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Show Ttift The NEFHL UTA&, S, LOCAL NOTES Times-New- s rublluhed every Friday by The Tfcnea News Publishing Company Let's Get Acquainted DENNIS WOOD A. B. GIBSON. 1 . ..; . . One Tear Six Monti ft.OO tl.O NO USE KICKING NOW. say hello. and whatever advice we can give you will not cost one penny. Charlie Tyng of Salt Lake In speak ing before the Rotary Club of the a- bove city Tuesday, took up the ques tion of roads and bewailed the fact that a hard surface road had been built between Nephl and , the Utah County line, stating that a gravel road would have served the needs just as well, also suggesting that the money employed here could have been used on the scenic highways of Southern Utah. Well Mr. Tyng, we have the road and have been using it to advantage for two or three years and we want to say right here that it is one of the best roads in the country, as it links Salt Lake) up with one .of the best towns in Utah, which is Nephi, so its no use kicking now Mr. Tyng be cause that road is here to stay, and in addition we are Just completing two more miles on to the south end of that same stretch of highway. In the old days, bankers used to shut themselves up in private offices and they were as hard to see as a potentate. All that is changed, though, and nowadays your banker is right where you can see iiim and talk to him any hour of the banking day. It's that way at our bank, and a cordial ' invitation is extended to you to call an 9 OF INTEREST Editor Manager Hubacrlptlon Rates Just drop in anytime and We'll be glad to meet you It's easy. TIMES-NEW- us. W. G. Bird came down Provo Wednesday for a " few visit here. from days Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brooks mot ored to Salt Lake Tuesday for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell Butte, Montana, are guests Alice Golden this week. of of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pexton of Springvllle, Utah were visiting with relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. .Robertson of Mills, were visiting with relatives in this city Sunday and Monday. Tested Quality Miss Blanch Ord, and Mr. Gerald Ord, ana down from Salt Lake this week vlstlng their parents here. Mrs. George. Christensen of Price, Utah, and Mrs. J. M. Norton of Provo are guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Carter. When buying anything- in Drugs, quality is a matter of first consideration. We make you certain by insisting that every item we offer you meets our rigid quality standard. Mrs. James W. Vickers returned to Nephi Monday from Palms, Calif ornia, where she s'pent the winter, She left Tuesday evening for Salt Lake where she will Join her husband who is employed there. Mr. A. W. Clyde, local telephone that takes money out manager made a flying trip to Richback-firfield, Tuesday. He was accompanied by .Mr. Cahoon, assistant manager of the Salt Lake telephone office. Mr. If the people want lower taxes Clyde reports that the, country be-- ; they must curb their demands for tax tween this city and Richfield has expenditures. been viclted by a good rain. A Bargain of Nephi is a First National Bank PRICES e. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Co, Mr John Hood who has had charge There, is getting to be a close re- of the music In this district the past OTHERS FOLLOW WE LEAD lationship between the auto and the season went to Richfield Wednescoroner. day. During the month of June Mr. Hood will have charge of the editorial work on the Richfield Reaper. Maybe you never noticed it, but After July 1st, he will move to EurNephl husbands who are experienced eka where he will have charge of the always reach for their pocketbooks music in the Tlntic School District when their wives call them "He RiiiRU Wisely Who Builds "old the coming year. Mr. Hood and his dear." M Wff M MM HalwItHIHsMn wl Well" wife, leave this city with the best wishes of the majority of the citifor their futIN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE zens of this community TO BUILD WELLFIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, IN ure welfare. A pleasant AND FOR JUAB COUNTY, STATE and agreeable FOR OVER 40 YEARS OF UTAH sweet ana HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been Mil used successfully in the treatment of Catarrh. JAMES METCALF, Plaintiff, vs. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE conHAS XO EQUAL) Good of an Ointment which Quickly HARRY BEWS ROSE BEWS. EPH- - sist Relieves by local application, and the teeth, breath RAIM SORENSON. JUNIUS SOREN- - Interna! Medicine, a Tonic, which acts and digestion. the Blood on the Mucous Sur.The Largest and Purest SON, JOSEPH F. WRIGHT. JOHN F. through "3:3 faces, thus reducing the Inflammation. Makes the 8 WRIGHT, AND NEPHI NATIONAL Natural Deposit of Gypsum Bold by all druggists. next eloarlav BANK, a corporation. SHF.RIFF'S F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. In The World taste Detier. SALE. IT DRIVES OUT WORMS To be sold at Sheriff's sale at the XEIHI PLASTEU AXD MFG. The surest sign of worms ia children ia front door of the County Court House paleness, luck of interest in play, frctful-nee- s, COMPANY in the City of Nephi, variable appetite, County of at the Juab, State of Utah, on the 2nd day nose and sudden starting in sloop. Viliea of June, 1924, af twelve O'clock these symptoms nppcnr it is ti::)o t.j five A Matter of Covering. noon, of said day all the right, title White's Cream Vermifuge. A few doses the worms and puts tlio little Little Klsie "They're saying that claim and interest of said defendants drives out road to health one on the White's Aunt Lucy Is a prude. What's a of, in and to the following described Cream VerraifuRe has a again. record of fifty Mrs. mother?" Frank X. prude, real estate of years successful use. Price35c. Sold by Posure "A prude, dearie. Is a womThe Southwest hi of the Northan who wenrs shoulder straps west hi, and the Northwest hi of the LUNT PHARMACY CO I .w.A Iff on her swimtulns suit." Northwest hi Of Section 26; Township 15 South Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian. The South hi of the Southwest hi of Section 26, Township IS South Range 1 west of the Salt Lake Meridian. Also: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest hi of Full-SizSection 26, Township 15 South Range 1 west of the Salt Lake Meridian; thence East 70 rods; thence South 80 rods; thence West 70 rods; thence North 80 rods to beginning. Also: Commencing 54 rods East of the Northwest corner of the South east hi of Section 26, Township and range aforesaid thence east 40 rods, thence South 80 rods; thence east 66 rods; thence South 127 rods; thence west 106 rods; thence North 207 rods to the place of beginning. The North hi of the Northwest hi of section 35 The East hi of the Northwest' '.4 ; the Southwest hi of the Northwest hi ; The Northwest hi of the Southwest hi ; The Southeast hi of the Southeast hi and the East hi of the Northeast hi of Section 22. Township 15 South, Range 1 Local motorists are benefiting from the simplified West of the Salt Lake .Meridian. e Balloon Tires, mad method of applying The North hi of the Northwest hi ; possible by Firestone. It is an easy and Inexpensive The North hi of the Northeast hi and We have Job for ua to handle your change-ovethe Southwest hi of the Southwest pedal Firestone units, consisting of tire, tubes, rims and wheel spokes, all built by Firestone achi of Section 23, Township 16, South AMERICA SHOULD PRODUCE to the highest quality standards. We also cording 1 West of the Salt Lake Range have special shop equipment which Firestone has ITS OWN RUBBER Meridian. developed for us, giving us an exclusive advantage The North hi of the Norwest Vi ; In turning out an accurate wheel job which exactly The South east hi of the Northwest fits your present hubs. The coat Is little or no more Equip Now for Summer Driving than a set of rims and we can equip your car almost hi ; The Northeast hi of the SouthWis A re StocM and Orgmnixmd to Handlm A ny Cmr made. as as a be can tire quickly change west hi of Section 15, Township 15 Here ia your opportunity to improve your present South, Range 1 west of the Salt Lake car better appearance, superlative comfort and Get All thm Benefits of the Real Balloon Meridian. safety and a new standard of low-cooperation. d Insist on the Balloon, and The East hi of the Northeast '4 ; You will save money on the reduced car depreciaget all the benefits in riding comfort, safety and lower fuel The Southwest hi of the Northeast maintenance and tion, expense and long economy. Over 20 car manufacturers and over Balloons as we tire mileage. Full-si- x hi ; the Northwest hi of the South40,000 car owners have already equipped with them. are an them ppty economy. east hi ; and the Northeast hi of the We guarantee you carefully engineered and per See us. Oet demonstration. Within a few Southwest hi of Section 27 Township hours you have them on your car. Come in and get fectly balanced job, at minimum cost. And if you 15 South, Range 1 West of the Salt are not completely satisfied when you get them on, our reasonable prices less an allowance for your Lake Meridian. we will old tires. Put your csr on Balloons NOW for the your old tire equipment at no coat Situated In Juab County, State of summer motoring season. to you.. Utah. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United State. Dated at Nephl, Utah, this 7th day of May, 1924. xmimwi Jljttr every meal R 50c Pair. 65c Pair 25c Pair. 40c Pair. 85c Pair. $1.00 Pair. 50c Pair. 75c Pair. - 40c Pair. Ladies Half Soles Ladies Half Soles, best leather Ladies Leather Top Lift for Heels . Ladies Rubber Heels .... on Nailed Soles Mens Half on Soles Stitched Mens Half Mens Rubber Heels Boys Half Soles Boys Leather Heels Built Up Best Dependable Oak Leather used C.0.L0MAX lor to-w- it: Door South of Nephi Drug 1 Nephi Plaster Ml benel It as - two-Inc- Location of Principal Place of Nephi, Utah before, will be sold on the 10th day of July, 1924, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the costs of advertising and expense of sale. is made ORAPLATA MINING COMPANY Bust-neea- : Notice Is hereby given tbat at a meeting of the Directors of the Oraplata Mining; Company held on the 19th day of May, A. D. 1924, an aseessment of one fifth cent per hare was levied on the outstanding stock of the corporation, payable Immediately to the secretary of the corporation at Nephl, Utah. Any stock reupon which this assessment-ma-y main unpaid on the 24th day of June, A. D. 124 at 12 o'clock noon, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment T. C. WINN, Secretary Location of Office, Nephl, Utah CHILDREN'S TATAL DISEASES Worms and paiasites ia the ii;titi;;os health and so of children weaken their vitality that they nre unable unik-nnint- s TK vnei.t (Im sio.) j.ia en snfn rnirrsu! 14 frt five a lifa few itrtwj of . & White's Crcan Vermifuge. It diftroys and cxtv t!: vnrra without the slightest injury t j t'v; health or activity of the child. Price by LUNT PHARMACY CO. h We Make It Easy For All Motorists to Equip With Balloons e Simplified application of at minimum cost full-sU- r. I Wli'I fl0c5iXkJu Tk Finish Thai Simplifits Motor Car Painting iDstenaosr sot ann- aeon baaur CSATim Sir if. - tateaissnap lap stews isjlt a OM Ml M aa v4nry era at tana Motor Car H tmlM Beast astda bard aaa sat fntnt eaafiy, flows 17 mm vaaly aaa arte krtasM gtoja asaasysar aaf mtm. ga If a EMM is tttsapasrtsnd m fmr. tr a (haws agr tb lUchtMt ataia at one Motor Car Finish WUl wttB Dsvea . . . MM ta standard automobtts aetata ftsmambar ... th quality of tk product aatarmina tba kind of Job you col ThU Coupon It Worth 40 Csorc Himr w. win fH T Ill Ti rf Twm t mm tUm (a NEPHI IMPLEMENT AND HARDWARE STORE Nephl Utah UJTHOKUD AQSNT POKj DIVOZ PAINT AND VARNISH PRODUCTS full-siz- e Gum-Dippe- Gum-Dippe- DAN MARTIN Sheriff of Juab County, Utah By P. P Chrlstlson Deputy Sheriff. J. Patton Nneley and T. L. Foots, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First publication Last publication May May 9th, 1924 tOtb, 1934. CENTRAL MOTOR CO. J. W. SHEPHERD D. W. ANDERSON Most Miles per d Nephi, Utah Lcvan, Utah Moroni, Utah o liar |