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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, The Times-New- NOTICE OF SALE FOB DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT s Published every Friday by The Times News Publishing Company Get Started Early DENNIS WOOD A. B. GIBSON EDITOR MANAGER Subscription Rates Six Months One Year $1.00 $2.00 WILL GIVE PRIZES FOR BEST LETTERS to ha.ve money for Christmas and commence saving right now and keep it up during the coming year. A small amount set aside each week during this time will insure the individual having plenty of money to purchase presents for his friends during this period of giving. This bank offers every facility for opening a Savings Account combined with Safety and Service We pay 4 per cent on all Savings Accounts. i First National Bank THIS IS THE PLACE To buy your Xmas Candy, Nuts, Fruits, Meat, Mince Meat, Oranges, Lemons, Dates, and all kinds of Cured Meats. With each 25c purchase from our store we will give One Chance on the following: 1st Prize $5.0 Christmas Box 2nd Prize Large Turkey 5 Pound Box Choice 3rd Prize Chocolates Mr. G. R. Judd of the age is offering this week Judd three zes for the best sales letter on prigen-or- al garage supplies. The prizes are 55, $3, and $2, for .first, second and third, and the contest is confined to high school students only. The letters must not exceed 250 words in length. The winning letters will be published in the next issue of this paper. The judges wjll be selected by Mr, Judd from among the bus! ness men of the city, TO. MEN The American Legion, Nephi Post attention of all men to the fact that they should file their claims for adjusted compensation insurance before the end of the year. All who need help in making out claims may receive assistance without charge by calling at the office of Will L. Hoyt. Be sure to take your discharge certificate with you. No. 1, calls ! A. C. Palby A. C. Dalby Why not a good Monarch Range Worth $120.00 for $100.00. , A Vacuum Cleaner complete with all the attachments worth $X0.00 for $47.50. An Electric Washer worth $100.00 for $75.00. High Class Cut Glass Tumblers and Pitcher $1.00 per set. Highest Grade Decorated China Cups and Saucers $1.50 per set Candle Stick Sets with Fruit Bowl and Stand $3.00 Electric Toasters $4.50 and a thousand other articles to numerous to mention. To sec is to be convinced. And it is easiest answered by coming in today, before the rush, and see the hundreds of beautiful gifts that are here for men, women, boys and girls. And the prices are right. 140e 16 20.00 5 8.30 452C 15 8.85 39 36.50 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Co. WE LEAD- - foe ho:.ie and )THERS FOLLOW stable The extraordinarv Bnrnsnnn (n"itmnf. for flesh wounds, cuts, sores, galls, burns and scalds is just as effective ia the stable as in the horns. Horse flesh heals with remarkable speed under its powerful influence. The treatment is the same for animals as for humans. First wash out infectious germs with liciuid Borozone. and t!.3 Borozone Powder completes the heali- - a process. Pricq flirmid) 30c. 60c . i f ! .20. Powder SOc a:id COc. Sold by WILL L. HOYT ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Notary Public LICENSED ABSTRACTER And EXAMINER OF TITLES at County Court House Utah Nephi Oifice LUNT PHARMACY CO Jewelry That Lasts GIFT WATCHES FROM MY FAVORITE GIFT STORE Wrist Watches for Women. Pocket Watches for Men can be selected here in beautiful st les and at prices to suit. -- Ladies Diamond Rings, White Gold Willing-RingsSet Rings, Pearl Necklaces, Silverware and Clocks. E. L , BOUCHER AT THE LEADING JEWELRY STORE. IN COMIC OPERA ill CHERRYBLOSSOM" N. II. S. AUDITORIUM, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10TH, 1024 s. aye, that's the question. NEPHI HIGH SCHOOL 155 Our carefully selected stock of Xmas Toys bear evidence of being appreciated by the public at this early date before Xmas, by the way they are buying. A great number of our customers are using good judgment in buying useful articles as presents for the grown-upAlong this line we are also well supplied with numerous different articles to choose from. " GIVE 304O ve BAILEY GROCERY & CY'S MEAT MARKET GOING FA "WHAT TO . Margaret Connelley S. E. Malmgren, And in accordance-- with law and an order of the Board of Directors so many shares of each parcel of such stock will be sold at the residence of the President of this corporation In Levan, Utah, on NovemJack Hood, came up from Rich- ber 30th, 1924, at 1 o'clock p. m. to field, Utah, Tuesday. After spend pay the delinquent assessment ing a couple of days here visiting thereon together with cost of adverfriends he went over to Eureka tising and expense of sale. C. Christensen, President where he will visit for a short time J. C. Jensen, Secretary with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Hood former residents of this city. The Relief Society are not makine a Resolution Postponing The Sale of the Above Delinquent Stock canvass of the business houses this but year, soliciting your help by letter which they would like to have Resolved by the Board of Directattention. They will be at the Tabernacle December 23rd, from 9 a. m. ors in meeting held November 25th, until 2 p. m. to receive any Christ 1924, that the date of Bale of the mas cheer that you have to distri Capital stock as fixed in the notice be and the same is herebute. by postponed 15 days, to wit: from Mrs. Harry Irons, delightfully en November 30th, 1924 to December tertained the members of the Social 15th, 1924. C .Christensen president Companion club at her home ThursJ. C. Jensen, Secretary day evening. Sewing and the sing Levan Irrigation Company. ing of songs occupied the time. Dainty refreshments were served to First publication November 28, 1924 the following members: Mrs. A. E. Last publication December 12. 1924 Smith, Mrs. Joel Taylor, Mrs. Ralph Belliston, Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs, Mrs. FOR OVER 40 YEARS J. G. Irons, Mrs. Robert Chappeil, CATARRH MEIJIt'l.VK has been Sirs. Mattie Vickers. Mrs. Mabel HALL'S used successfully in U10 treatment ol Greenland, Mrs. A. V. Gadd, Mrs. Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE conHarry Diagky, Mrs. J. A. Kendall, Mrs. W. H. Belliston. Special guests sists of an Ointment which (juickly Relieves by local application, and the Mrs. .Melvin Stanley, Mrs. Mans E. Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acta through the Blood on the Mucous SurJesnings, Mrs May Green, of Salt faces, thus reducing the inflammation. Lake City, and the hostess Mrs. Sold by all druggists. Farry Irons. F. J Chenev A Co.. Tnlodn Ohio WATCH THE CLOCK? I Gar- The Levan Irrigation CompanyThere is delinquent upon the fol lowing stock on account of assess ment levied December 3rd, 1923 the several amounts set opposite the names of the shareholders as foll owing: Name No of No of Amt. Certificat Shares Chris Paystrup 294C 6 6.00 Niels Mortensen 9.00 450C J. C. C. Paystrup 6.00 215 A. M. Jackman 6.00 242C Bert Tundbridge 322C 1.00 O. L. Francom 474C 10 12.50 A. Poulsen 401C 8 24.00 364C 9 9.75 Hugh Taylor H. C. Kofod 2 2.00 Peter Larsen 420C 10 13.00 Mrs O. S. Stephenson 24 2C 7 2.00 Sorena Aagard 494C 10 17.00 495C 10 10.00 Mary Anderson Stephen C Chistensen 379C 13 13.00 Chris Poulsen 276C 11 1700 Niels Aagard 640. 5 17.00 Niels Aagard. U1C 1 a. so Niels Aagard ana 1 3.80 Marinus Christensen 215B 1 a.oo Walter Jackman 4350 X 2,00 a 5.00 Wm. Sherwood 8330. Annie gtephensen 234C 14 13.00 Victor Stephenson 63Q 18 12.00 J. L- - Francom 284C 21 21.00 260C 32 44.00 George Francom N. G. Taylor 273C 30 4.50 432C 2 3.00 Asa Fowler A. C. Dalby 314C 5 10.00 A. C. Dalby 171C 17 34.00 A SHORT STORY OK THE PLAY Miss Evelyn Karnes, an American girl born in Japan, and whose Her parents die of fever, Is brought up as a Japanese maiden. father-- secretary uses her property for his own ends. When Evelyn who it. known as "CherryblosHom,"' is about eighteen years of age, Worthlngton (the secretary) returns to Japan on hia yacht with a One of them, John Henry Smith, falls party of American friends. In love with Cherrblossom and wishes to marry her, but Kokemo, who hag brought her up as his own daughter, wants her to marry Tago. a rich politician. The action of the piece centers around Jack's efforts to outwit s Tago and Kokemo. learns of her Identity, comes Into her Eventually Cherryblow-oproperty, marries Jack, and all ends happily. 10 Per Cent Discount On all Stoves and Ranges and Common Dishes to make room for our Christmas Goods. CAST OF OlARACTEIWi John Henry Smith, (Jack) A New Yorker on visit to Japan Rodger Lunt Henry Foster Jones, (Jack's Pal) Clark Morgan Horace Worthlngton, A New York Stock Broker, who is a party of friends with a trip to Japan in his private yacht Loyal Adams James Young, Worthlngton'g secretary Wayne Sldwell Tago. a rich politician of high rank Paul Grace Kokemo, proprietor of the tea garden. Takyo Gordon Wood Cherryblossom brought up as a daughter of Kokemo, In reality Evelyn Itarnes of New York Mildred Ellison Jessica Vanderpool, Worthington's Niece Lois Lunt Geisha Girls: Edith Belliston. Gladys Brough, Edna Worthlngton, Blanche Worthlngton, Blanche Garrett, Florence Oadd, Bessie Paint. Alice Cowan, Maurine Vickers, Evelyn Brough, Jessie Salisbury, Frances Xellson, LaVon Young, Melba Young, Erma Garfield, Dor. othy Stcphensrn, Nclda Bean, Edna Smith. American Chorus of Girls and Men, guests of Mr. Worthlngton, vis. King Japan in hU private yacht. Orchestra: Verda Batchelor, Mildred Sperry, Wanda Petty, Violins. Ellbert Warner, Clarinet. Henry Orme. Cornet. Jack Winn, Trombone. Loren Kendall Drums. Joey Batchelor, Cello. Miss Vivian Peterson, Piano. Prof. O. N. Olsen Conductor 'IJetter Than Ever" is what they all say about our Christmas display. Call and make your selection while our stock is complete. t-- NEPHI IMPLEMENT & HARDWARE STORE M. W. MANGELSON Kendall Bros. "THE GIFT SHOP" |