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Show Thursdav. October North Main Now St Neph', Utah 111 recces at 44 i Ml Emphasize the Economy of Heret Dreswt with ill the details of styling and trimming that ar unart thit aaaon . . . dresses of flat crepe, satin and sheer crepe for every occasion. Black and the new cones of rosy brown, dark green, red and blue. That value are so outstanding that you cannot afford to miss Sizes for women, them! misjes and juniors. Rule for Reason There Is no discharge for us from the moment we are born. Proceed with steady step, and If you would have all things under your control, put yourself under the control of reason: If reason becomes your ruler, yon will become ruler over many. Seneca. Bad News for Burglars A French engineer bus Invented an electric dog that Jumps, barks fiercely, and even tries to bite a burglar Wben theoretically "Permanent Wave" Old Permanent waving was known to beauties In the time of Nero, according to historians, who credit a favorite of the emperor with having made the Initial experiment by In a hot remaining three week Roman bath, her hair In curls securely packed with clay. Respiratory Note The quantity of air a man takes Into his lungs at each respiration Is culled tidal air. and Is normally cubic centimeters. Of about this, about l.'it) cubic centimeters never goes farther than the respiration passages. The remainder becomes mixed with the air In the cells (alveolar air), of which there Is perhaps three liters In the lungs. 300-55- 0 throws the light of a torch In its face. The Invention works on the principle of electric cells which set up a current when a ray of light reaches them. This In turn starts FOR RQOMS the motor that makes the dog act UNFURNISHED Rent Elgin Garrett, X. L. Bakery like a res! anlmnl. CLASSIFIED Charter No. 8508 Reserve District No. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE 12 NEPHI NATIONAL BANK OF NEPHI IN THE STATE OF UTAH, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON SEPT. 24, 1930 RESOURCES Loans and discounts Overdrafts United States Government securities owned Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned Banking house; Furniture and fixtures Real estate Towned other than banking house Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank Cash and due from banks Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer '. Total a. - LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Undivided profits net Reserves for Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Circulating notes outstanding Due to banks, including certified and cashiers' checks outstanding Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable and rediscounts Total $238,855.61 480.02 50.000.00 2.764.75 8.722.60 6.902.87 8,063.69 26.817.14 2,500.00 $345,106.68 $ 50,000.00 7,780.61 5,124.20 50,000.00 4,423.71 74,794.55 100,722.18 52561.43 $345,106.68 STATE OF UTAH, COUNTY OF JUAB, ss: bank, do solemnly swear I, Ralph Brought. Cashier of the above-name- d that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. RALPH BROUGH, Cashier. CORRECT Attest: T. A. Foote, Geo. O. Ostler, Geo. Francom, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of October, 1930. NEPHI ANDERSON, Notary Public. Res. Nephi, Utah. t (SEAL) The First Year of SYSTEMATIC BANKING Is The Hardest. After That it Becomes a Habit! .'Whatever You Earn, Spend Less" Nephi National Bank - - John McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Joel Taylor enjoy ed a business trip to Eureka Tuesday. -By It. E. HAMMOND Member State Board of Equalization Smartness Blind Read Snekespee.ro Shakespeare In 40 volumes of abbreviated braille Is In use for the blind In London's National Library for the Blind. Local News Inequalities In Our Present Tax System GO. PENNEYSTORE J.C. OfPARTMINT 29 PAGE THREE THE TIMES- - NEWS. NEPHI, UTAH 9, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warner and son, Ronald, siient the week end The general property tax of Utah in Salt Lake City. was n operation before the constitution was adopted and was writDavid Leortcher of Salt Lake ten into the constitution in very City was W. the guest of Miss Maurlne much the same form in which it Vickers the lutter part of the week. had been in operation while Utah was a territory, so it is really older Mr. and Mrs. James Vickers at than the state of Utah. The fact State Fair in Salt Lake that the system was made part of tendedlasttheweek. our organic law has made it Im- City possible to make any substantial Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkey and change except through the laborious son Carl were in Salt Lake City a process of amending the constitution. Consequently comparatively few days last week seeing the fair few chunges have been made dur- and attending conference. years. At ing the past thirty-fiv- e the time the constitution was Mrs. Esther Tranter is visiting adopted our tax system was a con- with her children. Frank Tranter sistent feature of the state govern- and Mrs. Eda Pay In Salt Lake City ment and was formulated in keep- for a few days. ing with the elementary stage of industrial development in the state Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tolley of at that time. Almost revolutionary Rigby. Idaho attended the funeral changes have taken place in our of Isaac Gadd and visited with mode of living, in our means of relatives in Nephi the early part of earning a livelihood and in the the week. forms of wealth during the past thirty-fiv- e Sheldon Winn, Superintendent of years but no basic alteration has been made in our tax the schools at Heyburn. Idaho Is system. visiting with his parents, Mr. and But has our system of taxation Mrs. David Winn and other friends kept pace with these developments and relatives this week. and changes on our economic and social conditions? Established at a Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Howell and time when the standard of measure family of Winnemucca, Nevada ment of a person's wealth was his were visitors Monday and Tuesday ownership of property and posses- at the home of Mr. Howell's parents, sions, has not the tax system now Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell. outlived its usefulness? Today the standard of a person's wealth and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. McDonald and particularly his ability to pay taxes family of Provo and Mr. and Mrs. is based more upon his earnings or H. P. Hatch of Hatch, Idaho, Mrs. income. Grace Linton of Huntington Park, The perpetuation of the system of California and Bill Orton of Chestertaxation in Utah has undoubtedly field, Idaho were guests at the home resulted in a great many inequall of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stephenson ties. I shall not attempt to paint last week end. these inequalities here, nor is it necessary to do so. The home owner, the farmer, real estate holder and DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK all others having forms of tangible By property are well aware that they EDSON R. WAITE are being taxed almost to the break Shawnee, Oklahoma ing point while tremendous incomes Now is the time when everyone and fortunes in this state go practi cally untaxed. Some see the entire should read the advertisements in earning power of their properties the newspapers before they buy. The American people are a value-seekibeing taken for the support of government and some few others are public, and every alert mereven witnessing the gradual con chant is striving to give more for fiscation of their real estate hold the money. Merchants who sell quality for ings by the tax consuming not only the entire earning power but actual less are continuous advertisers. ly encroaching on the principal They tell in their ads who they itself. are, where they are and what they Does our tax system need revision? have to offer for your consideration. Let us examine the basis upon Modern merchants of today show which it is founded and see whether by their advertising a sincere effort our present system meets the re- to serve you well, advanced facil quirements of today. The annual ities, practical merchandising ideals, property tax of the past few years and a spirit of cooperation and has been about $20,000,000. towards all. This good-wi- ll is for state, school, county and CAN MERCHANDISE THAT municipal purposes. In addition to STAND THE LIGHT OF ADthis amount about $3,500,000 is now VERTISING IS THE ONLY KIND being raised from special taxes. TO BUY. The greater part of this revenue READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS comes from the gasoline tax and Is AND THEN BUY WHERE THE used for road purposes. The tax has been raised from BEST BUYS ARE. levies on property and almost all income of the state and which has of it has come from tangible prop- only of the total earnerty. During the past year or two ing capacity. In the final analysis less than one and one-ha- lf per all taxes must be paid out of Incent of this $20,000,00 has been come. It is, of course, to raised from the tax on intangible pay taxes out of capital possible as long as 52 property. Approximately remains but the continuaper cent of all the general property capital tion of a tax which every year takes taxes come from real estate and part of the capital and all of the buildings. A little more than 25 income simply means that it Is cent comes from mines and only a question of time until the per utilities. The remainder is levied is confiscated. on live stock and other forms of capital To a limited extent this process Is this is going on in Utah tangible personal property. On the situation wrong? Should we con- average we are not today. capital tinue to raise the bulk of the to pay property taxes taking but in certain revenue for the various public pur cases we are taking so much of the poses in the same manner that we income received from the tangible are now doing? Let us look deeper property to pay the tax bill that into the problem and see if we can little income is left after taxes are find an answer to this question. paid and the value of the property Examine the situation from the has depreciated as a result. In a to of standpoint pay taxes few extreme cases all of the income ability because after all that is one of the from the property has been absorbfundamental questions in any plan ed in the tax bill and the property of taxation. Is there any consider itself has been confiscated in order ation in a property tax as to one's to pay the taxes levied upon it. ability to pay? No, because propIf we are to present an accurate erty ownership does not represent picture of the situation we must taxable ability. The sole question look deeper into the problem relain a property tax is a determina- tive to the taxation of and tion of the value of the property in the net income which property comes from question. True, certain classes of property. The $70,000,000 net Inproperty have a market value which come which has been the average is determined by their earning return from property in the state capacity but this is not true of all each year during the past few years nor is it true of any prop- includes the income from intangible property erty at all times because there are property as well as from all other circumstances when property has kinds of property. But how much no earning capacity whatsoever but of this burden of $20,000,000 does still has a market value. The sole intangible property bear? Earlier question which the assessor must in this discussion we stated that the decide is how much a given piece total revenue received from inof property is worth on the market tangible property amounted to less regardless of its past or present than one and one-haper cent of earning capacity. Once that Is de- the total receipts from general termined and the assessment plac- property taxes. It is impossible to ed on the tax roll the levies are say just how much intangible propapplied against such valuation. erty there is in the state but the This brings us to the very heart federal income tax returns Indicate of the tax problem in Utah. Mr. that there is at least $250,000,000 John C. Watson, director of the worth of productive intangible department of taxation and statisproperty owned by persons who tics, Illinois Agricultural Associa- pay a federal income tax. In addi some tion, has prepared very signi- tion to tnis amount there is a ficant information relative to the great deal of intangible property income received from all sources in owned in small blocks by persons Utah and in other states of the who do not come within the limits nation. His figures for Utah show of the present federal tax so that that during the past few years the the situation In Utah today shows average annual income has been clearly that it is the tangible propabout $280,000,000 per year. Of erty that is paying the great bulk this total only about 25 per cent of the tax, that intangible property comes from property while the re- is responsible for less than one and one-ha- lf maining 75 per cent or about per cent of the total prop Is the result of personal eray tax and that no tax whatso services such as wages, salaries, ever is levied upon Income. commissions, etc. Utah's problem of tax revision, How is our tax system applied to therefore, will be a readjustment this earning capacity of approxiin the distribution of the tax burden We a tax which will shift Dart of the cost levy mately $280,000,000? of $20,000,000 upon property which of state and local from earns only 25 per cent of the in- tangible property government which has been come and we levy not one cent of carrying the load, to income or to tax on the source of income which intangibles which, while they have represents 75 per cent of the total. the ability to pay, have not been In other words about $210,000,000 brought to the tax rolls here. income earned in this state pays Subsequent articles will show how no state or local tax. The burden this would be dealt with under the of the general property tax falls proposed constitutional amendentirely upon that property which ments to be voted on next of all the produces only ng For All Ocasclonc ' " X w th lf $210,-000,0- one-four- th LADIES' KODAK HANDBAGS New Designs BILL FOUNTAIN PENS FOLDS and PENCILS SCREEN GRID RADI John McCormack'a first picture "talkies" was "8ong O' My Heart." McCormack'a part la singing rather than talking, and he Is on of the greatest artists In picture a today. Ha was born at Ath. He Ions, Ireland, June 14, 1884. made his debut In America In 1909, thereafter devoting his time to c?era and concert work. He owns a large stable of horaes. He apeaks and sings In English, French, Italian and German. His home Is In New York. In the $59.50 and up AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC TOASTER Ord & Mangleson Phone 43 DRUGGISTS O eoaoHweoaoooooooooooooaccHf For Meditation NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS oooooo Ex-U.S.Senator By LEONARD A. BARRETT Praises Sargon FLOWERS COME one has said that flowers are the only beautiful thing Clod made Into which be forgot to put a soul. It would seem, however, that some flowers possess at least the semblance of a soul, for they all but talk to you. They seem to say, "My beauty I give to you. You have taken good care of me and thus I reward you. I give you my very best ef forts." When the drought Is on and everything is burning up for lack of moisture, the t " flowers seem lit- erally to ask you for water and the protection of a reasonable of amount shade. Flowers may not have in souls sense of poe- - scioutmess, but 00 one-four- THE NEW T the they do possess, cumuiou wim l A. Barrett. an me, and perhaps to a more piani marked dethan most gree plants, the element of They struggle In order to grow, odds against great and make every possible effort at elf expression. Should a rose become dwarfed In its development It may hang on the bush face downward and seem to say, "This is not my fault. You have neglected me!" In the majority of cases the accusation would be correct. When It smiles at us with all Its radiant beauty it seems to say: "This Is your reward. I am trying to tell you how much I appreciate your painstaking care of me during the days I was growing." Yes, flowers may become true and valuable friends. Flowers may teach us valuable lessons. The development of the appreciation of beauty is one of uese lessons. Beauty is an abstract ideal. In order to be recoaj- dsed and appreciated It must be seen In some of Its manifested forms: for Instance, in a cathedral, The beauty landscape or sunset. expre' led in the flowers, however, seems a little more real beoause we have had a part in the creatloa of that beauty. It Is a source of great satisfaction to realise that when we keep a garden of flowers we are eratlng with the Infinite Creative! Power In helping to make beautl-- l ful the great outdoors. This is nol To realise thatl mall satisfaction. we have a part in the task of mak lng this world beautiful may bring to us a deeper satisfaction than professional emoluments or bnsl ness profits. "Happy they who cad create a rose or erect a honey Buckle," wrote the poet Gray. -- co-o- p ttS, 1)30. Western Nswspapsr Union.) (J 00 Ub kr MeClure Nswspaptr Syndicate. . O Nature has always mors ford Voltaire. map education. is rapidly becoming a household word throughout Canada and the United States. Thousands of grateful men and women from all walks of life have been lifted out of the throes of lost vitality, suffering, misery and ill health by its use. In relating his experience with this famous medicine former United States Senator Thomas W. Hard- wick, who served his state for six years in the Upper House of Congress, and who was later elected Governor of Georgia, said: "I had lost most of my old-tienergy and both mental and physical fatigue came more quickly than Constipation especially formerly. had troubled me for the past ten years and I had become accustomed to dosing myself with some physic or laxative every few days. My appetite was not keen and my meals did not seem to agree with me as they should. Sometimes I would feel positively wretched for days at a time. Sargon was highly recommended to me and I decided to try it. "The medicine helped me from the very first. It gave me a splendid aDDetite. I don't know when I have enjoyed my meals more than I do now. I eat with more relish and experience no ill or uncomafter-effec- ts whatever. fortable Naturally my capacity for work has increased. I feel more efficient. I have more energy. In fact, I feel that I am in better health than it has been my pleasure to enjoy in many years, but most important of all, I no longer find it necessary to and laxatives take continually cathartics. "I also took Sargon Pills with fine results and consider them a valuable part of the treatment. "I take pleasure in endorsing Sargon for the genuine improvement it has brought about in my physical condition." Ord & Mangelson, Agents. (Adv.) Sargon Canton Water Clock STATE OF UTAH Office of State Koad Commission Salt Lake City, Utah September 28, 1930 Sealed bids will be received by the State Road Commission of Utah, State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, at 2 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, October 14th, 1930. and at that time public- ly opened for construction of Six Bridges in Box Elder, Juab and Rich Counties, the same being State Projects Nos. 277 in Box Elder County, 236 in Juab County and 278 in Rich County. The lengths of the bridges to be constructed are 22 ft. 8 in. in Box Elder Co., 26 ft. 10 In., 22 ft. 9 In., 61 ft. 11 in. in Juab Co. and 24 ft. 8 In and 40 ft. 8 in. in Rich County and the principal items of work In the six bridges are approximately as follows: 1324 cu. yds. Structural Excavation. 99 M. P. B. M. Lumber, 1806 Lin. Ft. Piles, 96 cu. yds. Concrete, 9'i Tons Structural Steel. Plans and specifications are on file in the office of the State Road Commission, Salt Lake City, where they may be reviewed by prospective bidders. Specifications, proposal, bidding blanks and plans will be furnished at Salt Lake City, on depositing $2.00 for each project, which will be returned, providing contractor submits an acceptable bid and returns the plans within seven days after bids are received. Any additional information may be secured at the office of the State Road Commission. Each bidder must submit a letter from an approved surety company guaranteeing to furnish said bidder with required bond. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Cash or certified check for $150.00 for Box Elder County, $400.00 for Juab Co. and $350.00 for Rich County, made payable to the State Road Commission must accompany each bid as evidence of good faith and a guarantee that If awarded the contract, the bidder will execute the contract and give bond as required. STATE ROAD COMMISSION, Henry H. Blood, Chairman. H. S. Kerr, Chief Engineer. . The water flout or clepsydra used In Canton dates back some 500 years and has been destroyed and rebuilt many times. It is composed of three copper vessels placed one above the other on steplike platforms. In the bottom vessel Is a float with an Indicator scale passing through It, which, as the water, fills the lower vessel, rises and shows the time. Pigeon Not Tree Bird Pigeons land in trees when they cannot find buildings or other such places on which p light. g Nebula The fast moving body In the heavens Is a nebula, which is running away from our solar system at the fitp'of 1.2TiO miles a second. Fast-Movin- |