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Show Friday, December 23, 1927. THE NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- S, PAGE THRjEE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Quicker On The Start! ETROIEUHI ?0DUqj 4 The Choho beehive girls met at the ho:ue of Lillian Ord on Tuesday, the PAUCO gas potiitlvely gets away on the start quicker that the ordinary gas. It kicks your motor over on the colthwt morning, artd gives you plenty of power on the drive. And in the minutes while your motor is "warming up" PAROO oil and VKKDOli flow smoothly, "film giving you the of protection." i J'oine and let us supply you. Judd's Garage G. R. Judd. Nephi, Utah Hudson and Essex Cars Posi-S'-crtt- Taxation Made Easy Vicit n her very Dear Ola (visltinu sick brothel ; I've had n very nice letter from Emily. She siys she's so sorry she ain't able" t" come mid see yon but she hopes 10 he iihle to come to the funeral. London Humorist. ouUi Verse Much verse fa( ' cause .It was not W, right crisis, though inconceivably near to it. It is only by a miracle that poetry is written at all. It is not recoverable thought, but a hue caught from a vaster receding thought. Thoreau. Miss and Worwood, Winnie Nielsen- were in Salt Lake 19th of December. Refreshments City Thursday. ' were perved to Earnestine Ftoote, Eva Lucy Garrett, Lapriel Jones, Sheriff M. M. Kaighn and deputy Cowers, Arvilla Bracken and the sheriff William Laird was over from hostess Lillian Ord. busiEureka Tuesday transacting ness at the county court house. Waldo Jones, came up from Sacramento, Tuesday, and will spend the Christmas holidays in this city, visiting with his parents, Mr. and ,Mra. Edward Jones. Waldo has boon employed by George Tolley, a former Nephite, and a contractor in the California city. NATION-WD- E INSTITUTION- - if ' JUTN NEYIO. "where savings are greatest Miss Edna Anderson came down from Salt Lake City Thursday and will spend the holidays with her mother Mrs. Betsy Anderson. Heed Greenhalgh and Charles Miller returned home Tuesday after spending a three weeks vacation in issued Southern California. A marriage license was Wednesday by county clerk J. H. Vickers to Paul J. ftladsen, and Cora County assessor Joel Taylor an Anna Jensen, both young people of county recorder E. B. Sperry were Fountain Green. Uishop Thomas in Salt Lake Wednesday. The counBailey performed the marriage ty assessor met with 'he slate board of equalization, relative to some tax problems while in Salt Lake, Lester Uelliston was appointed to the position of State Koad Agent Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pay left this with headquarters at Nephi, by the morning for Long Beach, California, state road commission. Mr. Uellis- where they will spend the Christmas ton took over the state road work holidays with Mr. ,and Mrs. Allan Monday, and has charge of the state S. McCune. Mrs. McCune is the roads in East Juab County. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pay. 1 You have helped as make the past year a busy year a happy yar - successful year; your Encouragement has been our constant Inspiration. We wish to express our appreciation of your Confidence in our Store and oor Or- m n i n t m and tn with Vrtfi nnr! Vom - j Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize VI j I ii A Merry Christmas and a . Happy iNew Yew . L Were tiie superfluities of a nation valued, and made a perpetual tax on benevolence, there ' would be more almshouses than poor, schools than scholars, and enough to spare for government besides. William Penn. Poetry being poetry beii exactly at the may have beer, Mrs. Elias IW 3 Adding a Bit to the Terrors of War si Bridegrooms Pick Types helpful German philosopher has made it easier for a man to decide what sort of a wife he ought to have. All he has to do is to find out whether he Is a hyomapie cyclothymous type or an autlstisc schcizold. As soon as he knows this the rest Is easy, says tapper's Weekly. A E Prof. Ludwlg Quhkle of Oerniany (left) and M. Ferdinand F.uisson of France (riht), to whom was awarded the Nobel peace prize. Quidde Is originator of ninny schemes for, international peace and Buisson has worked earnestly and long toward the S;inie end. Two DETROITS Sehiff Trophy Given Lieut. Gavin i The French arm; has developed some new motor equipment that was demonstrated at recent maneuver. The photograph shows a motorcycle war fiiB carrier. ; would fit into Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Salt Lak City, Utah November 19, 1927. DUNLOP yfr lj. i Throughout the world the productive f . 1 I CITY" . ' . , NOTICE is hereby that given Zelda S. Trotter, of Goshen, Utah, widow of Maston S. Trotter, deceased, who, on Sept. 8, 1922, made stock raising homestead entry, No. 028154, for NViSE, Lot 1 SEyNEV4, Sec. 34, NV4. Section 35, Township 10 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Provo, Utah, on the 20th day of January, 1928. ill 5 NSH, Duo-lo- p properties cover so vast an area that if combined into one place they would form a "Dunlop City" of over 100,000 acres. started to make BEFORE Detroit had founded the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION TO HEAD CHAPLAINS motor-car- s, pneumatic tire industry. Thanks to the automobile, both Detroit and "Dunlop Gty" have grown tremendously. Now Detroit reaches out over 52,686 acres, while"Dunlop City"covers over 100,000 acres. And even greater than the size of "Dunlop City," is Dunlop's world-wid- e reputation for building uniformly supreme Dunlop Tires. Supreme quality made possible Dunlop's great size. In turn, Dunlop's great size makes possible this same supreme quality, at lower r i of the lleibert Sclii:T Memorial tt"p!iy by President I'nolide in Lieut. Arthur Gavin, navy flyer. Gavin, horn in Ashland, Wis., was awarded the trophy for having had 805 flying hours for the year without au accident. Governor Moody Is a Marksman Lieut. Col. Edmund P. Easterbrook, who has Just been named chief of chaplains with the rank of colonel, to succeed Col. John T. Axton, who retires April C. IOJ'1. Eli F. Taylor, Register. First publication, Dec. 2, 1927 Last publication, Dec. 23, 1927. EE i 1 SEASON'S ' .' I GREETINGS - I.. .1- prices. You can expect more of Dunlops. D1IHIOP Claimant names as witnesses: Ercanbrack, Ai. L. Buxton, L. E. Thomas and Ersel Steel, all of Goshen, Utah. O. L. i . .. 'I, ., '-. -- ' W lZS. ' t To tin- - Tropic of Kast Juab County lUst Wishes for A Merry Christmas I and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR A. V. Pyper Page-Fairle- ss Motor Co. ' , ' ' '"'-- -. ' : Gov. I'.ill Mooily of li ,is Willi day of the shooting msiwoii. it ij, I at !. f .. iit (N on .... ...'1 y il he nrst Insurance "The Insurance Man" Loans Uond-3 |