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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPIII, UTAH S, The He Just went out and got them. chamof Racine post No. pion member-gette- r 76, American Legion, Racine, Wis., tell the story of his remarkable record In post (Copy tor Thin Department Supplied by the Amerloan Legion New Service.) LEGION WAS LUCKY IN 1924 CONGRESS In outlining the achievements of the national legislative committee of the American Legion during the first sion of the Sixty-eight- ses- congress, John h Thomas Taylor, vice chairman of the committee, stated that eight measures f major importance were enacted largely through the efforts of the Legion. He declared 1924 was the most successful year in the history of the Legion In carrying out policies. The eight bills, made laws, were : the adjusted compensation bill, the creation of the committee on World war veterans' legislation of the house of representatives, bill, affecting more than 100,000 disabled veterans and their debill, aupendents; the Fernald-Langlethorizing the construction of fireproof hospitals costing $6,500,000 and containing 2,350 beds ; provision for a $360,000 training school for blind veterans at Evergreen, Md. ; the Fredericks bill, providing a $1,500,000 fireproof hospital, containing 500 beds, at Santa Monica, Calif. ; house resolution authorizing a survey and investigation of World war veterans' hospitals and soldiers' homes ; provision for the erection of permanent stone crosses in overseas cemeteries ; and the war trophies bill, to distribute the vast Amount of war material captured and surrendered from Germany. Other measures which the Legion and extended its influence toward enactment were: the Immigra tion act of 1924, which restricts and selects immigrants and excludes the Japanese; the constitutional amendment to prohibit child labor, which mow goes to the states for ratification. n Important provisions of the bill are: extension to January 1, 1925, of the presumption of automatic service connection for disabili ties, from the former period of three years after discharge, a provision which will allow 30,000 veterans to immediately connect their disabilities with the service and thereby reeei; government compensation ; free care and treatment In government hospitals for any veteran of any war or expedi tion since 1S97, without regard to. the nature or origin of his disabilities; re be quirement that compensation cannot reduced or discontinued without three months' notice to the disabled veteran; lapsed war risk Insurance Is automatwhere at ically reinstated retroactively had suffthe time of lapse the veteran icient unpaid compensation due him to revive his insurance : the rating of disability and awarding of compensate was ordered dennd hospltnliztition centralized: awards of compensation for disability can now be made In the field. Legion-sponsore- Reed-Johnso- Fred Is very modest about his exploits. He Just can't see anything unusual about It. He refuses to become oratorical about It. Seems to feel thai anybody could go out and do the same thing he did. But Fred went. That's the way he got them. He did not stick around the post quarters and loaf. Fred's no lounge lizard. He's a member hound. Fred must have heard something or other somewhere about old Jule Caesar. Anyhow, he went and saw and got 'em to sign on the dotted Una. Predict Smuts' Career Is Just Starting d tips y General Jan Christian Smuts, prt mler of South Africa since 1919, an. the most recent of the World war figures to be ousted from office, will not retire from pubtlc life, according to those In close touch with the general. Despite the overwhelming defeat of the South African party, predictions are that the man who has been honored by the greatest universities of the British empire Is Just beginning a new phase In his public career. r General Smuts Is only years old, and, In addition. Is gifted His fall with an Iron constitution. was due largely to circumstances over which he held no control. Particularslump in ly severe was the post-wa- r South Africa, with the farmers the grentest sufferers. Droughts and locusts added to their troubles, and when the government failed to cope with these there was created considerable discontent. But the main reason for this fail must be sought In his unsympathetic attitude toward the workers in the strike of 1922. The mine workers honestly believed that the whole future of the white workers would be Jeopardized by the chamber of mine's policy of employing colored workers in positions that ere formerly held by white men. Their stand was therefore not quite seiusn ; they stood for maintenance of the color bar. Mussolini's Iron Hand Loses Grip on Italy - red Maxicu. -- Which is what Jule did. And he didn't have to cross the Alps to do It, either.) It takes a pretty good man to have, any Influence In his home town, but Fred showed the stuff. The boys signed for Fred 190 of them were rounded up single-handeIn the main membership drive lastj spring. And In a supplementary drive staged by the post, Fred got some. more. There were 25 In that bunch.1 That's a nice little postful, you will agree. Fred must have used the Racine tragedy and gone out to look for them where he could find them. He went to the homes of the fellows and Inta the factories. He learned In the army that a fellow usually got what he was looking for If he looked long enough. It is a cinch that he wasn't watching the clouds or admiring the beautiful color effects as the sun sank to rest, In the golden west you know the Reed-Johnso- Benito Mussolini no longer Is dic tator of Italy. Instead he is Benito Mussolini, premier of Italy, subject to the majority conviction of the people and to parliamentary opinion. To all appearances this is the re sult of Italy's experiment, begun In October, 1922, when Mussolini entered the Eternal City at the head of 60,000 heavily armed Black Shirts, and ended June 10, 1924, when a group of out V eWV laws In the name of Fascism kidnaped Matteottl, leader of the Moderate So cialists In the Italian chamber, and murdered him. Mussolini, In the face of outraged public opinion, had two courses presented to him. The first was to put the soft pedal on the scandal, which led to the doors of some of his closest friends, and continue his dictatorship with an Iron hand. This, In all probability, would have meant revolution. But with the attempted flight and eventual arrest of such men as Marinelll, secretary of the Fascist party; Rossi, former member of the quadrumvlrate and chief of the ministerial press bureau, and Filippelll, editor of the "Corrlere Italtuno," the party organ, Mus solini faced the alternative of remaining Italy's dictator or becoming naiy s premier. He chose the latter course. Since the day. when he addressed the senate Mussolini's prestige, which until June 10 had been maintained chiefly by the ever. 300,000 men In the Fascist! militia, became far greater than line. He was thinking of the work thei Legion had done and Is continuing to do for the former service men. He was thinking of his post and Its lnflu ence In the old home town. He explained all these things to the prospect. He told of the purposes ofl the Legion. He told what It had aH compllshed. The story of the Legion sells Itself, Fred said, and apparently It does with aid. BEST INSURANCE American Legion Is 1pHE this country's best insur- ance providing it maintains right leadership." was the declaration of MiiJ. On. Clarence Edwards in dedicating the $400,(100 memorial building at Athol, Mass., recently. "Fraternity," the general said, "Is the grandest thing we received from the war, and the Legion Is the only place where this fraternity can be perEdwards General petuated." Amerithe of valor the praised can soldier In France, but declared that the work of the soldier and the high peace-timstandard of citizenship which Is now represented by them In the American Legion is equally deserving of praise, nnd In certatn Instances of high honors. He said: "The actions of the average American soldier since the war, under the leadership of such organizations as the Legion, qualify him for new decorations to be pinned beside the Croix do Guerre and the Distinguished Service Cross." Impostors Reported in Scheme to Win "Bonus'1 stock pro-- j Employing moters" salesmanship methods, three men, can men, two of them vasslng through the state of Montana,. In the Interests of a magazine subscrlp-tlon scheme, are exploiting patriotism to gain their ends, Is the report of the. department of Montana, American Le-- j glon. Their method Is to Inquire at a, man lives there home If any and then to Immediately begin a dis cusslon of the national adjusted com rensatlon. calling It a "bonus." After the conversation Is begun they artfully talk about the bonus they will receive If a good number of subscriptions are forthcoming. A poster of a doughboy with a helmet and gun Is then flashed with the words, "Lest We Forget" beneath. The keyword "bonus" Is used with such abandon that the "prospect" becomes confused and thinks that by giving a subscription he would be help man to obtain ing the good-sizebonus (adjusted compeni tlon settlement). e Fire Salute Over Grave Each years s mother, Identityofunknown, Alonza asked the firing squad Milwau- Cud-wort- h post, American Legion. son's kee, to fire a salute over her The grnve In Forest Home cemetery. boys have complied with be sorrowing mother's wish each year. Three year at the ago, after memorial services woman graves of veterans, a weeping. She asked one of the boys It a salute could not be fired over her sons grave. The squad marched to the grave she designated and fired a salute. The Incident has leen repeated every year sinre. An Object Letton Policeman What were you doing while the bandits wers robbing the pa- Ufa. wi The germination of alfalfa seeds shows that there are present In prac tically all lots two types of live seeds. The first type absorbs water and germinates readily In a few days; the other type has a hard seed coat which prevents Immediate absorption of water and hence delays germination. These hard seed coats gradually soften and permit germination. Tests con tinued over a long period of time In the Colorado seed laboratory show of the hard that practically one-haseeds germinate In three months and practically all of them In six months wheo kept under Ideal conditions for germination In an incubator. There has been carried on and Is now being continued much investlga tlonal work In an effort to find the ennsea nf the hard seed cont and the agricultural value of such seeds. The most cnnu.rehens.lve niece of work which has been completed at the present time seems to show that It is rea d sonable to regard approximately of the hard seeds reported at the end of six days as properly belonging to the germination per cent. This Is based on actual field work. There is some reason to believe that methods of threshing alfalfa seed reduce the hard seed per cent, since seed harvested by hand this fall and tested In the laboratory has C5 per cent of hard seed while machine threshed seed from the same vicinity has approximately 20 per cent of hard seed. It Is characteristic of alfalfa seed Imported from Turkestan to have prac tically no hard seeds, those Imported from Europe to have a comparatively small per ( tnt, while seeds Imported from South America and Africa vary much as do those grown in North rj Mahogany King Wills All to His "Backer" lf In extremely hot weather special care Is necessary to prevent chicks from being overheated by exposure to the sun, confinement where ventilation is bad. or overcrowding. Skim milk, either sweet or sour, and buttermilk are especially valuable feed In hot weather, making the diet lighter without reducing Its nutritive value. The milk should be fed in a drinking fountain or in a dish covered with wire netting so that the chicks cannot get Into It and become soiled with milk. The use of milk does not do away with the use of water, which, should be given a usual. Some hens are loafers and can bo found and removed from the floor by culling. Tills practice eliminates hens of low vigor and lessens chances of disease outbreuk. Removal of the poor producers ullows more room for the better producers and for the pullets. Often more eggs can be secured from one-thir- America. A lot of seed containing a high per cent of live seed, even though some of them are hard seeds, is superior to a lot having the same germination but no hard seed. Anna M. Lute, Colorado Seed Laboratory, tural Colorado Agricul College. Lack of Ventilation Harmful Quite - ' iiouseu. Culling the hens for egg production should be done during the period from July 15 to October 1. Culling either too early or too late greatly Increases the likelihood of discarding heavy producers temporarily out of production. Normally, there Is a good market for live poultry about September 1, wittt a declining in price from that time until after the holidays. Do not overlook the combating of the potato bug. The young potato bugs are the ones that do the greatest amount of Injury In the average potato patch and If properly handled their Injury may be easily prevented. An easy and practical method of poi soning them Is to dust them with aa ursenic dust. Take one part of powdered arsenate of lead and ten to twelve parts of air slaked or hydrated lime and mix together thoroughly. In case the lime appears to be a little lumpy, It should be run through a wire screen such, as Is usually found on windows and doors. It Is very seldom that a plece of such wire cannot be found around I3 tO BeeS I of all examine your bee Carefully hives, says E. S. Provost, extension bee specialist at Clemson college, in dis cussing summer care of hives, and see If there Is room. If there Is not room, put on a super with full sheets of foundation; and If they don't need an extra super, prop the hive up at the four corners with blocks about a half- Inch thick. This will give a door all the way round and will let the" air circulate In the hive much more freely. When bees nre hanging out on the front of the hive they nre doing noth ing but loafing, but If you can get them Into the hive they will help evap orate the water out of the honey. If the hive Is In the sun all day. It Is a good Idea to make a shade board. This may be done by taking rough planks which are a. little longer than the hive and leaning them on top of the hive so that they will break off When Gen. Clarence R, Edwards was merely Colonel Edwards, on duty in the Philippines, he befriended a one Joseph S. civilian employee, In those early days Schwartz. Schwartz was In great need of the "backing" Colonel Kdwards could give the sun. Times have changed. Joseph Schwartz Is now "Mahogany King' Destroying Grasshoppers Sohwnrtz, with vast holdings of highly use of bran mash Is the The valuable timber lands In San Domingo. most effectivepoison and practical method When he was In Boston recently Mr. for destroyinggrasshoppers. This Schwartz called on General Kdwards, mash Is composed of twenty bran Guerre de who was awarded the Croix of bran, one pound of white with Palm after his duty pounds two quarts of sirup, three arsenic, in front line trenches In defensive f oranges and three nnd gallons and Toul, sectors of of water. The bran and arsenic are Chainpagne-Marn- e defensive, Alsne- - mixed together while dry. The other Marne defensive, St. Mlhiel defensive, are mixed together and Ingredients e and defensive and use In the field the two to when ready told him that he (Schwartz) had made mixtures are united and thoroughly his will In his favor, leaving the daddy stirred. This bran mash Is of the Yankee division all his worldly sown broadcast poison over the area where goods in case of his death. are bad. the above form the hoppers "I a reporter. "It was the least I could do," explained Mr. Schwartz to ula being sufficient for about five acres. haven't a chick or child In the world and I want General Edwards to have, la view of what he has done for nic, anything and everything that I have when 1 pass away." l Why Butter Is Washed Mr. Schwartz Is reported to be the owner of more than 50.000 acres In RRr. Washing the butter has for Its the removal from the butter of as Domingo, located on the seaboard and covered with a dense growth of valuable much of the buttermilk as possible. hardwoods, Including mahogany and tobacco wood. The churn shonld be stopped when the butter granules are the size of wheat kernels. The buttermilk Is then drawn off and the butter washed with on equal quantity of clear water at the same temperature ns the butter the Mrs. John Dickinson Sherman, milk. The churn Is revolved eight or new president of the General Federaten times with the wash water and tion of Women's Clubs, has paid a the water drained. The washing should visit of Inspection In northern Calibe repeated. fornia to the proposed Reqwoods Nanecestional park, which Is believed Pasturing Sweet Clover sary In order to save this worthy Sweet clover may be snfely pasof the Big Trees from extinctured In Its second sermon from two to tion by lumbermen. Prominent among three weeks earlier than any other of fedof the activities the many general the common pasture plants. It will eration Is the conservation of natural burden more carry a tremendous resources, and Mrs. Sherman has long than any other of our pasture plants. and been Its "guide, philosopher Ther.. Is more drr.ger of not keeping friend" official Washington calls her now Is enough stock on It than overpasturing She Park "National the Ijidy." It. In its first season It will enrry 2.taking a long va'Titlon In Tnhosii 00 pounds live weight to the acre and House, her summer home at the foot will, of course, carry much more the of Longs Peak In Rocky Mountain Nn -- V ...:! I second. tlonal park. The general federation has a nn f I Inoculation of Alfalfa organization a nd 2,.so0,0ii members In every nook nd cranny of Inoculate- alfalfa after It Is sown To 111 the country. It is nonj artisan and soil us thnt carries the bacteria. This nonsectarlan. It Is easily the most women and It you enn get from an old nlfalfa or of of the both nnd organizations politically, socially powerful, sweet clover field. The soil must would puzzle anyone to name an organization of men with as much Influence. be exposed to the sunlight much, as In the Instrumental congress by pasnnge securing It was, for example, largely this kills the bacteria. It Is best to apthe child labor the amendment, t th last session of the resolution submitting ply the soil on a cloudy day snd harreserves the fish along forestry act and the act establishing wild life and row It In at once. It Is hnrdly safe , Mississippi. Upper to harrow alfalfa tac soon after It Is Mrs. Sherman Is a director In half a dozen nalionnl organizations, aa own American. a and law othoeUy a parliamentary one-hnl- s Chemln-des-Danie- I kicking myself I'd been such a piker all toy American Legion Weekly. To clarify the confusion arising from the fact that the government Is now handling two types of Insurance, war time Insurance, and adjusted compen sntlon Insurnnce, both applicable to veterans of the World war, the Atnerl can Legion at national headquarters, Indianapolis, mnde the following an "Wartime Insurant nouncement : may be retained until March 3. 1020, at which period It must be converted to one or a comblnntlon of the varl us forms of Insurance granted by the government. Term Insurnnce canceled or allowed to lapse since the discharge of a veteran from service may be re instated at any time before the above date. The passage of the veteran compensation bill In no way affects the policies of Insurance carried by veterans. The Insurance granted by the new legislation Is In addition ta . tb government term Insurants. Meuse-Argonn- Fights to Save Big Trees of California : tlon-wld- e J nt ninth-generatio- n Mixture Will Eradicate Potato Bug3 PoisOttOUS first-cousi- at Request of Mother National Headquarters Memorial da? for the hist three on Insurance Matters, has trons 1 Walter ..r. ,g3-....- Prevent Overheating by Ex posure to Sun's Rays. There Are Present in All Lots Two Types of Kernels: Hard and Soft. fifty-fou- n Care During Summer Alfalfa Seeds That's the way Fred Mailed, adding members to the roster of his Give Chicks Proper Germination of WAY FRED MAXTED GOT NEW MEMBERS home. Make a sack of about six or eight Inches wide and a foot deep out of a piece of cheese cloth or any other thin material that Is available and place the lime and arsenate of lead, which has been mixed. In the sack and dust it on the plants early In the morning while the dew Is on. One timely application should prac tically rid the patch of the pests. Watch the plants carefully and If a second application Is necessary, apply the same. By D. C. Mooring, Extension Horticulturist, A. and M. College. Better Methods in Live Stock Shown by Juniors More than $3,901,600 worth of live stock were fed and cared for In 1923 by farm boys and girls who, as mem clubs conducted by ag- bers of grlcultural extension workers were n methods demonstrating the of live stock management for their own and their neighbors' benefit. These young farmers, according to re ports to the United States Department of Agriculture, lacked but 1 per cent of carrying as many demonstrations of improved methods In live stock work to completion as senior farmers completed during the year. 4--H best-know- Clipping Kills Alfalfa About as many stands of spring- sown alfalfa are killed by too frequent clipping during the first summer as are choked out by weeds. Do not clip back young nlfalfa unless It Is abso lutely necessary. The young plants need to make the greatest possible leaf development In order to store up a reserve supply of plant food for fu ture use. Tiiia Is Impossible when they are cut bock at frequent Flies also cut up dairy profits. Good hogs nnd good dairy make a good combination. cows Some men are as successful at dodg ing work as others at making It for themselves. Oli, It's not hard to get up In the morning If there Is a flourishing garden calling you. C'hIs qubkly. ressful move very quietly end That Is why they are so suc In destroying birds. enn Cure legume bay without rRln, yet with the least sun possible. Hay caps furnish the answer. Ask the county agricultural agent about the hay harvest weather forecasts. Experience of the older growers of al fulfil Is practically unanimous In the assertion that alfalfa will sfnnd mora rain ami si 111 make good buy thsn will oJtber timothy or clover. A good farm garden can be made a source of wealth and health. It afces a little perspiration to get It s'arted, bnt after that It will almost taka car t Itself barring weeds. |