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Show THE Summer Excursion Fares aliloiiMa TlMEli-NtiW- JsEPHl. S. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY. STATE OF UTAH LTtAHL WEEKLY CROP AND WEATHER REPORT JAMES METCALF, Plaintiff, vs. HARRY EEWS ROSE HEWS, EPH-RAISORENSON, JUNIUS SOREN-SOJOSEPH F. WRIGHT, JOHN F. WRIGHT, AND NEPHI NATIONAL BANK, a corporation. SHERIFF'S SALE. To be sold at Sheriff's sale at the front door of the County Court House the City of Nephi, County of Juab, State of Utah, on the 2nd day O'clock of June, 1924, at twelve aoon, of said day all the right, title claim and Interest of said defendants of. In and to the following described Droughty weather has persisted, and the land is becoming: rather ser by strong wind. iously disiccated Some field planting have been deferred awaiting moisture, aud late sugar beet planting are dormant in On m1 May 15th and every day thli dry soil. Pastures in the valleys and summer to September 30th. Final foothills, and all crops generally, are Umit October 31ft, 1924. greatly in need of rain, and growth is very slow or at a standstill. Sheep shearing is well along as a rule, aud Los sheep are trailing to the lambing grounds; much lambing is reported real estate under favorable circumstances. Cattlt.-ar944.06 ' The Southwest li of the North doing fairly well in most secFROM XKPHI west hi , and the Northwest hi of the tions, and the summer ranges are TownReduction also to Long Beach, 8an Northwest Vi of Section 26; Dirt highways are very opening. Diego, Santa Barbara and San Fran ship 15 South Range 1 West, Salt dusty. Fields and crops are drying Lake Meridian. The South hi of the out badly at Millville. Cisco via Los Angeles. Replanted Southwest hi of Section 26, Town sugar beets at, Ogden cannot germTHREE TRAINS DAILY 1 of west the inate without rain. Some peas are ship 15 South Range VIA THE DIRECT ROUTE Salt Lake Meridian. coming up at Morgan, but other Also: Commencing at the North fields need , watering to start the For California literature. Information, farm west corner of the Southwest hi of growth; heavy plantings have been and reservation call on or address 15 South Section 26, Township Range made, about two weeks later than I. M. PETTY, Agent 1 west of the Salt Lake Meridian; usual. All crops are suffering for thence East 70 rods; thence South moisture in the Salt Lake Valley; Nephi 80 rod; thence West 70 rods; thence strawberries were damaged by frost North 80 rods to beginning. in places; corn, and potato planting Also; Commencing 54 rods East of has been deferred in places for want the Northwest corner of the South of rain. Crops are doing fairly well eastVi of Section 2i, Township ana at Kanosh, though the nights were range aforesaid thence east 40 rods, cool, Rye is six inches high iunl look thence South 80' rods; thence east G1) lag well at Morten. High water has rods; thence South 127 rods; thence been reached in the stream at Cedar 207 west 106 rods; thence North City; fruit U in good condition, rods to the place of beginning. The roads are very dusty, and trariic BSjajej North hii of the Northwest V4 of heavy, mostly from the south. The f tho The East hi section 85 shearing of 60.00.Q sheep has been XOTICK TO CKKMTOKS completed at St. George; atrawber Estate of Julia Ann Warnock de the Northwest Vi ; ViThe Northwest Vi ries, green peas and new potatoes are ; The Southaaut 'He Build Wisely Who Builds ceased. Creditors will present claims of the Southwest being used, and alfalfa hay is being Well" with vouchers to the undersigned Vi of the Southeast Vi Viand the East harvested. Livestock are doing well of Section at Emery. The river is falling at at the office of Will L. Hoyt, Attor- Vi of the Northeast 1 Moab. ney at Law. Nephi Utah, on or before 22. Township 15 South, Range West of the Salt Lake .Meridian. TO BUILD WELL the 3rd day of July, A. D. 1924. The North hi of the Northwest Vi ; ALMA O. WARNOCK Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Rees, visiU'd The North Va of the Northeast Vi and Executrix of Last Will end Test- the Southwest Vi of the Southwest with their son Stanford, in Salt Lake ament of Julia Ann Wornock Vi of Section 23, Township 15, South City Monday Deceased Range 1 West of the Salt Lake Mrs. T. L. Schofield of Provo Will L. Hoyt, Attorney for Executrix Meridian. HAS NO EQUAL The North hi of the Norwest Vi ; Utah, is in Nephi this week visiting First pub. May 2, 1924. The South east Vi of the Northwest her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W Last pub. May Z3, 1924. Brough The Largest and Purest Vi ; The Northeast Vi of the South west Vi of Section 15, Township to Natural Deposit of Gypsum Purchase prioe payable in lawful Range 1 west of the Salt Lake money of the United States. In The World FOR OVER 40 YEARS South, HALL'S CATARRH MEIJICINE has been Meridian. Dated at Nephi, Utah, this 7th day The East Vi of the Northeast Vi used successfully in the treatment of of May, 1924, Catarrh. Vi AXD MFG. of Northeast the XKPHI PLASTER The Southwest DAN MARTIN HALL'S CATAKRII MEDICINES conSouth Vi ; the Northwest Vi of the COMPANY of Juab Sheriff sists ot an Ointment which Quickly County, Utah thst Vi ; and the Northeast Vi of Relioves bv 'ooal aoplication. and the Sheriff. P Christison P. Deputy By acts which Internal Medicine, a Tonic, Vi of Section 27 Township J. Pattori Neeley and T. L. Foote. the Blood on the Mucous Bur- - Southwest through 1 Salt of the WRAPPERS West 15 TTER WE PRINT BI South, Range laces, tnus reducing me iniiaminuuun. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Bold by all druggists. Lake Meridian. Ohio. & Toledo. Co., F. J. Cheney Situated in Juab County, State of cltntifically halanceJ, Utah. 'oldt the road at all Seaside Resorts Pi Angeles and Return I WW The Style in Paint and Uamish All-ttc- t d.y. tram. or ruction Hrf prMM II to u, wtthia Fra. l..nd Vwiuah product row ol 40 corn, CM voo on. tori. o toNtv. fWrfrMtli T. k m w Om kr MIT J! Nephi Utah AUTHORIZED AQENT rXm. DEVOE PAINT AND VARNISH PRODUCTS 16S0 acres. SHKKII-'K'HALK IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DIST RICT JUAI! COUNTY, COURT, UTAH. The George C. Whitmore Company, a corporation, Plaintiff vs Hyrum Together with all water rights. privileges and uses appurentant to said laud. Together with all ditch and water rights of every nature, however evidenced, used on said land or be longing to same or said mortgagors. or which may be hereafter acquired or used upon said land, and together with all privileges, easements and rights of way belonging to or usually enjoyed with said land or any part thereof. DAN MARTIN, Sheriff of Juab C&unly, Utah By P. P. CHRISTISON. Deputy First pub. May 2nd, 1924. ; Last pub. Maq 23rd, 1924. Carter, Christina S. Carter, the Nephi National Bank, a corporation, and - ceJj. Pill mi ihit cmikm 10 W, writ ol .nv O.VO. Palm NEPHI IMPLEMENT AND HARDWARE STORE wB Nephi Plaster (iK-pitz- householder, The seeking the most artistic results, is ever on the alert to employ the latest, smartest treatments obtainable with Paint, Varnish and Enamel Year after year Devoe consistently creates the most original and striking effects to which Paint and Varnish Products can be adapted Mr1 Union Pacific . If you want to know ask us. Our advice is always practical and reliable . founded on five generations of Devoe experience in satisfying all the requirements of Paint and Varnish users. This Coupon is Worth 40 Cents HOME to beautify tints to b decided on and harmonized . incoming decorative style to be considered in planning the new finish for the tasteful home. A to-w- it: Hezekiah Carter, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's sale on '.he 24th day of May, 1924, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the front door of the county court house in Nephi City, Juab County, State of Utah, to wit: The South half of the Southwest quarter ot section 13; the South half of the South half of Section 14; the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 15; the East v.ohkixgpeopLe half of the East half of Section 22; i.ij best of workers get out of sorts l All of Section 23, the West half of when t'..o liver fails to act. They feel "blue" and discouraged Section 24, the North half of the languid, ulc they are getting lazy. Neglect Northwest quarter of Section 25; the and of t'.v't.) symptoms might result in a sick North half of the North half of Sect-Io- RfX'.i, I'lercfore the sensible course is to 26; and the Northeast quarter of t:ike a d.we or two of llerbine. It is Just Section of 27; the Northeast quarter the medicine needed to purify the system liaif-sic- 1 k, i n all in Township 13 South of the and restore the vim and ambition of Range 1 East of the Salt Lake Base health. lrice 60c. Sold by IXXT PHAKMACY tX. in all and Meridian. Containing hody. windshield, luxurious, genuine leather cushion, 10 inehei deep. Cowl d lights. Standard non-ski- V cord Ures. t ?' 1 Customer Cooperation TELEPHONE let-vic-e consists the facilities for com- munication. Reduced to fundamentals, it may be stated J 1 in ' nWfJ TODAY- - thus: A is provided with a telephone. B is provided with a telephone. through wires and mechanism, connects these two telephones. Satisfaction with the service depends largely C, on A and B. From the very beginning their is Imperative. A must call B and'B must answer. Doing these things in the way which makes for good service involves: 1 Such care in asking for the number as on would use in addressing a letter. 2 Such promptness in answering the call at one would give to keeping a personal appointment. 3 Such courtesy as one would show in making or receiving a business or social call. 4 Such clear, correct speech as one would transaction of the use in the most Important business. Each subscriber can increase the effectiveness of his telephone communication by such thoughtfulness aa he would employ In his dally Ufa. face-to-fa- ce Ride in this the outstanding car in the $1000 field Goodrich Silvertown P OWER, luxurious roominess, low up-korp and long life at low price s a Six, the outstanding sensaof tion motordorn today at $1045. CORD world-fn:nou- Now ride in it. Feel the thrill of its powermotor. Note that it ful embodies features found only in the most expensive cars. Consider that it is a product of a $30,000,000 company with 72 years of fi.ie vehicle making to its credit. L-he- ad er There is no luxury in the cost of Silvertown Cord Tires. The luxury is all in the performance. W. II 4ill r. 5 'au. 1 1 OS 1 . . . . Totirme . 21 HojiUtrt ( Cur-Kin.J!(l i'xm.l , 1 t Vi'.l (mire bedan (i-I- ... ! "J t4Ht A.. .riuJ rtwr Oaa I MrsTtrnm tarriaa Am4 All Dlwetol Towar Btr srrto 1 . Compare it with competitive cars at near its price; then with c?rs that sell for several Luncred dollars mere. Compare it for Bell System Vm beauty, comfort, roominess, upholstery, for obvious refinements. Compare it, too, for ease of handling, flexibility, power, quietness and lack of vibration. Don't take rnyone's word that this enr or that car at its price is "just as good." Find out for yourself. Studebaker will place a Liftht-Si:- ; tt ,i;r disposal for this purpose any time yea m.;. Being the world's largest pro-- ' nar '.. cf r quality automobiles, Studcbak fo- - th? le . the utmost to give position Buy no car at $500 or moto wilV'--' hi ing this test. Don't buy blindfclu.i. .... 1 LIG11T.S1X om Six world-famou- s G.R.Judd's SPECIAL-SI1 194. IS'. Turins r. ad,lr. Cirupe (51 ' &xlat . . bn l.lni. 1 50 II. r. !42f .... . ) X B. . . . 7-- nic.sixlUil.f. .'(' 400 Touring Speedver 189i ? 1981 Coupe Sedan ti-u- fn. ( r.M.) . . W. B. .... JITT'O . . . !! ? 24H li.'-- twt jif umKMrM Garage The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. EST IN THt LONG RUN iff STUDEBAKEP LIGHT-- SIX - $1045 |