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Show THE TTMES-NEW- S, NEPIII, UTAH "We cannot blindfold the eyes of needle, but wltb Hattts, as well, to nature. They see through everysew and lay the carpets a "Brussels" thing." of bewildering design and "tagrain" It was nine o'clock when Viola for the bedroom. "When you come home from the of stepped out Into her front yard, reticule In hand, and sauntered slowly fice at noon, Kenny, don't fall to bring down the walk, stopping now and tacks and a hammer with you," she In then to Inspect some Maytlme shoot. structed, as she fanned her flushed He was waiting for ber outside his face with her apron. own gate. But I am not going to the office," ha Ana ao they advanced upon the expostulated. "I have too much to see town, as fine a pair as you would And to here." in a twelvemonth's search. First she It isn't customary for the man of conducted hlra to Jimmy Munn's feed the house to be anywhere around at a a? Inc. Dod4. Ifssd Company, Copviirht by and wagon-yard- , where he contracted time like this" she informed him. to spend the first of the firmly. "Oh, don't look so hurt. You ave been fine this afternoon. I don't to haul by expedition engaging Jimmy dicating the thicket with a Jerk of her without you. Put down all the things his purchases up to the house. know how I should have got along bead. you would most like to have, Viola, and "Put the sideboards on your biggest without you. But tomorrow It will be "I am glad to see that you took and well, confound the expense. Jimmy," was Viola's order, different. Hattie and I will be busy them to heart and have profited," he Come along ! We're losing time. Did wagon, "and meet us at Hinkle's." sewing carpets and and well, you ou Jot down that last thing we were ventured boldly. She proved to be a very sweet and really will not be of any use at all She hesitated, and then spoke with talking about?" delightful autocrat. For three Rhort Kenny. So please stay away." a frankness that shamed. "Yes, I did They prpceeded. He had followed and Joyous hours she led him from Four or five days passed, each with take them to heart, Kenny. I will not about, carrying the ink pot. Into which store to store, graciously leaving to Its measure of bitter and sweet. By say that I have profited, but I'll never she frequently dipped the big quill pen. him the privilege of selection but In the end of the week the carpet were make the same kind of a fool of my- She overlooked nothing In the scantily nine cases house in perfect order, self again. I hated you with all my furnished house. She even went so far that he wasout of ten demonstrating down and the entirely wrong In his lie invited her over for Sunday dinner. soul .that day and for a long time as timidly to suggest that certain artipained, embarrassed look came into always with the naive remark afterward but I guess you took the cles of furniture might well be replaced choice, after the purchase was completed and her eyes. right way with me, after all. If I was by more attractive ones, and he had 'I was afraid you would ask me to paid lu hand: "Of course. fair and square, I would say that I am promptly agreed. At last she announced the money Kenny, If you would rather have the come, she said gently. "I don t tliinit grateful to you. But, you see, I am that she must go home. don't for the world let me In It would le right or fair for me to ac not fair and square. I am as stub"If you buy all the things we have other, fluence you." cept your hospitality. Wait! I know born as a mule." will have put down here, Kenny, you "You know more about It than I do," what you are going to say. But It isn't "What is it you want to say to me the loveliest house in Lafayette." he would invariably declare. quite the same, you see. Mother has" 'I have a feeling I shall be very about Barry?" he asked, abruptly. been very kind and generous about letiMie was greany dismayed, even ap"Oh, there is plenty of time for that," lonely amidst all this splendor," he palled, as they wended their way home she replied, frowning. "It will keep. said. ward, followed by the first wagonload How are you getting along with the "Oh, no, you won't. I shall run in or possessions, to find that he had will You to see you every whipstitch. house?" the stupendous, unparalleled sum spent Splendidly. It was In very good or- get awfully sick of having me around." of two hundred and forty-twdollars der. I will be settled In a day or two 'I am thinking of the time when you and fifty cents. and as comfortable as anything. To- are married, Viola, and and have OH, dear!" she sighed. "We must night Zachariah and I are going to gone away from Lafayette." take a lot of it back, Kennv. Why cloud brow make a list of everything we need and 'Well," she began, her tomorrow I shall start out on a pur- ing, "you seem to have got along didn't you keep track of what vou were spending? Why, that's nearly a fourth chasing tour. I intend to buy quite a without me for a good many years. of one thousand dollars." lot of new furniture, things for the Besides, we are supposed to be eneiie grinneu cneerruuy. "And we kitchen, carpets and " mies, aren't we?" haven't begun to paint the house yet. Viola Interrupted him with an exmuch look like it now, or "It doesn't paper the walls, or set out the flow clamation. Her eyes were shining, does It?" er beds, or " 'No," she said dubiously, "but I I sparkling with eagerness. "Goodness me!" she cried, aghast "Oh, won't you take me along with must not do anything that will make "You are not going to do all that now, mother feel unhappy or " you?" are you?" "Hurrah ! It's just what I wanted, He broke in a little harshly. "Are Lvery Dit or it,- ne affirmed. "1 am Viola. Now you are being a real sis you forgetting how unhappy It will to rebuild the barn, put In a new going to me. In ter We will start early the make her If you marry Barry La well, dig a cistern, build a smokehouse. morning and and buy out the town. pelle?" lay a brick walk down to the front gate Bless your heart, you've taken a great "Oh, that may be a long way off," and put up a brand new picket fenc load off my mind. I haven't the Intel- she replied calmly. "You see, Barry You must be made of money," she a of fit comes I It to when and ligence snipe quarreled yesterday. We both cried, eyeing him with wonder in her ting up a why, say, I tell you what I'll have vile tempers perfectly detest- big, violet eyes. hi f ' . iiv .inrR do. I will let you choose everything I able tempers. Of course, we will make I am richer now than when we start need, just as if you were setting up up again we always do but there ed out this morning," said he, magnifi may come a time when he will say, housekeeping for yourself." "Oh, Kenny, what fun we'll have," she 'Oh, what's the use trying to put up cently. When you say things like that, you cried. And, first of all, you must let with you any longer?' and then It will almost make me wish you were not my me come over right now and help you all be over." said she, after a moment, and brother," with your list. I know much better She was tying her bonnet strings as to her annoyance she felt the blood than you do what you really need and she made this astonishing statement. mount to her face. She Had Corns Over Prepared for Toll. what you don't need. We must not Her chin being tilted upward, ahe "And what would you do If I were too looked much see." into his eyea the not your brother?" he money, you spend me come over to help you with the straight up Inquired, looking ting " 'Gad," he gulped, "you you talk while her long, house and I suppose she would not shapely fingers busied straight ahead. ' just as If you and I were a poor, strug themselves with the ribbons. object if I were to come as your guest ' Whereupon she laughed unrestrain "I guess you have found out wbat In a gling young couple planning to get here I dinner but have at feeling "You would be dreadfully shocked married." kind of a temper I have, haven't edly. if I were to tell you, but I can't help somewhere that it would hurt her If 1 "No, it only proves how mean and you?" she added genially. As he said came here as your guest. So I sha'n't ., selfish I am. I am depriving your fu nothing (being unable to trust bis saying that Barry would be Sf jealous come. Y'ou understand, don't you?" he know do. wouldn t to what ture bride of the pleasure of furnish voice) : "I know I shall lead poor "Yes," he said gravely, and reluctant"You might find yourself playing with ing her own house, and that's what all Barry a dog's life. If he knew what Ore." ly. "I understand, Viola." brides like better than anything. But was good for him he would avoid me Earlier In the week he had ridden "Well," she said, flippantly, 'Tve got I promise to pick out things that I as he would the plague." over wanting to play with dolls. Now out to Isaac Stain's. The hunter had know she will like. In the meantime, He swallowed hard. "You you will don't scold me ! I can see by your face no additional news to give him, except: you' will be happy In knowing that you not fall to come with me tomorrow that you'd like to shake me good and that Barry, after spending a day with k ' have something handsome to tempt her morning on the purchasing tour," he hard. a frown I am glad Martin Hawk, had gone down to Attica ' with when the time comes. Come on. said, rather gruffly. "I'll be helpless It Isn't My, what to was and return flatboat expected by January. If your face was e, Kenny. Let's go In and start making without you." freeze I to Lafayette on the packet Paul There! That'a better. the list." on "I wouldn't miss It for anything," shouldn't mind at all If It froze now due Monday or Tuesday. She started off toward her own gate, she cried. Lapelle's extended absence from the You look much nicer when you smile, but stopped as he called out to her. As they walked down to the gate voice dropped a little and town was full of meaning. Stain ad-- ;' Her Kenny. ! Are you sure your mother she turned to him and "Wait abruptly said: a serious expression came into her vanced the opinion that, he had gone..' will approve of your " "Barry is going down the river next eyes. "I don't believe I ever saw fa down the river tor. the purpose of see"Of course she will !" she flung back week. He expects to be away for nearsmile. But I've seen him when he ing a Wlliiamsport Justice of the peace at him. "She doesn't mind our being ly a fortnight. Has he said anything ther looked exactly as you did Just then. I whose record was none too good and friendly." to you about It?" who could be depended upon to per- - ,. I hope you don't mind my talkln There was a yearning in his eyes as Kenneth started. Next week? The that way ahout your father, Kenny. I form the contemplated marriage cere--' . they followed her down to the gate dark of the moon. mony without compunction If his;, wouldn't If he were nor mine as well then he shot a quick, accusing glance i ; was satisfactorily greased." "Not a word," he replied grimly. "palm I, hlra "You knew far than better at the house In which his enemy lived. "If we could only obtain some clear added he reminded her. Then be He saw the white curtains in the north manner of .' CHAPTER XI brightly : "I shall try to do better from and definite Idea as to their parlor window drop into place, flutter now on. I'll smile If It kills me." carrying out this plan," said Kenneth, for a second or two, and then hang A Man From Down the River. Aa they parted at Kenneth's gate It "I would be the happiest man on earth. perfectly still. Rachel Gwyn bad been Kenneth's first night In the old aeemed to be mutely understood tha But we will be compelled to work In watching them. Gwyn house was an uneasy, restless he was to go no farther they observed the dark simply waiting for them to ;' ... He met Viola at his own disabled one, Oiled with tormenting doubts aa a tall, black figure cross the little front gate, which creaked and shivered pre to his strength or even his willingness "Well, Moll Hawk hain't been able Z porch of the house beyond and disapcariously on Us rusty hlngea as be to continue the battle, against the pear through the door. Kenneth's eyes to find out Just yet when er how they're Jerked It open. forces of nature. hardened. The girl, looking up into goin' to do It," said Stain. "All she They spent the better part of an hour Viola's night was also disturbed. those eyes, shook her head and smiled knows Is that two or three men air comln' up from Attica on the Paul Re going over the house. She was In an Some strange, mysterious instinct was wistfully. adoruble mood. Once she paused In at work within her, although she was vere auu air gum iv get u um i,ut come me over "Will and help the middle of a sentence to ask why far from being aware of Its signifi put all you these things where they be when It reaches her na'a a clace. Like ss not this scalawag of justice, will ' he was so solemn. cance. She lay awake for a long time be asked, after a moment. be one of 'em, but that's guesswork. "Goodness me, Kenny, you look as If thinking of him. She was puzxled. long?" "This afternoon, Kenny?' That reminds me to ask, did you ever you had lost your very best friend, Over and over again she asked her else haven't "If you you anything run acrosst a feller In the town you Aren't you Interested? Shall we stop?" self why she had blushed when be would rather he began. A feeling of utter desolation had looked down at her as she was tying Suggs?" "i can't wait to see how the house come from named Jasper atrlcken him. He was sick at heart. her bonnet-strings- , and why bad she will look when we get everything In "Jasper Suggs? I don't recall Ihi Every drop of blood In his body was cry felt that queer little thrill of alarm? place. I will be over right after din name." "Well, she says this feller Suggs Ing out for her. She bad removed her And why did be look at her like that? ner, unless mother needs me for some that's been stayln' st Martin's cabin fer bonnet. If he had thought her beautl She announced to ber mother at break- thing." a week er two claims to have lived ful on that memorable night at Strlk fast : years ago "I don't believe I ran ever think of er's be now realized that his first lm Kenneth's delight was due to th there some twenty odd too small to press Ion was hopelessly Inadequate. Kenny as a brother." of Viola, the Guess you must ha' been picture sort of Her eyes, dancing with eagerness, no Rachel Gwyn looked op, startled. sleeves of her work-dres- s rolled up to recollect him. She ssys ' longer reflected the disdain and suspl "What was that you called him?" she the elbows, her eyes aglow with en brags about beln' a renegade lurin' tbe on the side of the war an' cioo with which she had regarded hlra asked. fightln' done balr thuslasm, her bonny brown on that former occasion. Her smile up along tbe lakea. He's a nasty "Kenny. He has always been called up in rarelesa colls, her throat bare. was frank and warm and Joyous. He that for short. And somehow, mother. her spirits as gay as the song of customer, sbe says. Claims to be s resaw her now a ahe really was. Incom It sounds familiar to me. Have I ever roistering gale. She had come over lation of Simon Glrty's nephew er parably sweet and charming and ao beard father speak of hlra by that prepared for toll, an ample apron of something like that" "Does he claim to have known any bis heart was sick. name?" blue gingham shielding her frock, her "I I am sure I do not know," re- skirts caught up at the sides, reveal of my family down thera?" Inquired "I wouldn't stop for the world," he exclaimed, making a determined effort plied ber mother uneasily. "I doubt ing the bottom of her white petticoat Kenneth, apprehensively. "From what Moll says be aiust have to banish the telltale misery from his It. It must be a fancy, Viola." and a glimpse of trim, shapely ankles. he say "I can't get over feeling shy and She directed the placing of all the knowed your pa. Leastwise, eyes. He was sayln "I know!" she cried, after a search embarrassed wbeo be looks at me," furniture; she put the china safe and th name's familiar be'd like to Ing look Into his eyes. "You are In love mused the girl. "Don't you think It pan try la order; she superintended only a day or twe ago that know If He'd a see of pa. your plcter r with some one, Kenny, and you are oddr bed erection of tbe the big know used to he was It same the feller In were la here are not that "It because you she used to measured the windows for the new rurmy place, wishing each other." Interrupted Rachel. "Tou tslns, Issued Irrevocable command soon as be laid eyea on It." helping you to plan the" Kenneth pondered a moment and "Nonsense," he broke In. gruffly will get over It la time." concerning the hanging of severs! sty "I suppose so. You are sure you English hunting prints (the sctual then said : "Do you suppose you could "Put that out of your head, Viola. I get a letter to Moll Hawk if I were te tell you there Is no er no such don't mind my going lo tb stores hanging to be done by Kenneth an with a In his mother?" Klrl." less crowded hour, write It, Stain V servant him, Her mother arose from the table. after supper, she suggested) ; ordered "Then," she snid darkly, "It must be the dreadful extravagance I am leading There was a suggestion of fatalism In Zarhsrlsh to remove to the attic such "You forget that he will no hen I look at thl her reply. "I think I run understand of the discarded articles f furniture as you Into. Goodness, doubt remember you as Rachel could be carried up the pole ladder, the list, I realize what a lot of money It I your desire to be with him." Carter." Raehel's strong, firm shoulders remainder to go to the barn; left I going to take to " "We're not half through." he snld, drooped a little ss she passed Into the a'metlODs eot to touch the rolls "nnd I am not thinking of the expense, sitting room. She sat down abruptly carpet until she could measure and cut (TO MS CONTIKISU I I am delighted with everything you In one of the stiff rocking chairs, and them Into sections, and then went away Kven a loafer has ideals; tnd some have suggested. I shudder when I oh with sharp ears might have beard with the promise to return early In think how helpless I should have been ber wblauer to herself s tbe morning not only with shears and dajr be "uiruns to work toward Uietu." O LA GWY By GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON half-doll- "JASPER SUGGS?" SYNOPSIS. Kenneth Gwynne was live years old In the spring of 1812 when his father ran away from Kentucky with Rachel Carter, a widow. They took with them Mmiia Carter. Rachel's baby In the daughter.tiled of a fall Kenneth's mother broken heart. His grandparents brought him up to hate the name of Rachel Carter, "an evil woman." . . . Kenneth, now a young lawyer, seeks lodging for the night at the farm of phlneas Striker, near Lafayette, Ind. It appears that Kens father has recently died and that he is on his way to take possession of extensive lands he has Inherited. The Strikers fabought their farm of Ken's ther and a mortgage runs to his father's widow the Rachel Carter. A beautiful nineteen-year-ol- d girl, who says she knew his father well and refuses to give her name, is visiting the Strikers. Ken is much interested in her. In the morning the girl Is gone. Striker tells Ken she was planning to elope with Barry Lapelle ana ner mother came in the night and took her home. As Ken goes on his way Striker tells him: 'That girl was Viola Gwyn an' A handshe's your some, dashing young fellow rides up and introduces himself as Isaac Stain, a Barry Lapelle. farmer, gives Ken a message from Viola to call. At Lafayette Ken finds that the will divides an extensive property between Ken and Rachel Gwyn. Viola is not mentioned, but has decided Ken calls at not to contest. Viola's home and finds Rachel instead of Viola. Rachel tells him that Viola is really Minda Carter, though she does not know it, and puts her own and her daughter's future In his hands. Ken says he does not make war on women. Ken and Viola meet and quarrel. Rachel tells Viola- she will disinherit her if she marries LaKen realizes he loves pelle. Viola. Stain tells Ken of plan to abduct Viola. half-sister- ." CHAPTER X The Gracious Enemy. BHght and early the next morning Kenneth gave orders to have his new home put in order for immediate occupancy. Having made up his mind to remain in Lafayette and face the consequences that had seemed insurmountable the night before, he lost no time in committing himself to the final resolve. Meanwhile he rented an "office" on the north side of the public square, a small room at the back of a furniture store, pending the completion of the brick block on the south side. As he was hurrying away from the tavern shortly after breakfast he encountered Lapelle coming up from the table yard. The young Louisianian was in a singularly amiable frame of two-stor- y and disturbed if he could have known all that lay behind these casual questions. But it was not for hlra to know that Viola had repeated Mrs. Gwyn's threat to her Impatient, arrogant lover, nor was It for him to connect a simple question of law with the ugly plot that had been revealed to Isaac Stain by Moll Hawk. After two nights of trouhled thought, Barry Lapelle li'ad hit upon an extraordinary means to circumvent Rachel Gwyn. Wlthi Machiavellian cunning he had devised a way to make Viola his wife without jeopardizing her or his own prospects for the future. No mother, he argued, could be so unreasonable as to disinherit a dauirhter who had been carried away by force and was compelled to wed her Raptor rather than submit to a ' more sinister alternative. Shortly after the noon meal, Kenneth rode up to the old Gwyn house. He found Zachariah beaming on the front doorstep. It was late in the afternoon before he saw either of his relatives. He was on his front doorstep, contemplating with secret despair the Jungle of weeds and shrubbery that lny before him, completely obliterating the ancient path down to the gate. He was not aware of Viola s presence on the other side of the fence dividing the two yards until her voice fell upon his ears. It was clear and sweet and bantering. "I suppose you are wondering why we haven't weeded the yard for you, brother Kenny." As he made his way through the weeds to the fence, upon which she rested her elbows while she gazed upon him with a mocking smile he experienced a sudden riotous tumult In the region of his heart. ne rejoined. .Not at an, I am wondering Just where I'd better begin." "Did you find the house all right?" "Yes. You have saved me a lot of trouble, Viola." "Don't give me credit for It. Mother did everything. I suppose you know that the furniture and other things belong to you by rights. She didn't give them to you out of charity." "The last thing In the world I should expect would be charity from your mother," he said, stung by the obvious Jibe. He had come up to the fence and was standing with his hand on the top rail. She met his gaze for a moment and then lowered her eyes. "I wish It were possible for us to be friends, Kenny," she surprised him by saying. "It doesn't seem right for us - o 111 x. fj . ' 1 Re-ver- mind. ', Kenneth "Hello," he called out. stopped and waited for him to come up. "I'm off pretty soon for my place below town. It's only ahout eight miles. I want to arrange with Martin Hawk for i trip the end of the down week. He looks after my lean-tthere, and he is the keenest duck hunter In these parts. Better come along." "Sorry I can't make It," returned Kenneth. "I am moving Into my house today and that's going to keep me pretty busy. Mighty good of you to ask me." "Say, I guess I owe you a sort of apology, Kenny. I hope you will overlook the way I spoke last night when you said you couldn't go to Jack Trentman's. I guess I was a well, a little sarcastic, wasn't IT" There was nothing apologetic U his Tolce or bearing. On the contrary, he spoke In a lofty, casual manner, quite as If this perfunctory concession to the civilities were a matter of form, and was to be ao regarded by Owynne. o "I make It a rule to overlook, if mnn ma v a when anvthlne be Is drinking," said Kenneth, smiling. "Well, I have apologized for Jeering at you, Owynne, so I've done all that a sober man should be expected to do," Barry went on carelessly. "You missed It by not going down there with me last night. I cleaned 'em out." "You did, eh?" "A cool two thousand," aald the other, with a satisfaction that bordered on exultation. "By the way, changing the subject, I'd like to ask Has a mother the you a question. legal right to disinherit a son In case aald son marries contrary to ber wishes 7" Kenneth looked at him sharply. Could It be possible that Lapelle's mother objected to his marriage with Viola, and was prepared to take drastic action In case he did soT , "Well, It would depend largely on circumstances," said Kenneth, Judicially. "I doubt whether a will would land In case a parent attempted to deprive a child of his or her share of an estate descending from another parent who was deceased. Of course, you understand, there Is nothing to prevent her making such a will. But you cmild content It and break It, I am sure." "Tlinf's all I wnnt to know." said the other, draw ing n deep breath as of friend of mine Is like relief, ". ly to hj mixed up In Jut that sort of duck-shnotin- g o pos-Ihl- "Don't Give Me Credit for If to bate each other," she went on, looking up at him again. "It's not our fault that we are who and what we are. I can understand mother's attitude toward you. You are the son of another woman, and I suppose It U only natural for ber to be Jealous. But you and I had the same father. It It ought to be different with us, oughtn't itr"It ought to be and It shall be, Viola, If you are willing. It rests en- , tirely with you." "It Is so bard to think of you aa a brother. Somehow I wish you were not." "It la pretty hard luck, Isn't It T You may be sure of one thing. If I were not your brother I would be Barry Lapelle'a most determined rival. By the way, I hope matters are going more smoothly for you and Barry." Her face clouded. She shot a suspicious, questioning look at him. "I I want to talk to you about Barry some day," she raid seriously. "You seemed to recent It most bitterly the lest time I attempted to talk to you about him," suld he, Momcwhfit pointedly. "You were horrid tbnf day." khIiI iini!eMn'nM.'i. a ml I was n little curl- on to flint out whether siirh a will she. "I have a good ileal to forgive. You said some very .menu, nuity Witill Ma ul he teM." Kenneth would have oeen surprised things to me Chat day ove (here." In ce never-vanishin- g In-Jl- four-poste- i |