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Show .Y THE PAGE FOUR The Times-Nevv- TIMES-NEW- matter-of-fac- Greetings, Friends We Wish You The Merriest of Yuletides! WW KOTICK OF SALE OF KSTItAYS Happy and Prosperous If our services at any time will add to your contentment. . .call on us! Firsl National We Greet You With Christmas Cheer JUST AS THE TIES OF FRIENDSHIP ARE STRENGTHENED AT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON, SO MAY t. ASSOCIATION OUR BUSINESS GROW IN MUTUAL ACORD AND CONFIDENCE. WSE, SNE, ay And with that w ish we, extend our hopes that your New Year will be most WITH BEST WISHES FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE NEW YEAR ton Kay and William Blain Newton are all of and the only heirs at law deceased, of William A. Newton, and are entitled to succeed to the ownership, title and possession ot the following described and any other real estate left by decedent, COMMUNITY BUDGETING. Now is the time for all wise par ents to budget their household and N of SW4 and of SWVi; SE personal expenses for the coming the SWVi of the SEVi of Section 21, year. 11 South, Range 1 East, Why not let all good citizens Township Meridian. Lake Salt 'budget" their civic interests for has been set for hearing on the 4th 'ommunity welfare and development day of January 1928 at 2 o'clock for the year 19287 p.m. at the court room at said court how much us ask ourselves Let in County, Utah, aiid time we expect to spend in cooper all Nephi, Juab Grace persons interested are ordered to boost citizens with other ating to appear and show cause If any they Nephi City and Juab county during have why said petition should not be the coming year? granted. Keeping in mind our individual Witness the Clerk of said Court circumstances and abilities how- with the seal thereof affixed this 17 can or hours days many minutes, of December, 1927. day we give unstintedly to help the J. H. VICKERS, (SEAL) whole community? Clerk How much can we give to the Dec. 23, 1927 First Publication, charto church, the club, the lodge, 1927 to recreational Last Publication, December 30, ity, to education, ' advantages, and to other civic In- aI.' i.M. ,1 PAT I HI i i UIIJ W." J Villi i i f . v DflVC?from terests wholly disassociated . , u vculo 11 i u u -i ill mil " pci oui own selfish ends? ...... n.l T1 n . lirnvnaii Such is the test of each one s We are here to serve to-w- it: Bank Utah 3E For each GOODYEAR tire pur- the Baseball chased we will give one chance on Motor Co. the Chevrolet coach given away by Association Nephi Drug Company Exclusive agents for East Juab County FOR SALE ion 8, Township 12 South, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the XOTICK FOR PUBLICATION land above described, before Eli F. Taylor, Register U. S. Land Office, Department of the Interior on the 16th U. S. Land office at Salt Lake City, at Salt Lake City, Utah, of 1928. day January, Utah, Nov. 19, 1927. NOTICE is hereby given that Claimant names as witnesses: Burt Rurrastoii, of Goshen, Utah,, John W. White. Russell Nelson, who, on Aug. 30, 1922, made stock-raisin- g homestead entry No. 02.7835 Lee J. Nelson and William Edwards all of Goshen, Utah. Section 9, for W'JE Eli F. Taylor. Register Sect SEV4NEV4. NE4SE at - It T- .- T 1 i .iftC - x- -- .- "V 1 T community budget. There is nothing- so valuable as friends and nothing-s- We desire to necessary as to keep them. with you maintain our mutual during the coming year and extend our wishes for a very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND When each one has conscientious ly done his part toward these com munity expenditures of money, time effort, and inspiration and carries them out according to. his ability Nephi will do bigger things, hav better things, seize greater oppor tunities, and realize larger divi CHRISTMAS GREETINGS e ilie Dinner Guest Brings Christmas Goodies IN TUB FIFTH DISTRICT COURT OF UTAH IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY. In the Mailer of the Estate William A. Newton, deceased. AM) of OKDKH TO SHOW CAl'SK The petition of Katie Luella New ton Kay praying for a decree of the ERMA'S Marcelling, Manicuring, Shampoo, Facial Treatment, Scalp Treatment, and other Beauty Work. Day Phone 59. Night Phone 182. Erma Lunt 73 South Main z?sueSsS3!&&l& mm mwt i, WF.ETMIIATS are aim ,st uni-- ! I.ct us lift the cover and lcok Inside. The fruit cuke is golden coll.M'J, ami n,'v tl'.n canan-dies, ra'. r.Ws arc hernm- - ored, heavy with nuts and raisins, !:i$r so wiildy in ':!;: i! for holidiy brilliant with citron and cherry, and giving, they arc v en ,ii.i-;land put up in rich with sugar and spice attractive most h.ni.l.iy array. Can- everything nice. It has been packed dies, assortment-- of which combine just ihe proper length of time for succulent sv.cets frctn ma!;; l.i ' s. these nood thinrs to mellow and are put tip in tin containers whie 'dend, and yet when the sharp knife iiuriiato jcv.rl ilrsirnp arc mad; to slices through, the consistency is for l.tngs; fruit 'rc.h and perfectly preserved, hav-nfiniccs. tr. c'ikr.i v.liich corvfu'tie rare spiis been scaled away in its airand choice fruit i, scasonci! with tight container. These cakes come tinir-- , just ss the fruit rakfs t.i.it d in one, two and sizes, o'.ir crnnf!m'thi:rs hid away to a;;t, and may be had in cither goTdcn are av.iil.iMo in riclily colored "tins: color or brown, depending on and nm put in in eve ymnn's vhether you prefer your fruit cake arc as fre.h as the lipMlv or heavily spiced. day they were p.ckcd in tiu-irnd Tti'j oblonr: box, handsome incial conta-iners- . beribhoned, is evidently candy. The These pali bix-arc a most v blue colors are dull gold and (jift from t!ic standpoint of iithoirraphed in leather effect and re- t!ie hostess who has niven much nililc, somehow, an old treasure tlioiifilit to the decorative of The contents are indeed a tlie house. Their rirli colors min .'le it'ft, chocolates whose color treasure with the clow of candlelight ; nd have not been pravd in pastt-iioar- d the sparkle of firelight acainst containers, and whose cens C'liris-rnof preen pine anil holly. ters are Soft and cienmy. And the (foodies within are stiU more welcome. Fruits, Candy and Nuts vcr-ah- ; made happy on Santa Claui day. Nuts are often the iho.ee of the man of the house, who prefers Vii3 toLacco to sweets. The proidem of ctetting fresh nuts which will stay fresh until the Kst mii is eaten, is solved by attractive tin containers the designs, for 'V most part, beinir conventional ones th.it npoeal to the man's sense of good . Pretty Boxes to K:cp To the causal observer it would seem that a great deal of art and labor has Lccn expended on thesr new boxes, v.diich will be wasted after the good things they contain ire gone. But the hostess knows better. She has in mind a score of usc9 for these rretty boxes That big fruit cake v,ill be an ' leal cookie container and brighten her pantry shelves, if it i n't r vtously converted into a handy s' g or manicure box. The oblon i box, padded, sachefed and si!! lined will hold her dainty l andl- ' chiefs and enhance the appcara c of her dressing table. The smaller nut or place fruit box will h ' trinkets. And hard candies th Glace fruits, the e' kind that are Rood for kiddies r'' of t,rte and concern for her ound. can be permanent-I.Ifnder lines, are another fascinat-i- t stowed away from damp sticky i' a kept firm and col- d;ys, in their tall containers. orful in metal containers Then The dinner ruesf, tli en has con- tl..Te are f ill cans of trihutrd sorrething not only to ti e hard candies for the kiddies who. Merrv but also to the of course, are the main ones to be lloppv New Year. ta.-.te- ej five-poun- "He Builds Wisely Who Builds Well" For good bicycle. Inquire dends. M. W. Mangelson Co. TT A s. ' XOTH'K PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Times-New- W, 1. 1 H8?j 23, 1927. s State of Utah, County of Juab, ss. Published Every Friday by the Times. I have in my possession the follow News Publishing Company. ing described animals, which, if not claimed and taken away, will be A. U. GIBSON, Editor and Manager. sold at public aution to the highest cash bidder at ray Residence in CHILDREN AGAIN. Nephi City, Utah, on the 30th day of December, A. D. 10 27, at the hour Christmas is for the children, of 10 A.M. Description of Animals: it is a children's holiday. But we On'e white face steer, about five If all can become children again, with brand re only for thiH season, and without years old, anbranded X on left ribs, and a sembling any harm, either. The blind faith with which the little bar on left hip. Dulaped and child awaits Santa Claus is needed marked, with crop and slit in right, a great deal more in a world grown and crop and underbit in left. Walter F. Brough, callous & skeptical, a world that has brand Inspector. become too ''Rmart," too cynical, too And unless we catch Last pub. December 23, 19 27. somehow, some of that sweet faith, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION the day shall pass for us without Department of Interior, U. S. Land meaning and without joy. office at Salt Lake City, Utah, Christmas brings happiness to November. 14, 1927. those in whose hearts the beautiful Notice is hereby given that John image of Santa Claus is a living and real creature. It cannot bring pleas- E. Hanson, of Levan, Utah, who on ure to the people who "do not be- June 7, 1920, made homestead entry, It can bring no peace on No. 026441, for lieve." ESW'i Sec 15, N W V NE Vt , NE4 earth to those who have turned from their old acceptance of SEVi, Section 22, Township 15 South the Christmas symbol of iovo and Range 3 West, S. L. Meridian, has good cheer and the spirit of giving. filed notice of intention to make Santa Claus brings, most of all, three year Proof, to establish claim the spirit of giving and if that were to the land above described, before a all be brought, he has carried Christensen, Notary Public, at precious burden. The gift is a mark Levan, Utah, on the 4th day of Jan of love, of the kind of love that uary, 1928. Claimant names as witnesses: breaks right out of a full heart to the whole world, the kind of love Lowell Hanson, Harry Yates, Victor that wishes all men well, unpremed- Finell and Wallace Neilson, all of Leamington, Utah. itated love. ELI F TAYLOR. Register Over all the world, from the shop windows, on the streets, in the homes, the time is at hand for the above entitled court adjudging and birth of that great love. determining that Katie Luella New 11 Nephi Friday, December NEPHI, UTAH S, A Merry Christmas and a PROSPEROUS NEW VICAR The Music Store ROBERT LOMAX. MGR. TO bUILD WELL pold-seale- s d -- HEPilLASTEB HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum In the World WEPHI PLASTER and MFG. COMPANY Golden Colored Cake Here is with fruit is a srene minptine with the a red e their Chiistmas - "ii-ln- v-- ar and fold Ikx fil'e-- J cake, The cover of ye ,,t, f,;,r,p ,t,in,,tr, whi't:- -. y w-n- rarils fall on a Tittie hamlet of long that ray-cofor- ' . s |