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Show THE PAGE TWO by ARTHUR BRJSBANB : A Newspaper City Room Thankful? Surely About Money Buy Something rV The city room of a newspaper on election night U an interesting when you place, and exciting. have seen It, year after year, for a en I 5 I , ,. i .. ,r f n Scenes Ai and Persons in tHe Current News Ml- tlx IJC, I Kif' --H I tlon by Washington in full. This nation has surely reason to be thankful. We need wheat, coal, oil. cotton, corn, oats, rye, metals, and we have more of all these tban we can pos sibly use. We are at peace, no thanks to us. after all our international meddling, and may be thankful for """-y.-.-r-e'J.V- i' -r ' n.j IT t v :"...wsj 4 ! -- ' - - TH ! V, A We lack common sense, and our selfish form of plutocratic govern ment does not know bow and does not want to distribute our wealth for the good of the greatest num- Ocean Explorations 1 laa ink es taU 4 Ibt Baa2 b penitentiary In Quebec province. Canada, burning: after rioting convicts aet It afire. cruiser Karlsruhe at Philadelphia, the first German warship to visit America since lf9. 3 Ganlcre putting the finishing touches to "The Spirit of Florida." which will decorate the Florida a Century of Progress. Chicago's World's Fair In 1033. Vincent de Paul WINNING Descends TEN-MILE- R From RicHes to Dishes te bt sluiuli) tre.hrr-l- M tin. Ikn III putKti of hiotMif, l ilittloM lili W ik 1 n.. to but tbould (tin- - outbid bis o tdcrala, till) Hi witb etbvr peoui and l5--- t, ar. dlffert-ti- taet r Kiim4 a (nurter-Cbi- mli iu dfara n - nli-- 1 Jan's n -- .r n I'-o- jaj S Z37 GOLD b niof oj iauojj8 jsoui,, eqi sa3jn 'jajsi uim jba qouajj 'jnoonog nBj pajiun 'puBjsjap un jon saop pnjm aSnjaAB oqj, nicchan-lai- noi nBqj iouanviD sjooi jno jnd oj nBqj iBd HBO noi nnqj spaoq ejora jno jnd oj jajjaq jj b iCq. ibjj ojiqnd eqj aA3 pinoqs ..Xoaaj ana eqi joofoj intnnsui pnoM oiiqnd,, eqj jBqj fijjnjqj jaAeoqAV -- Nativity C. C. ..iianota In Paul Mundy. of Istheshown Philadelphia. Man aon n 'sasooqs j winning j 'Bd ubd JJ naqAi jsa-iajni 4B3jC b OOO'OOO the ten mile national championship 'OOtt SniiBd uo jsisnj jnamnjaAOo race at the Amateur Athletic union oqj jsnra iCqAV,, 'snnoq aqj jo jaaui meet in New York. Bd Sujjaap jo SapBaoAps jno qiM 'nsv noS lips jnq 'iCjiaoqinB QUITS HOOVER DAM q3(q tuojj uaiuoo ao)ado jsqx ,,BSBq Po3 eqj Jjo jCqunoa eqj Sapjoj snqj PI03 oju ji jjaAUOo oj qsna B eq niM ejaqx "iDnajjno eqj jaafaa & juBjsnj him ojiqnd oqj 'iaaota jbjj jo sjnnouiB bSjbj Sninssj jo uopj duiaj eqj oj 3npaj ;o uojBDpni aAj3 jnatunjaAoo aqj ji oaajjno eqj nj aouapijuoo b A"ojsap pnoM ilauaajna 3ainsB snaoq .saajp los eqj 8aiitBj :sajiJA B3jaaiy B jsajqB eqj jo euo ni -- of dirty dishes for waiters he once tipped Karon Guggenheim, scion of a wealthy New York family and heir to $SOO.(KX. Is working as a buy boy In a Hollywood enfe. He Bnld he was actually In want because the trustees of his grandfather's estnte had discontinued bis allowance. Albert Is a grandson of ISernhard Baron. English tobacco magnate. Hoisting heavy trnys $10 a throw. Albert -- Prince Receives a Mt. Vernon Tree Stronger than He J same -- ' place, for nono of em will live. The last -- campalghn In rebrought ligion. This one replaced it with (ear. This time they tried to -- iiCed pjnoa j ireqj ejora es(mojd joa pip juaainja aoo aqj papjAOJd 'jaded mouoX uo eq pinoM j sb ajqeniBA bb jadBd uaaa3 no Avd oj aBjoiojd aqj joa S Pijom eoqM aqj nj 8 eaaqj UBqj po3 ejotu iBd oj pasioiojd Bq XpB3JB JI iiBd OJ 8SUI04d bji B jajjo oj Buq jnatunjaAoo eqj hb eaujs 'jsajajni ou aujjBaq itDuajjno, pa(iB3 jadBd naaaa uo jo "jsajajuj 3uJBaq 'pnoq b paBa Jaded Mono uo isd oj esimojd bji su3s jnaiunjaAoo aqj jaqjaqM otBui ji saop aanajajjip juqM.. When ComptrolliT General Mc- :Xjua33j pa)SB utunios sjqx Carl ruled that MaJ. Gen. Wllliiun L. Sihert. who helped build the tnaqj umou3 joa 8ABq Pannma canal must choose between iaqj 'BaiDjatn Bjq joj bb pub 'adoad his retired pay of more than $3.(XXJ ub mA os JBap jon qjBq ajj per year and his $.10 per day fee as JBqj joj injuwqj a consulting engineer on the Hooeq pjnoqg noj.iodojd bidubuij ver (inrii. tlmt diiiiKlitjf wnrrlor niqj oj unjq8 eABq easnsaoja his position as chairman of jodnB aqj uaAa uoBS3J(Iap aq) the Colorado river advisory hoard a b uoBBoi mo.ij Sniijaa sjb of engineers, appointed by congress jnjj taq In lfJ8 to nid In the erection of t.he Hoover dam project. 'at CO mina JO JOBd scara -- e, ttuit It tuulil b ill his Willi w world if li h M'noun jaqioua iq objis jsnfun jo osbd n adoiBxa joj eonBjj iCjjanoa need aing ub d(aq oj Xauoiu pn uaoi Hjjm nj dajs oj Jiasjj puiq saBjs pa linn m Bqj nonsaaans B s sjqx M8uoi)BN jo anSBaq aqj jo saajdsnB oqj japun ijijnoas BnonBnja?a B3jB)s t A without elfD With origtbal eiUrUo&. wIoiismis, Ki)crcllloattitiH ar tl- tlial tu( 6jc4 and Ike treai-eutooWwi.t, uildlti, tha ihcim wm fabre, lb oa iht same tiudtua, Iba tirttiatt tutturlut.Amert-raa- , lit slurtilj Bialutaia it ill rostt tb William till pstldut, bll iud kit Imah of lime name Uof IliiWid as ou tit a trio of stiuw of buuwr, ijmialli;, ir, It ulilltloe, b( U Ue lit and bue efirhulaiu4 j lint and owimina, bt ihould Now aoaeat did you tier rea4, bear or tea m erary abilities Lav puuUrud Ibe U susliM o terur im) bli t tli muctt bunk sud spplenaiice piled tuJy of nature and bruadrocd (mKH im) Iran bt'liltul bita interest of humanity la "tbu linlhj (ilact It llm meiuiirlv of iluttml lata oo tttoipatgho? T ! 4ot It will ouib lltll aay mors truto lo ovr eae bait of world." tliert Ilia btet feat, result Of wbiib nub I flisti funrtloiia, mhm say tarapaUbo so called "U rala i are aot yet scieutinealty knaa, gorgwtu a "Dcl-bball or It ter" said. If it it r might tx railed a purely apwrtai-uUso ate Lie." by It with tin dnkl fltwrouin, oo. If tb name of WUUao lleeb ctrtrd bj iMiHitloiB f undrrgra J'aUebooit" er not attached tu Ita performHi never 1 reuienibtr oo tlma out la nc. for the Brt ttuie tb bumaa orMe.to bumirsrjmi; im, bulm blli uwlal spirit Teui, Iters was quits as volt was tranimlttexj tu tb radiu will alive lung after his "Aoitalils GentUmaa" world out oo Mj betuw hr reate III th LhiI a from world mil half to "Uoi T" lUneb for tn UoyW's. cfT Nonaucb I U, rues it lb Atlantic Monitor. of sorfar tb sea. to . (1 of lbs Winter This This was land. In tb I5rniula.. furjol who rua (bat year, but 1 mad the by pMibl tatbytilirr, Lioni Bred for Market guM It sat Bryto, be waa tbs only tb lovrotlon of ttls llartno. aervliiehuams tb Democrats could pri by Aitute California)! aam tbe purx for nounee alone during that generaA farmer of El Monn, rrvati-ithat l'rtft-.- r Itrmnfi Calif, tomi Inbeen bad I tion.) temporarily o IwrN that thers was carcerated lu t military inatUatWa aluminum glol did t" tho upper ) strata of lb earth teady demand uiunj drcusst't, atiiMMplirre. at Uoontille Mhnourl. Toe anion Tb devit-- Is an atrtlsht lurtal boll "", and tnovlng nlrtiir wrimra. was a nighty fine old gentleman l half tliini for ilia king of bcaitt, n bi named Tnomat Jobnatoo, ia (act be with Htm alitf an Ineh and a urulnl this thick, from jiurdiaN ictrral adult limn md hermrtlenliy is still tiring and occupies the tame M up I Hog farm. Tli orlelnal merit, the voice of fha-tu- r ponitlon. and bat ilnce enlarged bU etimpart liet-linns wwe lmirtf( from their 3.i4-fo- t was beard front rnv plats till Its ono of the ouutanding levrl of am depth and a lo llvo haunt In Krnya rolnny, Africa, AcaUemltf for poual terrlmJrt New York fur world wl.! traninl Tin tlin ol llm California farm learning la (be wbole middle Vt. slun. This latet adventttr la on'y havs qarlom runwait, inanW bj and receive Inmatea from at moat In Ita exwrliiu-iila- l atase a yrt. tout atwl rmm too for thets very quarter o( tbe Literary 1U-Wbat illcivrrles ta ahrad lo the na to bunlla. Tliey have Pole. tur of unknown nionatera of tbr ttilcb they may rrlmt In mini Having never worked rattl ta ar still eonjet-tura- l the nij weather, thuueb nut of their lima lbs Great Lone Star State of Tiaa, dieji terit-of the ant depths have cul It int baUng under the ran of why Dllly Jubnion of CatiadSna auertU-Inl!tl: warm California nm The tiltuarheHi, Texas, a cell male of mla at tbe been r of southern California Is svarvb In male IWhe's me expedition to to verj go time. advUrd Higftns .vnr-:.- i aea rank Biiii h the same ai thai of the blsb Texas. (Jant got word lbs other of the Ireendary of Kenya, ) lbs lions ol in romatille intermt et with plateaus day tbat Wily bad 9aeJ away. lik-tlio farm feel perfeetlj at b"m, in uet of the) Too bad, line fellow). We., Il'liy ittMlan Wli-tiifound There li i ready market for vrr Jason to to Frank me jomi go told Swing's trlMN- and wbat lwnm lions. Ranch at Illgglnt. and be would bis Colili-reIt of ar the questions atlll In give me tome employment, at maid. I r Importtitilljt li simply hnlilltif on t of all work lo a group of Texas ll!f-era- gions of mythiand. famous llll too (et what yon want All thl It Just to tell you bow Itwbe. at lenxt, rescued th 1 got tv HlKKlni. tor Hlgglna Is a sea from the rerlona of myth and Some of our boat bonki hate outtown tbat yon bare to explalo by pot It on record aa belnx "greatly exaggerated." Tim out of mind the lived i mob of bitter critics. and bow you got there. aea baa furnished material Well the "Box T Lad" (that tbla Kircnmo for alunchamwn stories of lout ship old worked for cltlten tbat aturdy dreadful monsters of th em out there and bad for genera and In a which were supposed to llv Box coma lo Lad welt T the tlons) to world of rooted floating eaved for Rancb provisions, driving four the fl.M.r of the ocean. It was awful gvod mules, and bad brought "mendnw to he the Atlnntie' a plow In to get It Axed to plow up of death." a whirlpool of tangled lies bla oo at Itaucb the Garden a patch growths that for ngea had sucked return. You know In Si VoUlead (hips Into lis depths anil devoured A man Is as old is hit orpin; mutt aim caa was atlll plowing corn up lo bla them In Ita meshes. It wa the At- be vigoroui ami healthy it is wtd os at !5, If they Dill bat Uko caw of thtnwlvrt home State. In fact be It right back tn title's great "Mrt of ship, pmrrly. Invigoralo your vital organn with where be tlarled and plowing the fuhled to have levied Its) toll In men Cold Mtilsl Haarlem Oil on same corn, to there was a good and vesftils from the days of the of the mint rtlulli Cipiolci, Illsknown pnparstloni cheer in a Town In those day. Tbe rhiH'nlrlun to the prewt-tit- . Modern to ffidlirlnt, It his been wiMy Drew nM box T Lad got full a a goat during ships were supHed to avoid Its cur for years, the bcit proof that it furls. UFilAI. tbe latter end of the evening, after rents and to flcht shy of lt. wditr-tlv- Insist on &tIc all other were under tbe table (or GOLD MEDAL flontsam. Knnias City Star. to the night, be went the food yard HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES and by the assistance of the mutos i. Alpine Ceyacr ttieraselvet got the harness on em, Mcsiuriimnti their hnve The by Juat Electricity Alps protluced bitched em to the plow and In ibe A micrometer that nieuiiires and f.rst cold wnter geyser. It rnme Into dead of late night proceeded to Inillralin, with itolut ncciirncy, rourae aouinllna beliiff the of during plow up the ttreet of lllgsln. the nenr tbe bnth resort of the one htimlred Ihounandlh part of Main Street, the tide streets, tbe operations on Inch Im.i been develnped. The cross at ecu, which In those day Srhuls Tarnsp. The geyser erupts fifteen mlntites, the (tiinue la (dpclrhl and la useil, every regulnrly Into If one. all were merged you Jet attaining a height of more ttinn aninin other ways, In !lie as.iemlillii plowed up the Main Stroet you of muni! delicate pleclrlcnl feet. practically had the town turned thirty and na It may be rend Instantly rver. It woiicut a long street but When over- It Is a ureat Improvrmcnt on the old throws rnnt society was It built width. for .chad traffic, not In the swim. method, so four mule team pulling a trailer board they are wagon could turn with ease. Next morning when the folk got up and found their "Main Stem" thorough Was at Twenty ly turned over, suspicion gradually drifted to "The Lad." And between eye openers he remarked, "I thought 1 would plow her up and sow her In grass, she wasent mucb good to a.iybody like the was." Some of the other remarks and slogans of tbe various speaker God knows where they originated, but ' wherever they originated they will die at the aVig nc. -- oj noiJBjdoiaj mt vt start M d nopBidtuaj jBqj oj papiajA turn urn uui it mm Uuuli - lqj o ' iKH-to- Snioa joa 9JB OA edojna ia9 suo;mq bh dnoaaa oj paaa ojd &!& SUM- - "i(J)unoo Bm dnaoo pmoqa jcqj sajBJS Plian oqi Joj AjjjnDas B nam) hia UBOiaaiuy OSBJ9AB eq? jaosajd eq joj jng O) tr. turd tniiMjitf Mi bujtiDwl, tb Juiijjle facfnate Tb t (Ml lx able, ia aa avtueoo ututii-? J ruuiiurtu Ulitid, to nit wbuwt lore biut to Untie oB tvea ttrias, v i cnildua tLlDg. Willi ill bis iakiirs BMtre to mumiKB iaaatlabla rurtuaUr about lining t life. and the oriiit tblags la tae paw fur StMHjeiated with is biui, frets bow os. and adventure, ilyaterie at fed W lit intolerant, BEVtRLT HILLS Wtll )1 I : William IWeUf, dr-- i kaow U Just what I ra4 la Ue baa lived a life of mnuti luasy will all be te og in4 la tbe world bt avieiitre. la t ta gU4 (una bis aurnui aiaLeup tii-- r abide ta Ill Teach. "Ideal" It Dtltit a that We shall lose many. If not all ol the billions that we foolishly lent 1 St. to Europe, In national and private 2 German loans. But we have many billions I left, and can make endless billions George exhibit In more. m U Hi iWj14 M ItittiliKMit but M l.l4Utt, 4l biM but tot pwuHii, im km aut tie u s y Hut trait ef ilw Idwl fprt, J f k For KEN of High Importance. long time. Dozens of "copy readers" sit In groups at different tables, many young wen are sifting news from guesses, answering telephones and running; solemn editors are pre 4 '. paring bulletins and deciding what Is happening. 1 --r v-. f What seemed to have happened, when this was written in the city room of the New York American at half-pas- t nlttlit, six, on election-dawas the expected victory for Governor Koosevelt. Many American mothers are glad that Governor Koonevelt's mother is still with him. It Is a fine thing for an American mother to bear that her son, after long years of earnest preparation and public servFor the first time since tit World war. Certnan naval officer paid tribute to the American dead of the ice, has been elected President of war at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington, when Capt. Krwlo Watsner. who was in command the United States. Mr. Roosevelt's of a submarine flotilla during the war. placed wreath before the marble shrine. Captain Wasaaer la la mother lives to witness a realisa- command of the cruiser Karlsruhe, now la American waters on a world training cruise. tion of a hope that doubtless was in her mind when ber boy. Franklin, was a baby. The number of actual votes in the United States was greater tban ever before. More than forty mil V it lion "free and independent cltl sens" spent the day going to school, taking one of the lessons In that will stretch over hundreds of years before our education Is complete. President Hoover has Issued his Thanksgiving proclamation, quoting the excellent original p roc la ma TO SCIENTIFIC Oeeb' v.ij, v High Quilitiei Called OPENS NEW "WORLD" ! November 17, 1933 Thurnday, Honors Unknown Soldier German Sub Captain This Week KEPIII. LTAI1 TIMES-NEW- S. r - ...w,,,.A,,f N .. s f - ; . , ' .-- r of good will from American youth. Washington Boy Scouts Crown Prince Michael of Itumanin, who Is a member of their order, with an American walnut tree grnwn from need from historic Mt. Vernon, wlilch he will plnnt on the palace grounds. The photograph show Scout Harry l?:irri-t- t presenting the tree to Frederic C Nano, rhrrce d' nlTulres of the Itutnuulan legation, for shipment td As a token pre.-u.tit'-'- d Prince Michael. you Into voting a certain way. It takes a great country to stand a thing like (hat hitting it every tour years. When you ngure that you have a system where you mak business stand still and people go i titty for three months every four years, why somebody who concoct- id the Idea of elections certainly .gured out a devastating scheme. The locusts that 1 saw swarming ha Argentine are house flys compared to the destruction to a bust nesB by a presidential election. The 'andldates are "High Typed till the cohIbbi gets close then the "Drute" cornea out In em. What starts out to be a nice fit; lit vinda up In a street brawl. Rut It ill comes under thn heading of Democracy. And w bud as It Is ts the heat cchrmt we enn thlrh it. C 193!, .UiXmiii SiUiki, It. FIFTY-FIV- E years old. and still strong! Do you wnnt the secret of such vitality? It Isn't whnt you c.it, or any tonic you take. It's something anyone can do something you cm atari tod;iy and sco results in a wcckl All you do is ijivo your vital organs the right stimulant. A famous doctor discovered tlio way lo stimulate n sluggish system to new energy, it brings fresh vigor fo tvrrff organ. Being a physician's prescription, it's quite harmless. Tell yourdrug.i'ist you want n bottle of Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin, (let the benefit of its fresh laxative licrbs, Hclive senna, rind tlial pure opsin, (iet thai la.y liver to work, fhnre ntaiuiant bowels into nctinn. Get rid ol waste niutter that is slow poison so long at, It IspcrmittJ remain in the system, Th neiii tnnnii mm (cd ifore one Wc ta siinl iMojf oj Im much mi mm tit, ColWfj btm mti up ilr the stisltm ntedi Get it hollle ot lliis delicious syrup ami lei it end Unit constant worry about the condition of the Imwcls. Spare the children those bilious days that make thrm miser nlile. Save your household from the use ol cathartics which lead to chronic consliiatioa. And guard as you n'piinst au grow older, Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin Is stirh n well known prrparaliun you ciri (, t it wherever drup are sold and it isn't expensive, " |