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Show DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF JUAB A HOME PAPER FOR HOME PEOPLE J Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday, May 30th, 1924 The Times, Vol. 15, No. 22 NEPHI KIWANIANS RECEIVE ROYAL WELCOME AT PRICE 3 The News, Vol. 8, No. 22 OFFICERS CHOSEN MR. WRIGLEY'S COUNTRYMEN TEACHERS FOR FOR ENSUING YEAR From London Optnloa. The Alumni Association of the Ne phi High School held a very success ful banquet and dance at the high school Friday evening. The banquet was served by the Domestic Science Girls, under the direction of Miss Maughan. In the absence of Harry Beagley, through illness, Mr. Will L. Hoyt, acted as toastmaster. The program follows: Piano Duet, El ma Jones and Ketta Sperry; Toast to the graduates, by Miss Elva Jen nings; response by Leland Belliston; Toast to the Senior Class by Melba Anderson; talk by Darrell Chase; Saxaphone duet by Frank Brough and Darrell Chase, accompanied by Mrs. Diane G. Booth; Vocal Solo, Clarence Gowers. As a mark of respect to the late W. I. Brown founder of the high school in this city the alumni mem bers arose and stood in silence for one minute. Mrs. W. I. Brown was present as an honored guest. At the close of the program the annual election of officers took place with the following result: President, Kenneth Kendall; Ludean Lunt; Secretary-Treasure- r, Maida Foote; executive committee: A. V. Pyper, Rex Ostler, and Iris Brough. The annual event was one of the most successful In years there being A grand 140 preset at the banquet. ball in the gymnasium ended a most enjoyable evening of entertainment. Loving Cup Is Presented To Price Club Mines Visitors Guests Of United Inspected At Hiawatha States Fuel Company At Banquet Inter-Cit- y Last Saturday marked another red letter day in the tiistory of .local Kiwanis when a big delegation from the Nephi club journeyed to Price, carrying with them the Inter-Cit- y tLovteg Cup which was presented to Ifhe Price club, by President J. W. COUNTY : .1 WEEK'S BUDGET Of LtVAN NEWS NEXT SEASON Some Vacancies Yet 'To Fill In Teaching Force Of This District. The following is an incomplete list teachers for the Juab School Dist1924-2rict for the school year There are yet some vacancies to fill among which, is that of music supervisor, also one ox two positions in the grades. High School: George A. Sperry Wilson Glazier. Principal; Harry Beagley, C. W. Johnson, Lillian Geneva Blackett, Sylvia Farrer, Langlois, Estella Jacobsen, Elsie Maughan, A. J. Crapo. Levan High School: Earl A. Beck, Principal, Blanch Bithell, Arvilla Roberts. Nephi Grade Schools: Alonzo Ingram Principal, T. W. Vickers, Orton Durham, Elva Jennings, Vivian PetRobert erson, J. iM. ' Christensen, Park, Walter Sells, Rulon H. Brack- Florence Cole, Ale&n Pace, Lud ean Lunt, Rita Schofield, Iris Brough Pearl Allen, Flora Parkes, Mabel Sperry. Levan Grades: Earl A. Beck, Prin cipal, Helen Benedict, Edna Ander ' son, Nettie Mangelson. Mona Grades: Ray Newton Prin cipal, Zelma Young, Effle Young, Ruby Smith. of 5. Miss Pearl Pierce was the honor ed guest at a delightful party given Monday evening by the B. P. 1. M. club. Miss Pierce is a graduate of the Nephi High school and the girls wished to show Pearl they were proud of the ambition and integrity with which she has gone through high school. Her great ambition is to acquire an education and she has worked against ditnculties the past two years which would have caused many girls to have given up for in her Junior year she was the only girl attending school from Levan and this year she was the only Senior, "I believe I'va sot America. I hear a persistent chewing Bound." ' Her averages were all hign and con 2i to had travel she that sidering miles daily, her record waiA very high. She took an active part in all school affairs and also in community work. Her pleasant manner gained her many friends. The girls of the club knowing how diligently she had worked presented her with a beau ENTERTAINED BY e fountain pen as a token tiful Funeral services were held SunDarrell Christensea, Milo Christen-seof their esteem and appreciation for BROUGHT HERE over and W. I. Jensen, three young TABERNACLE CHOIR her efforts. Games and music were day afternoon in the Tabernacle Miles the Miller. remains of men mortal in Moroi, Utah, were living enjoyed during the evening and a FOR BURIAL Bishop Bailey being in charge. The brought before Judge John S. Cooper dainty lunch was served. opening prayer was offered by Roy Monday afternoon in this city on com Mr. John Hood and wife were the Kenlosa T. Cowan. plaint of O. E. Howard game warden, Mrs. Margaret Jacobsen, honored were: Paxman W. The guests Tuesday evening at J. with of season speakers charged fishing out Jacobsen and Mrs. Ernest Jenkins of The body of Mrs. Thomas Wright the Commercial Club rooms, at a who T. C. Winn, Bishop A. H. Belliston, and having in their one possesion this Levan are visitors Lake salt City pasesd away the early part of them testimonial tendered the by and the closing remarks by Bishop black bass weighing about four the week at Silver City, Utah, was week. were pounds. The young men pleaded members of the Stake Tabernacle words Consolng Bailey. to this city for burial, Interbrought to. the family and" the life guilty to the charge, the first named Choir. The appreciation of the ment place yesterday in the taking The Primary Conference held Sun spoken was Mr. of work Hood here, of deceased dwelt fittingthe by upon being fined $12.50, on account of Vine Bluff Cemetery. Mrs. Wright a day afternoon was a gieat success speakers. of the in presentation being a juvenile, and the two last y expressed was 56 years of age, being the widow and reflects much credit on the offi-er- s ' fe tune fountain pen, to which Mr Music was furnished by the' Cola named $25 each. the-latof Thomas Wright, a former efforts for the and teachers Hood in accepting the gift thanked they Sisters, Mildred Ellison, Mrs. Ralph sentence Cooper suspended Judge of Short services ' resident had taken to make it a success. Belliston and Clarence Gowers. Ben for 30 days to allow them to earn the the members of the choir for their were held at Nephi. home of Mrs. T. A. the ediction was pronounced by J. E. money to pay the fine. Each one of kindness, also expressed the pleas- - Foote, a sister of the deceased. She as to re him been his in Miss Margaret Griffiths was taken Lunt. it had the young men had taken out a licen is survived by five children and 'to Salt Lake this week where an Interment took place in the Vine se this year but pleaded ignorance of soclation with them. brothers and sisters. FunerA program of songs and games several operation was performed on her arm Bluff Cemetery, John C. Hall, dedic the law respecting the taking out of al services were held in Silver City were which refresh after for bone trouble. beautiful enjoyed Many ating the grave. black bass. The law was violated Wednesday prior to bringing the re There wera mains flowers covered the casket. Sevier Dam ments were served. afternoon the at Sundy here. Lake of Salt Mrs. James C. Jensen eighty four present. near Mills Precinct. City is visiting at the home of her County Attorney Will L. Hoyt had of Mrs. Walter F. Richardson sister Mrs. A. L. Jackman. J. R. Reid returned home from BENEFICIAL RAINS Long Beach, California, came to Ne charge of the case for the state. a and will for Lake today where he has been Salt visit phi Tuesday Mrs. J. W. Shepherd delightfully with her mother Mrs. D. K. DOXATE BOOKS TO LIBRARY visiting for a few days. entertained the Sorosis Club Thurs- month VISIT JUAB VALLEY Brown. day afternoon. Mrs. C. G. Emerson of Alexander, Mrs. Amy B. Grover, appreciated. the City Idaho, is visiting her parents Mr. and Miss Emma Cole and Miss Blanche On returning from the trip of InThe splendid rains that have vis LEFT FOR NEW Burton, entertained Wednesday eve-in- g Librarian reports the following books Mrs. Edward Jones this week. spection a real surprise awaited them ited this city and valley since Monday at the home of the latter in hon having recently been donated to the TUESDAY ZEALAND when they were led by Mr. Magraw or of Miss Kathryn Whitmore, who public library: "The Bent Twig" by Mrs. G. AI. Whitmore came down have done a vast amount of good to to the dining room of the hotel where leaves next Monday for Los Angeles. Dorothy Canfield, and "Tillie" by from Salt Lake yesterday to spend growing crops and range feed. Not a sumptuous banquet was served within the memory or the oldest in Refreshments were served at 11 p. Helen R. Martin, donated by Mrs. J Memorial Day here. them to which the local Kiwanians Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Sells left m. to twenty five guests. W. Whitmore. habitant had the whole country ap'Strawberry Acres" did full justice. Tuesday for Hastings, New Zealand, J. S. Ostler Is down from Salt peared so dry and in need of rain and by Grace S. Richmond, donated by Every one who made the trip are where they will fill a mission for the Mrs. G. R. Judd entertained Tues Miss Maida Foote. "Poets of Amer Lake attending to some business spirit of pessimism seemed to be genloud in their pratae of the royal treat L. D. S. Church. Mr. Sells will have day afternoon at her home compli lea" given by Mrs. W. I. Brown. eral among the people. Since the com matters in sbls city. ment accorded them by the Price charge of the Maori Agricultural mentary to her mother Mrs. R. J. ing of the generous rains this feelKiwanians. and the kindness and hos- College while there. They expect to Huntington. Mrs. H. J. Irons was hostess Wed The afternoon was Mrs. Elmer Goldsbrough came up ing has changed and a spirit of opt Unless pitality shown them by Mr. .Magraw be away about four years. He prom- spent in games and music after nesday evening to the members of from Los Angeles to spend Memorial imism has taken its place. of the fuel company. that the would which a dainty luncheon was served the Social Companions Club at her Day here. She Is the guest of Mr some unforseen thing happens Juab ised the Times-New- s The following Is a Ifst of those write bis impression of the country to the following: Mrs. N. J. Rees, home. A discussion of club problems and Mrs. H. D. Goldsbrough. Valley should now be blessed with who enjoyed the trip: President and for our readers after he had been Mrs. T. D. Rees, Mrs. E. M. Green community singing and piano solos an abundant harvest. Mrs. J. W. Boud, Mr. and Mrs George there long enough to become ac wood, Mrs. J. E. Ostler, Mrs A. F. were part of the evening's program. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Judd motored D. Haxmond, Mr. and Mrs. June qualnted with the people and their Bracken, Mrs. George O. Ostler, Also a sketch of the life of O. Henry to Tooele yesterday to spend Memor Kendall, Judge T. H. Burton, Earl surroundings.. Mrs J. W. Boud, Mrs. Gilbert Bailey and one of bis stories was given by lal Day. They were accompanied by JUAB COUNTY'S Uadd, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hawkins, Mrs. Harry Foote, Mrs. George D. Mrs. Joel Taylor. Luncheon was ser Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Huntington wh Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gibson, Mr. and Haymond, Mrs. I. M. Petty, Mrs. V. ved to the following: Mrs. Ralph Bel have been visiting here this week. 1924 VALUATION iMrs. Spencer E Forrest, Mr and Mrs. ANNOUNCE ENGAGE- M. Foote, Mrs C. W. Morgan, Mrs. liston, Mrs. Harry Beagley, .Mrs. A Gilbert Bailey, and daughter, Clela. V. Mrs. T. H. Mrs. J luncheon Mrs. The of June Gadd, Hobbs, Kendall, ."Burton, Lloyd regular weekly MENT OF DAUGHTER Mrs. Russ Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Booth, Mr. and Hawkins, Mrs. John Rich G Irons, Mrs. George Latimer, Mrs the Kiwanis Club will be held at th Mrs. James M. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. According to a report issued this ardson, Mrs. C. H. Grace, Mrs. T. Joel Taylor, Mrs. Lester Belliston Forrest Hotel Monday, June 2nd, 'Arthur V Pyper, Miss Viola Worthln-gtoC. Winn, Mrs. Thompson of Circle- - Mrs. Mabel Greenland, Miss Clara 12.15 p. m. sharp. All members are week from the office of the State anMr. and Mrs. George Latimer Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Gadd, and Mrs Board of Equalization the assessed vllle, Utah, Mrs. R. J. Huntington, Farnsworth, and the hostess ged to be present. of their and the nounce the engagement Miss Geneva Langlois. Irons. hostess Mrs. Judd. valuation of Juab County for 1924 Harry Is 117,344,340.00. daughter Veneta, to Mr. Delos Pax There has been Dr. and Mrs. F. II. Beckstead an man of Salt Lake City, the marriage have" a slight decrease this year in farm Dr. T. W. been Allred, spendln Miss Geneva Langlois who has been to take Tem In the Salt Lake place a few days in Nephi this week. The valuations otherwise the valuations STEEL-DA- Y teaching here the past season, left ple June 12th. will locate here permanently havln are about the game as last year. for her honrn- - in Idaho Tuesday. acquired the practice of Drs. Rees and Rees, announcement of which Is Official weather observer 8. T. VERMELL BECK A X N OU X KM KXT made In another part of this Issue Vlckers reports mat 1.6 Inches of MADE 1ST SERGANT rain had fallen up to Tuesday noon Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Huntington o at his station in the canyon. Drs. Rees and Rees wish to anPlans are fast maturing for on Tlmpanogas Park. Thl will be fol Tooele. Utah, former residents nounce to the citizens of Nephi, Lethis are old hand with a In lowed match between the celebrations of city shaking the by Mr. and Mrs. Con Chappcll greatest wrestling and The positfon of.lst Sergeant of the and vicinity, that Drs. van, week. Moaa, friends here Thev have this family refurned home Saturday from local battery was filled Tuesday history of Utah Sleel Day, June Henry Jones of Provo and Tony now entirely recovered from t'.r aut liecbateaa and Allred have taken Los Angeles where they spent the evening. by the selection of Sergeant 7th. Committees are active in var Ross 6f Kansas. acclcfnt which happened to th n th over our practice. These young men winter. This appoint ious lines preparing to care for and Vermeil A. Beck. At Sprlngville there will be are who port of the year. They : r th have come to us h'ghly recommen- entertain 60,000 penons ment has Jeen the cause of consider at the City Park early festival strawberry e of Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Jadd. ded, and as such we iccommend them Spring-villProvo guests and Mins Clara Farntworth and Mr. able speculation among battery clr expected to visit after the program at th during their visit In Nephi. to you as cfTkiint and dependable on that day, according to Chair- Immediately Phllo Farnsworth of Mantl, Utah, cles for some time past as to who also an open air concert and men. We wish to extend to our are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph would get the position. Mr. Beck has man Hinckley of the general com- plant; sports. At Glengarry (Ctah's newest - many friends our deepest appeciat- memMr. a Provo. of Tavllr Utah, mittee. Belliston this week. been a member of the battery since resorts there will be dancing and ,hp "upport you have given and Provo, Sprlngville, Salt Lake and bathing during the entire day and ber of the firm of Dixon-Taylo- r Its organization. attenIn us. was Russell of above the city, Ogden mlltary bands will be In Sam Jones, formerly local manThere will be an art exhib' DRS. REES AND REES take over the furndance and a glee club from the Utah evening. ager for the telephone company In Ition at the High School, open to th Nephi Monday to the iture of will IIOt'RH business take Furniture KIGIIT TRAIN DKIjAYKD g part rhak-InBailey this city was here Wednesday Agrcultural College public all day and a base hull gam Mrs. Lorenzo Pce. and Miss Eloise on the program which Is scheduled on Supply Co. Mr. Taylor In speaking hands with old friends. Mr. the campus In the afternoon. a. m. 11 to a representative of this paper stat- Pace, entertained Friday night at to take place at Ironton at Jones Is now located with the Both these cities will put on a gal ed that It Is the intention of his their home at a shower complimenThe local passenger train due here Among those who will speak wilt be company at Provo. with a uniform scheme of company to carry an up ot date line tary to Mrs. Bert Armstrong, a bride at 6:15 p. m. was 8 hours late Mon Governor Charles R. Mabey, V. E. appearance decoration with the national colors of furniture so that the people of this of the month. Games and , music Steel u wash-oColumbia of a Creed, president Mr. and Mrs. Wllford Cole motor- day evening mi account of Word comes from Columbia Steel city can get Just what they want In were enjoyed and dtlicious refreshed to Logan yesterday to attend the near Mills, Utah. The heavy rain Corporation and Thomas F. Plerporit Holde officials that arrangements are beln house furnishings. While here Mr. ments served to twenty five guests. Mr. In that section Monday caused th president of exercises. college graduation made for the parking of 10,000 auto Taylor made arrangements for an Many beautiful and useful presents a of debris Is son one of the above being ing Company. Chase Cole, trouble, large pile were received by the guest ot honor. a rodeo at mobile at the plant. extensive advertising campaign. At Frovo there will washed on to the trsck. o5 the graduates this year. Boud. The festivities of the evening took place in the new Community Church, were a splendid banquet was served by the Ladies Aid Society. Ollie' Clay, President of the Price club, welcomed the Nephites and then turned the gavel over to President Boud, who in turn introduced George D. Haymond, as toastmaster for the evening. June Kendall was slated to introduce the visiting Kiwanians which he did in his humorous and impressive style. The program was given by the local club consisting of a vocal solo by Mrs. jarnes m. powers, Waters of Alinnetonka" accompanied by Viola Worthington, ; which called forth an encore. Miss Geneva Langlois gave a reading "The American In Europe" and the club Chorus rendered in fine style "Tennessee" and a "Night of Revelry." Judge Thomas H. Burton, delivered an able address taking for his subject the club motto, "We Build." Judge Burton gave in detail some of the outstanding achievements and ideals of Kiwanis. He also deplored any jests or ridicule of the laws of our country and stated that such prac tices had no place in Kiwanis. At the close of the program the loving cup was then presented to the Price club by President Boud, and accepted by Mr. Clay with appropriate remarks. Adjournment was then taken to the Carbon County high school where a grand ball closed the evening's enjoyment. Sunday morning the Nephitea were the guests of R. M. Magraw, General Superintendent of the United States Fuel Company. Accompanied by Mr. Magraw, Eugene Santchi, County Commissioner of Carbon County, and 3. B. Forrester, Chief Engineer, they were escorted through the Black Hawk mine at Hiwatha. The mine was a revelation to many of the visitors who had never been inside a modern coal mine in their lives and this opportunity given them by the fuel company officials was certainly FUNERAL HED FOR MILES MILLER FISHING OUT OF SEASON life-tim- n, n, PROMISES TO BE HUGE FUNCTION '" Provo-Springvlll- |