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Show i5o I X Ton con now buy en air ticket to you to the Orient, It will put you on board the Thlna I'lljuier" In San Frani-lMcbuy late In the. after comnoon. You will be settled In fortable compartment In time for dinner dinner beneath a ta r ut mMed of Icy far above the hlnlieat cloud the eastern ruclfic. You will roll out of a larger-thapullinan berth to thrill at the early morning aim iilaahlng gold over Honolulu harbor. Then on again, by daylight now, coral necklace of over keys to the little Midway Inland, Inn awaits where a your overnight atop. A short flight next day to Wake Island, a tiny dot In the rant I'aclllc. There, too, you , pass a night. Another daylight flight. A nlgbt on Guam. The next night ! finds you In exotic yet modern Manila. Then the following morning t you step ashore for luncheon, Id China Itself. W. L. Van Duaen and Daniel Sayre Id Cosmopolitan. vurf-rlnge- d Land for Every One on Friendly Islet in Pacific Tonga, In the Pacific, has announced that there Is land for everyone In Its Islands. Queen Salotl and her husband, who Is prime minister, have seen that every youth In the Friendly Islands on reaching sixteen la given a quarter of an acre of land In his village and eight acres In the bush. He must build a hut and grow coconuts. Education U free and compulsory In Tongn, and 09 per cent of Tongans can read and write. NO UPSETS The proper treatment for a bilious child THREE STEPS i : TO IEUEV1M8 CONSTIPATIOI A cleansing dose today; a smaller quantity tomorrow; less each time, until bowels need no help at all. mother knows the reason her child stops playing, eats little, is hard to manage. Constipation. But what a pity so few know the sensible way to set things right! The ordinary laxatives, of even ordinary strength, must be carefully regulated as to dosage. A liquid laxative is the answer, mothers. The answer to all your 'worries over constipation. A liquid can be measured. The dose can be exactly suited to any age or need. Just reduce the dose each time, until the bowels are moving of their own accord and need no help. This treatment will succeed with any child and with any adult. The doctors use liquid laxatives. Hospitals use the liquid form. If it is best for their use, it is best for home use. The liquid laxative most families use is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Any druggist has it. ANY Ringworm on Head. Child Cried All the Time Cuticura Relieved "Ringworm started with a white crust on my little boy's head. Then-I- t turned Into eruptions and his head was in a terrible way. These erup- ; ina tl tions Itched and when he scratched them they would burn, and more broke out He could not rest, but cried all the time. "I tried different remedies, but the eruption lasted one year. Then I used Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and now my boy's head Is relieved. I will never be without Cuticura ,Soap and Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. Margaret Carter, 840 Greenmount Ave., Baltimore, Md, May 27, 1935. Soap 25c, Ointment 25c and 50c, Talcum 25c. Sold everywhere. One sample each free. Address: "Cuticura Laboratories, Dept. It, Maiden, Mass." Adv. SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY O Our lobby la delightfully air cooled daring the summer months Radio for Every Room Bath 200 Room-2- 00 3 NEPIII. UTAH S. W carry n TIMES-NEW- ai? Hull, Mho do you rriki'li ll lie sliiHik his lu'inl. "I wouldn't say a vmril," be declared. "I've n your took notice that Just 111" HI 111 shut tuive a uck of ti'iiiilile. stmieliincs." She seemed to welh this "I'm l'.irl inly lit have, thinking Ain't you?" lie might." Part admitted. "Hut It's not my lncim-x- , and I'm not He looked touiiril mixing In." Suladin "Saladlne and grinned. there, he told the sheriff to check up on Wlu, and the steam mill men." In Mann There wni mirth 'leroe's old tones. "It wa'n't Win!" she said, "lie might brag and blow, and get big tdees, but ll Air Service to China Will Force New Travel Concept 175 (71 THE Thursday. November 28, 1933 't r fe' Zt-k- - i- Den mm (if i Ames mm I I Williams wa'n't him!" eyes moving aa though with an effort from one to ttie next: "Zeke will I uiMft about this. He'd do anything for lluldy. lie's going to take It almighty hurd." He was si lent for a moment, wild then again: "Hat the cowa; they've got to tie milked." Kven In this hour of dfath and sorrow the email dally tanks could hold a man In bondage. "Yea, Will," agreed. Jenny "You'd beat go. I'll fetch a lan tern." She went Into the uhed, and he began to put on his coat and hat; but In the shed she donned her boots and oilskins, returned all accoutered to face the storm. Will looked at her. and she saw something leap In his eyes. Then she opened the out er door. "I'm going with you. Will she lit SYNOPSIS Jim Saladln listeria to the hUtory of neighboring- - Hostile Valley, with of lha mysterious, enticing tonalp -Huldy," wif of Will Ferrln. Jnter-cateha drives to the Valley fur "Old llirm" Pieres day's HshliiK. and her tilneteen-year-ol- d Jenny live In the Valley. Bine little mors than a child Jenny naa at Drat admired and then deeply loved young Will Ferrln, neighboring farmer, older than she, and who regards her still as merely a in child. Will takes employment nearby Augusta, Bart Carey, somed, icrand-dauKht- er Hurt said: "Matter of fact. I don't think It was Zeke, either He'd not hurt lluldy. If It come right down to someone killing her " lie hesitated hunkily : "Well If I whs the sheriff, I'd look for one that had reason to." Marm Pierce watched" Bart with some displeasure In her sharp old eyes. Presently she asked hi in : You going home to supper. t any Idea Hliud tsatit lu -- uun Mi' Per rlii?" Aiovic Radio I Dy afckcd. Part KhiNik his head. "Dunno. No hoily's seen him xence." Marm Pierce came out of the dining room. She told lite slierifl she was glad to have iilin here. He nodded, and a.ked slowly: "Was Mis' Kerrln dead when sli here, ma'am?" "As good as." the old Moiuaii assured him. "She was all broke to nieces, and bled while, and studied t'efore I got around to It." "Didn't come to?" "No," Marm Pierce told him No." "You look her over, did you?" the sheriff urged, lie explained: "1 guess likely I'll want a doctor to see her, but you might have noticed some special hurt on her." The old woman told him: "Why. she was hurt cruel. Sheriff. Looked like she'd fell on her head and side. There was scratches and cuts all over her; and a deep bad cut on her neck. And her face wus banged where she'd hit a tree, or a rock or SMILE AND ENJOY LONG LIFE SPAN; WORRY: DIE YOUNG STAR DUST l'.art hexilated 'I wouldn't go t say. " lie salil. lie k.i.icii u mi a leep reluctance: "Not unless ii was eke. ZcUe Pace works for Will n kind of crazy alioul her .eke lie mi.-li- l ind - Jealoun of her. have got mad at her." Yet lie added honcKlly: "I'.nt Will don't 'low that Zeke would touch her." "Where Is Zeke?" the slierifl got VIRGINIA VALE Smile and whether or n l the world smile with you, you may liv to l ItVi years old. In an hi'tlcU in the Journal of the American Medical As sociatl.m. It U said cultivation of the I roper mental attitudes may prolong the lift pun five years into the century, not only for the extremely rare si ail men of humanity but for many others. The claim I see-ou- d HOPE you heard ZaSu Pitts when sh e uid i Juicy tn the radio, it vsas a relief tc ,loa ' n ' ; I hear her and not one of her inn-tators. Incidentally, she's quit? interested in those tril ls w ho do impersonations ot lier; eavs she's always wanted to heir one but somehow she Just never hits. And I wish you might know thai same. ZaSu Plit: you'd like her c much. She Journeyed to New York to do that broad cast, and seui ' ,11B ie ''"t lne "T nmy of her tlint shopping for hiH Bart?" 1 b children 1 'Lowed yon might want me 1 who daughter, IX4 he here," suggested. and hei thirteen, In a surface hospi She nodded. ZaSu Pitta. adopted son (P.arJ tality. "Certain. Stay where you he. l. Is attracted barn LaMarr's litthing of a more folks the around, now, Right him. but the by Jenny, girl repulses tle boy, you'll recall), who Is a lit the better I like It" She bustled Learning that Will Is coming horns, tie younger. She started out at tlir y Jenny, exulting, sets his briskly to and fro upon the business the like." crack of dawn each morning am! house "to rights," and has dinner to he mean "I say," persisted, of supper, grumbling about the was on hand when the stores op ready for him. Hs comes bringing . . ." show. to "nothing his wife, Huldy, who becames ths danger to her black bombazine. to buy simple frocks and enet', woman old shook head. The her Then suddenly she stood still. subject of unfavorable gossip In the sweaters and suits. And very smart Valley. Entering his home, unlooked and her head lifted. "Car coming," "Nothing that she couldn't have got she looked, too, dressed In darli for. Will finds seemingly damning from falling the way she did." she said softly. evidence of his wife's unfaithfulness, told him. blue her favorite color. as ills The sheriff sighed though as a man who he knows Is Seth Saladlne and Bart stepped out on Will's head rose a little. "Why She was besieged with offers te and Marm Pierce asked: Humphreys breaks from the houss. saw the flicker of couraged, Will overtakes him, and chokes him ves. Jenny." he said slowly. "With the porch, and "You didn't know Huldy,' did you. do more broadcasts; P.en Penile, woods the to death, though Humphrey's shat- me. If yo're a mind !" headlights through for one, wanted her on his program woman Sheriff?" ters his leg, with a bullet. At Marm And they went out Jenny closed toward the road. The old She was urged to go on the stage; anof tell he "I've heard Pierce's houss the leg is amputated. her," came to Join them ; and they one remarkably good offer was madt Jenny goes to break the news to the door with a sense of escape, watched swered. a while truck light together Alone with her, Huldy. She finds Bart Carey with a deen relief. "Guess If for her to do a sketch In a new the whole has. county the a with Into the woman. When he leaves Huldy Will was secure. long body pulled show but she turned thera all declares she has no use for "half Two men alighted, and Sala It comes to that," the old woman down. to go home to hei Wanted see can a man," and Is leaving at once. Will assented. "But for let If she could have read Sal- - yard. youryou dine saw the big form of the sher la legally exonerated, and with a n (II ne's mind, she would have been a family woman For she's a family. lot self, of have things might iff, and another, who carried a home-mad- e artificial leg "carries children and husband come first script ; for Saladlne had taken hapiiened to a woman like tier." black bag In bis hand. on," hiring a helper, Zeke Dace. dismayed "It was account of her," Bart re- and her career afterward. Months later, Huldy comes back. advantage of that trip to Barfs Saladine and the sheriff nodded minded them, "that Will Two years go by. Zeke and Bart house to telephone Sheriff Sohler killed Seth Carey engage In a fight, the trou- In Liberty. It was Increasingly to one another. Joe Matthewsoffspoke Humphreys. I dunno as I blame Nancy Carroll seems to have side his ble arising over Huldy. Amy Carey Marm to Pierce, 'stripping him. I dunno as he went to kill tracked her screen career In favot not accident nor commits suicide. Zeke Dace had been clear to him that real coat. "The road's ma'am," bad, Seth; but Seth had a gun. and Will, of night clubs. She is seen aboul showing har attention, but Zeke had any sudden Impulse to with his leg shot to he had a lot looking a bit plump. succumbed completely to Huldy'a tion had hurled Huldy off that he said. Sheriff Sohler unbuttoned his to hang on to Seth'apieces, wiles. Saladlne comes to the Valley. high ledge. neck or get And If murder had did not remove It While fishing he Is caught in a another bullet In him. But Huldy been done, then the sheriff should overcoat, but Have you heard that early, earl) heavy rain and takes refuge at "Best to keep Mis' Ferrln here was back of that." Marm Pierce's. Bart Carey arrives be here. morning program on the radio tM undertaker If the possible," tonight. "I heard she'd left Will sence," Milkmen's Matinee? It's very pop. carrying Huldy whom he claims has In "1 home can advised. take her fallen from a ledge, and seeming CHAPTER IX the sheriff reflected. ular, not only with the milkmen, the morning." ly la dead, but while alone, the wom"She come back," Bart explained. but also at luncr an, with her last breath, asserts can nodded. Marm Pierce "She VTET Saladlne was relieved to see Will killed her. Horrified, Jenny de "She took a shine to Zeke and de- carts, and lots of requests pour In the She said. she LITTLE JACK HORNER opened stay," 1 Will and cides to tell no one of the accusa cided to stay." thus depart to for special numbers. tion. She goes to notify Will, who tend the cows,Jenny SAT IN A CORNER Will he for "Will take her did he?" back, thought Is bewildered at the news. They reAFTER EATINO A LARGE PIECE OP PII "Dunno as he could help It," Bart turn to Marm Pierce's. Zeke Dace might well resent his having sum Itemember Julia Faye, without HE STUCK IN HIS THUMB, has disappeared. moned the shtrlff. Even Bart had confessed ; and he said slowly : whom no DeMMe picture was comAND PULLED OUT A TUM, resented It. a while ago. "Will, he always stood a lot from plete In the old days? She recent Ht ALWAYS KEPT IN HIS VEST (WHICH FOR JUST SUCH EMERGENCIES But despite Bart's resistance. her. Sheriff! No matter what she Iy married a scenario writer. CHAPTER VIM Continued on I dunno as he'd Sohier he did. wire the Sheriff harm got her." 14 He added harshly: "Hut If he did, These two , were old friends, and Then he went back Into the kitch Major Bowes' genial "All right I Saladine wouldn't blame him!" telling all right" Is fast becoming a by en; and the three, Bart and Will what had spoke excitedly, The old woman's sharp eyes fixed word all over the country; one ot happened. "And Sheriff, and Saladlne, stayed there, hud- he CARRY on him. "You trying to let on that our best football announcers suggested, "there's a steam mill loves dling near the stove. Will had the down below here. You better find Will killed her, Bart?" she asked. In to use It WIIXIONS now know the smart thing b to ar honors dull demeanor of a man numbed by Incidentally, ivl carry a roll of Turns, always. Heartburn, a matter-of-fac- t out If of the men from there tone. "Sneak out. being heaped on the eas, and other symptoms of acid indigestion Major so fast "I were any this shock; he muttered ruefully: No sense In talking around corners." that it's hard to And see If have a habit of occurring at unexpected times. np way. them track of can't make out where Zeke has got Win Haven Is In keep You don't have to drench your stomach with I'm not letting on a thing about He Liberty. a utw wing of the Ker harsh alkalies which physicians have Ions to. He wa'n't one to go off, a day Recently warned may make the tendency toward add with Bart last her. "I'm trying nan Hospital for Crippled Bart assured It," Carey stayed night like today. Zeke didn't like rain." Children, adworse. a real scientific Turns, indigestion to see through It Granny, the same In but he set out to go to Liberty vancement, contain no soda or other alkalies. Baltimore, was dedicated to him And still later, he said: "I'll want this neuInstead wonderful a antacid that as simply you. morning." tralizes stomach acidity, the balance passing her to lie at home." He added humWhen Will and Jenny went out I can see she said the body inert. Pleasant to eat as candy. Fred MacMarray's rapid cllml out of10c rolL a bly: "Dunno as. she'd want it so; Marm Pierce said doubtfully: Put a roll in your pocket now. Only crisply. to the movie heights should but I'd want it that way. I'll have F0R.THE TUMMY The sheriff said, floundering: "I'd as that's fittinl I dunno dunno 'I ev to get word to Joe Matthews, over like to talk to this Zeke. Might be encourage as I'd ought to let her go." who eryone t'Llberty." he'd know something. Maybe Will, wants to No one and she lifted go Bart suggested, helpfully: "I can her head. replied, he'll fetch him. Looks like I'd have Into the movies. NOT ALAXAnVEjSJjL--onlrtomn ' go over to my place, Will, and teleto talk to that man." 'But I dunno as 1 could have Two years ago he m phone. Saladine here can drive me Will when But and she pres tones her Jenny confessed, tlful fiCotor helped," couldn't get even over." mometr with ths purchase of a loo roU of Tom not displeased. Her eyes met ently did return, they were alone. an extra Job. One or a 2.5c bo of NR (The All Vegptahle laxative.) Saladlne was quick to assent to is a long weary This hour she spent with Will was year ago he this suggestion, and for a definite business "Waiting when yo're young," she for Jenny deeply comforting. Hul worked In "The reason. He himself had been wish- told him ; Size o.f Ethiopia and then she chuckled. dy's accusation had faded Into a Gilded Lily," along, ing he had access just now to a In size Ethiopia comprises about I guess I can throw that lily like the substance with Claudette t, cloudy unreality, So he and Bart set out, root telephone. I" she said In an obJenny Stood Silently By. 424,000 square miles, or Is nearly of a dream. But Jenny now, more the first and when Jenny beard the car de- scure away nine times as large as New York a screen work he'd satisfaction. And then she door into the felt other than emotion, any room. They dining part, she came Into the kitchen and added briskly: "Drat that Jenny I state. Fred went in and she closed grievous sympathy for Will, for the had except for a found Will alone, and asked where She's left me to get sup- the door. together, Mac Murray. remorse she knew he must endure; small part In gone ad had Will told and gone. her, they and me In my best bombaThe sheriff looked at Saladine, and she strove In small ways to re "Grand Old Girl" she stayed with him. Marm Pierce, per, zine!" She found an apron, tied and at Bart He said to Saladine: assure and comfort him, not by with May Itobson. Since then he'i when her task In the dining room it on. words, but by her steady support- been rushed from one picture tfl "Evening, Jim I" was done, left them alone. to be busy, she As she another, because you and I and alt "This Is Bart Carey," Jim ex ing presence at his side. "I'm going up and change my looked at began him reflectively. "You plained. "Bart here, he found her. the people like us liked him. He'i and the crossed brook, They feel more "I'd she decided. dress," No matter how many medicines ain't In any hurry to get home," Sheriff." climbed the steep trail, and came played opposite Katharine Hepburn, fltten In something decent," you have tried for your cough, chest she remarked. "We can put you to the barn ; Carole Lombard and Claudette Coorchard the looked Sohler at up the or bronchial irritation, you can through cold Inquiringly Jenny smiled at her In grateful up If yo're a mind to stay." other man; and Bart explained: "I and while Jenny held the lantern, lbert get relief now with Creomulsion. Will but sat understanding, silent, Saladlne hesitated. "Why, much was fishing down brook. Down back Will let the cows Into the tie-uSerious trouble may be brewing and and Jenny came beside him. Hul-dy'- s obliged," he said. He thought the of Will's you cannot afford to take a chance It looks as If "She Married Hei a ledge, and and secured them there. He pulled barn there's with anything less than Creomulaccusation had begun to lose, time to speak had come. "Mis' a below It I heard a down hay for them, and went to the Boss" might prove to be Claudettt steep drop sion, which goes right to the seat in the girl's mind. Its shocking force. Pierce," he said, "I dunno as you'll or the trouble to aid nature to screech, and a sort of thump like kitchen for the pall and returned Colbert's most successful plcture She was prepared to let this secret think I did the right thing; but a stood' soothe and heal the inflamed memtheaters In the bin cities have been silently by. pa'trtdge when you nail him. to milk. Jenny of Huldy'a last word remain forever it looked funny to me that Mis' Climbed branes as the germ-ladonce phlegm, He which of that over. It only spoke and there holding her. found up is loosened and expelled. hidden, to let Huldy's death pass as Ferrln would just fall off that Marm Pierce Is filled both like minds. their "I'd I at good Even doctoring. have other remedies if accident She herself could forget ledge!" Paramount will cast Chnrles Boy-elowed maybe she could do some to know where Zeke's gone to," he failed, don't be discouraged, your and none other need ever know. said. "I sh'd think It was," she agreed thing." to authorized is guarantee druggist opposite Marlene Dietrich In "In Creomulsion and to refund your "He'll be around by and by," Jen- vitation to Happiness." Welcomi They still sat here, In half dark- sharply. "Wa'n't dead?" are satisfied not with if money you him. all ness, when Bart and Saladine re"It's "And there wa'n't no reason she right. news to all the Boyer enthusiasts, "As good as, It turned out," Bart ny promised results from the very first bottle. Will." turned. Jenny went to the door to should Jump." he'll It? Isn't come never all. Map to "She now. at Perhaps Inspire replied. (Adv.) Oet Creomulsion right meet thera. But her own words faintly startled lene to greater heights, "Shewa'n't the kind for thatl" Sohier nodded; and Saladlne said If Will aSked Bart: "Did yon get VSherlff Sohler Is In Liberty toWill must live since clearly. her; "I seen her, this morning. "Com day," Saladlne explained. "I tel- slowly: hold of Joe?" Bart nodded. Leslie Howard wants Anita Ion-IsSheriff. I left my car at Will's, and with the secret knowledge that he Is he What tlme'll he? ing tonight to go to New Yo-- k to plqy ephoned him from Bart's, and told she showed me the path down to had killed Huldy, the world could up him he'd best come In here." get here, you figure?" the brook, come as far as the ledge never be all right for him again ; "Ophelia" to his "namlet" on thi "Might be an hour or two." Silence was long. Then she with me. There's nothing slippery and she wished suddenly to take stage. Well, she'd look too lovely him In her arms, and tell him that for words, but whether or not sh Jenny heard a step In the dining asked : "Is he coming?" there, no way she could trip; and room, and heard the blinds drawn "Yes." she wa'n't the kind to kill herself." she knew, and held him blameless could handle the role Is something down ; and then the door opened and sne noaaea. wen, mats a He added: "I was here when Bart But she perceived that to do this, else again. However, the talented D Marm Pierce emerged. She had relief to me," she decided. "I'm brought her." 'I to confess her knowledge of his Howard doesn't usually make mis rerhp th surest way to prevent a cold Jenny said an old woman, but I can see a hole changed Into black. from' catching hold" and getting worse Is, The sheriff nodded. "I telephoned guilt, would be to open between takes. softly: "Yo're all dressed up, Gran in a doughnut as far &a the next in to the steam mill, Jim," be re- them a gulf never to be bridged once, te Cleanse Inter' m. FREE nally. Do it the pleasant tea- ODDS AND ENDS . . . Wallac She spoke to Bart. "Folks around ported. "The crew had been there ny I" (TO BE CONTINUED) The old woman spoke apologeti here don't bother the sheriff much all day." He added: "And old Win SAMPLE a?uwty-.flui,!i- ? Beery is doing excerpts from hit pic ,ye,n: cup of Number of Jurors cally. "Well, I know, Jenny," she ad witn tneir troumes," sne saia, as Haven was In Liberty, at the store. tures on the air, and it looks as ij pain n rr. no sense real mltted. "There wa'n't The number of Jurors Is controller Sophie Tucker would do the roles Brooklyn. N. V. liquid laxative. At though appealing to him for con He told me that when he left Bart's In putting on my best a night like Brmatlon. "But I say it's the fltten be went up the road past Will's, by the law of the Jurisdiction of th ITien played by Marie Dressier "L HLBJSKJSKSBWa J" ' U J this, and me not going anywheres. thing to do. I don t see as It and along the high land till he hit court. Under the English law rehearsing for a broadcast, Joan Ben. She looked at Will. "But I got to can do a mite of harm." bedroom as known a wore "common Vndet the She the Mac's Corner road." law," trial nett slippers thinking," ghe declared, "If Huldy'a looked at Saladlne keenly. "You "I told you I see his tracks by the Jury was of twelve men. In crlm timilar circumstances, Joan Crawford 111 be figure someone pushed her off of brook," Saladine protested. "Or All WNU-- W Inal trials In the United States worked in her stocking feet going to stay here tonight. 4333 are cheering foi some one's tracks," he added fairly. courts, the constitutional provision the interviewers respectable to keep her company." the ledge, do you?" she asked. Will got to his feet "I better go Is held to refer to twelve and that L termor roweu, because sne s so tifce- said earnestly: Bart "Sure, "I took It they was his." PARKER'S Connie Boswell is back on up to the farm and milk the cows Granny That ledge Is as safe as Sohler reflected slowly: "Them is the number of the Jurors. Some tble HAIR BALSAM and chore up," he decided. "Won't your floor here. She couldn't fall tracks you saw, they might have states have statutes providing for the air, after m long absence, but her a Dandruff Stops Hair ralUnc ImnutaLAlorand take me long." off unless she did It been old ones." the qualification of more than th tislers aren't . . . The French Academy Baauty to Gray sod Faded Hair Bart protested: "Sho, Will. Zeke and she wouldn't "Rained hard last night" Bart regular Jurors, all to sit and beat decorated Frank Black for giving us SyZjm!ox Chem. Wk..PtrWuo.N.T. will do the chores." Marm Pierce nodded briskly reminded him. "They was fresh to- the case, and in the case of any to many French compositions on the H Ideal for urn in SHAMPOO nT(lN "I dunno "That's the way It looks to me,' day. I see them myself, when I disability of those of the regulai iir . , . All the movie companies want connection Will shook his head. with Parker's Hair Balaam.Makes th. 60 cents by mail or at drugand soft hair flnffy. 8R Zeke's there," he reminded them ; she agreed. who Max foe Baer, defeated In "So It comes down llshed down." Louis, line of he ei number the next X gists. Hiscox Chemical Works, PatchoRue. N. C Western Newspaper Union. and he said, looking at them all, to a question of someone did it. The sheriff asked: "Car,y, you tra Jurors, If more than ous. acts ne'er-do-wel- long-empt- i 7 most (l 1 cen-tnr- self-destr- open-ail-nig- WHY MILLIONS TUMS! TUMS C&lnnrliu-ThM- Rates $l.SOto$3.QO The Hotel Tempi Sfnara baa a atmosdeeirnble, frlrndly Immachighly You will always fini it phere. and comfortable, ulate, supremely thoroughly aareeahle.Ynu can therefor understand why this hotel 1st HIGHLY KECOMMENDED Yon can also appreciate why ft' a mark of distinction to stop at this beautiful hostelry ERNEST C. ROSSITKR, Mgr. k . Sala-dlne'- Col-ber- A Three Days' Cough Is Your Danger Signal ' p en r Break -- ... Temple Square - Umt tho UVerae life ot an animal is tlve times the number of year needed attain Its full skeletal develop- mem. in case of a human being twenty-one- . years are required. Five times twenty-onare 105. At present, we are told, ouly thir of every l(H),()()0 persons will attain the age of W) years, but with pioper qualities of equanimity, and optimism man might be ou an equal footing with his dog when It cuiiib to living out Ilia allotted Stun of life. There are, of tourtc those who say that men dig their graves with their teeth, but perhaps proper mental attitudes are rolled upon to prevent that and other follies tending to shorten life. A proper mental attitude, presumably, banishes worry. That should b a factor la economics Without worry how could there be depressions described as psychological? There would be new meaning when life was likened to a glad sweet song. "Fat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow, we die" might be revised and shortened to rend : Be merry and live to it woulij be a new case of y "sniilln' Through" throngh one Into another, The prospect fs plcasu'uf, or would be If proper attitudes were not the nardoRt of growths to cultivate In the midst of the attitudes of the other kind, which are the fast growing weeds In the gaiden of mentality. Boston TranCUH)J that 11 ' HOTEL L- PAflE THUEK drug-stor- ... ... ... fl IK . - |