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Show TrtE TIMlii-NKVV- NEFHl. UTail S, LOCAL NEWS Extra Special Bargains All All All All 45 and 50c A baby boy was born to Mr. and Li. ki. rexion l uesaay. Mrs. Ginghams 30c Ginghams 25c Ginghams and Percales Lot of Regular 25c Ginghams Big line of Gingham, Crepe and 19c 15c a FOOIE 15c 29c 15c 20c SONS Mrs. Laredo rftce. Bishop A. H. tailoring, steam Belliston performed the ceremony. ro&t utnee. pressing flyer Protect your linoleum, make easier to clean buy our linoleum We wish to sincerely thank all our finish Kendall Bros. friends for the assistance rendered FOR SALE one half acre lot with at the death and funeral of my hus Also for the beautiful flowers V4 share ot water, for $200 cash or bandsent us. $250 terms Inquire Times-NewMrs, Wlfi- Foster and family Use Texaco Gasoline fur cleaning Young Pigs for sale. 3, t). Broad- - your ciotnes tnere i8 none, better. l. head, Phone Be sure to see the International Two good milk cows for sale Correspondence Schools display in tne Toggery window See Wilford Bailey. s. 701-R-l- inn m. ". wvi i4xi m Incorporoltil S"W 475 DEPARTMENT STORES Art of Few men understand the art of love- making, but women are always ready to afford 'hem an opportunity in prac Love-Makin- Smart Straw Hats Values Are Remarkable $1.98 TO $2.98 Vacuum Cleaner for rent i Bros. A Heroic Man. Virginia street cnr condii" tor hm hl wife arrested for refusing to pay her fare. If Hint doesn't make a hit with the company he may as well rcslun he's gone anoijt as far as he cua. Paint that old car over if you can't afford a new one. Our Effecto Auto Enamel can't be beat Kendall Bros, If you want to boost Utah. Boost the people that have made it Dossible for Utah people to bur a much bet ten grade of gasolipe at the same price that you have been paying for common gas. Dont take our word for it, try it for yourself. Use Texaco. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Notary Public LICENSED ' ABMTRACTKIl And KXAMINKK OF TITLES Direct From Japan 58c PRICED 98c $.119 $1.29 to George Booth steatq. presaet, for Office at County Court House Utah Ncphi Ladies and Children "Cash" properly-invested- waste. "Cash" paid for the things human beings require, permits the merchant to pay cash for them, thus enab-linhim to sell them at lower priccs. "Cash" as a basis for conducting a retail business, has a further advantage it makes an expensive book- ucn wonderful work in Aran healing it the Borosone liquid and powdrr combination trralnwnt " Ttu . ., i;.,:,l fUlUIVIIV- I.a powerful antiseptio that purine the wuuuu vi an poisons ana infectious while the Borosone powder is the germs, groat onuer. i nere is like it on earth for speed. eafety nothing and efficiency. Price on. (linuid) SiV fion ml ft 9n and 60c. Hold by pjn. LUNT PHARMACY CO. LET US KEEP YOUR CAR GREASED. . keeping system unneressarv unA pli,n;n,c om ba(1 accounts, which vou have to pay when vou say "charge it." "Cash" in the bank or in your pocket, results from buying where your cash dollars have the largest purchasing power, as at this Store where large cash buying for our hundreds of Department Stores gives the people the largest cash values. "Cash" buyers' credit is good, but they don't need the credit. GREASE AND OIL "Cash" provides you savings here that SILVER MAPLE leave much n I (Evil The best wa to pany is the way it rite the world to talon and ground KertJj The Texas uian. Jude any com builds. We in our nil inspect at 220 West 1st Oil Company of Ibtluccd Iioundtrlp Suinmiin r Ex tickets Via 1 nvrr A JUo Grande YVmtrn JUilrwuI to Pacific Coast destinations will be on sale curvion WE HAVE THE YOU WANT daily. May 15 to September 30, clusive; to eastern destinations, to September 30. Inclusive in- May Ktn. overt permitted In both directions. Final return limit, October 31, A New Daylight a mic Train-'-PAK- .nii SPECIAL" will be Inaugurated. Sunday. June 1. leavln Salt I.k City at 6.00 p. m. arrivlna- Iinnvor 9.30 p. m.. traverainc ih Cn,.ra,n Rockies by daylight. Two othar splendid trains daiiv bet and Salt Lake City and Pueblo, Colo rado bprlnrs and Denver. All il.v- llght trains through the Royal Gorge fh Lop len minutes at Hanging ifrklge. Call on nearest ni nr.ni. gent for detailed fares, train mrh. dules, and Pullman reservations. - SERHC E Try Our e ds counter. A Dress Tliat Is Slip-O- n "Different" 5278 Plain or printed crepe de Chine, silk crepe, and crepe satin are the materials recommended for tLis dress. Visit our piece-good- s counter and choose the color you like best. But before you buy your material get your Butterick Puftern and see how much or, rather how little you need. Ml il A lumys BUTTERICK utrenrk ! Buy PATTERNS DLLTOli wiUi the Nephi Merc. Co. YVHEKE GOOD MERCHANDISE LS CHEAPER. NOTICE OF CITV I'OL'XU public sale at My Corral May KEEPERS SALE 1924 in this city, at the hour 26th, of 2 faUoe ia hereby Riven to th p. m. to the highest bidder. ewner or owners of the animals here Date of first publication May 16th. tnafter described and to whom so 1924. ever it may concern: That there is W. P. OSTLER, impounded at the Dresent tim in City Pound Keeper the city pound the following described animal: Kind of animal and num IMPORTANT NOTICE ber. One Filly two or three ver! Our places o business will be old, Branded on left Shoulder HP open from 9 a. m. until 6 m. combined, color black with white except Sucurday, when they are open star in forehead, broke to lead. irom s a. m. until 8 p. m. Cost of impounding: and emensp ORME SHOP of sale and advertising: $9.70. McCUNE MILLINERY Amount required to redeem $9.70. If said animal is not claimed and SHOE REPAIRING SERVICK all amounts due thereon paid, and To make shoes wear lnneor said animal taken away within ten them repaired. Shoes are needlessly days from the date of the. first are tmt nff damaged when of this notice, thev will he Avoid run over repairs heels. C. O. Lomax, pub-licti- soldby the city pound HOT keeper at Main Street. WEATHER--C0- 0L CLOTHES aits Companion. get rid of thy evil propensities, thou must keep far from evil companions. Seneca. FOR SALE-us- ed Dianos and nhnn ograpbs cheap One upright piano, oak case. One player Dlano. walnut case. One Sonora phonograph, fumed oak, cabinet size. Two or three table phonographs, just the thin for your summer camp. Verv easv trm Robert Lomax, representative Dayne ueeoe Music Co., Venice Bldg. Nepbi Utah. Agent DeForrest and Croeley Radio Sets. ff money in your pocket. linen-Gnishe- 6 0o, Chun .- "Cash" has a large power; it pays dividends; it insures against a "rainy day." "Cash" t'ansactions mean the elimination of needless The Dehor enclosed with the Butterick Pattern for this dris shows you with pictures and explanations how to do the drawn-wor- k with which "his dress is trimmed. As for materials, those in which the threads draw easily are recommended soft linen, soft d cottons, and cotton homespun. Visit our Butterick counter and then our piece-goo- JL: Our B. V. If thou wlsliest to NOTHING LIKE IT OX EAETH The new t mt mnnf fn 4sWT flnart I nln wwa U aaaif- a.a. ly WOtiruiri. mm or iAsmtinnfl tr,Df $2.49 Kendall For First Class Automobile Repair Work go the the Central Motor Cq. WILL L. HOYT JAPANESE PARASOLS Motor Co. tice. A West Just Received For Men and Young Men We are ready with an attractive display of Summer's Most Stylish Hats in the newest' Straws and Shapes. Let the ma,n who understand take care of your auto troubles Central Work 5310 CARD OF THANKS - ofSum mar's Favorites, llaui-Draw- n- tU - am. One 5310 Ernest Anderson of Payson, and FOR SALE City lot in alfalfa. Miss Jennie Olson of Spanish Fork, Easy terms good location. See were joined in marriage in this Alfred Madsen. city Tuesday noon, the wedding tak- lyig place at the home of Mr and George Booth does first clasj I im ttjr&v Butterick Design Ralph Barnes 213-J-- 4 of the Stake Confer Choice seed CORN lor Sale ence Session Sunday morning, there See Barton Brough. will be no Sunday School held In Let the man who understands take any of the wards ot the city. care of your auto troubles Central Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reid, motored to Motor Co. Salt Lake City yesterday where Mr. Reid will meet Eastern salesmen and Plenty of ice for sale. Phone 207r2 purchase his fall and winter supply of clothing for the Toggery. I have a good crop of ice for sale -- E. Tanner. ilT and Mrs. O. D. Loveridge ant to Ice for sale at Bert Greenhalgh'e family of Salt Lake, motored Nepal, Sunday and spent Mother's Let the man wh,Q understands take Day with Mr. and Mrs. Shed Lunt. care of yqur auto troubles Central parents of Mrs. Loverldje. Motor Co, Mr. and Mr, S. R. Boswell, of FOR SALE Early Ohio potatoes Richfield, Utah, spent Sunday in this city, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stop- - at David Cazier's. hen Boswell. Mr Boswell is the We are here to serve county agent of Sevier County with The Central offices at Richfield. Motor Company. SATURDAY GROCERY SPECIALS CIS. t'none On account ONE THIRD OFF House Dresses Big Line of Women's Silk Waists and Blouses . . . HALF PRICE. Real genuine bargains. See them. See our new line of P. N. Practical Front Corsets American Beauty Macaroni 2 for Regular 50c JarPure Raspberry Jam Regular 25c Can Sweet Pickles Kirk Olive Toilet Soap 3 bars for Young Pigs for sale I w Yard Yard Combination . CLASSIFIED ADS Mrs. Vernon C. Tolboe of Provo, North Meadow Pasture for sale Utah, is the guest of her mother Mrs. $450.00. C. H. Grace. M. T. Jennings this week. Xrrvrn v i nt 1 nave boueht now nuiw.a Mrs Julia Hoyt, ,went to Ephralm shovel. If the reptile who stole mv Friday, where she will visit with re- old one will bring it back I will trade latives for a week. aim a good one for it Richard Ins core. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Judd, visited in Salt Lake (or a couple of days the Be sure and attend free Hmnn stration on Health and Beautv Cul early part of this week. ture, by four experts on these Im Mr. and Mrs. Georse Wilson, are portant subjects in the Stake Tabspending a tew days in Salt Lake ernacle, May 19tU, and 20th. Monday ai & p. m. and 8, p. m. Tuesday, 3 City this week. p. in. an 8 p. m. Mrs. H. D. Goldsbroueh left Sun We have just received a nico as day for Salt Lake for a weeks visit with friends. sortment of Sun Visors, Running uoara urip Racks and Runninar Board Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Petty left Sat btep nates. Central Motor Co. urday afternoon for Seattle, Wash Good eating apples tor sale at Jan. ington, where they will enjoy a two weeks vacation. epb R, Price's. 49c Yard 39c Yard 23c Yard 60 to 70c Ginghams i D'. will help you with-tan- d this hot weather. $1.00 TO $3.00 STRAW HATS! STRAW HATS! When you are ready for a straw hat call in and look over our new colored straws, they are nifty. $1.00 to $5.00 LANGHAM A Fit CLOTHCRAFT SUITS for every form. A Style for every taste. A Price for every purse. $25.00 to $40.00 Call and See For Yourself The Toggery |