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Show THE PAGE EIGHT TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S. NEPHI BOY GIVES TALK OVER RADIO SEE OUR NEW 'Continued from page one) best farmers of the community and state. It gives him an opportunity to plan and supervise his own pro ject. It develop initiative. Therefore he will become accustomed to thinking of the future and preparing to meet problems of every-da- y life. This will make htm a better citizen and he will be trying to Improve the methods of agriculture to prevent future depressions, because every boy will raise only the things best adapted to his particular con dition. This method of farming will tend to reduce the number of crop failures, and thus insure a safe market for the products. Club work teaches thrift, the boys who make a project, plan very carefully how that money is to be used. They realize in part the effort re quired to get the few dollars. Club members learn the value of dependability, honesty and regularity this Is particularly true of those who are enrolled In livestock clubs. Club work helps the boy to see new Interest in the daily work of the farm, he feels he Is a partner in the business. It helps the father and the boy to become better ac quainted, as the club member Is ad vised to discuss the plans for his project with his father. Thus thru our association In club work we de velop an Interest In each other, we learn to work together and play LINE OF $9.75 Women's Silk Dresses latest styles Women's Silk Dresses $6.75 reduced to $5.75 Complete new line Women's Pajamas, Gowns and Bloomers, Bloomers, 29c, 39c, 50c and $1.00 See them. Women's rayon Hose35c 3for $1.00 Also 50c pr 89c Boys and Girls Yankover Suade Jacket SPECIALS 1 Vfir iff V lot Women's Slippers values to $7.50 to close $2.39 Lot Wool Dress Goods values to $1.50 yd 35c yd GROCERIES The Can Milk, any brand, small 4 for 15c large No. Can Salmon 3 for 25c. No 1 Tall 3 33c 10c 15c lb. Raisins Cranberries 55c Best Grade Lard 2 lb Can 29c. 4 lbs $1.00 Can Frigaro Smoked Meat Salt Tumblers 6 for 19c Matches 6 boxes for 15c 19c Bob White Soap 6 for 10c Pair White Tea Cups and Saucers Jello Special 3 Packages 25c. 4 Jello Molds Free Forestry Club gives a example of the citizenship and cooperation that club try to teach. The boy studies the forest and the forest trees to find out what trees grow best at certain alti tude and in a particular kind of soil. He plants the trees that grows best In his locality. It is Impossible for one boy to plant and raise a forest so the boys meet together to share the work equal among themselves. They will also have to cooperate with the department of ag riculture In securing trees and keeping posted on the best methods of fighting forest enemies. The Forest Clubs should with younger boys because for est trees take many years to grow to be of any value. Some trees take seventy-fiv- e to one hundred years to mature, so cooperation with a group of younger boys will be necessary to harvest the trees. The Forestry boy leaves the trees as a heritage to the future generation. This is one of the highest types of citizenship planting and raising trees that will give to future service the great 5c 1- -2 CIS. ''I s i s2i: Kyicy cooper ujunney Copyrigfif by GurfneyRyey Cooper tions, emotional conflict or honest sentiment. His widely varying group of characters, and a background none the less realistic for its succession of changes, make "Caged" Mr. Coopers most human piece of work. 4-- H Coin gold Pure Nina-Tent- h twenty-dolla- r 514 (rains, of which gold. piece weigh! s lg nine-tenth- par Now in CLASSIFIED The T5infflNw FOR SALE FIRST CLASS HAY N 5,2t. See J. Walter Paxman. mwwi TO LOJ ANGELB Bargain FARE DAILY chair and coach Comfortable lng car or accommodations, with dining car or convenient station cafe meal service en route. From Utah Points on the Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad-to Los Angeles and other California Points. low fares to other parts of Calif arnia. For Furthur Details consult I. M. Petty, Agent ly Ml PMOIFDC THE OVERLAND ROUTE FOR RENT 4 Room Apartment-M- rs. Nellie Schofleld. Nov. 4 It At a meeting of the board of dir Joseph W. ectors of Irrigation Co. Oct. 29, 3t. held last the Nephi November Vickers. 5th, Thursday, Gideon Sidwell was elected as a dirFOR SALE B FLAT TENOR ector to fill the unexpired term of Cheap Call J. O. Tay- E. L. Sperry. President V. M. Foote Levan. lor, occupied the chair. The annual meeting of the stock LOST MAN S TAN COAT SWEA- holders of the company will be held or between U. Dam B. at TER, the early part of December, during 4 Reward Nov. and there Nephl, to Cj. Glazier secretary. for return to Mrs. Mabel Christison according at County Courthouse. SAX-apho- About Ourselves There Is nothing in the world that teaches us so much as looking at Ufa from another person's point of view. Philosopher's Vain Hope Trtile and Folly ride recklessly," said 111 Ho, the suge of Chinatown. "The patient philosopher walks and vainly hopes his wisdom will keep him from being run over." Wash Ington Star. nu's Aon XE1 1Tua sttaactt High School News The American Legion Post No. 1 presented the following Armistice Day Proctrani on the school Audit-ariuWednesday afternoon: Mus ical selection. Juab High School Band; Song, Star Spangled Banner, Congregation; Prayer, Will L. Hoyt; Song, Fidelis Choral Club; "A Day In The Army," conducted by Ralph Barnes; Talk, Reverend N. C. Wal- lin, Chaplin of the Utah Dept. of the American Legion; Song. Fidelis Ch oral Club. Benediction, C. L. Mem mott. By Florence Wilson, Reporter m Famous Physicians The Greek god of healing. was a descendant of the Egyptian one, Imhotep, and the latb traced back tf a real can ter personality, that of a learned physician who lived about 30nn B. C 10c and MJsiMSsskli 13, ONLY in Football for & Africa FAN SATURDAY ONLY ELVER MAPLE SERVICE 'CARE WILL SAVE YOUR CAR" you Tallulah Bankhead Fredric March "MY SIN" WED. & Candies, like most other food items, are lower in prfae this season. In addition, our holiday candies are of a better quality than any previous year. Our organization purchased 8 carloads of box chocolates for the holidays, and we now ment for Thanksgiv- with in Elissa Landi Allan Dinehart KEEP doctor Brand test. stock. punishment of ve boy or girl. the acti- FEET DRY and avoid colds and sell the We ood reliable Hall rubbers. The rubber that has stood the All styles and colors can be found in our YOUR bills. Nephi Merc. Phone in WICKED Co. 18 Nephi, Utah Styles That Live In Shoes That Last. of Shells Sea shells are made up of alternate layers of a horny material and calcium carbonate containing a little organic matter. Female Imagination All imagination, properly so proclaims the activity of called, the aesthetic NOTICE Height emotions. TO 29c. box fancy Cherry Center Chocolates 29c box exand a 2H-l- CREDITORS Utah, on or before the 15 of March, A. D. 1932. W. H. Sperry, Dell Sperry, Administrators of Estate of Ernest L. Sperry Deceased. Will L. Hoyt, Attorney for Estate. Nephl, day First pub Nov 12, last pub. Dec. these candies. They are good enough for any queen, have the first ship a P.SKAGGS STORES FOOD "A Surety of Parity" Styles the New Reduced Prices fancy assorted Chocolates only 75c. See our display of March. Estate of Ernest L. Sperry deAt sixteen the average height of the American girl Is about C1.6 ceased. Creditors will present claims vouchers to the undersigned at Inches. The average height of the with the office of Will L. Hoyt. AttQrney-a- t American woman Is 63.5 Inches. law, Nephl National Bank bldg., at and will sell 1 lb. fancy assorted Chocolates H Jill Esmond Oeoffrey Kerr Victor McLaglen Una Merkel ing, box ' b. with Twrr the can take H ATS- New Fall tra rvor Novello AND HARDY In CHICKENS COME HOME ? high-explosi- LAUREL imai t iMJUura Shoes -- Arrive The first Lady of the screen role that in a has the emotional depth of "Madam X" and the heart mother love of touching Sarah and Son. TIIURS J' f POLL PARROT want. Boxed Candies kY'JW ' rift 161. them Wear ill prove it. SUverleaf Swift's of . - w Lard will sell for only 87c per pail, 2 pound caddies of Purity Graham crackers for 23c one half pound packages of Japan Green Tree Tea for 27c a and large package, cans of Sunkist Pumpkin for 9c a can. Don't hesitate to ask where to find what - 3tm error. shoes Today 8 pound pails 10c & 25c TVESH-:-- that statement without reservation. and the Todays Bargains Hard to Believe The reason so many people miss the road to happiness is because when tlipy come to it It looks so much like a detour they take the better-lookinside. Cincinnati SUN. a little braggy, we admit, but you must remember we sell Star Brand Shoes, the product of the world's greatest manufacturer, an organization that knows no compromise with quality. "Star Urand Shoes Are lietter," and we make For today's selling we have Beef Pot Roasts at 10c per pound, Sirloin steaks at 15c per pound, and chopped suet 10c per pound. then-wome- TTE n Sounds Bet's Development In their metamorphosis bees past through four stages, namely, egg, larva, pupa and adult The queen develops In 16 days, the worker to 21 and the drone In 2.1 days. In Our Market SATURDAY 15c FRI. NOV. Many Use for Cactus Cactus plants are now used to produce various drugs, soap, cleaners, water softeners and a boiler compound, which Is the latest commercial product of the desert plant, and has proved a boon In cleaning and purifying heating systems. It is only drawing farther apart. thru organization that these mighty forces can be drawn together for self preservation and protection." "Utah should be the nations foremost example of farm organization. It is spoken of as the great pioneer state and is looked upon as the nation's greatest greatest colonizat ion demonstration. Our pioneers explored the lands, led out the wat er onto them, laid the foundation upon which our great schools are builded. and developed a great church organization. So that we have done it physically, mentally and spiritually. Why can't we do it agriculturally?" "The first settlers which came to America were all batchelors. They all save it up and went back. The next over brought their wives a long and they are here yet. The Mormon pioneers brought folks and stayed. The women must lend a hand in the development of a great farm or ganization in this fair country of ours to make it endure." Admission FRIDAY Adventures AND UP (Continued from page one) Matinee Saturday 2.30 P. M. The For Money That Money-CaBuy! Composition PCULTRYMEN HEAR NEPHI IRRIGATION TALK IN PROVO COMPANY ELECTS SIDWELL DIRECTOR APPLES FOR SALE One-Wa- y Cores-pondlng- HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR EGGS Any amount dozen or a carload Robert Winn Co. 1931 H An unusual story in which this competent American author has not stinted himseli in portraying surprising situa- UTAH : 4-- H The Best Shoes 12, good Of r.Assm 3 S FOOTE & NEPHI, A Nov. Thursday 3. |