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Show THE btiPHl, TIMEa-NEW- S, CLASSIFIED ADS COUNTY BOARD SPECIAL IN SESSION SATURDAY AND ALL NEXT WEEK 39c Regular 45c New Crepe Ginghams Plaids and Checks, beautiful patterns. CHINESE PARASOLS Excellent Patterns Durable and Water Proof $1.35 $2.25 Regular $1.50 for Regular $2.50 for 19c 23c Regular 25c Ginghams and Percales Regular 30c Ginghams and Percales Best Grade Breakfast Bacon 30c lb. Best Grade Hams Honey Nut Butter 30c lb. 35c 19c Regular 35c Sperry's Rolled Oats Can Corn 15c. Three Cans for 35c French Market Syrup 40c 19c Oranges, Lemons, New Potatoes, Royal Bread ' 5 mmr o rumen nuAP unHO. The regular monthly meeting of the Commissioners of Juab County in this city. was held Saturday Present: W. G. Orme, John Bunnell, and Dr. Steele Bailey. The reports of officers for the month of April were approved by the Board and ordered filed. The expense for the County Agent for the year commencing July 1st, 1924, and ending June 30th, 1925, in the sum of $925 was approved. Lorenzo Webb was appointed pre cinct constable of Mona, his bond being fixed at $600. An ordinance granting a franch ise for telephone and telegraph lines to the Millard County Telephone Cp. was passed by the Board and ordered published in the Times News. An ordinance granting the People's to Telephone Company a franchise operate telephone lines in Juab County was passed by the Board and ordered published in the Eureka NEPHI WIN i tm O USLrJt 7 T A crnnrt irnr OIUIUO lViEll 1 ROCK-BOTTO- M See Wilford Bailey. Big lot of $24.75 Womens Silk last. Dresses, for $15 while they Come early Charles Foote and Sons I shall open June 1st, with a stock of ready to wear ladies apparel, also a beauty parlor, in the upstairs room of the Nephi Implement and Hardware Store James M. Powers. Plenty JAIL Four prominent citizens of the Tintic District were brought over from Eureka last night by Sheriff Dan Martin, and the gentlmen will be' the guests of Deputy Sheriff P. P. Christison, tor terms ranging from three to six months. Violation of the Volsted Act and trading in the stuff that send men crazy is the cause of their present incarceration in the County Bastile. Federal Judge Tillman D. Johnson before whom they were tried in Salt Lake City The men Imposed the sentences. are: Major Church, former Mayor of Eureka, Sam Hansen, John Gatley also of Eureka, and J. H. Whitlock SPECIAL MEETING Sales A special meeting of the Board of Education was held Wednesday even ing to consider the appointment of a superintendent for the district. After discussing the matter for some time the application of Prof. Wm. T. Hicken, who is at the present time attending the Berkley University was accepted. Mr. Hicken wag notified by wire of his appointment and a con tract was mailed the- - following day Mr. Hicken Is very highly recommen ded by a number of the leading educ ators of this and. other states having had several years experience in the teaching profession. ' OFFERING OUR ALLOTMENT OF 200,000 Mens Shirts The Kind That Appeals To The Heart of Men These Shirts Finely Woven Mercerized Pongee. 72x100 Grade made of Count are Pongee. Don't High confuse them with 68 x 72 and 72 x 80 Count Pongee. There is a big difference, as is found after two or three washings. $1.69 and $1.98 Beautiful Flapper DRESSES $9.90 M. II. Long, was brought over from Eureka this week to serve 30 days in the county Jail for being drunk Claud Salano, is also in the jail here awaiting trial before the district court on a criminal charge. IN DISTINCTIVE SPRING STYLES Good Taste and Economy are combined in these Silk Dresses for they are made of excellent materials. In the later styles, and yet reasonably priced. $9.90, $12.50, $14.75 to $24.75 for sale. Phone 207r2 counter and then our conntnr. A Mr. and Mrs. R. A. in Morris, scattered occurred, the drought persists in all sections and is becoming serious locally. The lower ranges, winter grains and late spring plantings of all crops, are in critical need of rain, though irrigated crops, especially the earlier plantings are doing well. Livestock and moan- tain ranges are doing fairly well, but rain would improve the forage Heavy spring losses have occurred a- mong cattle in the extreme south western grazing areas, and especially on adjacent parts of the Arizona strip Lambing is progressing faborably and most sheop are doing well, but rain is greatly needed for their range. Highways are generally dusty The summer ranges need rain at Cattle and sheep are Montpelier. good at Oakley, but the range is dry; shearing is progressing. Lamb ing has been completed and shearing has begun at Elko. Peas and wheat are all planted at Morgan, and most of them are coming up nicely. Some sheep are dying on the range at Mantl; irrigated crops are doing very well, but the dry land grains are suffering for rain; farm pasturage is very poor, but national forest ramges are good; the streams are high, but not as high as usual. Winter wheat Is heading atcDeseret; crops are doing well where irrigated and sugar beets are coming up. Most or. the high water has passed at Cedar City; grain and hay are growing rapidly but the range needs rain; livestock entering the national forest from Beaver Dam Wash are poor, and win ter losses have been very heavy; other cattle and sheep are fair. Rain is badly needed at Modena; some live Btock losses have occurred, due to the drought. The river is high at Dechesne; and the river Is rising rapidly at Moab. piece-good- Dress That Slip-O- n s h "Different" Plain or printed crepe 5278 de Chine, silk crepe, and crepe satin are the materials recommended for this dress. Visit our piece-good- s counter and choose the color you like best. But before you buy your material get your Butterick Pattern and see how much or rather how little you need. Alivayt Buy Buttrrick Design 5Z7 BUTTERICK PATTERNS with the DELTOB Nephi Merc. Co. WHERE GOOD MERCHANDISE IS CHEAPER. FOR SALE one half acre lot with North Meadow Pasture for sale. share of water, for $200 cash or $450.00. C. H. Grace. $250 terms Inquire Times-New- s. I have a good crop of ice for sale E. Tanner. Due to an Optical Convention in Salt Lake City June 2nd and 3rd, NOTICE TO ALUMNI MEMBERS! Dr. Harrison's regular trip will be Any Alumni member desiring N. the second Monday and Tuesday in June the 9th and the 10th at the H. S. Year Books can purchase them at the Nephi Drug. Price $2. per Nephi Drug. copy. Only a few left. Vi Are You Making The Old Suit Struggle To Keep Up Your Appearance? .1 Mrs. Vernon C. Tolboe returned to her home in Provo Sunday after vis She itinr hoT th nant ten days. guests this week at the home of .Mr was accompanied home by Mr. Tol and Mrs. Willard Ockey, parents o boe who also spent Sunday here. The former have been Mrs. Morris. attending Berkley University, Calif nrnia, the pant year. WILL L. HOYT ATTOIl.NKY AW) COCN8KIAJB Notary Public LICK.YSKD ABSTRACTER. And EX A MIX Kit OF TITLES Office New Spring Frocks of ice ed Roduccd Iloundtrip Summiuer Jx- cur.sion tickets via Denver & Kio Grande Western Itailroad to Pacific Coast destinations will be on. sale daily. May 15 to September 30, in clusive; to eastern destinations, May 22nd to September 30 inclusive. Stop overs permitted in both directions. Final return limit, October 31. A New Daylight Train "PANORAMIC will be inaugurated, SPECIAL" Sunday, June 1, leaving Salt Lake City at 6.00 p. m. arriving Denver, 9.30 p. m., traversing the Colorado Two other Rockies by daylight. plendid trains daily between Ogden and Salt Lake City and Pueblo, Colo rado Springs and Denver. All day- ight trains through the Royal Gorge stop ten minutes at the Hanging Bridge. Call on nearest Rio Grande ajent for detailed fares, train schedules, and Pullman reservations. SCHOOL BOARD HOLD Day-- No The Dehor enclosed with the Butterick Pattern for this dress shows you with pictures and explanations how to do the drawn-wor- k with which this dress is trimmed. As for materials, those in which the threads draw easily are recommended soft linen, soft linen-finishcottons, and cotton homespun. Visit our Butterick 5310 Two good milk cows for sale of Mammoth. PRICES-HER- E One ofSummer$ Favorites, Uaiui-DrawWork n- In the ball game with Lynndyl played on the local diamond Friday afternoon, the visitors won from the Nephites with a score of 10 to 5 in their favor. Numerous errors contributed largely to the defeat of the home team, some of them being costly in the matter of piling up tallies. Leland Belliston I have a complete line of electric pitched for Nephi and twirled good ball material. See me for any electrical throughout the game. Joseph Cowan work you may have. C. J. Pyper and V. M. Foote were umpires. 90 West, Center Street. Sunday afternoon the locals went to Mammoth and won from the miners by a score of 15 to 7. From the present outlook it ap WEEKLY CROP AND pears that the Central Utah League has gone out of business and there will be no league games this year, WEATHER REPORT but the management here are ezpec ting to arrange games during the season with teams from the surround ing country. Windy but moderately cool weath er has prevailed, and while light, IN COUNTY & 5310 High School Year Books for sale at the Nephi Drug. $2.00 per copy. WILL DO TIME w.t-- t Butterick Design Artificial Flowers for Decoration Day at Mrs. Earl Hoyt's. AND LOSE GROCERIES XTIAH at County Court House Utah Ncphl KOTHIXCl LIKE IT The new treatment (or s wounds, noma or 60c. Hold by Your blown out tubes and let us Vulcanize .The job is not too large. .we fix it. them, . OX EARTH torn flesh, that cuts. is doing such wonderful work in flesh healing is tne itorotone uqum and powuor combination trcst merit. The liquid Boroione is powerful antM'ptic that purifies th wound of all poisons and infectious germs, while the Itorosone powder is the great healer. There is nothing like it on earth for snfrd. safety and efficiency. Pric (liquid) 80c, 600 and SlJiU. I'uwder 8UC aod SAVE! LUNT PHARMACY CO. Drop in today and see how little it takes to dress in a new Clothcraft suit. There' really no excuse today for making your old suit last another season. Decide that "the old suit" has served its purpose. SILVER MAPLE So just let us make one suggestion please come early while the selection offers you the widest choice. SERVICE The Toggery Try Our Kervlro |