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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, Nephi High School News ToO ur (From The N. II. S. Clarion) Friend; year. Nephi National Bank SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Save money on shoes. Have your Old Shoes Repaired and make them do for weeks longer and look like new. Prompt mail order service. GOOD V EAR SHOE REPAIRING SYSTEM BEST MATERIAL USED Prompt Mail Order Service Prices are soon forgotton but quality long remembered J. C. O. LOMAX A. Christenson Prop NephiUtata t'tah Nephi One Door South Nephi Drug ORA PLATA MINING COMPANY Location and Principal Place of Business, Nephi, Utah WILL L. HOYT Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Oraplata Mining Company, corporation, held on the 28th day Notary Public of November, 1924, an assessment of LICENSED ABSTRACTER And one-hacent per share on the out EXAMINER OF TITLES standing stock of the corporation was levied by order of said Board Office at County Court House of Directors made and entered upon N phi CH the minutes of said meeting payable immediately to the Secretary, of the corporation at Nephi, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment remains unpaid on the 30th day of December, 1924, at 12 o'clock noon be delinquent and advertised for Selected record parentage will sale at public auction, and unless Sale arrival guar- payment is made before, will be Postage prepaid. anteed sold on the 19th day of January, Dec. Jan. $14 Feb. Mar. $12 per 100 1925, at 12 o'clock noon, to pay the GRAHAM HATCHERY delinquent assessment together with liayward, Alameda County costs of advertising and expense of California sale. P. N. ANDERSON, Secretary of Oraplata Mining Co, Florida Key Railroad Location of Office, Nephi, Utah Construction of the 1'ifl miles of railLunt Building Miami from Florida over the road key, First publication, December 5, 1924 to Kev Went, cost $150,000 a mile. Last publication December 26, 1924 ATTORNEY AND fOlNSEIAK lf White Leghorn Chicks CHERRY BLOS- TO OUR 'ATRONS Due to the present high cost of Flour we arc compelled to increase the price of our I'rcad to 10c for a 16 Ounce Loaf, in effect This has been made necJanuary 1st, 1925. fact that we are now paying the to due essary almost double for our Flour to what we were a year ago. local We are still making good I'rcad from Flour. X. L. Bakery and Confectionery The comic opera, Miss Cherry Blossom, was presented by the stu dents of the Nephi High School under the direction of Prof. O. N. Olsen, last Friday evening in the .High School Auditorium. The play deals with the story of Miss Evelyn Barnes, an American girl born in Japan, whose parents die with fever, and she is brought up as a Japanese maiden. Her ratner s secretary uses her property for his own ends. When Evelyn, who is known as "Cherry Blossom," is eighteen years of age, Worth-ittgto(the secretary) returns to Japan on his yacht with a party of American friends. One of them, John Henry Smith, falls in love with Cherry Blossom and wish.e8 to njarry her, but Kokemo, who has brought her up as his own daughter, wants her to marry Tago, a rich politician. The action of the piece centers a.. round Jack's efforts to out-wiTogo Cherry- and Kokemo. Eventually BJossotn learns of her identity, comes into hor property, marries Jack, and all ends happily, The work of Mildred Ellison and Rodger Lunt in the leading roles of Cherry Blossom and Jack, was exceptionally good. Mildred was truly a dainty little Japanees maiden who won the admiration all by her clever interpretation. Rodger played very wtslj the part of the cavalier. Supporting Mildred and Rodger, were GordoH Wpp4 as Kokemo, the inn keeper; Lois Lunt, as Jessica Van derpool, Worthington's niece ; Clark Morgan as Henry Foster Joneg, Jack's pal and Jessica's lover; Paul Grace as Togo, the rich politician, and a d chorus. The work large of these people was also very good. The orchestra, composed of Verda Batchelor, Mildred Sperry, Wanda Petty, Elbert Warner, F.enry Orme, Jack Winn, Loren Kendall, Joey Batchelor, and Miss Vivian Peterson, played accompaniment to all of the songs. The music of this opera was beautiful. Sad and winsome In some parts, and happy and gay in others, the Japanese always suggesting rhythm. The stage represented Kokemq's tea garden, which was a very pretty scene accentuated by the beautiful kimonas and dress of, Cherry Blossom and her gay guisha girls. Mr. Olsen is to be congratulated on the success of this opera. It was due to careful supervision: and selection of voices. ut well-pieke- seniors ,, v In one bf the Junior reports. I believe it was the one Just after the Seniors won the basket ball series, the statement was made that sports especially basket ball was the seniors old. stand by in which tha Seniors were superior, but that In ft social way and in school work that they the Juniors were supreme. We the Seniors wish to correct this thaory not that we have proof that part of it at least is incorrect. We do not deny that we are supreme' in To sports, for of course we are. prove it Just ask any member of the Senior class which class Is superior in sports. And now comes Miss Lois Lunt and sets the record of having the highest average of any student who has thus far attended the Nephi High School Miss for one terra of school work. Lunt has an average of 94 per cent for all the subjects which she carries for the last term of work. This speaks rather highly of Miss Lunt and the Senior class as a whole. Now if any of you Juniors want to beat the present record of this school may be hard work and perserverancs will do it. Please note we said maybe. AN LXIIILAAATDi G EFFECT A bottle of Horbine on the shelf at home is like having a doctor in the house all the time. It gives instant relief when the digestion gets out of order or the bowels fail to act. One or two doses is all that is necessary to start things moving and restore that fine feeling of exhilaration and buoyancy of spirits whioh belongs only to perfect health. Price. 60. Sold by LUNT PHARMACY HOLIDAY SEASON Cast Chosen For School Play OPERA "MISS SOM" BIG HIT We extend our heartiest wishes for A Happy and Prosperous New Year. We assure you of our appreciation of the cordial relations which have existed between us during the past year, and of our earnest efforts to the end that the same friendship and good will may be continued throughout the coming AT THIS CO. The try..outs for the school play were held last night. The judgss were Mrs. Diane G. Booth, Mr. R. E. Davis, and Mr. Spencer Forrest, The following people were chosen for the cast: Vera Rerendall Clela Bailey David Quixano Bent Bryan Mendal Clark Morgan Baron Paul Grace Baroness Lois Lunt Kathleen Florence Chase Herr Papp Gordon Wood Quincy Davenport Loyle Adams Frau Quizano Blanche Burton we think of our customers as our friends. We like to feel that in a broad sense our customers are our partners that our success is but the reflection of theirs. And Students Home From The Universities The following students from college are wandering around the halls watching the N. H. S. students work their finger tips off: Qlenn Cole, Gean Qadd, Etrl Greenhalgh, Owen Gibson, Daken Broadhead, Lillian Worthington, Ernest Bailey, Raymond Bailey, Edwin Bailey, Melba Anderson, Margaret Foote, J, Will Andrews, Erva Andrews, Rex Qtsler, Leland Belliston, Clarence Cowers, Glen Garrett, Alice fSgwby, Vslma Barnes, Cleen and Ellis Sanders. the past year and hope you will share in the prosperity of 1925. IT PLEASES VS TO PLKASB YOU Ord and Mangelson MINT PHARAMCV CO. Nephi, Utah, The Pep Family At " the eve of a New Year, we extend to you our hearty good wishes for your support during so on Phone 43 Work Again The members of the pep family with the yell master met and. choose three new members to take the, place of those who graduated last year, The new members are: Loyle Adams, Wayne Sidwell and Carroll Bailey. New pep books will be made. All the students can hapd la yells and a free ticket will be given to the person handing in the best original yell. One hundred votes, for Basket Ball Queen, will be given with each Pep book that is sold. SOPHOMORE REPORT Are the S..O..P..H..O..M..O..R..E..S Slow? Tbe Sophomore Boys' Basket Ball team Journeyed to Moroni Saturday night to play a game with the Moroni High School Freshies. The 7 score was in favor of Nephi. A return game will be played In the near future and we hope to win it. The Sophomores will soon be busily engaged in planning for the best dance of the year. Which one? The Sophomore Hop, Did you renlly think there was so many Sophomores, before you saw them with their new red and white head gear on. 13-1- FRESHMAN REPORT The Freshmen are green but they are still growing The Sophomores are a bit yellow, the Juniors, a light brown, while the poor Seniors (who know It all) are a deep brown and by the end of the year will stop growing altogether. Right now we are all working herd before the holidays begin but don't think we are dead because we are not making a lot of noise. When the basket ball games begin you'll find wo have plenty of pep to boost for the Chrimson and Gold. , Christmas & New Year's FARES Will Be In Effect VIA DENVER & RIO GRADE WESTERN RAIL! GAD BETWEEN ALL STATIONS IN UTAH, WEST OF & INCLUD-INF WESTWATER, AT RATE OF ONE AND TIMES THE ONE WAY FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP, SUFFICIENT TO MAKE RATE IN A MULTIPLE OF 25. G ONE-HAL- AD-DIN- G TICKETS ACCOUNT CHISTMAS WILL BE ON SALE DAILY DECEMBER 19 TO 25, INCLUSIVE, 1924, WITH FINAL RETURN LIMIT OF JANUARY 5, 1925. Only Small Birds Sing Have you thought of It; It Is only the small birds that slnu? fou never heard a note of a sni from the cskI In your life, nor from the turkey or the ostrich; but you have beard It from the robin and the lurk and the mocking bird anil the caniiry, snd how they rHn sing! So It Is from the little fnlks thtit we expect the best nnrt sweetest things, the must cheerful find must loving work. 80. too, we expect to hear them sing as they Grit. go. Not a Bad Idea Interested In the "how" of your Job and the "How much?" will take enre of Itnelf. Exchange. H TICKETS ACCOUNT NEW YEAR'S DAY WILL BE ON SALE DECEMBER 30, 31, 1924 AND JANUARY 1, 1925; WITH FINAL RETURN LIMIT OF JANUARY 5, 1925. For Detailed Fares, Train Schedules, etc., Call on Nearest Rio Grande Agent |