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Show THE T1MES-NEW- NEP1U, UTAH S, LOCAL NEWS Opportunity Always Mr. Allan McCune of Long Beach, Is spending the week here I shall be In Nephi about October 23rd, and will be prepared to tune your pianos. See me while In town Stellman Cowan was down from M. H. Sperry. Salt Lake Saturday vsiting his parents in this city. LOST, between Nephi and Levan spur, a Ford tire and tube, mounted Mr. and Airs. Rodney Sutherland on rim-Fin- der return to Bent Bryan of Salt Lake City were guests Satur2 year FOR SALE OR TRADE day and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer E. Forrest. old Hereford Bull. See. Jenkins Bros. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Neeley of California, are visiting with re Plenty of good crisp celery, onions latives and friends in Nephi this and Starks Delicious apples for sale week. See Jos. R. Price. California, renewing old friendships. Seems To Come To the Man Who Has Saved His Money Because there is always a time that a small capital coupled with a big ambition to succeed finds a place among' the winners. Attorney Jacob Coleman of Provo WANTED eggs, veal and Utah, was in Nephi Monday attending hops Mutual poultry, Creamery Co. Claren to some legal business and shaking ce G. Foote, Manager. hands with old friends. Rest assurred that when it is acquired you will find an opportunity to go in and win. BULL'S EYE ONE DOLLAR will start your saving account. Xditor and Qeneral Manager WILL ROGERS And the desire to keep it growing will be a big factor toward success when you come face to face with opportunity. Nothing but Texaco roofing was used on the following places: New City Hall, X.L. Bakery, Carter's Meat Market roof, Kendall Bros, roof, Cen tral Motor roof, and L. M. Pexton's new home R. Hawkins, agent, stock of We have a complete If you are in need Texaco roofing. of roofing, call R. Hawkins, at 77 If you want good Texaco. R. Hawkins. Nephi National 3 acres of land for sale close in. 2 acres in apple orchard, also 2 shares of water for ?900. Will take $500 down payment, balance on terms to suit See Will L. Hoyt. "The Peoples Bank" Canna bulbs for Smith. L. Two-Piec- e ' er, Another "Bull" Durham advertise-merit bv Will Rogrsv Ziegfeld Fol- he and screen itar, and leading American humorist. More coming- Watch for them. I I I1 1, 1 I JI - Li- 7 The Clown y Y . and f r Z ' ? yk. Svc. 1 ft f ".' i - . . fiu.iiiglupu oi U. W. and center of the University of Iowa. Griflin claim to have very fine material from which to construct his l'.CJij football squad i i . ji-tul- n OHCHCH0OOKSHCHtHjH5rtHSHKHCH5 DIPPING INTO SCIENCE g blouses and dresses. Jumper sweaters (to be worn with separata skirts) help to maintain the prestige mode In apparel fer nf the ordinary daily wear. The return of navy to favor this fall is another fnrtor that contributes much to the success of blouses. This conservative hut spirited color, Is the best of all voWtinns for utility wear and makes a fine background for enlivening trimmings. A blouse of navy canton crepe Ls shown In the picture with immune of Persian crepe. It Is very simple to make and very pleaRlng In with navy worsted Worn design. iklr with Inverted plaits at the front and sides, it makes an Irreproachable e wear, nstutne for business or two-piec- Thunder When lightning flashes the air through which it travels becomes heated. Expansion and compression result, followed by a quit rU(.n 0f air into the vacuum tlmt produced. A straight, short flash rentes a sburp clap of thunder. ,lil,e .oli-w- al "it- - Is by peals, rattles, and n l""K cd z'K-zh- rumble. The nimble in :iiuily llie echo from the clouds. Won'ero Newpper ITniun.) c. ii . e A constant reader of my "Bull" Durham Ads writes in and says; "If there was another smoking Tobacco the equal of "Bull" Durham a lot of us would quit you no matter how much it cost. But alas there is r.o equal at any price as we have all found out at various times. So we must hasten to turn the pages and groan, whenever we encounter the CLOWN Ads of Will Rogers, who is trying to discredit the worth of the WORLD'S FAVORITE i I i M i 173 J. There will be another piece Look here two weeks from now. for it. The sister and relatives of Thurza to Vickers wish thank the neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted at her death and burial and those who brought flowers or assisted in any way. Margaret Hinckley. M. We are now in our new location, clean gents prepared to French-Dr- y suits and overcoats. Our specialty Ladies Coats, suits and fancy gowns. Repairing neatly done and work guaranteed. Attention given to all parcel post orders. Prices reasonable. Gem Cleaning and Dyeing Co. 775 East, 2nd South, Salt Lake City. Frank Russell, manager. One thing they worry don't about bandlU, hev t about learln hairpins for clews t am nnmwANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF CITY TREASURER OF NKrlll AVn rTTV PROVIS CITY. AND REPEALING IONS OF ORDINANCES IN CON FLICT HEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF NEPHI CITY, UTAH:- 1. That heetnnlne- on the first day of January 1926. the salaries of City Treasurer and City Recorder ot ise- phl City, Utah, shall be as follows: City Treasurer, $600.00 per annum; Cltv Recordpr J720.00 ner annum: 2. That such parts of Section 452 nt a n nrrifnnnrA nnRHPrl hv the CitV Council of Nephi City, Utah, on the 20th day of January, 1922, In con- flirt hprpwlth hp nnrl the same are hereby repealed, to the extent of such 3. This ordinance shall take eff . ect upon its publication. Passed bv the City Council this 20th day of October. 1925. THOMAS BAILEY, Mayor Attest: Martha E. Vickers, City Recorder. room or 5 . . State of Utah, County of Juab, City $13.00 to $125.00 $50.00 to $100.00 We arc ivinc copper cooking1 utensils away with every Kanjre purchase. KENDALL BROS. mttM!Mf''r''Tt,'fMr,M!iv(Tr,Mtftf!iiitn ,fM.M)t!tMfi'""ri"!" .iiiiiitU'"!"'1''-- ' ' ....:!,.,'. itMMttruii ii!i.i'ilUi'KiiiiiiiitiiiiitlHu)4iiMii4i(oliliutilhiHtilUMlhiimti Successors to Lunt Pharmacy Co. Nephi, Utah Phone 43 1 PULL Durham Guaranteed by 1 1 1 Fifth Avenue, New York City WHAT MY NEIGHBOR SAYS XOTICK OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District in and for Juab County, Utah. H. E. Hoagland, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas When one has had the misfortune G. Clegg and Rachel A. Clegg, and to' suffer from backache, headaches, D. J. L. Davis, Defendants. dizziness, urinary disorders and other To be sold at sheriff's sale on the has found relief from kidney ills-a- nd all this sickness and suffering," that 14th day of November, 1925, at 11 person's advice is of untold value to o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front riends and neighbors. Te following door of the county court house in ase is only one of many thousands. Nephi, Juab County, Utah, the foliiut it is that of a Nephi resident. lowing property, to wit: Who could ask for a better example? The Southwest quarter of Section Mrs. Louis V. Cooper, Fourth 2, Township 15 South of Range 1 North Third West St., says: "My West of the Salt Lake Meridian in kidneys were disordered and caused Juab County, State of Utah, containDoan's pains in my back. Pills, ing 160 acres. which I got at Lunt's Pharmacy, Together with all water and rights have never failed to give the desired to the use of water heretofore and relief." (Statement given April 4, now used upon said land, or in any 1917) way appurtenant thereto, also all On September 22, 1922, Mrs. easements, rights-of-wa- y and other Cooper said: "I am pleased with the privileges, and every part thereof. n suits I obtained from Doan's and Dan .Martin, Sheriff. gladly confirm my former statement" By P. P. Christison, Deputy Sheriff. Price 60c at all dealers. Don't Dated, Oct. 19th, 1925. iimply ask for a kidney remedy Morgan, Coleman & Tucker. set Doan's Pills the same that Mrs. Attorneys Provo, Utah. Foster-Milbur- n Cooper had. Co., First pub. Oct. 23, 1925. Last pub. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. November 13th, 1925. of Nephi, 88. I Martha E. Vickers, city recorder fn nnt tnr anM KTonhl Cltv QtotA nf Utah, hereby certify that the fore going Is a full true, and corrcet copy of an ordinance entitlpd an Ordinan ce fixing; the Salaries of City Treasurer, and City Recorder of Nephi CKy , and Repealing Provisions of Orrilnnncn In Conflict Iterewlfh nan ned by the city council of Nephi City and approved by the mayor, as tne name appears on file and of record In my office. WltnefiK mv hand and the cornor ate cal of said Nephi City, this 20th day of October, A. D. 19 25. Martha E. Vlckern. (Seal) Off With Rush COLES' DOWN DRAFT RANGES. Savings. A A Share in the word of explanation on prices We buy in large quantities and get the lowest price. We give our customers the benefit. We will take your old range and allow you a good price for it. We guarantee to save you from One Third to One Half your coal bill. COMFORT WITH ECONOMY fPnrnnrAla ftpnll 1 Ord and Mangelson AN ORDINANCE conrnct. Don't wait until Winter Come in now while we have a pood selection to choose from. Heaters To Heat Ranges From IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU Is of Interest To Nephi Fo'ks bobbed-hai- r See that Bird wrote this whole Ad for me himself. He knocked rr.e but he boosted "Bull' ' Durham. He fell right into my hands. Its only by the wisdom of our smart people that us CLOWNS and Fools are allowed to ride in Limousines. They sr.y "The Lord protects the foolish," so, I am nestling ri',;ht under his wing. So thanks Mr. Smart Man, write us anodier Ad. It will only cost you two .cents , P. S. CHARTER OAK & UNIVERSAL STOVES AND RANGES your spooky party WANTED veal, pork and poultry. Phone 7 or Highest prices paid. TOBACCO." day-tim- i Mr?, T. CARD OF THANKS TheWise Guy ' -- a child's white knit sweat Finder notify Mrs. T. L. Smith. L " - See Chocolate Ice Cream will go well at LOST Mode 1 "v sale- Everything For The Kiddies use The former ranch of the late Dav Cazier, land, water and See building for lease or sale. David Cazier. Bank the roofing, id William FcJl Blouses Promote Everything For Your Party Let us give you a price on your roofing needs. R. Hawkins, agent for Texaco roofing. Start saving toward the small capital today. Fine Material at Iowa Hallowe'en Headquarters City Recorder For Smaller Homes and other Buildings, Ideal Vecto Heater, has no seams to leak gas, all cast in one piece. Glow Paneals resist the heat of the fire and allow the to shine cheerily through.. fire-ligh- ts Everything in Hardware Cooper Pyper Co. |