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Show THE PAGE EIGHT CASH STORE ALLEN'S SPECIALS TREE TEA Nov. II & 12 Packages 25c ... 1 weeks. The entire building was In 1 minutes. 19c POUND Corn Meal Almond Nuts SHELLED 29c POUND 9 POUND BAGS 23c vac-act- ed Former Oovernor Charles R Mabey will deliver the main address at the Armistice Day program Frt in the high school auditorium. The program, under the direction of the American runs as follows: Selection "Star Spangled Banner," Band: March, El" Captain," Band: Introductory remarks, Post Commander Kenneth Webb; Reading. Arta Jenkins; Selection, Faculty Quartette; Address Commander Charles Department n It. Mabey; March, Band. An is extended to the general public to attend the program. day at US p. m.. Leg-Io- n, lnvlt-utio- Matches PUMPKIN No. 'Mabel Sowby, Reporter) Students of the hitrli school were instructed how to vot Tuesday at a special assembly. Following an explanation of voting procedure by C. W. Johnson, each student was supplied with a sample ballot to vote ror nu choice or candidates. nesday Cocoanut Seeded or Seedless ll2 CAN 1 CARTON NEPHI. UTAH. S. H. S. News Local and Social A fire drill was conducted Wedmorning. Hereafter the drill will be practiced once each six LOOSE RAISINS 4 25c Vi POUND PACKAGE J. TIMES-NEW- CLASSIFIED 10c CAN BeefPotRoast 6 19c BOXES n 1 5c business. Day and Macaroni and Cheese side-tri- ps Gar-bet- . TELEPHONE . Salad Dressing Here a real Salad is Dressing bargain. size popular Gold Medal will Dressing IL lar The of Salad sell for We only today have a large supply, but come early, 10c 2 lbs. Lard With Our New Swifts' Silver Leaf Lard in 2 lb. Cartons will be on sale In our store today at Meat Loaf Ground round steak will sell today at 12c per lb, and Pure Pork Country Style Sausage at 10 per lb. These two baked together make Testing & Cleaning Equipment an loaf. meat You may buy all Pork Sausage, all Ground Steak or the two in the proportions you like at this same unusual price. And remember our Beef Pot Roasts at 10c per lb., and1 those good Tamales for 5c each. We will clean, test and adjust SPARK PLUGS for 5 cents each. Let us show you what clean Spark Plugs mean to a motor. SILYEIR MAPLE excellent OP. SKAGGS "A SURETY OF PURITY" Aiax 109; Anderson 227. NEW SNAPPY STYLES OXFORDS AND STRAPS. - We can fit you IN DROWN OR BLACK right and please you too. FOR $1.98 $2.98 or $3.98 ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED AT THE , Nephi Merc. Nephi, Utah Phone 18 Constipated 30 Years Aided By Old Remedy Wood for Fuel Gaining Says Extension Forester "For thirty years I had constipafoods from stomach tion. "The use of wood for fuel is be- chokedSouring me. Since taking Adlerika I realized more this than ing it am a new person. Constipation is a year has been for some time," says Pro- thing of the past." Alice Burns. fessor Paul M. Dunn extension Ord and Mangelson, Drugists Adv. Forester of the Utah State Agricultural College, and a large number of Utah families are benefittNEPHI to this by Co. Openshaw 106; Skldmore 202, Jensen 102; Fennell 240, Bailey 127; Hoyt 118; Chatwin 98; Giles 200, Cox 156; Pickett 171 ; Baker 137; Hawkins 222, Lunt 166; Dunn 212, Gourley 113; Leatherbury 262, Webb 127. o ing IN PUMPS, TIES practice." According to figures recently compiled by forest officials at Ogden over 250,000 cords of dry wood have been taken frorn National forest land in Utah for use as fuel this current year. With an average of ten cords per family, this means that 25,000 Utah families are being sutrolied in this manner. This 1q a direct saving to many people, who because bf urtsmploymjnnt, have been able to take advantage of this means or providing fuel for the home, and who also might have been unable to pay for other fuel. The privilege of obtaining wood for fuel on certain areas has Iwn given free for individual use by the forest service; but, according to the officers in charge, there are many areas where there Is no dry wood left in a reasonable reach of the road. This1 indicates that heaw use is depleting the supply in the areas tnat can be readily reached. There are 50.000 forest tree swrt lings growing in the Forestry department nursery at the college in laogan tnat win be available for such planting on Utah farms next year. These young trees are of 13 varieties and include Sihprlan plm Russian olive, ash, black and honey locust, golden willow and black walunt. which are all notpntiai wood trees. Information regarding tamea through the extension ser the planting of trees may be ob vice. BUTTE, MONT. I, FRANK HARRIS, regret to Inform all' those whom 1 have loyally and faithf'ly served for the last ten years Market, M. at the City Meat that I am no longer as butcher $1.85 After 8:30 P. NOTICE! connected Only $1.05 (Station to Station Rates) Plus Federal Tax on amounts over 50c. with the establishment. I ever, to make the ali?ve hope, hownecessary arrangements shortly to continue to wait on those, who in the past have favored me with their trust and goodwill. TELEPHONE WHY WE TALK ABOUT THE MM DEPRESSION! I FRIDAY. NOV. ADMISSION CHARLES FARRELL In 17c, Silver Leaf is always uniform and dependable. It is an ideal Be sure shortening. to get several pounds. Baker 138; Hawkins 230, Lunt 71: Dunn 227. Gourley 84; Leath-erbu249, Webb 58. Eureka No 2 Roosevelt 273, Hoover 55: Thomas 280, Smoot 55; Murdock 272. Colton 62; Moffat 270, Barker 64; Blood 267. Seegmiller C8; Welling 271, Christensen 61; Chez 270, Parker 63; Stain 271. AJax 64; Anderson 269, Openshaw 64; Skldmore 258. Jensen 72: Fennell 273, William Bailey 63; Hoyt 230, Chatwin 104; Giles 266, Cox 71; Pickett 224. Baker 104; Hawkins 273, Lunt 66; Dunn 265, - Gourley 71: Leatherbury 287. Webb 51. Eureka No. 3 Roosevelt 224; Hoover 96: Thomas 245, Smoot 86; Murdock 221, Colton 107; Moffat 221. Barker 105; Blood 228. Seegmiller 100; Welling 228, Christensen 97; Chez 217, Parker 96; Stain 224, ry Tomatoes 45c 231, 166, lQc son-in-la- w, Roosevelt 1 Belllston. manager of the Hoover 65: Thomas 240, Smoot 58; Juab County MM & Elevator Co. Murdock 225. Colton 74; Moffat made a trip through Southern Utah 232. Barker 66; Blood 261. Seegmil-le- r last week in the interests of his 70; Welling 228. Chrlstenseen company. 65; Chez 225. Parker 74; Stain 238, Ajax 61; Anderson 230, Openshaw Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Gardner 67; Skldmore 268, Jensen 75; Fen motored to Salt Lake City last nell 243. Bailey 62; Hoyt 180. Chat-wi- n 124: Giles 208. Cox 86: Pickett Thursday where they transacted Local and Social 75c No. Eureka A. H. -- Corn SHOES 48. Two partly Phone 35&J. Every BRANBb .- 8c Young Mutton STAR (Continued from page 1) Mrs. W. I. Brown left Tuesday for 8alt Lake City where she will 23; Blod 50. Seegmlller 17; Welling 48. Christensen 19; Chea 46, Parker enjoy a few days' visit. 20; Stain 49. AJax 18; Anderson 47, Openshaw 20; Skldmore 46, Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Leonard rw.mfi-Fennell 48. Bailey 19; Hoyt 32, and family visited 8unday in Starr 21; Chat win 34; Giles 45. Cox 22; Pickuna vorit, ut&n. ett 34, Baker 33; Hawkins 44, Lunt 22; Dunn 52, Gourley 15; Leather-bur- y Mrs. J. E. Robinson of Farming. 43;. Webb 23. In ton.. vfftfcHnfy . Mammoth Roosevelt 199. Hoover .g, of- h - hu... ic vt itci 54; Thomas 195, Smoot 58; Murdock daughter, Mrs. Harry Foot. 193, Colton 60; Moffat 197, Barker 64; WelMr. and Mrs. A. I. Curtis nt 58, Blood 189, Seegmiller Chez 196, daughter were In Mills Friday vis- - ling 198, Christensen 55; Parker 57; Stain 199, AJax 54; Andnuns wim inenas. erson 197, Openshaw 56; Skldmore Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Wilkinson 194, Jensen 59; Fennell 197. Bailey Hoyt 124: Chatwin 129; Giles and children, and Miss Bernlce 56: Kvans or SaK Lake City were Sun- 197. Cox 56: Pickett 188. Baker 65; 195. Lunt 62; Dunn 230, day guests of Mrs. Leah Evans at Hawkins 24; Gourley Iatherbury 205, Webb her home. Pork Loin 10c BACON For Rent rooms 1932 10, Democrates In County Win By Large Majority Mrs. J. L. BelUston wa? a Salt Lake City visitor Friday. Walter furnished Belllston, freshman at the U. of U. returned that evening with his to spend the week-en- d In 19c GOOD COAL AT $6.50 PER TON mother SYRUP, Light or Dark, quart this city. delivered, at Nepht or Levan Frank Philllpson. Trucking als Miss Rosemary Belllston and Aldone. Phone 360. len Belllston. students at Wasatch SAWS. ALL KINDS PUT IN FIRST Academy, arrived home today, to spend the remainder of the week, Class Condition. Eugene Tolley. ROAST or CHOPS SHOULDER guests of their mother, Mrs. J. L. FOR RENT HEATED ROOM and Belllston. BATH Close In. Phone 81. 1 POUND 1 POUND A unique program has been arBRING ME YOUR DULL SHEARS ranged for the Relief Society meetfor an accurate machine sharpen ing of the Nephl Ward, to be held zoc and up. Work personally guar- next Tuesday. The following numanteed M. L. Read Burton and bers will be presented: Piano solo. Miss Rheta S perry; Review of the Read Barber Shop. Eastern Sugar Cured opera, "Lohengrin," Mrs. T. D. Shoulder GOOD MILL RUN. $11.50 PEP Davis: Reading, "The Vision of Sir Chops Not Sliced TON. Smaller quantities 55c sack Launfal," Mrs. Leeta M. Squire; OUR POULTRY FEEDS ARE OF The lesson "Stories of King Arthur' 1 POUND 1 POUND THE BEST QUALITY Se PRICES will also be given by Mrs. Squire. RIGHT Juab County Mill te Ele. O 10c Mrs. Eva Hoyt was pleasantly Shoulder Baby Beef, Pound, surprised by a number of her friends last Thursday afternoon at WE BUY BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON & EGGS her home, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. A delicious luncheon was served at 5 o'clock to WOOD, WOOD, WOOD Nephl's O. P. Skagc ;he following: Mrs. Florence HowWho Hauled it? Legionalrres System Store abounds ard. Mrs. Myrtle Kendall. Mrs. BetWho won it? Ross Tolley, Joe Carwith food bargains sy Anderson, Mrs. Julia Rasmussen ter, Paul Christlson Miss Ivy Christensen and the guest every day in the Lake Who made it a success? Everybody. a visit Salt in Following week. of honor. Mrs. Eva Hoyt. There are alWho wants to thank you? Amer-lea- n City with her son, Hyrum Brough ways many unusual at Veterans the Legion Auxiliary who is a patient bargains that are not Complimentary to their father, Hospital, Mrs. J. W. Brough returadvertised. Thomas Bailey, whose birthday Come toWILL TRADE $140, A. W. KENT ned Tuesday to her home in this or any day. day anniversary occurred on that day RADIO, for $25 worth of coal city. Misses Trenna and Felma Bailey E. I. Isaacson. entertained Sunday at a family Word was received tills week by dinner. Covers were laid for Mr. WANTED A FEW TONS OF Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Petty that their and Mrs. Fred M. Beck, Mrs. Kate BARLEY Juab Co. Mill & Ele. Co. daughter. Miss Wanda Petty, who Bowles, Mr. and Mrs. William Bailo Is teaching school at Mesa, Arjzona ey, Mr. and Mrs. Langley A. Bailey, of the DON'T MISS IT! has been chosen a member Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Bailey, and ' Today we will sell golDaughters of Pioneers Quilt Show Sympony Orchestra of Phoenix. the honored guest, Thomas Bailey. den corn at 10c per The organization is composed of Tuesday, November 15 can. This is Del Maiz Regular Admission, chance on quilt from fifty to sixty of the most talented musicians o' Phoenix. ActCream Style, a very free The residence of Mr. and Mrs. A Cood Quilt choice grade of corn. Beautiful Quilt ivities of the orchestra include regF. Bracken was the scene of & We will also sell large "FOR A GOOD CAUSE" ular concerts, and special radio most delightful Hallowe'en party cans of Twin Peaks broadcasts. last Wednesday evening when memo Tomatoes for 7c per bers of the Social Neighbors Club Mr. and Mrs. George Bigler and can. and their husbands were entertainNEPHI to son Jack returned Friday from a ed. Hostesses for the evening were three weeks motor tour of San Mrs. P. B. Cowan, Mrs. Robert California. UTAH and Southern MILFORD, Francisco, Winn, Mrs. T. W. Allred. Mrs. Owen L. Barnett, and Mrs. Bracken. An During their stay in San Francisco were of their daughter guests orange and black color scheme was by TELEPHONE they and Mr. and Mrs. Ree the motif for the artistic decoratand Casintinl, ions and luncheon. Prizes were daughter Miss Ona Macaroni and Cheese California, to Mrs. George D. Haymond Bigler. In Southern After 8:30 P. M. Only Is another appealing they were house guests of Mr. and and Gilbert Bailey, An entertaining and Mrs. D. Z. Bigler at Pomona. Among when dish, bought evening was enjoyed by: Mr. and in our store at today's the many motoring which Mrs. I, M. Petty, Mr. and Mrs. is most was economia visit with Mr, price they enjoyed Foote, Mr. and Mrs. George Harry (Station-to-statio- n 2 H cal. lbs. of Maid and Mrs. Arthur Booth In San A. Sperry, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clover O' Loaf Cheese Diego. t, Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. rates) at 30c and 2 pound Mrs. George O. Ostler, Mr. and Plus Federal Tax on Mrs. Wilson Glazier was among celleophane bags of Mrs. George D. Haymond, Mr, and Amounts over 50c the Salt Lake City visitors on Mon fancy hard wheat Mrs. Gilbert Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. macaroni or spagday of this week. Owen L. Barnett, Dr. and Mrs. T. hetti at a low price. W. Allred. Mr. and Mrs. Robert WANTED USED PIANO George Winn, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Cowan, conneny, uevan, Utah. and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron F Bracken. 1 Nov. Thursday, 11 10c and 15e JOAN BENNETT Salomy Jane's Kiss 13-1- N Believe it or not! an air to 4 TUESDAY The Big Howl on The Movies RELIC HOME LIFETIME" "Sherlock with OAKIE SIDNEY FOX JACK SHOW Holmes" Buy Your Tickets From ' Ladies prompts that you The us in suggesting look over the new Fall models at once. , inr jJLnort mc ni wnt k UKtu Mwt THE fit ART of the WORLD 3S r the designing and ONLY WEDNESDAY-THURSDA- Y T--n . . There's craftsmanship that go into our clothes, that give them a mark of distinction, and ONLY DAUGHTERS OF THE PIONEERS "ONCE IN A KV70T'&" each reflecting its own personality. family Edmond Lowe Bela Lucosi Birte Harf s SUN-MO- 'CHANDU' With Wild from A suit's a suit . . . yes, but there is a vast difference in the character and pedigree of clothes theyr'e almost like the human SATURDAY BARGAIN DAY ni -r- . -1 1 ! i JntAKtK SO. S If 1 IT t |