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Show lrilfc The Let's Get Acquainted News Mrs. George D. Hayraond and Mrs. Russ Hawkins, motored to Salt Lake Tuesday, returning the same evening. June Kendall went to Delta Wednesday, where he has a contract for the heating and plumbing of the new hotel. Miss Chloe Shepard, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lomax, motored to Salt Lake yesterday where Mr. Lomax will attend to some business matters In connection with his music store. us. First National PRICES REDUCED ; 50c Pair. Ladies Half Soles . Ladies Half Soles, best leather 65c Pair Ladies Leather Top Lift for Heels .... 25c Pair. 40c Pair. Ladies Rubber Heels Mens Half Soles Nailed on 85c Pair. Mens Half Soles Stitched on $1.00 Pair. Mens Rubber Heels 50c Pair. Half 75c Pair. Soles Boys Heels 40c Pair. Built . . Leather Boys Up Best Dependable Oak Leather used NOTICR Door South of Nephi Drug I & CO. COOPER-PYPE- R "TIIK WIMUKMTKIt HTOItK" CORRECTED AND QUICKLY EASILY If The Stomach Is Upset And The Digestive System Is Not Working Properly One Cannot Hope To Feel Well And Strong. Many Complications Have Their Origin In An Upset TAN LAC IS WORLD'S BEST TONIC FOR STOMACH TROUBLE This Great Medicine Will Tone Up The System, Sooth An Inflamed Stomach, Remove Accumulated Poison And Start The Digestive Organs Functioning Properly Thus Allowing The System To Assimilate The Food One Eats All Good Druggists Sell TANLAC. OWE TASTE J CONVINCES both young and old that Keeley's Ice Cream is the best frozen confection ever made. The fact that we have served it exclusively for five years is sufficient. Just drop in any old time our drinks and dishes are refreshing. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Co. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW TO WATER USERS State Engineer's Office Salt Lake City, Uta.h May 15, 1924. Notice is hereby given that the Sevier River Land & Water Company, with its principal place of business at Lynndyl, Utah, has made application in accordance with the requirements of the Compiled Laws of l 7, as amended by the Ses Utah, slon Laws pf Utah. 1919, to appro-prlot- e Two Hupdred (200) Sec. Ft. of water from the geyier River In Juab County, Utah.. Said water will be diverted at point N, 45 deg. 32 mln. W, 140u ft. from the 8, E. corner of See. 22, Township it South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and conveyed by means of a canal and pipe line a distance of 67,000 ft, and there used from Jan. 1 to Deo. 31, inclusive, of each year, to produce power for electric lighting and propelling machinery at Lynndyl, Eureka, and vicinity. After having been so used the water will be returned to its natural channel at a point 250 ft. North and 1150 ft. West from tba NV4 corner of Sec. 18, T. 15 8. R. 4 W. Salt Lake Meridian. This application Is de signated In the State Engineer's office as File No. 8771. All protests against the granting of said application, stating tho reasons therefor, must be made by affi davit In duplicate, accompanied with a fee of $1.00 and filed In this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. R. E. Caldwell, State Engineer Date of first publication May 23, 1(24 Date of completion of publication, June 20. 1924. Every Motoring Need At Lowest Cost The Ford Touring Car meets every motoring requirement at the lowest possible cost. It is sturdy, depend- able, long lived; easy to drive; con- venient to park and possesses the highest resale value in proportion to list price, of any car built. The Touring Car $6S $S23 All pricmt Tudor Sedan f. . . Dmtrdt 50 THE MZAAZST AUTHOMZZD OKI) DKAUCK F. O. B. Detroit DraottBtibU Rims Stanaress earn ud THE UNIVERSAL CAR Ymm tmm mmw -- ' It ' flmm. ThafmM ammtmr tm I ' h 't-- Ti Venice Theatre tnM mn ft-m-. tnr ik - . si " "" S Thursday May 29th L. J. FOOTE Presents The Other Man's Wife WITH AN ALL STAR CAST DIRECT FROM THE WILKES THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY PRICES 55c. AND TELA, YOU HOW BE Booth, 0. L0MAX ured a longer life, because decay and destruction are power- long as the film Is kept Intact. There are frame houses In America dating from the days of Washington, many which have been preserved by good paint. Washington's own home, Mount Vernon, Is ours to enjoy now, only because of the protection of paint We have the right products, whose excellence Is guaranteed by the BENNETT trademark. These preserve your property indefinitely If applied In time. CAN TROUBLE The Loverice Swarm of the Nephi Ward Bee Hive Oirls, held their meet Squeeze Water Out. lng at the home of Flora Parkes Over 1,200.000 tona Is saved each Friday evening. Those present were: year In freight handling through the Tola Bowers. Rnla Howell, Vera cemdenslng and evaporation of milk. Blanche Hurst, Jessie Salisbury, Andrews, Evelyn Bailey and the hostWhen All Are Equal. ess Flora Parjtes. Wlien we leave this world and are laid id the earth, the prince walks aa The members of the gn.tre-NQU- 9 narrow a path as the day laborer. Club were delightfully entertained Cervsnfea. Friday afternoon at the home of Alias Athella Booth. The time was spent in sewing, music and songs, after which a very delicious and well arranged luncheon was served to the following guests: Mrs. A. V. Pyper, Mrs. J. M. Powers, Mrs. W. H. Warner, Mrs. Orton Durham, Mrs. Paul E. Booth, Mrs. Joe Willis, Mrs. Spencer Forrest, Nell Golden, Ludsai) Lunt, Elva Jennings. Special guests, Mrs.. Vernon C Tolboe of ProvQ, Mrs. Irvipg Jenen, pt Baseman, Montana, and the hostess Miss Bank Bennett's "Property Life Insurance" Products Salt Lake and City, was the guest Tuesday Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Booth. invitation is extended to you to call on Good paint, applied to your property. Is a real Investment, which will pay dividend!) In Its lengthened life. The amount of money paid for protection thrcugh paint Is not worthy of consideration In view of the man great benefits derived from Its use. Buildings protected by and Mrs. Walter Sells was called to Salt Lake City Saturday on account of the serious illness of her sister. It's that way at our bank, and a cordial "WE'LL FURNISH THE MATERIAL baby girl was born to Mr. Wednesday. Airs. Milo Cazler of the banking day. ! 11.00 11.00 LOCAL NEWS they were as hard to see as a potentate. All that is changed, though, and nowadays your banker is right where you can see him and talk to him any hour An Investment In Property Life Editor Manager Babacrtptloa Rata In the old days, bankers used to shut themselves up in private offices and I fcy Tbm Tlsims One Tear Six Months A ITtajc STOMACH Publishing Company DENNIS WOOD .. B. GIBSON Just drop in anytime and We'll be glad to meet you say hello. and whatever advice we can give you will not cost one penny. 1 NiSMiL S, Times-New- s tnbUshed every Friday It's easy. C. JflMES-fcisW- Seats on ale at NpnhS Drnrr i |