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Show Published every Friday by The Times News Publishing Company Get Started Early ONLY FOUR MORE SHOPPING EDITOR DENNIS WOOD MANAGER A. B. GIBSON Subscription Ji.uo ?2.00 - LOCAL NOTES s In order to relieve the late day congestion, may we suggest that you shop early in the day. "We still have many useful gifts suitable for the entire family at a price you would care to pay. Ernest Sperry transacted business in Salt Lake City Monday. J. S. Ostler was down from. Salt Lake City Monday attending to some business matters here. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE a few days in Amos Irons is spending Salt Lake this week visiting with NEPHI DRUG COMPANY relatives. W. J. Sperry left Monday for Wells, Nevada, where he will be employed for some. time. First National Bank WE LEAD Edwin Bailey, son pf Mr. William Bailey, was among the number who received awards this week at the Agricultural College at Logan, for athletics. Mr. Bailey was a member of the winning relay team In the annual track meet last spring.. Mrs. Alfred Lunt, who is engaged in Temple work at the Manti Temple, to came over to Nephi Wednesday attend the funeral of H. F. McCune, also to visit with her children here during the holidays. C. E. Huish was over from Eureka Monday acting as jury commissioner, Mr. V. M, Foote acting from this side bf the county. A list of citizens who will be subject to jury service during fhe coming year were selected. Mr. Dun Cronin, and J. W. Paxman were appointed by Judge Burton, as commissioners to do the work, but the former was ill, and the latter was unable to " 'be here ; Monday. FOR HOME AND STABLE The extraordinary Borozor.e treatment for flesh wounds, cuts, sores, galls, burns and scalds is just a3 effective ia the stable as in the home. Horse flesh heals witb, remr.rkable speed under its powerful influence. The treatment is tlio same, for animals as for humars. First wash, out irifiU'U'.3 jrrew with liquid Borojetne, and t'.s ? Hozoao Powd-- r completes the ie.:V x T"H "(liii!d)" SOp. 60o ; vw,lop 0o n4 63t. flow by , ''LUNT PHARMACY To buy your Xmas Candy, Nuts, Lemons, Dates, and all kinds of Cured Meats. With each 25c purchase from our store we will give One Chance on the following: Christmas Box $5 1st Prize 2nd Prize Large Turkey 5 Pound Box Choice 3rd Prize Chocolates that every business pian in your town is a heavy Ladies Diamond Rings, White Gold Wedding Rings, Set Rings, Pearl Necklaces, Silverware and Clocks. EL BOUCHER i3E 1 SAVE HALF OF YOUR COAL BILL with a COLE'S HOT BLAST HEATING STOVE. We want to close them out before the end of the year, at larger town? Do you know that with your support that your town will rank with any of the towns in Utah? Do you want a bigger and more prosperous town? Then patronize your home town buisness men. They deserve it. This is your town. Help it grow! Start today. I WATCH THE CLOCK? sty- AT THE LEADING JEWELRY STORE. taxpayer? Do you know that money derived from, these taxes is put into improvements of your town Do you know that the business man of your town needs your unqualified' support to maintain his business? Do your know that when you patronize him you directly or indirectly benefit yourself? Do you know that every dollar spent in your town helps to build the town? Do you know that every dollar spent away from your town ' never cornea back? Do you know you have no faith in your town when you trade in other communities? Do you know that if every business man in your town closed his business it would be a serious thing for the town? Do you know that a thriving community is the backbone of a Fruits, Meat, Mince Meat, Oranges, for Men can be selected here in beautiful les and at prices to suit. WWW W Listen Folks! Do you tfnow GIFT WATCHES FROM MY FAVORITE GIFT STORE Wrist Watches for Women. Pocket Watches CO W i THIS IS THE PLACE OTHERS FOLLOW Jewelry That Lasts r.roc, . ft CHRISTMAS BEFORE Rates Six Months One Year to have money for Christmas and commence saving right now and keep it up during the coming year. A small amount set aside each week during this time will insure the individual having plenty of money' to purchase presents for his friends during this period of , giving. This bank offers every facility for opening a Savings Account combined with Safety and Service We pay 4 per cent on all Savf ings Accounts. DM5 BAILEY GROCERY & CY'S MEAT MARKET 3M WE ARE ALSO MAKING A BIG DISCOUNT ON TOYS BEFORE TAKING STOCK " ICE SKATES & ROLLER SKATES "Where The Trail , 20 per cent Off We are almost giving away everything in Hardware also a big stock of Air Guns, must be sold before Christmas. Divides" illlilliUiiiiill! J WKSTKRX MKIXVDRAMA There SYNOPSIS OP HCKXKS is Music in Act I Bob Manning's General Store, October. ACT II Mrs. Burton's Hotel Parlow, two weeks How Landor's Cabin, April, 4 month ACT III Act IV How Landor's Cabin, 8 months later. The Air. PLACE: A mu Coyote City, South Dakota. w itii a iug cast." tlay VA Why not purchase one of our Named Dob Manning Radio Sets and pick up a little of it you get it free! WE CARRY THE LATEST Easy Terms If Desired This is our line, and we are in business to stay, so can give you the service you arc u In Daynes-Becb- e Cooper Pyper Co. "SOMKTHINCJ NEW' T Kunk Watklns : Petro Walt Wanner Hud Smith Elizabeth Landor Colonel Bill Landor Rev. Clifford .Mitchell Ma Wi Cha Sa. Known as How Lander Mrs. Jim Burton Pete Swazey Sat. Dec. 27th Earl Gadd Elgin Garrett " $25.00 UP Arthur Pyper Viola Worthlngton George Otler 1 924 Music Co., Salt Lake Keserved Seats 80c. Children Priced from $42.50 to $425.00 Installed. Have in deck for immediate delivery sets tor .... 4Z.iU, 1U.UU $15&.UU 2b3.UU. X Will be glad to demonstrate either model. Cn nrn builders rf maintain the of li. A C. Sptq Eiect- - TIipv largest corps of Radio Engineers 25c. MATINEE SAT. AFTERNOON 2 O Clock p. m. Children 15c Adults Reserved Keats on ssle at Nephi DruK. Monday, December Curtain 8:16 POSITIVELY. I We handle only R. A. C. Line NOTE "Westinghouse" and General VENICE THEATRE Tickets: RADIO LaVar Carter Robt Park Owen Willis Roy Lomax S.1S Sharp ROBERT LOMAX MUSIC STORE Rep. H later. later. the order of their appearance entitled to. SETS FROM AT THE WINCHESTER STORE IX 4 ACTS 60c. 22nd. ment. Judd Garage t i I |