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Show THE PAGE SIX THE FEATHERHEADS By BOX, FELIX JUST I V T0 IT II on. mr IS TeRRlBtE- I SHOULP ONg, WAV OUT.' WvW OlDM'f VoU OH CONSULT ME VJHV ISKIY THERE 1 - WHY HAVE ? ffli f SOME OTHER WAV TO DO THiS HOW COULD 7OU BG SO IMCONSlPEIWTE? 7 The Way Out re xnn nun iiiiii.'.'n NO( MY VZKR IS Hg OfHfjg WAY y CAjUy THERE Thursday, November 10, NEPHL, UTAII S. OiWm ililliillliliililliliil "! TIMES-NEW- . J 111 6 PIE'S OJLV ONE TH if II AT THE FIRST SNEEZE UK 1 WAV RaikiTEC? The Ff?OMT PORCM AMD VoO'LL Oi iicp- - Th & BACK uiuc UWTiU THE PAifJT i"5 DRV vAV rujT V 1 li AND of Mlst&l r Essence ON VOUH HANDKERCHIEF MS AND PILLOW HEW I BARGAINS. SALE. EXCHAN I o buy, tell, exclian;p. anjr place United Sut wunour oDiigatton. .iat wanti rKfc.b w NATIONAL KUIi K1TATK CI.KAKIl UUUbi li, ttaut Autouiu, lu itU Rich Pastures Planned for Holland Dairyme feEPSDMiBmct H FINNEY OF THE FORCE gfssw shorb iZ-z- SSH fsS0S am' By Ted O'Loagfiiia HEAT vcrMAM f E F THERE'S TH' CHiPpiNl' IC- help se'LL Beg-ork- The Zuider ree cut off now fro1 the North sea Is known as the Yhs lake, for that river empties its Into this great basin. The lake wl presently turn fresh and hereaft will constitute an inexhaustible re. ervolr of fresh water to be tnppei during summer droughts when a the miles upon miles of.grasslanj round about have to be Irrigate Heretofore the necessity of using tbi semi-sal- t water of the Zuider see ba made every protracted dry spell minor disaster to all this cow-milIt will take 30 year Ing country. more to complete the great transl! tlon from salt water to dyke land In behind the great two thirds of the present area of thJ Yssel lake Is to be dyked off ant drained to make room for a mlllloi more which means at annual Increase in the output ol cheese which staggers the Imagina tion. Fair (Enough) and Cooler Mus-- HAve lots . TRUBBie WiTrW KiDS o' HOPPlM OW V&f? WAOOM AN'A- - e oi'll To 00 SOME- THIS THIUO-- ABOUT -H Ave. l IL-- II NOW E- K IP - Me out- am -- The-re'S accident ) pOWd AT TH6 CoRKe, NOWHtRS ArJP FlNNE . V To &e FOUUOl - 1 :ka SeS-siw- we V HOT ce trti had WEATHER H'S SLOWED up A lot 7 V ziJ , N a k sea-dyke- s Lit by Dummy Window. Dummv or ILLUMINATING REMARKS SYMPATHY TRACKS WONT Dft HE KNEW WHAT TO DO FOOLISH TALK CAN'T BE COUNTED NOW ML im He'a a Fun Now "Do you care for ventriloquists', acts?" "I thought I didn't till I began reading some of the speeches nut In the mouths of election aspirants." w 05 lmltnttnn Mwlnilnnra nrovldinc a simorior kind nf 111 tlon for new office buildings In Lon-- I don. Concealed electric bulbs that simulate dayllirht are In the windows. which are constructed so as to re-- i semble real windows in size and shape. Buffalo Keggie Really, Miss Sharpa I expect to make footprints on the sands of time. Miss S. You won't make them by riding in an automobile, Mr. Sapp. "Your misfortunes come from your raising the devil all your life." Bird (outside) Poor fellow, he "How foolishly you talk. The He Let's go out on the porch and "When the meek inherit the earth, "What marvels education has devil was grown up long before I talk. If you don't dislike the dark. must be a dangerousI criminal to be since what do you think they'll do?" time of came on the scene. the locked like that up Not She at all, and, besides, "I know what they'll do." Balaam, the prophet." your remarks are always illuminat"And what's that?" do what "Just mean?" you OPPOSITES ATTRACT ROASTS 'EM IN PAIRS ing, Mr. Sparks. "Get the fiercest man they can ANOTHER RULE NEEDED "Well, in his day only one ass find to run it" could talk." LONG TIME TO WAIT NO DOUBT HER COLD FEET school Courier-Expres- s. Ju.t Impossible Joe I'd like a policy against fire. Insurance Agent Sorry. can insure your life but not in the next world. .e First Hand Knowledge "Most of the girls that come here don't want to marry." "How do you know?" "I've asked 'em." t One who bluffs and succeeds will make It a habit. ; All did Oca? Lreal a ru! Sdld I , HI you 1 J sir i mm , Try Lydla do: -- WW 7 E Pinkham's Vegetable ' toy 1 1 t She I was reading of a person who went forty days without food. Yeah waiters are clow in some places. He terribly There's attract. no doubt Hubby that Wifie Aren't we examples of it, you boob? SM tln.c.. First Lady shouldn't have "Did you get cold feet when you reproved those two flappers in one first thought of asking your wife to another's presence. Second Lady I always roast marry you?" "No got 'em after I married her." chickens in pairs. MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL JWJr ruls Wl I OLE MUWCSRy AAAM s, Brave, Despite Adversity t WW gKfguT CAKkJ y I'm going Into the shoe shining business. eh? Snake More monkey-shineMonk By Charles Sughroe V r tor ou. You ,0OUT SEE K WlT . 7 WHEI Compound M rrp 4 tab Cried Herself to Sleep ... All worn out splitting headaches make life hideous every month. She needs s tonic Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound relieves cramps. IB ' PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Hair Tallin Remove Dandrnff-Sto- iq and Impart. Color to Gra and Faded Hair Beauty uw ano si.uu at uraKmau. Hmgoi Chem Wkl..Ptghogua.W.T FLORESION SHAMPOO Idea) for qh in eonnectionwithPnrkeT'.HairBalfumi. Make, the hair soft and flaffy. 60 cents by mail or at dm if-giata, Hiscox Chemical Work. Fatchogoe, N.Y. ;. A TRIP TO ENJOY SALT LAKE AND NEWHOUSE mr ye?! i V " r c a. r. Lb GEORGE WASHINGTON'S.. TRAVELS ........... AttiniMlliid.. . -- . A STATUE. m the. spcjnq eCEEN MOUNTAIN DECOGO NEE.0E0 of 1775 60VS AND MANY THE. CANNON PTTT- T- By jame9 " w. Brooks VEHH0NT CAPT0EEO -- FOC H " TassJ- "' HOMP CAMEU5 - 't'af''' IM FOCT T1C0- N- 3ftEEN MOUNTAINS MOUNTAINS WASHINGTON v E WASHINGTON 59 MONUMEXT" OVtC GCAVC OF ETHAM AULE-- HUNDCED TO HIM KNEW ldNOX CANNON WEIGHING ON SLEDS OVEC.THE GCEEN t kJ Family Room or 5 Persons Cft TWO PERSONS Choice Oauid Trees haotoIbecuT down, bciooes built and poco moved it was a most difficult engineering jos assigned to uhot and his men put thev got the cannon to boston just in tlmc IN THOf ONEC A WEBE HAULED M0UNTAIN- with Room errni SOCCEEt)E0 AS HE WOULD THOUSAND ROUNDS 4 $2 wll WA5 A MOST DIFFICULT TA5li CANNON - fj? 4 FOET1FICAT10NS ME CHOSE-- GENEEAL KNOX A5 THE MAN TO 6(21 NO TH 400 Rooms 400 Baths $2.00 to $4.00 THE BOSTON BoT 10 GET THEM OVECTHE ABOON0 MBS. J. R. WATERS, Praa, W. K. SUTTON. Mar. ONE OF THP HOH R&T allen and his ETHAN CANNON IN GOTLAND, 9 I I. jSI 5- N GlNEEAJ. HENCV kiNOX Bath iJ3U e NEWHOUSE ALT LAKE CITT. UTAH TIKINUHEI llll PI 11 IIll IITTn trlcllr la lel..rapb. I L. I 1 oquillfl 1 fur pusitlona in radio. eleo- and "oahtBf oal practice, I laiU Ifj fill Practical for laari. Hon 90 Training; rVeatera Electrical Collece. 133 Regent St.. SattFM W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 40-1- 932 afT T, ft , |