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Show THE PAGE EIGHT LOCAL Just Received We Have Just Received Another Lot Women Coats. Newest Styles and Lowest Prices! TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, HAPPENINGS SPECIAL A of all Republican meeting ladies will be held in the City Hall Monday evening, October 28th at S Big Lot, up to $1.35 Women's All Silk Hose Fine Wool Nap Tlaid Blankets Fine All Wool Blankets 98c $3.98 $4.95 GROCERIES .13c; Small Size Shredded Wheat, 2 for . .25c; Jello, 3 for . 1 lb. tall Salmon . . . 19c ; Small size, 2 for . . Large Size Tuna Flakes, 2 for Large Size Corn Flakes . .9c .25c .25c 25c . WEEK END SPECIALS 35c White Laundry Soap, 10 for 10c Kirk Olive and Snow Flake Toilet Soap, 5c Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 for 15c; Lighthouse, 5c COMPARE ALL OUR PRICES AND SAVE! .F jfy o'clock. President Albert H. Helllston was Salt Lake C.llv Wednenriav In Interests of the Juab County Mill ana jLievator company or which firm he Is general manager. William Bailey, who la emnloved by the Chief Consolidated Mining Company, was called to Salt Lake city Wednesday to confer with officials of his company. iu President A. II. Oelllston received word from his son, Elder Harold Delliston, who Is laboriur; as a missionary In the Hawaiian Islands, ! Dtiddtn Judge Tbos. H. Burton went to Bait Lake City Wednesday when he win attend to court matters. In BIG NEW LINE WOMEN'S SILK HOSE All Newest Fall Colors 50c Women's Fine Rayon Silk Hose 50c Hose Girl's and Children's Fancy & 35c . Hose .25c Ribbed Children's Girl's and Thursday, October 24th, 1929. telling about the recent earthquakes which took place in that area. They have been so bad that travel along the main highway between cities has been prohibited due to the danger. Harold writes that he Is not at all worried about the disturbances. The county officials who returned Monday from a trie to the western portion of Juab County, report that the range Is in a very good condition, and looks very prmising for winter feed for sheep. The abpve informa tion win be pleasant news for thu sheep owners of Juab and Sanpete counties, as thousands of sheep owned by these men graze In that area during the winter season. "MAECr PUT YHJHB GRAHAM 'BOMMER ' IFAITSS IN THE STORE BIRDS' THOUGHTS "We dress so much alike," said Mr. Vesper Spurrow, "and I think It Is so nice that we do. "We buili like the same sort of suit or costume. We both like brown and gray and white In our feathers, and we are both very fond of having our outer tall feather of white. "They can be seen when we fly and I think thpy look very smart and styl- TMAT IDISPILAYS TIMS $SAEM ish." "I think so. too," said Mrs. Vesper Sparrow. "You know we're sometimes culled Grass Birds and GrassflDlches, and we belong to the biff Finch filia- IS. lly." "Those would all do as names for us," said Mr. Vesper Sparrow. "We do love the grass. ' "We have our nests of them which are always laid la the high meadow grass. "We don't care about digging worms out of the ground but we love the Insects of the meadows. "We are smaller than the English sparrow, and our name la Indeed well chosen, though then aguln It Isn't. "I mean the name we are almost always called by the Vesper Sparrow." "Why Is our name well chosen and well-know- n PERSONAL TAILORING The Cam Df ire elrls met at tho home of their leador Mrs. George ueiuston. Tney organized a Camp-fir- e Club, Troop No. 1, and the following officers were elected: President, Fern Broadhead; Vice President, Marjorle Gadd; Secretary, Arta Jenkins; Treasurer, Mabel Sowby; Reporter, Donna Pexton; Program Committee, Fay Broadhead and Nelda Cowan; Games, Beth Hobbs and Dona Belliston; Historian Wllma Allen. SERVICE Represented hy Nephi Merc. Co. & mm inmnhi the Vesper Sparrows." then why Isn't It?" asked Mrs. Vespet Sparrow. "That Is rather confusing to me." "We are named the Vesper Sparrows because we sing more often In the late af ien:oon wlien evening Is approaching t'ar.n at any other time. "And our voices are at their best 'mnnn ii i "Named TUNNEL LUNCH After The Show Or Shopping Large Crowd Attended ML I. A. Convention In Payson Sunday Try A Bowl Of PAYSON, Utah, Oct. 22. A large crowd was in attendance at the dis trict convention of the Mutual Im provement association of the Pal myra, Nebo, Juab, and Tintic stakes At The which was held in the junior high school auditorium, at Payson Sunday. Sidney Coray, president of the Nebo M. I. A. stake board was in Dr. E. E. Erickson, John charge. Open 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. Giles, Tel Cannon, Marie Thomas, E. M. Claridge, Prop. Ethel Anderson and Elsie Hogan, members of the M. I. A. general boards, were present at all sessions. At a joint meeting of the stake officers in the forenoon Dr. Erickiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin son spoke on the Challenging Opin the M. I. A. The other THE TIM 3 NEWS SUPPLY OF portunities general board members discussed in general the subjects "Consideration of Local Problems." "Pro1929-30- ," for gram "Qualities Which Make for M. I. A.," "Spiritual Objectives in Our Leisure Time Pro- CHILI TUNNEL LUNCH . , pip "The Two Black Crows" George Moran, Charles E. Mack in "Why Bring That Up?" A Paramount Picture Mew ON HAND NOW. verblal "T.' The entire nroduction of "Whw Bring That Up?" has been produced on a lavish scale. There are gorgeous scenes of a gala "first" night in dazzling color. There are beautiful, clever dancine elrls and opvpral new song hits destined to be prime lavonces everywnere. Evelyn Brent gives a fine performance as the srlrl who nlava tho cnnrl- natured Mack for a "sucker," and narry ureen, who was cast as the theatre manager In 'Close Harmony is hilariously funny as the distracted manager of the Two Black. Crows. Georee Ahhot famous Mow Vni-- v stage director and author, directed "Why Bring That Up?" FOR SALE FIRST CLASS LARGE Size Heatrola, practically new. Terms. P. J. Sanders, Phone 243J2 SILVER M&P1X SERVICE M WE NEPHI, UTAH GIVE "AW GREEN STAMPS srv Copyrighted, FOR SALE HIGH CHAIR, Range, Kitchen table and chairs. Phone 81. .BALED HAY FOR SALE AT THE 024-2- t S. R. Winn. Heme of "Now we like to sing In the early morning, too ! "We always Join In with the early nforning singers. "But we sing later In the afternoon than the others, except the rosebreast-egrosbeak family, and they love to sing in the early evening as we do." "I'd say," Mrs. Vesper Sparrow remarked, "that we were both morning and evening singers." "Just what we are," said Mr. Vesper Sparrow. "We're a little bit like the meadowlarks too, though." "How are we like them?" asked Mrs. Vesper Sparrow. "Sometimes we sing when flying," Mr. Vesper Sparrow said. "And they do THAT I I 1928 uninteresting details makes a difference in th safety of a dairy product. A little carelessness may prove very aggravating. Yo will be pleased to learn wha-carwe give to the sma)' matters in our product ana small, ncert BLACK CROWS," MOHAN & MACK COMING TO PROVO PARAMOUNT A Attention, io named. Will you tell me about that?" "I will," chirped Mr. Vesper Sparrow. "When the other birds sing they choose the morning for their big co- 'TWO S.-fSff- Mb - Jack-O-Lante- rn WE HAVE NEW FRESH STOCK If "Vesper, you see, means late afternoon or early evening." . . "Yes," said Mrs. Vesper Sparrow, "now I see why we are well named. "But you also said we were not well Christmas Cards Will insure better starting for your car this winter. ABOUT then, too. Moran and Mack, popularly called the two Black Crows, whose hilarious phonograph records are known to the American public everywhere, make their debut on the audible screen in a gay, and singing comedy-romanc- e, appropriately titled, "Why Bring That Up?" In this latest Paramount production, which will be shown In Provo at the gram." Paramount Theatre for a five day Most of the time at the afternoon run beginning Sunday, October 27th. session was devoted to departmental These two famous stars of "Earl work. Tel Cannon and Elsie Hogan Carrol's Vanities." am niinnnrrori Kir were in charge of the adult depart- a fine cast featuring Evelyn Brent ment; Dr. Erickson and Marie ua .narry ureen. ARE READY FOR YOUR Thomas, the community activity de"Why Bring That Up?" was esINSPECTION partment; Ethel Anderson, the Bee-M pecially written for Moran and Mack hive department; John Giles the by Octavus Roy Cohen, the popular Men, and Scout department; Marie author of the "Darktown BirmingThomas, the Gleaner Junior depart- ham" stories, lone a featurn in tho ment. Saturday Evening Post. The story Palmyra stake won in the contest gives juoran ana Mack, ample opporNepM Ward Primary Dance at the enrollcent of for 4 Hallowthe highest per tunity to carry on their line of 'tired' p. m. Armory, Monday, ed officers present. They were pre humor everyone knows so well ami e'en costumes preferred. cakes served. All kiddies sented with a large printed copy to play the leading roles in a stirring story and to be based on their early invited 10c. It of the 1929-3- 0 M. I. A. slogan. experience in tne theatre. Moran and Mack, of course, are a riot from beginning to end. Theft peculiar humor; slow, drawling, sleeDv. and shuffline rinfio. nil h in scription. And there seems little aouot tnat their debut on the audible screen will be hailed with delight by audiences everywhere. For if tho Two Black Crows are funny on on ana tne radio, they are records a scream In this picture which suits their undeniable talents t o tho nrn- - BaUttaones ASK US OO IT WOW ft milsurpriseyoa RADIO ELECTRIC CO. service. MEMBROOK dairy EE 81 that. "Then too, the meadowlarks are very careful about hiding their nests and keeping their blrdllngs safe In the grassy nest, with grass covering over and nround the nest. "We fly away, and so do they, when we think danger is near not because we want to desert our young oh, never, never." "Never, never," said Mrs. Vespei Sparrow. "But simply to keep people from knowing where onr nests are. There are some creatures," continued Mr. Vesper Sparrow, his little voice shaking ns he thought of such creatures, "who will rob nests of eggs before the blrdllngs have come out. "They think they, are making collections! What do they want of eggs? "Do they want little shells which don't really mean anything to them at the expense of breaking the hearts of the mothers and the daddies? "Would such creatures like to have their brothers and their sisters stolen away from them out of their cradlesl I should Bay not ! "Would they like to have collections made of their sisters and brothers? Not for a minute. "There are enough things to collect Stamps and pictures and stories and real pets to be cared for but not the eggs of birdllngs. "But I have heard that people ar getting over their cruel ways." And Mrs. Vesper Sparrow felt very much better about It, very much ft Our Great "NEW CUSTOMER" i SALE of famous ALLEN-is ft "Emperor Moths' There are several large green cater pillars which, when full grown, spin silken cocoons In which to pass the winter, transform to the moth state and finally emerge with all their splendor. These moths are known at Emperor Moths en account of their Us large size. Hosiery A now on Newest Styles . . . Newest Shades at 20 Reductions until Monday night iIlM 1 1 |