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Show THE riMthSitlWS. 1SEKH1. UTAH. Miss Elva Jennings spent the week end in Provo the guest of her sister LOCAL NEWS BARGAINS Mrs. Vernon C. Tolboe Born last nieht to Mr. and and Mrs. P. B. Cowan, visited Roy Downs, a fine baby girl. in Salt Lake Saturday and Sunday. Mr BARGAINS Linoleums, Rugs' Curtain Laces SPECIAL SATURDAY AND ALL NEXT WEEK 20 Per Cent Off On All Rugs, Cuftain Laces, and Curtain Scrimms. 2 yard wide Genuine Linoleum $1.90 yd $16.75 $18.50 Linoleum Rugs Excellent patterns. See them. Money savers. Miss Vera Pay spent the in Salt Lake City. week-en- d CLASSIFIED ADS home Mrs. V. M. Foote returned We have just received a nice asTuesday from Salt Lake City where sortment of Sun Visors, Running she has been the past week. Board Grip Racks and Running Board Central Motor Co. Miss Daphine Broadhead returned Step Plates. home Tuesday from Los Angeles, Good eating apples for sale at JosCalifornia, where she has resided the eph R. Price's. past year. Choice seed CORN for Sale ,Mr. and Mrs W. A. Warner, Mrs. Orvald Warner, Fran see and Earl See Barton Brough. Warner, motored to Salina Sunday Let the man who understands take where they spent the day with care of your auto troubles Central James Vickers, returned to Nephl Motor Co. Saturday after spending the past Mrs. witner in Palms, California. Plenty of ice for sale. Phone 207r2 Vickers Is still there but will return to this city in about a month. Buy a cake for Mother's Day. For sale all day Saturday at the Nephi Mr. and Mrs. E. Covington and son, Drug. Mr, J. E. Sullivan, Misses Blanch and I have a good crop of ice for sale Madge Pridley, of Salt Lake visited E. Tanner. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Golden for a few days the past week. Ice for sale at Bert Greenhalgh'g ALL OUT OF SORTS Let the man who understands take care of your auto troubles Central Tills Nephi Woman Who Telia Her Experience. FOR SALE Early Ohio potatoes at David Cazier's. So Was See our Big Line of Dotted Voils and Crepe Ginghams the latest in wash goods. SATURDAY SPECIAL Kirk Olive Soap bars for Regular 25c Can Sweet Pickles Regular 35c Sperry's Rolled Oats 2 for American Beauty Macaroni 2 for 7 CHAS. 45c. limit 7 15c . f 45c 15c FOOTE & SONS All too often women accept their pains and aches as natural to their sex. They fail to realize that weak kidneys are often to blame for that those headaches, dizzy backache, spells and that tired, depressed feel Thousands have found new ing. health and strength by helping the weakened kidneys with Doan's Pills This Nephi a stimulant diuretic case is one of many:' Mrs. W. E. Warren, Third South Second East St., says: "After I had the flu, my kidneys were weak and acted irregularly. Pains through my back made housework a burden- - I became dizzy and black spots danced before my eyes. I suffered from head aches, also. After I had used Doan's Pills from Lunt Pharmacy, I was free from all symptoms of kidney trouble." 8HOK REPAIRING SERVICE Supt. Ray Stewart went to Provo Wednesday on school business. To make shoes wear longer keep them repaired. Shoes are needlessly Mrs. J. E. Hawkins, and daughter damaged when repairs are put off. Ina, were guests Sunday of Mr and Avoid run over heels. C. O. Lomax, Mrs. Ralph Brough. Main Street. Dean H. Val Hoyt. of the B. Y. U. Artificial flowers for decorative was in Nephi Saturday shaking hands purposes for sale at Mrs. Earl Hoyt's with old friends. A NATION-WID- E jsstfl 475 DEPARTMENT STORES Values Remarkable $1.98 $2.49 $2.98 to $3.98 OUR "WAVERLY" CAP LEADS In Smartness, Style and Quality $1.49 $1.98 and $2.25 CARD OF THANKS all those We sincerely thank who gave assistance in any way) or tendered their assistance during the sickness and death of our be loved father, and for the beautiful floral offerings. The Family of A. A Allen ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Notary Public LICENSED ABSTRACTER And EXAMINER OK TITLES The Latest of the Smart Models to $24.75 $27.50 $29.75 IN SCHOOL-- OUT TWO PAIR PANTS $12.75 TO $14.75 OTHER SUITS $5.90 TO $10.90 Personally, have you a friend who would like to bujp a very poorly constructed out-o- f style suit at even $10? Or, have you in your acquaintance a women any age who would think of purchasing-- a bygone unfashionable hat at any price? It's the same in New York New Orleans Devils Lake, Iowa and it's the same in Nephi. The people are demanding ntyle they are insisting on quality and when a store delivers both at a Value giving Price it finds business too good to worry about. See us Smillng- That's because ot the 20 per cent lncrease in sales last month. -- finish f $25. VALUE FIRST N SUITS TO $35. Straw Hats Special values in collar attached Shirts. Kendall Bros. FOR SALE one half acre lot with share ot water, fgr $200 cash or $250 terms Inquire Times-New- s. Use Texaco Gasoline for cleaning your clothes there is none better. If you want to boost Utah, Boost the people that have made it possible for Utah people to buy a much bet ter) grade of gasoline at the same price that you have been paying for common gas. Dont take our word for it, try it for yourself. Use Nephi Merc. Co. WHERE GOOD MERCHANDISE IS CHEAPER. range aforesaid thence east 40 rods, thence South 80 rods; thence east 66 rods; thence South 127 rods; thence west 106 rods; thence North 207 rods to the place of beginning. The North Vi of the Northwest Vi of section 35 The East Vi of the Northwest" Vi ; the Southwest Vi of the Northwest Vi ; The Northwest Vi ot the Southwest Vi ; The Southeast Vi of the Southeast Vi and the East Vi ot Section Vi of the Northeast 1 22. Township 15 South. Range West ot the Salt Lake .Meridian. The North Vi of the Northwest Vi ; The North Vi ot the Northeast V4 and the Southwest V4 of the Southwest V4 of Section 23, Township 15, South Range 1 West of the Salt Lake Meridian. The North Vi of the Norwest Vi ; The South east Vi of the Northwest V4 ; The Northeast Vi of the South west Vi of Section 15, Township 15 South, Range 1 west of the Salt Lake Meridian. The East Vi of the Northeast Vi ; The Southwest V4 of the Northeast Vi ; the Northwest Vi of the Southeast V4 ; and the Northeast Vi of thj Southwest Vi of Section 27 Township 15 South, Range 1 West of the Salt Lake Meridian. Situated in Juab County, State ot Utah. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Nephi, Utah, this 7th day of May, 1924. DAN MARTIN Sheriff of Juab County, Utah By P. P Christison Deputy Sheriff. J. Patton Neeley and T. L. Foote, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Date of first publication May 9, 1924 Date of last publication May 30, 1924 Texaco. The Glee Club Girls will have caked for sale Saturday, May 10th at the Nephi Drug. FOR SALE used pianos and phon ographs cheap One upright piano, oak case. One player piano, walnut If Others Can't Please You TRY US We Please Nearly All such v.oi.dcrful work i.i flesh healing is the I'orozono liquid and powder combination treatment. The linnid Borozono is L THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, IN a powerful antiseptic that purifies the wound f f all pui.ts and infectious germs, AND FOR JUAB COUNTY, STATE wliila t..e llorozono1 powder is the great OF UTAH healer. There is l.ottiing l;!;e it on earth str.d rficienev. IViee for rpeetl, JAMES METCALF, Plaintiff, vs. (lini)i,:) E.V, 6"c and 11.20. Powder 8O0 and SfV LUNT foH bv FHARMACY CO. we have it we have it. If it is tires and tubes we have them. HARRY BEWS ROSE BEWS, EPH-RAISORENSON, JUNIUS SOREN-SOJOSEPH F. WRIGHT. JOHN F. WRIGHT, AND NEPHI NATIONAL SHERIFF'S BANK, a corporation. SALE. To be sold at Sheriff's sale at the front door of the County Court House In the City ot Nephl, County of Juab, State ot Utah, on the 2nd day of June, 1924, at twelve O'clock noon, of said day all the right, title claim and Interest of said defendants ot, in and to the following described real estate If it is tube repairing we do it. If it is service you get OF SCHOOL Boys Wear A "Penney Jr" Suit Protect your linoleum, make' it easier to clean buy our linoleum at County Court House If it is Oil NEW SPORT SUITS FOR MEN ' George Booth does first class tailoring, steam pressing over the Post Office, case. Ope Sonora phonograph, fumed oak, cabinet size. Two or three table phonographs, just the thing for Utah Nephl your summer camp. Very easy terms-Rober- t Lomax, representative Daynes Beebe Music Co., Venice Bldg, Nephl NOTHING LIKE IT ON EARTH The new treatment for torn flesh, cuts, Utah. Agent DeForrest and Crosley . ir'.iitjs, Bore or lacerations that is doing Radio Sets. Office IT'S THE SAME IN NEW YORK AND IN NEPHI! MICHAELS-STER- George Booth steam presses suits WILL L. HOYT 1 FOR SALE: City lot in alfalfa. See Easy terms good location, Alfred Madseq. for 60c. In Spring's Newest Sport Models $19.75 to $24.75 The Central s, If iti s gas $18.50 We are here to serve Motor Company. . STUDENT'S FAVORED SUITS $16.75 Motor Co. Don't Price 60c at all dealers. Be sure to see the International simply ask for a kidney remedy get Schools display in Correspondence Mrs same that Doan's Pills the window the Toggery Foster-MUburn Co. Warren had. Mfrs, Buffalo, N. Y. Let the man who understands take Central of your auto troubles care IT DRIVES CUT WORMS Motor Co. The surest si.n of worms in children is paleness, luck of interest ia play, fretful-nesVacuum Cleaner for rent Kendall variable a;rcti! picking at the nose and smklpi ,;rt i" .55 1:1 sl"cp. When Bros. theso symptoms pinpsr it li ii:us to (rive A few dosct White's Crear.i Paint that old car over it you can't drives out the worms and puts tlie little afford a new one. Our Effecto Auto one on the road to health again. White's Enamel can't be beat Kendall Bros. Cream Vermifuge has a iword of" fifty years of successful use. Price35c. Sold by For First Class Automobile Repair LUNT PHARMACY CO Work go the the Central Motor Co. SMART STRAW HATS Just Received! For men and Young men. We are ready with an attracive display of Summer's most stylish Hats in the Newest Straws and Shapes. Mrn SILVER MAPLE SERVICE Try Our Nerrlc to-wi- t: t the NorthThe Southwest west Vi, and the Northwest of the Northwest Vi of Section 26; Township IB South Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian. The South Vi of the Southwest Vi of Section 2(, Township 15 South Range 1 west of the Salt Lake Meridian. Also: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest V4 of Section 26. Township 15 South Range 1 west of the Bait Lake Meridian; thence East 70 rods; thence South 80 rods; thence West 70 rods; thence North 80 rods to beginning. Also: Commencing 54 rods East of I the Northwest corner of the South east V4 of Sertloo 26, Township and Our line of work clothes including Work Shoes, Overalls, Gloves, Hats, Underwear. Sox, and etc. are very complete, If you want something exceptionally good at a very reasonable price we suggest that you call in and look over our work clothes. The Toggery |