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Show V TIIE nn iin BY S, pmrp SUFFER BIG SENATE NEPHI, UTAH UA . "Vz, M-h- It sMb SENATOR SMOOT AND KING VOTE TO UPHOLD PRESIDENT IN BONUS MEASURE W.WWhlp me ilH XTtlM. ' ""vnrii III FAMILIES TO FORCED LEAVE HOMES AS WATER RUSHES IN Farm $oldler Bonus Bill Now Becomes Law; Senate and House Join In Overthrowing Executive Veto Washington. overrode The senate Monday President Coolidge's veto of the soldier bonus bill. The measure now becomes law, the house automatically having taken similar action. The vote was 29 to 26 to overthrow the veto. This was two more than the necesmajority. sary Senator Reed, Republican, Pennsylvania, asked unanimous consent that a vote be postponed until Saturday, but Senator Ashurst, Democrat, Arizona, blocked the proposal with a formal objection. By unanimous consent the bill was taken up a few minutes after 2 o'clock on motion of Senator Curtis, Republican, Kansas. Less than a dozen senators-- were absent when actual consideration of the bill began with the reading of the president's veto message. Almost immediately on conclusion of the reading of the message the senate began to vote on repassage of the bill. Senator Curtis said he believed the minds of most of the senators were made up and he favored a rollcall. tne Senator Robinson, Arkansas-- , Democratic leader, concurred in the suggestion, and there were cries or "vote" from both sides. The clerk then began to call the roll. Several Republican organization leaders joined with a strong Democratic lineup in upsetting the veto on a vote which was in doubt until the last minute. President Coolidge himself made an eleventh hour effort to stem the tide of support for the bill. He summoned seven Republicans favoring it to the White House, but was unable to swing over enough votes to actwo-thir- complish its defeat. Thirty Republican, twenty-eeve- n Democrats and the two Farmer-Labo- r senators voted to override the Seventeen veto. Republicans and nine Democrats voted to sustain the president. The rollcall follows: Brandegee, Brook-har- t, Republicans Cameron, Capper, Bursum, Cummings, Curtis, Dale, Elkins, Fess, Gooding, Hale, Harreld, Frazier, Howell, Johnson of California, Jones of Washington, Ladd, Lenroot, Lodge, MacLean, McNarry, Norbeck, Norris, Oddie, Shortridge, Spencer, Stanfield, Warren and Wills 30. Adams, Democrats Ashurst, Broussard, Caraway, Copeland, Dill, Ferris, Fletcher, George, Gerry, Harris, Heflin, Jones of New Mexico, Kendrick, McKellar, Mayfield, Neely, Overman, Pittman, Ralston, RobinSimmons1, Smith, son, Sheppard, Trammell, Walsh of Montana and Wheeler 27. Farmer-Labo- r Johnson of Minnesota, Shipstead 2. Total 59. Against overriding the veto: Ball, Borah, Colt, Republicans Edge, Ernst, Fernald, Green, Keyes, Pepper, Phipps, McKinley, Moses, Reed of Pennsylvania, Smoot, Sterland Weller 17. ing, Wads-wortDemocrats Bayard, Bruce, Dial, Shields, Edwards, Glass, King, Swanson and Underwood 9. Will Settle Muscle Shoals Matter Washington, Supporters of Henry Ford's offer for Muscle Shoals scored their first senate victory Monday when Chairman Norris of the agriannounced he culture committee woud join them In opposing adjournment of congress unlit the Muscle Shoals question Is settled. In an effort to end hearings this week Norris obtained night (tensions of the com. mlttce beginning Wednesday. Amateur Cooks to Front Paris, Fears of fashionable Americans thronging the hotels that they might have to cook their own dinners were allayed when the caterers' association announced that they bad received 400 amateur cooks to prepare dinners for the big ptels and res. taurants during the kitchen strike. Practically all the regular kitchen staffs have walked out. Rate Bill Is AGRICULTURAL McNARY-HAUGE- N FAVOf? CHIEFS MEASURE IN COMMUNICATION Highways, Railroads Thousands of Acres Congress Asked for Support to Save From Impending Industry Ruin; Many Leaders Interested Ltfnds, Suffer; of Crops Inundated; Bridges Gone With two Richmond, Virginia. Washington. Leaders of a number dead, hundreds homeless and of national farm organizations in a property damage estimated at more letter sent to members of the house than $2,000,000, relief and survey and senate have urged enactment of measures were under way Wednesday farm relief bill the McNary-Hauge- n as slowly receding flood waters from "to save agriculture from impending rivers and streams, swollen by recent ruin." torrential rains laid bare scenes ot of The letter said consideration waste and dessolation in the Shenanbe will bill aid any other agricultural doah valley and Piedmont sections of of the National Officers futije. Virginia. Grange, National Livestock ProducBAR IS NEW TAX BILL More than a dozen towns in th& JAPANESE ers' association and of the Farm Buflood area were recovering, after reau Federation in Iowa Minnesota more than twelve hours- without light IS CONDEMNED and Indiana were among the signers.of DUE JULY FIRST and power, while the many families "The sole and solitary purpose forced to flee for their lives as the n McNary-Haugethe bill," the letter flood waters encroached upon their said, "is to give the farmer as big a homes in the lowlands were being LOWER BRANCH HOOVER CLAIMS dollar for the products of his toil dur. ADOPTS CON. SECRETARY cared for by the local volunteer reBILL WILL WORK AGAINST FERENCE REPORT BY VOTE ing the next five years as the dollar lief ngencies and individuals. OF 308 TO 58 SMALL BUSINfSS MEN that he is forced to pay to industry act Principal damage was done to under the Fordney-McCumbfarm lands, highways and railroad and to labor under the existing gen Thousandsof acres or Measure Now Goes to Senate For Large Business Will Prosper at Ex. erous wage scales." property. Decision on Conferees' Action; pense of Small Ones; Recites crops were inundated, miles of rail"For four long, weary months, this road trackage washed away, scores Period of 1867 to 1872 As measure has stood the fire of the opCoolidge Considers Line of bridges of Action Example of Result demolished, and many position before the house and senate committees and during this time we highways were wrecked. have sought to cure every fair ana Poincare's Defeat Delights Anatole Washington. Washington. Secretary Hoover, in valid objection made against its variOverriding the oppo. Paris. Anatole France, member sition of President Coolidge, the a formal statement declared that tne ous provisions. Therefore we have a of the French academy and dean or house has adopted the conference re- provision of the new tax bill opening firm conviction that the measure as the nation's literary men, whose po- port on the immigration bill, which tax returns for inspection, will Jeop- it now stands is legally sound and ardize small business and place it at workable. litical allegiance is somewhere mid- would make July 1 this year the ef- the "In the meantime let congress and mercy of larger competitors. way between socialism and commun- fective date of Japanese exclusion. The secretary recalled that pub the whole country understand that ism, rejoices in the victory of the left The senate now will be called upon bloc in Sunday's election in a signed licity of tax returns during the period the day of agriculture is to act, after which the bill will go of 1867 to 1872 contributed to "the statement in L'Oeuvre. that in this hour when the avto President Coolidge for signature industrial and financial chaos- of the past farmer is struggling for his "I salute this great victory," he erage declared. "France has just manifest- His course has not been determined. time," and charged that the provision very existence it would be an insult In adopting the report the house of the new tax bill opens new fields to offer him a mere legislative nosed her will for peace. trum that does not honestly and fair"I have often said I do not believe developed an overwhelming majori- for fraudulent concerns. "I am advised that the provision ly seek to relive him of the tremenwar is an eternal human necessity. ty against any delay in putting Into I wish and hope and foresee a future effect quickly the Japanese provision, in the tax bill that tax returns shall dous handicap under which he is- laof peace and concord among peoples which the administration had sought be open to inspection is so worded boring. In all kindness, but neverto delay in order that diplomatic ne- that they may not even have the theless with profound firmcess we of equal culture. be entered into In very indefinite protection which lies therefore gotiations might give us the McNary-Hauge- n say, "Let us prepare for this longed for an to settle the question. effort " around other bill for 'public documents,' agriculture is unable peace. Let us beware of the old adBefore adopting the conference said Mr. Hoover. "Even the protect to accept a substitute.' In reality if one wishes fot age. report the house rejected by a vote tion. of 'public documents' is insuffipeace, one must prepare for peace. of 246 to 33 a motion by Representa. cient guarantee of confidential charOnce Millionaire, Now Bankrupt Such is our desire, such is our care, tive Sabath, Democrat, Illinois, to acter. Commissioner Chicago. and such ought to be our work. County "We thus have serious jeopardy Charles S. I'eterson, former chairman recommite the bill for a conference "Let us work for universal peace. for a a that man's business may be reveal- of the finance committee of the counnumber of amendments. He And isn't it a task worthy of the expressed no objection, however, to ed to his competitors. Large corpor- ty board and reputed to be a milliongreatest souls and the proudest cour- the exclusion provision of ations already publish these facts aire, has been adjudged a bankrupt age? Rome of the Caesars attempt- the Japanese through reports to stockholders, and In the federal report. S. H. court here. ed it when she was queen of the unithis requirement, therefore, does not The which vote the conference by a partner of I'eterson In Silverman, verse. May Europe of today accomreport was approved was- - 308 to 58, materially affect them. Such publi- the Better Tires corporation, nlso whs plish it!" a wide margin over the cation would be likely to become the adjudged a bankrupt and a receiver His signature distinctly shows representing would be necessary basis of credit rating in the smaller that for their printing anil signs of a trembling hand, but his to repace the measure in case of a businesses, and the vital factor ot was appointed concerns and their Inbusiness other of lucid gift expression unimpaired. veto. character and reputation will be un- dividual estates. Failure of the BetThe report was sent to the senate dermined by the tax return of any ter Tires coropration recently precipiBootlegger Pays Big Sum bad year, thus working grave injus- tated action. In a petition In bankimmediately. Kemus.'-i- i tice on firms undergoing momentar George Washington, filed on May 3 hy Silverman U President is ruptcy Coolidge giving years of age, a millionaire bootlegger, thought to the action he will taKe losses or those that are unavoidable was charged that Peterson's personal now In the Atlanta ienitentiary, testiin times of depression. on the measure when it reaches the are In excess of a million fied before the senate Dauglierty com. 'It will enable strong competitors liabilities and that his indebtedness White dollars House. i mittee that he paid betwet-jto take advantage of temporary overbalances bis nssets by half a milThe president was said authorita- weak condition aud $.(00,(HM) to Jesse W. Smith for of smaller concerns, lion dollars. Indl'iittons are that the have reached to on no decision He also and on the other hand, fraudulent liabilities of the Better Tires eorpo-atlodeclared that tively protection. Indications are, how- concerns would James M. Linton, who he described the question. gladly pay a few with assets of are $1,100,000, as "a special agent to the attorney ever, that he is giving thought to thousand dollars a year, falsely disMr. Peterson came here from $400,000. these courses three of action: general," helped to defend him and guised as profit, in order to mislead Sweden when he was 14 years old Signature of the bill without any the public. Petple who wish to dis- with was paid about $1)000. He added that 75 rents In his pocket. statement or declaration. Linton refused, however, to "ask guise their wealth will be stimulated favors or consideration" from the de. Signature of the bill with an ac- to further evasion. It can add nothing Harvey Joins Washington Paper statement companying expressing to revenue returns. purtment of justice. The following anWashington. disapproval of the exclusion provision be recalled that publicity "It may been made by Ednouncement has in ofmanner such as to a of tax returns, which was required modify Six Killed In Wreck of ward B. McLean, fended Japanese sensibilities. the 1867 of to during 1872, period Rulelgh, N. C., Six persons were have much "I the Post Washington bill Return fithe of contributed to to the and industrial congress killed one was probably fatally in- without in announcing that I have arsignature and with a mes- nancial chaos of the time. One ser- pleasure with jured, and five others less seriously George Harvey, former ranged ious the executive's be effect undermine apto sage declaring might hurt when a Seaboard Airline local ambassador to Great United States meaconfidence of of in. all the of whole the proval provisions system passenger train crashed Into an ex. sure with editorial director become Britian to extaxes the and of the which be would a incomes, exception press train standing in the yards at clusion of the Washington Post on June 1. section. great pity." X. of sixteen miles south Apex, C, "Colonel Harvey needs no introuction Indications were given by some of A train merchant, two ne. Raleigh. to the American reading public. SigGun Duel Fight those to close the the president that pro brakemcn, a negro woman passennal as were his achievements In the Ind. Robert !5. Tipton. Christy. last two courses are being given the ger and two unidentified negro memfsirmer Is In Jail here await- field of diplomacy, it is as a journalwealthy most The of the thought. expiration were killed. bers of the crew he is best known to his couna president immigration act June 30 ing grand Jury probe of the shooting ist that Successively staff membei and the approaching adjournment of of James Parnett, a crippled school trymen. Gas Suicides Popular In Berlin are the complicating fac- teacher, sin In in a quarrel over the of the Springfield Republican anl congress Suicide by gas has in- tors. Berlin. payment of $.8.73. Christy and Har- Chicago Daily News, managing edinett argued over payment of the tor of the New York World, presicreased to such an extent in Berlin for several days. Then they dent of Harper Brothers and editot money that the firemen have been equipped Soldier Bonus Bill Vetoed met at an appointed Itotn of Harper's Weekly, editor and pubwith oxygen tar.ks and the public is place. The soldier bonus Washington, and started lisher of the North American Reurged to call the firemen whenevet bill was vetoed Thursday by President men drew their guns editor and published of Harsuch a case is discovered. One mornAdvocates of the bill im- shooting, according to Wilbur Walk, view, Coolidge. ten the were witness. er, there vey's briefly eptimoties hit weekly, only attemptrecently ing mediately announced that an attempt career. His political journalistic ed suicides in Berlin, each by gas, would be made Banker Gets 45 Years to pass It over the contributed largely to the and the firemen saved them all. sagacity Kan. A veto. Ha resentence On of for election of Presidents Wichita, original passage It Cleveland. e ceived more than the necessary two. years' imprisonment and a Wilson and Harding." Housebreakers Fired On thirds vote In both senate and bouse. fine of $45,000 was faced by O. A. Buffalo, N. Y. Police fired several On the heels of his disapproval of the Powell, vice president of the defunct Japan Envoy Asks Relief shots at five men who were detected ISnrium pension bill because he felt American State bank, who was found Washington, t Cyrus K. Woods, In an attempt to enter the home of It would be an undue strain on the guilty by a jury of receiving deposits to Jspan has asked to he reafter the bank was insolvSchwab. X. the sent to back knowing treasury president Frank Telephone Mayor lieved of his there. It was learn, wires leading to the mayor's home the capltot for the same reason the ent. A similar sentence was imposed ed here but Itduty was not known when bad been cut, but entry bad not been compensation measure, which would by Judge Jesse Wall on J. N. Rich- he would retire or whether his reslg. gained. The men escaped, abandoning give fre life Insurance policies to ardson, president of the bank, found nation had been acted upon. World war veterans. guilty on the same charge. an automobile. known - er soft-soapi- - - two-thir- n editor-publish- Discounts Sun's Death Report Canton officials ridicule Ixindon, The (looding Mil. Washington, Sun Yat Sen, head of that Ir. commerce reports restricting the Interstate of the long and the South China republic Is dead, the In Its application the Interstate Hongkong correspondent of tli Cen. short liaal clause of commerce B't, wa and attribute passed by the tral News telegraphed The bill Is the the report of his death to the fact 23. senate, r.4 to first Important on on railroad ques- that he has been Incommunicado " tions to be passed at this session by cause of a fortnight's lllnevs. The the senate and concludes a fight car. In Pekln announced office foreign on more rled than twenty years by Sun Vat death nfrh ially, but It rate territories. tho Infermnuntaln confirmed from been never has Tim measure had been under delrste for a week. Gooding BEING URGED f)MIET tOW0 pegj. MANY Notes News From All Parts of UTAH FARM RELIEF Ether Waves Vinbll tlH UN ILd VETOED BILL IS PASSED TIMES-NEW- Pined S'-n'- Wyoming Man Coal Director Cincinnati, Ohio Discussion of the coal problem by speakers not identified with the industry feature the session of the seventh annual convention of the National Coal Associa-- ' tion. The association e.seted directors st large, including F. J. Queatcy, Kemmerer, Wyo., president of th (lunn Quealey Coal District directors included: Walter Bar-urSeattle; W. H. Huff, Denver; and W. F. McGcath, Omaha. coir-pany- . Fire Takes Japan City Toklo, The village of llnrhlitohe. close to Mlnat'i, where the t'nlted States army word fliers are s heduled to land next week, was virtually wiped out l.y fire whbh destroyed jiton houses, including all public biilillnt's and banks In tho business district. Troops were mlle out to help fight the fames. llachlnohe'a elaborate preparations to celebrate the arrival of the American aviators and to en. tertaln them have been called off ou account ot the fire. Shipbuilding Plant Destroyed Kearney, N. J. The largest build ing of the Kearney plant of the Fed-crnShipbuilding company here was virtually destroyed by fire at a loss unofficially estimated at $500,000 Heat from the flames caused acetylene tanks to explode, the blast shattering windows in near-bbuildings During the war the local plant wa jsed by the government as a ship i.tiilding yard. The caus of the fire r.as not been determined. d Salt Lake, Giving away of a steet. beam holding temporary flashboards In the spillway of the Parley's creek reservoir dam caused Salt Lake City to lose about 20,000,000 gallons ot storage water and gave rise to excitement In Sugarhouse over a flood that didn't materialize. Salt Lake, Increased employment in all lines of Industry In Utah, except copper mining and railway shop work, is noted In the industrial emplaja nt " survey of the mountain dist.ff. for the month of April Issued by the UnitAn ed States department of labor. existing surplus of building mechanics is being absorbed and considerable work has been preliminary highway started In the state, according to the survey. With the prod action oi Ogden, 1,403,135 bags of sugar during 1923, more bags which is nearly 500,000 than was produced the year before the past year has been a banner one for the manufacturers and the farmer; according to the annual report of the Amalgamated Sugar company. Price, During April the coal mines of Utah produced more than 39.00G tons more than In the correspondent month a year ago the output for April of the current year being 325,103 tons, compared with 2SG.3S2 tons in April, 1923. Tlie output during March was 259,oS5 tons. Salt Lake, Utah stocks Is in generally good condition, according to the May 1 livestock and range report issued by Miner M. Justin, statistician of the federal department of agriculture. The range Is fair to good Coo nights have somewhat retarded growth and the need of ruin Is becoming apparent, although drought has not yet held back growth. There is considerable hay on hand. Salt Lake City. Permission tc ship five lions, five leopards- and one tiger from Long Beach to Salt Lake was denied Richard Havemann by the state board of agriculture because of the prevalence of the foot and mouth disease in the coast state. Havemann is on a vaudeville, circut and wanted to appear with the animals-iperformances in Salt Lake. Salt Lake City. Salt Lake citizens will be asked to subscribe the net and quota of $15,650, approved adopted by the citizens' finance committee for the fourth annual national convention of the Disabled American Veterans of the World War, to be held in this city June 23 to 28. Ogden. The Ogden Elks and th Chamber of Commerce Vill take Utah, county by storm June 7, which is the day of the steel celebration and annual meeting of the Utah State Elks' association in Provo, if plans of Ogden lodge No. 719, B. P. O. E. mature. Ogden. Fred Hammond Wilson, 54, unmarried, was severely manglea when a four-hous- e team he was driving on a fresno scraper dragged him beneath the heavy scoop for a distance of several hunderd yards. Wilson's right leg was amputated below-thknee at the Dee hospital where he was rushed. Ogden. The Utah Pharmaceutical association will hold its annul convention at the Hermitage in Ogden canyon June 18 and 19, it was announced at a meeting of Ogden drugAll Utah druggists will be gists. urged to attend and bring ttieti ladies, as an elaborate program of entertainment for the women has been outlined. Salt Lake City. The Utah Construction company was awarded the contract for the grading in connection with the construction of the Rogerson-Well- s line, which runs in a southerly direction from Rogerson-Idaho- , and connects with the Southern Pacific at Wells, Nevada, according to an announcement made by H-Piatt, general manager of the Oregon Short Line railroad. Salt Lake City. Walter Joseph Lewis, 69, for more than one-hacentury a prominent figure in local printing and publishing circles and in charge of church publications for the L. D. S. church for several years past, died at the L. D. S. hospital last Saturday following: an illness of eight weeks. Mr. Lewis was a native of this city, born June 25, WfSm' lt Ogden. A sentence of from one to ten years in the state prison was Im. posed on Fred Calendar, San Francisco pugilist in the district court by Judge George S. Barker. Calendar is alleged to have robbed Bruce Ritche of $350 cash, a gold watch and a quantity of clothing. Provo, A net loss of $22,75KV20 for 152.1 was reported to the state public utilities commission by the Utah Rail sy company, operated by the United States Smelting. Reflniot nfl Mln. Ing company. "Ict all things be done do-- ! cently and in order." Dirt and disorder are the greatest enemies to our public decency, health and safety. ' ' |