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Show THE PAGE SIX TIMES-NEW- Thursday, December 10, 1931 NEPHI. UTAH S. What's Up? FINNEY OF THE FORCE ijiiM!iiiiiiS SHE TALKS TOO MUCH' ITAlhi'T MATCH ECAL AM IT THERE'S SICH A THING AS BBN TOO BLAME SMART.' SUSIE ISAM EXAMPLE! aimt Right feR a too to MUCH1. KKJOUJlNi' SO THEDE goes mou)... sheSOMEBODY OVER MARAMGOlNi THE OTHEft 'A SlDS THE FEMCE.... THEDE'S riO USE OP VOU ATTEMPTING TO BROSH ME ASIDE OOST BECAUSE 3TM A CHILD: AKJO THREATIMIMG ME IOITH V WEAPONiS IS OP NlO AVAIL 1 EITHER1.. McrcolizcdVax Keeps Skin Young imI ( dnu m hiu pi' '.a. b.w Mi Mn win d wiri.ii. W jiom, mm. T ttjttil .U u4 fr 4iMMMf. y Iim 1 in mt th hi t A I lwi v- -i V'u Mm ll fc.l.l A 1 li,ll tMM Mi m Oh! "In the manager In, please J" No, he's out for luncbf" "Will he be tn after lunch h r he went "No; that's what ufter." out Worth While "Charles,- - said Mother, "what would you like to give Sister for her -- to anniversary V Well." pondered "something we can ee COMTIMOEa ( It Isn't necessary for women to be voters In order to become rulers. A Misunderstanding THE FEATHERHEADS WHEM the little boy, eat" ARE VOU GOING OH. TO ) I kNJOUi.... PO't V PPETTV WELL EXPLAIN TO HER I AGAIN FOG THE TWENTIETH MHM..) -- AGAIN, FAMMY? V ' cool, hcalt and (o(tB chapped lip, face and html It ( n Inexpensive and vmluable. aid to a good complexioo T0P5 M0T"SCALP j) FREDDY.... BUT ONLY ( CLP - " , J An mnu w . t iudo, t New Civil War Any student of history who thinks the conflict between North and South was a savage affair, should have overheard F.ast and West on the way home In the taxi. Judge. May Be Round the Corner "Hasn't he got a rich wife?" "Yes, but she hasn't declared any dividends so far." Boston Too many cooks are apt to spoil the policeman on the beat oAlong the Concrete Events in the Lives of Little Men KILL COLD GERMS ism- mm Clears head instantly.'V"; Stops cold spreading. Sprinkle your , . ' handkerchief during the day pillow at night, McKesson ' product " 1 AT IQ0 All v Colonial "Game Law" What may be said to be the first game law was one passed In 1623 by the Plymouth colony, declaring all hunting and fishing to be free, except on private property. Business Motto Hubble What was the motto of the Siamese twins? Bubble United we stand, divided we can't make a cent ...' " ' I i mCKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL XVV -- W PAPER AWJENS AT VJ LtSf SAU.0 HV VMViWVT Some of Mickie's Pet Peeves By Charles Sughroa tDO CLOSE "0 AVS PAPER VStAKnU' UlS AlWO VS VAOVAS P9 NOV) EVER. WOTVCE STAW A SEWtEUeE VAOVJ UirtVA EVEW OPFEVA SEE -- fOVJM MAS APENW fcVINESS VAEVl Vft ARE VOAVWUG AROUND OEST tO SAVE NOU VOOtfX UViER- A- EXPENSES -MGyMSPAPER tUBU. MAWES tWE PAPER1' Polytechnic College of Engineering !3u I Mtdixm Sb., 0kUmd, Califmia Leading Engineering School UniTrsity Standards in Technical Sciences EstatliibeJ in 1894 Om $200,000 Plant. Charterrd to grant depees m Igzz All subjects omitted. In- tensive practice1 thorough courses tn Electrical. Mechanical, Civil, Min- Architectural and Structural En. rineerinir. New courses In Aeronautical and Airplane Engineerin- -. Special courses in Airplane Mechanic, Auto Machine 8hop, JCIectrifl Mechanics, Shop, lirnitlon. Battery, etc. B.Tdraullc, Steam Complete Klectrical, and Testin- - Laboratories. ing;, 1 THE CLANCY KIDS Driving a Sharp Bargain WANTA BUY f DOUAR 1 I r 'S: By PERCY L. CROSBY KNIFE WA5 N EVER WORTH DOLLAR Saw about two yean' Hmt Students anlsted In financing; their courses. Write for free catalog;. W. K. GIBSON W. I. WOOD President Registrar Salt Lake City's 'Tfewest Hotel 'a b' IZVZZZ?""1" TwAi WHEN IT Blades HOTEL TEMPLE SQUARE 200 Tile Baths Radio connection in evary room. RATES FROM 1.50 200 Rooms Jul oppoiita Mormon Tstiiswfs ERNEST C. ROSSITER, W. N. U- - Salt Lake City, No. MSgr. 90-10- 31. |