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Show - .,.. - y hil!iii!!!'ll!:!!!:ii!il!ll!i!n!l!!!l':ill!ll!ll!!llll!!l!!!!l!i:!l!l!llllll!llilll!ll!l!:ni ! li!lll!llill!ll!lll''B a 'home paper for I DEVOTED 1 HOME PEOPLE TO THE INTERESTS OF JUAB 5. L Liiniiiiiioiiiiii'iaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii DIES FROM HEADS KIWANIS iiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiw TO THE SAINTS AND FRIENDS OF HEART TROUBLE JUAB I ' Nineteen-Twenty-Fiv- As we approach this yule tide surrounded as we are with such bounteous blessings our hearts go out in gratitude and thanksgiving to the giver of all good and perfect gifts. The" past year has been fraught with the manifold blessings of Vernal Christensen. the 18 year B old son of Mr. and Airs. J. A. Christ.. H our Heavenly Father, our communities have been free from epidem- ensen of this city, passed away at 1 ics and the health of the pople generally has been good, for which nt e. a - - j of Nearly the entire membership the Kiwanis club were present at the regular luncheon held Monday at the Forrest Hotel. The occasion for the big attendance was due to the fact that the annual election of officers was due to take place. President Will L. Hoyt presided at the luncheon. Vocal numbers were rendered by the Misses Emma and Ellen Cole in their usual fine style. The resolution passed by the Commercial club relative to the elk on Mount Nebo, was brought to the attention of the club and referred to the Pnblis Affairs committee to report at the next meeting. The election of officers then took place with the following result: Will L. Hoyt, president; Earl Gadd, board of directors: George D. Haymond, Calvin Smith, I. M. Petty, Thomas O. Durham, Albert E. Smith, Arthur V. Pyper, J. Earl Reid The newly elected president, Mr. Hoyt, has occupied this position for the past six months, filling the un expired term of J. W. Boud, who re siened noon leaving for Salt Lake City. Mr. Hoyt has given general satisfaction to the members and was practically the unanimous choice of the club for the position. Mr. Earl Gadd. chosen for the office of vice president, has been the secretary for the past year and has made an excellent record in this pos ition, being always on the job and attending to every detail of the work. President Hoyt, gave a report on the condition of the organization ana outlined policies for trie coming year. .1' NEPHI HIGH SCHOOL NOTES OF THE WEEK Ruth Grover. Reporter large majority of the students N. H. S. are Interested in the "Melting Pot", (the school play for students have this year). Sixty-fiv- e handed in their names to try-ofnr purli nart. is to be Monday. Thre" The try-ojudges well be selected by Miss Langlois, to judge the best student trvine-ou- t for each part. Thl is tha biceest play and more difficult that the N. H. S. has ever attempted to put on. . A nt the ut ut Assembly program given by the Seniors. Wednesday Dec, 17. Lee Bailey Prayer Vocal Duet Waldo Jones and Clark Morgan. Thelma Warner Reading Hannah Schofield Vocal Solo Address Mayor Thomas Bailey Ray Bean Mandolin Selection Gordon Wood Live Sparks WINS CROSS WORD LUC IIUIUCT 11 11 0 we jmi liiil.i muuuuj TO COMMERCIAL CLUB SCOUT SERVICE STATION for the best the in which Judd Garage offered a prize of $10 divided into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes 1st, the" judges decided as' follows 2nd prize of $5.00 to J. R. Ostler, Pax-maprize of $3.00 to Miss Emma and 3rd prize of $2.00 to Bent Bryan. Mr. Ostler is given The letter-o- f below: Mr. Car Owner: When cold weather came, you made yourself and home warm and comfortable. Why not add to that comfort by making your car warm and safe? Think how comfortable it would be to have warm air coming in at your feet, 'instead of that cold draft vou now feel. Wouldn't you feel more at ease while' driving on slip pery roads if you were sura your car would not skid? It would save a great deal of time and grief, if you did not have to drain that radiator. Now why not he comfortable and at ease? Drive to our garage, and let us put a radiator cover over your radiator and a heater in your car. The latter will keep you as warm while on the road as if you were home. If your car is properly equipped with chains, you can forget slippery roads. A gallon of Anti Freeze, properly mixed and put Into your radiator, will cost $1.50 and will save you the trouble of draining it. Perhaps it will save you the price of a new radiator. Tonight may be the nfght that you will forget to turn that petcock. Tomorrow you will have to buy all these things, together with a new the competition TO OPEN MONDAY written sales letter commencing next Monday December 22nd. The object of this service sta tion is to promote the idea of com munity service and usefulness, wnicn the scout is an important part of creed. The station which will open at 8 o'clock Monday morning, will continue until Saturday with the exception of Christmas Day when the station will be closed. Eight scouts will be on duty on each of the above days from 8 a. m. until 6 p. m. and will be at the service of the puhllc for general messenger and delivery service, etc. Scouts on duty will be Instructed to be on the alert for any any all opportunities to perform good urns not only initiated by him, but o any service that he may ho asked to perform in reason by any person The scout officials are desirous that the nubile take advantage of the services of the scouts at this station nrt use them to the extent that idle ness will be prevented and that the bjectives of the movement may be fully realized. SEMINARY STUDENTS TO GIVE PROGRAM s- n, radiator. Beat Jack Frost to it. by having will be your ear fully equipped for winter, The following program given Sunday afternoon at the North before he gets your number. Yours for service, Ward Meeting House by the students Judd's Garage, of the Juab Stake Seminary: By J. R. Ostler. Rulon Cowan The prize of $100 offered by Th Prayer Times-New- s for the nearest correct Song. Jesus Once of Humhlo Birth. Talks From The New Testament. answer to the cross word puzzl Hortense Carter CARTOONIST PLEASHH which was published in the last issu Birth of Christ AIDIKXCK Virginia Golden Baptism of this paper, was awarded to Clyd Ruth Grover Piano Selection Banders, son of Mr. and Mrs. v. Howard Mr. Sanders only missed Satan Tempts the Savior s,.nrif.r The lyceum number given at the Tanner, two of the words. The Sabbath Day .... Deon HellMon Venice theatre Wednesday evening, ... Kmner Memmott by Alton Packard, was one of the Faith In God Mrs. George O. Ostler entertained Vocal Duet. Blanch Worthington and beat entertainments given in this of the Social Neighbors the nv mbers Company. city for many years. For one hour . ar nflnrnnntl . , n Laura Price nnd a half Mr. Packard held his at ner nume r i Benediction, The time wan spent In sewing after audience In the best of humor, and which an elaborate dinner was served the frequent and prolonged applause l;l OK THAN KM fnllnwlnr: Mm. E. M. Oreen waR ample evidence that his efforts were appreciated. He Is ft cartoonwood, Mrs. J. E. Ostler. Mrs. George D Haymond, .Mrs. Gilbert uaiiey. ist and humorist among the best In Mrs. F. H. HeckWe desire to thank those who, at the country and an entertainer that 11II8 i v" Aiired. ' Mr. P II Cowan. Mrs O R Judd ihe funeral of our son and brother. Is hard to surpass. conMrs 11 Special guests, Mn R Hawkins Mrs. gave such kind assistance and dolence by their music, singing, L lintchelor. Mrs. Dennis Wood, Commis Mm. The Board of County June Kendall. Mrs. J. H. Lunt, Miss speaking, persona", services and tWv loners held their regular monthly of cars, and In nameless ways V M Koote, Mrs Mattle Vlckem, of meeting here Saturday, nil members in the hour t i,. M,.'hnrnn. Mies Ida farm's, The A H Ostler of the hoard being present. heren vement. .Mrs T. W. Viikers, Mrs. Mr. George O. Ostler Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Christensen and business" transacted i principally 1.t .!, of a routine. nature and of very litfamily. The rooms were hautifully decorated tle public interest. colors. In Christmas Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mulliken of Provo, Utah, are guest!" at the home A girl came to bless the home James W. Paxman transacted bus- of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Foote this of Mr.baby and Mrs. John Wilkey Sunday week. Monday. Lake City In Salt ings PUZZLE PRIZE t are very grateful. SALES LETTER feature of the" Nephi scouting program for the holiday per iod, a scout service station or live days actual duration will be maintained at the court house corner, . t ex-th- u.i.u TWO GAMES PASSES AWAY Kpliraim and Richfield Taken Into Cmiip By Local Banket Ball Team n Schedule Opens This Week. Henry F. McCune, Dies In Salt Lake MondayProminent Citizen Here For g g g The N. H. S. basket ball team g g ourneyed to Ephraim Wednesday g where they met the team from the g Snow Normal College in the first J As a ""special FORMER CITIZEN I're-Seaso- ning following several weeks illness of 1 jj Though we have passed through one of the severest drouths from heart trouble. in their forth and blessed have been yielded lands our our 1 six g his history, He is survived by parents, schoolg brothers and five sisters. These are: 1 strength) for the sustenance of the people, even to thoso best Eva 1 ed in the science of agriculture. Mrs. g Mrs. Julia Rasmussen, to moved Hoyt, Ivie J. Christensen, Frances H citizens have our g esteemed of some We that regret Christensen, Charles S., Rex, Oscar 1 other fields g to follow their chosen vocations, among them our worthy of Ne.. Merlin and Clyde Christensen of our the made which necessary reorganization stake 1 president Chrisphi and Marlow J, and Melvin 1 stake. Many changes have taken place in. the personnel of the g tensen of Los Angeles. Calif. of the stake as also some of the wards. g The sympathy of the people of 1 official family the to of and is extended the take this parents thanking g opportunity Nephi 1 The new officers chosen family in their beravement, tnis Dofor the confidence reposed In them, and for the hearty, loyal g people in ing the second death in the family g support given. g less than two years. the Lord g and is the 1 of Lord were progressing work the feel that We services funeral Impressive and g held in the Tabernacle Tuesday after 1 is sustaining the workers. Let us continue in the labor of love creeds men all all to of will and in of good hand fellowship extend the Thomas 1 Bailey being noon, Bishop who have a desire for the uplift of mankind. g "hare. J. C. Hall offered the opening nrayer. The speakers were: L. a. jf with a prayer in our g seasons to the all extend greetings We Pailey Sr., Will L. Hoyt, Robert 1 hearts that we may have a joyous Christmas and that the new year n Winn. Bishop Bailey and J. E. Taylor be replete with the blessings of the earth and of heaven for g of Levan, each of whom spoke words H may 1 seek righteousness. all who to the of comfort and consolation H.'BELLISTON A. 1 1 family. THOS. H. BURTON g Musical selections were renaerea 1 SAMUEL G. PAXMAN g hv the Misses Verda and Joey Batch- - 1 Stake Juab Presidency. eior, and vocal solos by Miss Vivian g Illilllllllllllllllllllllllllllill!! Peterson, Mrs. Louise Pyper, ana lIllilMIIIIIIIM Benediction Miss Mildred Ellison. was pronounced by J. D. Pexton. The body was taken to Levan ior SAM K. SMITH TALKS there. THE PRIZE WINNING InlprinpTlf in the cemetery casket. the covered Beauliful flowers In N.H.S.WIN STAKE-GREET- INGS n Passes Away Sun Annual Election of Officers Vernal Chi islciiN Services Hold Tuesday Evening Held Monday Earl Gadd day Afternoon Interment in the 1 Levan Cemetery. Chosen 1 Active Year Planned For Vice-Preside- The News, Vol. 8, No. 51 Nephi, Juab County, Utahj Friday, December 19th, 1924. The Times, Vol. 15, No. 51. HOYT a COUNTY iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiniiiiiii;;!!!;!:,;!!' WILL 1 A meeting of the Commercial Club was held last night at the club rooms at 'which time an able address was delivered by 6am K. Smith, secre tary of 'the Salt Ifake Chamber- of Mr. Smith Commerce. spoke at some length on the benefits to a community of a good live organizat ion, which would work unitedly for the upbuilding of the town. He ad vocated a general discussion by the club of the needs of the people and to ascertain what they wanted along lines of improvement and then work to that end. The address of Mr. Smith was greatly appreciated by the members present there being many ideas brought out that would be of use to the club in the future The location of the City Hall site was then taken up by the members and discussed at length. The sense of the meeting was to the effect that before the site was finally chosen the City Council should meet with the club and have the views of the mem bers, in view of the fact that the club was asked to make suggestions concerning the location of the site previous to the bond election. TO OBTAIN CHRISTMAS Henry F. McCune, a well known basket ball game of the present seas former resident passed' The game was fast throughout away at his home ofin Nephi Salt Lake City a win for in the and resulted Nephi Monday after several weeks illness. boys with a score of 21 to 13. Beal Mr. was born in May, and Thompson officiated as referee 1840 atMcCune, Calcutta, where his father The fol- was a British and umpire respectively. naval officer. He emlowing is the box score: braced the gospel early in life and 0 FT FG TP emigrated to Utah, in 1857, crossing Nephi tho plains with o: team. Ostler, Carl RF During the early days of this state Cowan, Rulon LF he served as a guard in Echo canyon, Worthington, Glen C and in 1865 saw service in the Black. Beck, Eugene, RG Hawk war. He was prominent in Starr, Wm. LG church affairs in Nephi for many Adams, Loyle LF years, also served ore term as post1 21 master having been appointed by 8 10 President Grover Cleveland. He also Snow Normal College G FT FG TP held the office of assessor and collector of Juab county for one term. 0 2 Cloward R F Was a member of the high council. 3 3 Thompson L F and the stake Sunday school board Kiesil C of Juab stake for many years. For 0 Stringham R G 3 several years past since moving to 0 Noyes Salt Lake City, he has been engaged Bagley At the time of his 0 in Temple work. 0 0 0 Isacson 0 death he held the office of Patriarch 0 0 0 Christensen of Liberty stake. Salt Lake City. He is survived by his wife who at 5 13 4 17 the present time is in feeble health, and the children: Harry The Nephi team were again victors McCune offollowing Los Mrs. Grace ast night at Richfield when they met Cazier, Spokane,Angeles; Mrs. HenWash.; the high school team In that city, rietta Coombs of Cardston, Canada; winning with a score of 33 to 15. Mr. Alfred McCune, of Cardston. The local team has some good Canada; George W. McCuno of Los material this season and will be Angeles. California; Mrs. S. J. Lunt heard from to advantage when the of Salt Lake City; Dr. R. A. McCune league games open. of Philadelphia; Mrs. B. W. Musser of Salt Lake; Dr. R. McCune, of. Ogden, Utah; Mrs J. W. Ure, Ogden, and C. S. McCune of Los Angeles, INCORPORATION OF He is also survived by. two brothers: A. W. McCune and B. J. McCune of COMMUNITY HATCHERY Salt Lake City The body was brought to this city for burial today. Services will be Articles of incorporation were filed held at noon in the Tabernacle after this week with the County Clerk of which Interment will take place In Juab County for the Nephi Commun the City Cemetery. The amount of the ity Hatchery. incorporation is $10,000.00 and Is subscribed for principally by the COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS members of the Nephi Poultry Association. The following are given as TREE AND PROGRAM on. 11 14 17 13 111 11 "0311 President, pfficers of the company: C. W. Johnson; S. P Neilson; secretary..treasurer, J. Wal ter Paxman; J. A. Kendall and Jos eph G. Irons, form the board of The machinery for the directors. hatchery Is now ordered and the building to house the hatchery will be erected in the near future. Lawrence Garrett, son of vMr. and Mrs. Brlgham Garrett, returned home Saturday from a two year mis His sion for the L. D. S. church. field of labor wag in the Eastern States mission. TREES SEE RANGER Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kendall were the receiplents of a surprise at their The Forest Rangers in each com munity have been authorized to mark for cutting only such trees as are found to be in too crowded a condit Ion and if you desire such a tree you should notify A. P. Christensen, the local forest ranger and he will in form you when and where trees can be obtained. He will be there on the given date to mark the trees and none must be cut except under his supervision. No trees will be sold for commercial purposes. Since the area" on which Christmas trees can be found are Inaccessible and isolated one or two days will be allotted by the ranger for this work. So, if you desire a tree, first see the ranger. Ask him when and where you can get a tree and arrange to be there on the dates set by him, and cut only such trees as he may de slgnate. It Is In this manner tha we. a good citizens, can do our share in conserving the timber re sources of the country and promot. Ing the growth of timber on our Nat lonal Forests. (Thes instruction received from the office of Forest Supervisor, Provo, Utah.) The N. H. S. Music department will present the opera "Miss Cherry Bios som" at the high school auditorium this evening. Under the direction of Mr. Olsen, the members of the cast and chorus have worked hard to bring; the production to a high stand ard. An orchestra of eleven pieces will furnish the music for the opera Many Years Services Held In Juab Stake Tabernacle. The time home Saturday evening. was spent in listening to a radio concert after which a chill supper was Berved to the following guests : Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Park, Mr. and Mrs W J Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Linton, Mr. and Mrs Harry Black. Mr. and Mrs Floren Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Wilkey, Mrs. Clarence Ingram, Mrs. A E. Read, Miss Alicia Read, Miss Gladys Kendall, Mr. Rex Tolley and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kendall. The windows of the various business houses of this city certainly reflect the Christmas spirit in the many choice gifts that are displayed. People here have no need to seek other places to secure their Christmas present for they are right here In rich abundance, and the prices are reasonable when the quality is considered. The merchants of Nephi ars up to date and provide for their patrons a variety of presents that will compare with any city In the country. Patronize your home merchants and keep the money at home. com- The Nephi Ward Mlssfonary mittee gave a dancing party at tho In Hall Monday eveninghonor of the return home of John A. Orme. Mr. Orme labored In the n with mission quarters the greater part of the In time at 8t. Gall. Switzerland. speaking of his mission to a repre sentative of this paper Mr, Orme stated that he enjoyed the experMr. and Mrs. Clarence Foote spent ience very much and visited many a few days In Salt Lake City the early beautiful places In Europe durl.ig Lis stay there. part of this week. Armory Swiss-Germa- - h-- ad The scout troops of the three wards of Nephi are sponsoring a movement for the establishing of a big community Christmas tree on the uncemented plot at the junction of main & center streets. Arrangements have been made with Ranger Christensen, for the obtaining of a large tree which will be approximately 3 5 feet in height. The city council have agreed to light the tree, and the M. I. A. of the three wards have been asked to decorate it. The reasons for the scouts Initiat ing; guch a movement are: 1st the advancement of the scout program through a worth while community project, and 2nd the enhancement of a real community Christmas spirit of (rood will, by uniting community effort In promoting this project. a .nlenilld community program la being prepared for presentation the tree on Christmas night commenclnc promptly at 7 p. m. Some unique features are being plan ned, an dthe entire program will be highly entertaining A real Santa Clans will be present to distribute Christmas sacks to every child pre sent at the program under 14 years of age. KNTKRTAIX ON BIRTHDAY The family of Mm. Jas. T. Bellis-to- n gave her a pleasant surprise Monday evening the occasion being her seventieth birthday. The table was soon prepared, the centerpiece being a cake, bearing seventy can dies which were lit, much to the joy of the grandchildren. All the children and grand children o fMrs. were present, except J. Will Andrews who Is attending school in Salt Lake City. Mrs. W. I. Brown, was also present. Mrs. Belllston enjoyed the surprise party and said she was glad tht she had lived to the age of three score years and ten, the event being made the occasion to greet her children and grandchildren who were a great comfort to her. Bel-ltst- The Nephi Ward Sunday School will present the pageant, "A Voice From the Dust ' at the Sunday arter' noon Meeting December 21st, at the Tabernacle of in honor of the birthday the Prophet Joseph Smith. |