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Show J t THE flMliS-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, sum The Times-New- Ar. Armnnt" With Us Gives Prestige i s Local Happenings Published every Friday by The Times News Publishing Company lone NeilsOu, of the J. C. PenLIHTOU ney store, is spending her vacation ut Chilly, Idaho, the past week. MANAGER ,V,is) DENNIS WOOD A, 13. GIBSON ! ! Air. and Mrs. A. V. Gadd and family are spending the week at the Far-nfeEncampment at Logan. Subscription Hates $1.00 Six Tuontlis Mr.s. ITenry Spencer, and To be able to say, "I have an account in THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NEPHI" gives you an identity in busi- t Many unsightly patches of weeds are in evidence aiong aiain oumi, which pivca th'a thoroughfare anything but a desirable appearance. With the hundreds of tourist cars week, passing through here every sufficicivic pride alone should he ent to induce property owners to atleast cut down como of the most The handling of that banking connection is the "Bradstreet and once started Dunn" of your business future Today's the day. Back of the physicians and hospitals, are the drug stores, the base of supplies, the service stations of civilization. Even if one pharmacist in a community had all the business of supplying medicines for sick unfortunates, the margin of profit is so small that it would not enable him to stay in business and continue to furnish the many conveniences of the modern drus'" store which onerates faithfullythrough longer hours than most any other business That is the reason why the modern, pharmacist carries a multitude of related articles that he must sell in order to be able to serve you when an em- crgency occurs. YEARS OF EXPERIMENTAL WORK TWENTY-ON- E o"- ICs a poor noxjous specimens. vertisement for a city to have weedy Well" to iim.n wkix Lt'SE Nephi Plaster Streets. (Continued from, page one) unanimously agreed that this was a met profitable day for Juab County farmers. "In the evening a lecture wa3 givc en at the Tabernacle where Dr. was greeted by a largo audience. '"The great interest aroused by these experiments and this year'a in actual dry farming will without clouuc result in great good to the community. A large and hitherto lat ent lesourco will doubtless bo de- TAX REDUCTION Whether it ho by President or by any o'.her public official or agency, enoria iur iai i:"i. " will meet with popular approval. The tax burden is real, and bears '" Dr'er WiWams It's high time for folks io quit play-in- " de devil. Kf they tries to whip him round de stump, they gits dizzy an' falls over, an' ef they fights him with fire, he knows more 'bout fire than what they knows. P.etter try to put de fire out by turnin' de hose on him. Atlanta Constitution. IN' THE DISTRICT COURT OK JUA1J COUNTY, UTAH RAYMOND CAZ1ER and DAVZU CAZIER, Defendants. NOTICE TO LIENHOLDSR3, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons holding or claiming liens on the t: within described premises, ' to-wi- ? : - st j rpiinT:E are two a kihhI deal in my '.'. Ii thai time. I h.ne aim-belili,-cni-iileran relieve strain the inibl ic) In lell Smith Hint I mi ill ruined ids fan ning liiaiitier. Hint caw llii'uiiifli ll.itrvrlen mul In- - rlW ibi no .imi'I it rto'iid lorluye.i, Sniitli. tind II wniid Mir up t'l'cril In hi" listi iied "l l peiiei ally, m held in 1 I '- i ft Ffi I J lutller. I'nl ynii ever think wlait fua I' woiii be. If only fur a brief time, f be freed fmni the e. iiierlintail re- Mre!i!t under uhii h f all tin the regular btineKn of our dally liven and Pave n chance to tell people our real llictl-bis- , l ui 3 In Ka.v what we think? I waked up the-- oilier liib' hiu!iin at :he epreinn oil the face li t I".'ank hlnMei iiu nf i'ru; eii-jhhI bi ;i!in' I have INIened tu for giHel many years, mul in whom in my t'reiirns i had bad the Kinr.it'i- I" It i! Jilfl I111W Ids brain MnliiK nili'i'led me lineil, tl lie tn. clil well li.ivc ll? n Pent, fur i had lilwnyii ' before laketi bin talk very pint idly. 1 know It Is J."i'"i praetlrrt (r hob! are lirreil and In when one's one's paMctne tsie.l. It is more rest (ill lo smile Iliad to weep, or In Intra! I bine had l.iiip lit of miier Into of the discipline, mul I have reaped few i.f the beiiilits that come not fpiin m If resiriunt. It Is true list Ihe vvui'iii m i aionally turn, that once rf ii bile the I cl of lis is taken off t" bi ttuard. bit toy forielal il.enry no tmi-lidure. to he mini, to to say (df as.mt. i:gneali e ll i.i.s. or lo keep quiet. I know did wilt till' the pU'asatucr mid n:ore r,.titro,r, ,iii U, the prcntrr strcii"lli In; tmjlj 11 u, j 11 s as you buy Tires and car built to give mileage Royal and mileage. They resist heat, hold their Ehape and retain their elasticity. To get all the mileage out of a new casing or to make an old casing lat-- t put a U. S. Royal or j j XL 8 Grey Tubes Maite of Zfrvyril Rubber the r'J'" and itiort tinilnrnv rubber known tmd no-- v toa.le even heavier than before. I j j j 4 f T1' 1 UniteJ States Tubes ore Good Tubes TrJ 11 Luy U. 3 Tubes from ! I . Grey Tube inside it. 11 '"' get j - : ways a Ifs I l . Pu'-hcn- owner can buy tubes. can 40 out looking for price it. nd Or'Iis can buy tubes that will ;;:ve KIs casings a chance to deliver the mileage that is built into them. U. S. Royal and Grey Tubes are , I s, Buy Tubes as Carefully I haw ' ne.f-t- o - J thence south at a right angle S9 rod:i and 14 links, more or less, to the south line of the northeast quarter of said section; thence west along the south line of the northeast quarter of said section, 91 rods and 13 links to the place of beginning, containing, 79.93 acres, more or less. Heginnin.5 at a point on the south line of the northwest quarter of said section 7, said point being 51 rods and 10 linkn west of the center of said section; thence east along the south line of the north half of said section. 141 roda and 53 links; thence south at a riht angle 2 rods and 6 links; thcce went, to a point 23 links south ef the point of beginning thence nr-r- iv, 2:i iii.i;s to the place ot b"K'nnirg. containing 161 square-rodmore or less under the provisions of Title 6.1-Chapter 1. of the Compiled laws oT Utah. 1017, and all laws and statutes supplementary and amendatory there to, to be and appear before the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District," in and for Juab County, State of Utah, at its Court Room in the County Court House at the City of Nephi, County of Juab, Slate of Utah, on the Hth day of September, 132.". at the hour of two o'clock P. M. of said day, and to exhibit then and there the proof of said liens. BONNEVILLE LUMBER COMPANY Beginning at the southeast corner of the nroth-wequarter of Section 7, Township f 13 South Range 1 East, Salt Lake Ease andMeridan; thence west the south line of the northwest quarter of said Section, 51 rods and 10 link3; thence north at a right angle 74 rods to the center of water ditch; thence northeasterly up the center of said water ditch 22 rods. more of less, lo the center of a street ; thence east parallel with the north limcm portrait of Mine. Olive Kreni line of said Section, 38 rods and 19 stall, upern and concert star, who links, more or less, to, the east Uno of Plaintiff has bet h planted a divorce In Tort the northwest quarter of said section K'am Clinc, Attorney for Plaintiff land, Maine, from Harry I,, ltralniird thence south along said easf line- - 5 of New York on the ground of deser rods anij 4 links; thence east at a First PiiblicaMon July 24, 1925, ' vioi.t lull, 'i'bev ' ere marred in 1!10 O" Ave 7. in?". si rods and 18 links; l.f - ! Cor- - V3 ' There Seems to Be Always Something WE CHANGE THE WATER DAILY. i Geo. D. Haymond, Owner v 1 large parties. i X Nephi Drug Company ! HOLDING IN ri-.- l where the water is 95 per cent pure and 90 degrees temperature. Bring your parties and picnics lots of shade and best accomodations. Just a nice drive from Nephi on all paved highway. Special rates to i WE ARE HERE TO SERVE poration, Plaintiff, 1 ARROW i n HOW'S THIS? SWIM AT 107 v re-sui- ts IHT.I.'S .ATIt.H )!V'I)1(!R wl" do what ve claim for it your tysie'i By Ti;o:.! S ARJCLE CLAK'C of Catarrh or L'eainess caused b; Dean of Men, University of Ca'tirrh. llinoit. An mi nfr:mciR con- ii a li, 's catOintnw-r.wists which Qult-Hof an Relieves the catirrlial Inflammation. uml , the Internal Medicine, a Yonic, which acts through the Blond on the M' o' s ISAIAH TITCS whs one of the most kin-Surfaces, thus restoring normal condi irascible, expluMxe children lions. opposileast a The was when boy. Sold by dmeiristfl for over 40 Tenrs. F. J Cheney & 'o Toledo. Ohio. tion or contradiction or teasing would ordinarily set him off into a frenzy of angry words, which lefl him beiih? himself. Occasionally, however. He would exhibit lit- - must phenomena! lit wlih !i and sui pi ishiy self-- i tiiiK s we v. ere wnat to remark lli.it U.ihili was iitililiii in." ThU Imliiii in pices is not even in tfilull and everyday life, nihl by no means unnecessary. The ( Mnvcntiiiii.ililies of sucb t.v reipiire e lead a life of nins'timt that and fi ll restrain!. We woii'd Iimi ,e able In in bllfiuess il we ,ive regular exprp. s!"Q n- the ihinjs we Ve e;inaul iieliiilly ilunli mid feel. safely tell eveij stupid man t!iit iie In ii biiel eal IVp smile and utter pleas. nil drivel when ne slni'iM like In fhout unHiliemim or cull people names. We endure bores and bullies tind entencps. and Kpenk ciitnplltnentHry we ,ire tuii'isiiii; for keep quiel wln-expression, lust because- it if ii;ih- ;nHtle to i.i mi. it is stronger and vvjm i mul safer. Jfetl x Wid-a.o- f l t I YOUR DRUGGIST IS MORE THAN A BONNEVILLE LUMBER CO a HAS NO F.OUAl. 1 " fccr.v'ly on everybody. The fanner sells his crops and in pfvri more (o the tax collector than he keeps for himself. Last year the railroads of the Unite! State? veloped. "It is now fully demonstraed that paid $340,000,000. in taxes, orto $:'.0. the there was 000. 000. more than was pa'd opportunity last spring which any jtr.oa vv.iii $2i. and a stockholders. lerchnp's mils1 arid their taxc-t- o team 01 hordes could have takea ot and become fairly the sellins price of tho'r goods bur-do- n in bi mouths." and v.src-;- , thus passing the lax cB to the consumer, but as taxes pales decrease and rise, prices Mjhs. Olive Fremstad dwindle. profits The tax buiden cannot lie shifted or indirectly, it falls on the At leiist til' folks Directly The only way to repuhiic. o whut don't Kit scale to up econmy anil 's it duce fnr !n life have a er.rer.scs. (From the down sca'e lot of fun t'Ptttn' toManufacturer.) Unoikin an" gether the folks ttiet dol "He Unlltla Wisely Who Ituiltl phar-hacis- ' the State Press Association outing held at Logan Saturday and Sunday returning home Monday evening. First National Bank V demics go through the hands of the modern Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wood, and Mr. and iMra. E. Ii. Forrest, attended ad- AMI MK(. daughter Idaho, The proper banking connection has been the turning point in many a successful man's career. ItJMI'AXV Practically all drugs and medicines used in treating- disease, preventing illness, and in fighting epit. and Mrs. S. R. Winn returned home Thursday after a two weeks visit In Ulaekfoot, and Preston, WEEDS out. "Krll PUISTFR is in danger. Mr. ness that you cannot afford to be with- Tlic Ijirjject mul I'uroM Nn'ural IepoMf of fly p'lim In The World It's worth a lot, you'll say, if it is your life that M'ss I oris Spencer, of Salt Ltko City are spending iho week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ingram. t j rs Mrs. J. II. Hogan of Salt Lake City in the guest of her. sister Mrs. E, R. ForreU'thi3 week. 2.00 One Year HOW MUCH IS IT ! WORTH TO RE SURE? I JudcTs Garage |