalt Lake City, Utah. Oct. 21, 1936 coming was pleasant Sunday at the NOTICE is hereby given that home of Mr. enjoyed and Mrs. S. D. Broad -Rolf Bryan of Nephl, Utah, who head, whose of loving memories on November 18, 1931, made stock-raisi- childhood were recalled. Delicdays o. 050235 ious hot homestead entry ... oinner was served for SEW Sec 17; EH Sec 20; SEH-NW- ; to those turkey Mr. and Mrs. Wilpresent. WttNWVi of liam Chrlstensen of Glendale, CalNW14SW14; Sect'on 21. Township 14 South. ifornia, Mr. and Mrs. Daken K. 1 Range West, Salt Lake Meridian, Broadhead and son Jon Daken of has filed notice of Intention to Oakland, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Rulon make final Proof, to establish claim Broadhead and small son Merrill to the land above described, before James, Misses Blanche, Faye and A. B. Gibson, Notary Public at Fern Broadhead, who are attendNephi, Utah, on the 2nd day of ing school at the B. Y. U. at Provo. December, 1936. Special guests were Jen Evans of Claimant names as witnesses: Provo and Morgan Greenwood. The Bent R. Bryan, Charles E. Step- host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. henson and Rufus Golden, of Ne Broadhead. All members being pre phi Utah and Roy McPherso nor sent except one son, Sheldon Mills, Utah. Broadhead and wife and small son THOMAS F. THOMAS, Hal J. of Burbank, California, who were unable to be present. Register. if " w Mrs. H. R. Francom and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Francom attended the funeral services Sunday In Salt Lake City for Judge C. F. Dalby. Mrs. Louise Shepherd, who has been visiting In Idaho and 1 (. 'Vb V "Give Us A Ring- "Well be at the Hotel Newbouae, of course! The low rates at this, our favorite hotel enable us to visit Salt Lake often. ng i j The Newhouse Hotel dood Food Famous For Hospitality and I ... Sunday Morning Breakfast Served in Your Room Withaul Extra Cost. USS. J. RATES S3 S2.SO Mittto Doable aU with EL WTER8. President W. E. BUTTON, GenT Mnnw $4 to to M.SO Bath Tomorrow! See The 1937 FORD 8 RITE-WA- Y Law.A.W.w LH- tI A New Car . . at New Low Prices with an entirely New Economy Idea! On Display at our Showrooms! has been completely redesigned. It's the smartest looking car in the low price field. It has See how the Ford V-- 8 new comfort and safety. Operation is quieter. Braking is smoother and faster. AND THERE'S A CHOICE OF TWO V-- 8 let us arrange ENGINE SIZES. You'll want to drive it II Our Famous Layaway Plan Malces It Easier For All You Santas It n i 0 START NOW Select from our complete new stock. Toyg, tools, silverware, glassware, chinaware, sporting goods, electrical goods, or whatever they wantmaki a small deposit. Get our safety claim check and stop worrying Christmas will find everybody happy with just what they wanted. lay-aw- ay for a demonstration. Jackson Motor Co 1937 Ford V-- 8 Trucks and Commercial Cars here Sat. also. I THE CHRISTMAS STORE HOME OF SPEED QUEEN WASHERS !! |