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Show 1 A HOME PAPER FOR : DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF JUAB t HOME PEOPLE COUNTY t : I .1 The Times, Vol. 15, Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday, May 16th. 1924. No. 20. HIGH SCHOOL EXERCISES TO BE NEPHI KIWANIS CLUB Monday night will be remembered Kiwanians for some time to come as a red letter day In the history of the local club. About BO of Spanish Fork club including iheir Richard R. Lyman Will De- the wives arrived here Monday evening liver Address To Graduates about 7 p. m. and were the guests A of the local club until midnight. 32 Students Will Receive banquet was served during the evening at the high school under the Diplomas. direction of Miss Maughan and her Domestic Science Girls to the visitors the local club members and their and . The commencement exercises for wives, there being about 135 present. the graduates of the Nephi High During the serving of the banquet a School class of 1924, will be held in fine program was rendered by the the auditorium next Wednesday visitors, and the silver lnter-cit- y evening at 8.30 p. m. The address loving cup was delivered to Presito graduates will be given by the dent Boud, who accepted it In a neat Hon. Richard R. Lyman of Salt Lake the members of the pledging speech, City. The following is the program Nephl club to all the Ideals the cup for the occasion: stood for. This cup will be retained Presiding Officer President James until Saturday, May 24th, when It Garrett Jr. will be taken by a delegation of the Opening Prelude, "American Patrol" local club to Price, Utah, and there N. H. S. Orchestra. delivered to the club of that city. March "Stand Pat" N.H.S. Orchestra At the close of the program ad Quartet, "Tis the Lot of Friends to was taken to the Arling journment Class. Members of Part," a jolly dancing party where Hall ton M. Greenwood Mr. E. Prayer was enjoyed until midnight when the Selection, "Quartet from Rigoletto" visitors left for their homes loud In Double Quartet. their praises of the local club and Margaret the good ti :ie Paper, "Salesmanship" they had. Foote. The following is the program given Piano Solo "Anitras Tanz" Melba by the visitors: Address of Welcome Anderson. t. W. H Paper, "Educational Aims of High by J. W. Boud, response G. Hales; Ray Toastmaster, Cole. Glen School" Vocal Selection (a) "The Rosary" (b) "Our Piano solo, Mary William; Solo, Prof. J. Faux; Kiwanis Ideals, Graduates" Glee Club. E. Eggertson ; Vocal Solo, Miss Reading "The Melting Pot" Lazelle Lars Florence Ellen Johnson; Reading, Chase. Address .... Hon. Richard R. Lyman Rowe; Talk on Spanish Fork, HenryJohn Christison A. Gardner; Presentation of InterVocal Solo Presentation of Alumni "N" Pin City Cup, W. H. Tolburst; Response, J. W. Boud. Member of Alumni Association. Presentation of Diplomas, Principal George A. Sperry Jr. Bishop Thomas Bailey CALLED ON MISSION Prayer HELD THURSDAY by local Tol-hurs- GOVERNMENT TIMBER IS GIVEN FREE T. W. McKinley, Timber Cruiser for the U. S. General Land Office was a caller at The Times-New- s office Monday. He stated that he is surprised at the number of people in this part of the country who appar. ently do not know that they are en titled to $50 worth of timber each year from vacant government lands free of charge. In order to procure this timber lawfully it is necessary to notify Mr. Ralph S. Kelley, Chief of the Field Division, boy 1236 Salt Lake City, from what lands the tim ber is to be procured, what kind of timber is wanted; whether fuel wood fence post3; derrick poles or saw tim ber, who Is to use the timber and who is to cut It. It is unlawful to sell of exchange timber which has been removed from vacant government lands. It is unlawful to remove tim lands, the title ber from home-stea- d to which has not passed from the United States. The courts have given the Govern- fent the same property rights as the individual, therefore to purchase tim ber which has been unlawfully re moved from government lands does not give one title thereto. The Government makes no charge for timber but requires strict observance of the laws. To remove timber without observing the laws constitute a trespass and renders the offender liable to action in the United States Courts. Any further Information will be gladly furnished by Mr. Kelley at the address above mentioned. WILL OI'KN IIK.1UTY I'AKIOK WKITDH VKKHK FOR OPKRA Roes, who Is teach School In Salt the Jackson at lng Lake this season, composed some of the verses used In the opera "Dol- ene" which Is being played at the West Hleh this evening. The versrs were set to music by Miss Gladys Rich, of the same school. 300 tu dents will take part In the product- Miss Onelta OPERA NEXT RENDERED AGAIN WEDNESDAY SUNDAY EVENING One of the most tuneful and interesting musical offerings that will come to Nephi will be the annual high school opera, "Princess Bonnie" which will be presented by the high school music department next Wednesday night at the auditorium. Mr. Hood has given careful thought and attention to details so that every phase of the production has been worked out. The stage setting of the second act will be lavish, and the tuneful music, sprightly dances, costumes, action and dramatic climaxes will make the performance most enjoyable to patrons of the school. A cast of exceptional ability has been chosen for the principal characters. These are: John Christison, tenor; Paul Grace, baritone; Rodger Lunt, tenor; Clark Morgan, bass; Eugene Lunt, baritone; Hannah Schofield, soprano; Emma Cole, soprano; Lois Lunt, contralto; Ada with a Sperry, contralto. These chorus of 5 0 voices, including sailors, fishermen, Spanish students dancers and peasants, ail combine to form an ensemble that will be en- eventually finds her, a grown up young woman and takes her back to Spain. She has learned to love her American people and mourns her loss o fthem in her palatial Spanish sur She is forced into a be-roundings. trothal with a Spanish Grandee whom she despises. She is resued from the situation by her former American friends, her Spanish Grandee is found TO NEW ZEALAND guilty of treasona and. all ends hap vein of clean com pily. There is edy running through the opera, a lot of splendid music and clever dialogMr. and Mrs. Albert E. Sells, who ue, while the dances are graceful, have been teaching school at Shelley, piquant and entrancing. Certainly Idaho, for the past few years arrived the people of Nephi have a real in Nephi Sunday and are visiting with operatic treat in store in this annual their relatives here prior to their de production. parture for New Zealand, where they have btn called by the L. D. S. Church to perform a mission. They will leave Nephi for their field of NEPHI WOOL CLIP labor on May 29th, and it will reSOLD THIS WEEK quire over a months journey for them to reach their destination which At the is Hastings, New ZealanS, latter city they will have charge of The wool clip of this city amount the Agricultural school there which is operated by the church In that ing to about 120,000 pounds was country. Mr. and Mrs. Sells have sold) this week to Dewey-Goul- d had many years experience in school Company of Boston. The price paid work and are well qualified to take was 40c which is considered good charge of the work there. This paper for this wool onwereaccount of its five car loads There joins with their many friends here weight, in wishing them success in their new in the shipment which was loaded out Sunday morning. There are still field of endeavor. three clips unsold which will amount to two more cars. The total value of the clip will amount to about ENTERTAINED AT $75,000.00 which will stimulate but. A CANYON PARTY ness in this city for the next few months. The principal clips were: C. W. Morgan, J. E. Inrgam, J. E. Ostler. Geo. O Ostler, J. S, Ostler, The grade teachers of the Nephl Sperry Bros, Jesse Pay, and Bean schools entertained at a very enjoy Bros. able canyon party Wednesday after noon complimentary to Supt. and Mrs. Pay Stewart, who will leave this city In the near future to make their Candidate For Governor home in Provo, where Mr. Stewart Visits Nephi has accepted a position in the high school of that city. The party was held at the ranger station grounds State Senator W. W. Seegmlller, where games were played until 6 of Kanab, Utah, and his campaign m. a when luncheon p. very dainty Including ice ream was served to manager Edward Carroll, also of Kane County, were in Nephi Tues about forty guests. day shaking hands and interviewing a number of the leading Republicans PACK-ItMSTItOXG of this city. Senator Seegmiller Is a candidate for governor on the He- publican ticket this year and accord Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Pace an- ing to his many friends throughout nounce the marriage of their daugh- Utah will give Gov. Mabey the fight ter Katie, to Vr. Bert Armstrong of of his life for the nomination, Mr. The wedding took place Seegmiller, has had years of exper- Santaquin. at the home of the hri Tuesday lenic 1n h" legislature of Utah and is thoroughly fu..n :.:.r with the n"ds noon, Bishop A. H. Belligton performing ceremony. The bride is one of of the state. He Is an abl speaker the popular young ladies of this and Is known as a courageous and In his fight for city and has a host of friends who aggressive fighter. y will extend to her the best of wish- the nomination he will nlmost of unanimous have support es for her future happiness. the The young couple will make their home all Southern Utah. In Santaquin. . ccr-tnnl- LYNNDYL VERSUS Mrs. W. A. Warner entertained at NEPHI TODAY dinner party Monday In a evening honor of her husband's birthday. In music and The evening was spent conga. The following were present Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner, Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Ion. Joseph Wnrthington, Mr. and Mrs Mrs Clarence Warner, Mr. and J. W. Whltmore returned home Orvald Warner, Mrs. W. H. Warner, Frances and Earl yesterday from L Angeles where he Thelnia Warner. has been on a business trip the past Warner nnd Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Warner. week. IMPRESSIVE HOLD MEETING SERVICES FOR The regular meeting of the Board of Education of Juab School District was held Tuesday evening, there being present: James Garrett Jr., J. H. Lunt, Harry Foote, and Lorenzo v Mangelson. Claims against the district after being audited and found correct were allowed and ordered paid. The principal business transacted at the meeting was the considering of the applications for the position of superintendent made vacant through tlie resignation of Supt. Stewart. Sixteen applications for the position have been received by the Board all of which have been carefully investi gated the past two weeks by confidential correspondence. The selection made by the Board is at present attending from Berkley University which institution he received his Master's Degree some time ago. After discussing the matter for some time Mr. Stewart was intrueted by the Board to ascertain what salary this applicant would come to the district for. If this is satisfactory to the Board and within reach of the dist. rict financially the probability is, that he will be engaged by the Board as superintendent, as. excellent credentials have been received as to 'the ability of the applicant as an educ- Sunday evening at the Stake Tabernacle the Giles Oratorio, "The Plan of Salvation" will be again presented by the Stake Tabernacle Choir under the direction of Stake Chorister John Hood, with Prof. Giles, the author, at the organ. Those who heard this wonderful musical setting to gospel themes are not likely to forget the solemn beauty and uplifting charac ter of the music. President Rees and his counselors are very anxious to have every member of the stake hear this great presentation of the gospel and they urge everyone to attend. A special effort is beii.g made to have the M. I. A. in members attendance Sunday night, and the stake presidency had this in mind when they made this rendition of the oratorio the closing part of the regular stake conference. Prof. Giles has given years of thought and study to the composition and arranging of the work, and every tone of the music fits the sublime words of the text in a most entrancing dress of melody and harmony. It is expected that every seat in the Tabernacle will be filled Suntrancing. ator. Thy story of the opera deals with day night when the opening chorus the finding of a hale girl al'loat in In gins. Saint Day Latter Every a ship's yawl after a big storm along should hear this glad message. LEYAN JUNIOR HIGH New the This girl England coast. turns out to be a Spanish Princess, and her uncle, who is her guardian, NEPHI WINS 10 INNINGS COMMENCEMENT . A will Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Powers open a beauty parlor next Tuesday in the Venice Building in the room now occupied as a ticket office. With the new styles now in vogue in ladies hair dressing, the need of such place has long been felt which It Is now the aim of the above to supply. BOARD OF EDUCATION ORATORIO TO BE ANNUAL SCHOOL RECEIVES LOVING CUP The News, Vol. 8, No. 20 GAME FROM MAMMOTH Next Friday evening, May "Commencement Exercises A BeLeland Bellistoo, ginning Not An Ending," pitched the first 7 innings, and Ole Music. Boswell the last three innings, both InstrumentalRussell Gardiner, class Paper, by n men twirling good ball. Fred of the boys, entitled valedictorian LPAnderson umpand "Success." ired the game, of the Class" "Life to Main Street. Chap-openma- - - Prognostication by Ruby Rosequist. Address to Graduates, Prof. Amos N. Merrill. B. Y. U. Presentation of Diplomas, Lorenzo Mangelson. Selection by Male Quartet. Vocal Solo John Hood The following is a list of the graduates: Maurine Powell, Ruby Rosequist, Russell Gardiner, Reva Poul-seDean Tundbrldge, Clora Pierce, Bulah Bosh, Cleon Wankier, Elizabeth McClure, Neola Worwood, Vernon Mortensen, Harold Angell, Weal-th- a Schow, Glenn Mancglson, Nina Jackman, Lona Larson, Geneva Lorna Archie Luudsteen, Paystrup, Pearl Wankier, Rulon Shep herd. Reed Nellson. Owen Taylor; Dan Shepherd. TO ORGANIZE SONS AND DAUGHTERS J, B, Hughes of Spanish Fork, Utah was in Nephi today in the interest of the Association of the Sons and Daughters of the Pioneers and Indian War Veterans. Mr. Hughes is very anxious to perfect the organization In this city so that the three counties of Utah, Juab and Sanpete can be Included in the one big organization. The object of he ""Gelation is: First: To do honor and pay respect to the Indian War Veterans and Pioneers of the State, still living among us. Second: To perpetuate the memory and achievements of the Indian War Veterans and Pioneers who have passed away. Third: To conduct an annual encampment for the Indian War Veterans and Pioneers and their descendants, at which encampment the Veterans and Pioneers shall honored guests. Fourth: To preserve and strengthen the kindred and fraternal feeling which should bind together the descendants of those noble men and women through whose sacrifice and industry our glorious state has been redeemed and given to us a nricelem Inheritance. t.lr. I.'ug.its urges that the Sons and Daughters of the Veterans and Pioneers living In Nephl get together at once and perfect an organiz-itito- n and become affiliated with the other two counties. H. D. Goldsbrough, T. C. Winn, Dr. N. J. Rees, and Ieroy Ilrougb, were In Provo Friday attending the Republican State convention as dele- gates from this city The strong team from Lynndyl will meet the local team today in this city. The game Is called for 3 p. ni. anl should furnish the fans a run for their money. The last Rame played a couple of weeks ago the Lynndyl team carried off the honors In a The Nephltes expect close contest. to turn the tables In the game today. 23rd, the commencement exercises of the Levau Junior High School will be A ball game that was full of thrills held in Levan. Twenty four students was played Saturday afternoon on will receive diplomas as graduates the local ball park between Nephi from this class, each student having and Mammoth, which resulted in a with the requirements of win for the home team in the tenth complied the State Board of Education which 18 17. score a to At of by innings calls for 140 points in order to gradthe 'commencement of the 8th inn- uate from the Junior High.The pre 3 ings Mammoth was leading by of the diplomas will be runs, but a three bagger by Glen sentation made by Lorenzo the Mangelson, Worthington, singles by Grace and member of the Board of Education a smash Ole base two and by Petty from Levan. Boswell tied the score. In the 9th The is the commenceboth teams went out in short order. ment following program which has been arrIn the 10th Mammoth was again while the anged underA. the supervision of Prin turned back scoreless, Beck; cipal Earl in locals succeeded pulling down a Song , Junior High School Girls. tally which chalked up the winning Selection Levan School Band run. Glen Worthington featured in by Maurine Powell, class valthe 3rd innings with a home run the Paper, edictorian of the girls, entitled, ball going through the west gate on Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Winn, and Mr. Pitt, motored to Salt Lake Snn-da- y afternoon for a few days visit Before with relatives. returning home VIr. Winn, will deliver several addresses In the towns of Northern Wheat Utah on the MeNary-IIougebill. M. n n, Mal-uigre- n, WM.F0STER Held From South Ward Meet s ing House Monday Afternoon Tributes Paid To His Good Citizenship. Funeral services over the remains Foster, who passed away Friday afternoon, following a stroke of apoplexy while at work Thursday in the canyon, were held from the South Ward Meeting House Monday afternoon, being attended by a large number of friends and relatives. Bishop A. H. Belliston was in charge and the invocation was offered by Joseph Greenhalgh. A duet, "Oh It Is Wonderful" was rendered by Mrs. Ralph Belliston, and Mrs. E. M. of Wm. Greenwood, accompanied by Mrs. Diane Booth. The speakers were: I. H. Grace, J. M. Christensen, J. W. Paxman, and Bishop Belliston. Each speaker dwelt on the life of the deceased and paid high tribute to his good character and habits of industry, also his worth as a citizen of the community and his peaceful disposition. Other muscal numbers were rendered by Mrs. Alice Crapo, The Cole Sisters, and Goldsbrough Sisters. Benediction was prouounced by Robert Lomax. Interment took place in the Vine Bluff Cemetery. The floral offerings were beautiful and profuse Mr. Foster, was 5 8 years old at the age of his death and Is survived by his wife, one daughter and four sons. These are: Mrs. S. J. Shaw, Calvin, Von, Guy an Truman. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Robert Scott of this city and Mrs. Annie Robinson of Fayette. 'The deceased was well respected by all who knew him and his sudden death was a shock to the The sympathy of the community. people of thi3 city is extended to his family who have been so suddenly deprived of husband and father. AUTOMOBILE TURNS TURTLE NEAR MONA A car driven by Alonzo Shoemaker of Manti, Utah, turned turtle near Mona Sunday afternoon causing ser- ious injuries to the driver and doing considerable damage to the car. Mr. Shoemaker who was alone, was hitting the high spots at the rate of a- bout 60 miles an hour it is said, and the car which was a Jewett Sedan skidded along the pavement and turned over several times before stop ping its mad career. Mr. Shoemaker .was brought to this city and his injur ies were such that it was deemed advisable to take him to the hospital In Salt Lake City. We are informed that he was under the Influence of moonshine liquor, and the wonder Is that he escaped with his life. Drlv- ng a car under such conditions is not only a dangerous operation for the driver but is a menace to the Laws should be traveling public. enacted that should deprive men from from obtaining a license or not be permitted to drive a car when known to be addicted to the booze babit. WILL ENTER STATE STAR MEET TODAY SERVICE ELECT OFFICERS i By winning first place in the 220 yard dash, and second place In the 100 yard dash; at the High School Division meet at Provo last Friday, Glen Worthington earned the right to represent the, local high school at the State High School track meet The last meeting of the Service Star Legion for the present season was held in the Commercial Club rooms Monday afternoon. The prin cipal business transacted w the ele ction of officers who will serve dur being held In Salt Lake City today. lng the ensuing year. The result of That Mr. Worthington will give a the election follows: President, Mrs. .Mrs. good account of himself In the two J. W. Paxman; events named above there Is no Hyrum trough; Secretary. Mrs. C. W. Morgan; Treasurer. Mrs. E. R. doubt. Shaw; Chaplain, Mrs. Israel Bale. Word was received here yesterday by Mrs. J. R. Ostler, that her husAnnounced band, who I in a hospital at San Engagement Wedding In June Francisco, would have to submit to an operation the early part f next i wesk. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ostler, parents of the young man expect to The sequel to a love affa'r which leava for the above ritv Similar. Mr. commenced in this city a few years Ostler met with a serious accident ago was contained in a news Item about a year ngo, while in the forest from Park C'ty this w;ek. in which service employ mar Ilanna, Utah, tlie engagement was nnnounced by since whIMi time his health has not James J. Jennings of his daughter been good nnd he was sent to the Margaret, to D. .Morgan Milller of hospital at San Francisco by the Los Angeles, the marring, to take t government for tr- stnient. of Jun. Miss place the latter a aehool wh formerly Jennings Mrs. Otis Horton and children, teacher in this city, while Mr. Miller D. M. went to Salt Lake yesterday for la a son of Yr. and Mrs. few days visit with relatives. Miller of Nephi. Vice-Presido- p'-r- -- |