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Show tm ril-NVV- lN.rni. uiau. S, PROFESSIONAL NURSE SAYS The Convenient Way To Pay Paying by check is the most convenient and businesslike way. If a remit- TANLAC HAS NO EQUAL Mr. and Mrs. Malin Mrs. J. Clark Says Tanlac of Payson, were guests the home of Judge and Was More Than Match For Cooper. Her Troubles. Mr. and Mrs. Harry GRADUATION TIME IS HERE Mendenhall Sunday at Mrs. John Your S. Beagley, and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Cowan, motored to Salt Lake Saturday. While there By reason of the fact that she Mr. Beagley attended a meeting1 of speaks from her long experience as j the State Poultry Association. a professional nurse, the statemnt of Walsworth I Mrs. Ralph Brough and daughter, Mrs. J. Clark, of J.15 Ave., Oakland, Calif., will be of in- are spending the week In Salt Lake terest to all who are in need of an City visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hawkins, parents of Mrs. Brough. upbuilding tonic. "In all iny fifteen years experience Mrs. Joel Taylor was hostess to the as a trained nurse, "says Mrs. Clark's statement, "I never found the equal members of the Social Companions medicine Club and their partners Friday evenof Tanlac as a stomach an Two attack ing. May 9th. Games and music were tonic. and years ago of influenza left me without appetite features of the evening. Decorations and my stomach in such a bad fix were sweet peas and carnations. that the little I did eat seemed to do Luncheon was served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Belliston, me harm insted of good. "Stomach pains would make me Mr. and Mrs. Harry" Beagley, Mr. so weak I would feel right faint. The and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. least exertion would completely ex- A. V. Gadd.l Mr. and Mrs. H. J. haust me and six months before Irons, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Irons, Mr. Mrs. George Latimer, Mr. and taking Tanlac I was so weak I had to and hire my housework done. I was in Mrs. J. A. Kendall, Mrs. Jack bed most of the time for two months Greenland, Mrs. A. E, Smith, .Mrs. T. H Burton, and the hostess and and waa getting desperate. "Tanlac was more than a match partner, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Taylor. for my troubles and eight bottles left me feeling fine. I eat and sleep like a child and have energy and strength that makes life a Tanlac is simply grand" pleasure. After Every Meal Tanlac is for sale by all good druggists. Accept no substitute. the longest-lastin- g Over 40 Million bottles sold. register a letter carrying currency or coin simply enclose your check for the amount and drop the envelope in the mail box. Open yonr checking account with us today. or a GOLD PENCIL Come in and let us show them to you. No obligation to buy Call us for your Graduation Flowers It's Nephi National Bank Tanlac Vegetable Pills, for constipation, made and recommended by the manufacturers of TANLAC. Miss Vivian Peterson spent the week end with friends in Provo. .. . . . SHOE REPAIRING SYSTEM t UE8T MATERIAL USED Prompt Mail Order Service ,. A. Prop n Nephl, Utah y CHILDREN'S FATAL CISEASE3 and parasites in the intestines children undermine health and 60 weaken their vitality that they are unable to resist, the diseasfs so fatal to child life. safe course is to give a few doses of Jhe White s Cream Vermifuge. It destroys and expels the worms without the slight- est injury to the health or activity of the (child. Stubborn Mind. A stubborn mind conduces as little to wisdom or even to knowledge as a to stubborn temper happiness. Southey. FT7 S? Price 35c. Sold by LUNT PHARMACY CO. Heard 4,000 Feet Up. The roar of truffle, reduced to a faint hum, can be heard in a balloon 4.000 feet above the streets of New Traffic York. 3 - ft MM gestion and a cleanser lor the mouth and teeth. Wrlflley's means benefit as well as pleasure. Lunt Pharmacy Co. Tattooing practiced by races. Negro races on whom the marks would not show, prefer to raise sears. Negro Tattooing Is Gelatin. Gelatin is a purified, dried. Inodorous product of the hydrolysis, by treatment with boiling water, of certain tissues, such as skin, ligaments, and bones, from sound animals. It contains not more than 2 per cent of ash and not less than 15 per cent of nitrogen. widely light-skinne- d IT DRIVES OUT WORMS The surest sign of worms in children is paleness, lack of interest in play, fretful-nesvariable apiieiito, picking at the nose and sudden Marttnr m sleep. When these symptoms appear it is time to give White's Cream Vermifuge. A few doses drives out the worms and puts the little one on the road to health again. White's Cream Vermifuge has a record of fifty years of successful use. Price35c. Sold by Decorated Gardens With Hives. Romans sometimes mnde their beehives of bronze with inlay work of elaborate designs and used them to decorate their gardens. s, LUNT PHARMACY Ord and Mangelson confection yon can buy and It's a belp to di- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams and family, have moved to Garfield this week where Mr Adams will be employed In the future. Do It seems to be dillicult for modern poets to keep on thinking of the smut theme for twenty or thirty pases. CO Knew They Think? ' He Belonged. Girl's Father '"Now that you are engaged to my daughter I want you to feel like one of the family." Young Man "I do. sir. Your wife Is bosa- ins roe already." inr Is 1 and Girl is entitled to a I tance is sent through the mail, it is not necessary to buy a money order or to GOODYEAR loy i r rv ANOTHER CAR LOAD Of OVERLANDS In This Car We Have Sedans, Touring Cars And Light Trucks. Come In, Phone or Write for an appointment and let us take you for ride in these wonderful Little Cars. Our Stock of Tires, Tubes and Accessories was never more complete. THE HOME OF TEXACO PRODUCTS. Central Motor Company 1 I |