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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S. The Christmas Spirit Sy Mary Qraham Bonner Public Sentiment Throughout Utah 1,22, Wutvro Newspaper Ualan.) had been feeling that there ELLEN wns no such thins In the world aa a Christmas spirit. During the summer, for example, she had taken a trip. Everyone seemed te enjoy It. Everyone seemed to be glad te get away from the world with Ita scandals and lta spoilt civilization. That was what everyone said aa they took the trip through the simple wilds. 'emote and picturesque and old. This seemed to be the life everyone longed for and then some one men tioned a scandal which had taken place nearby some months before. With a dash everyone made for the scene so they could tell the people back home that they had seen the locality of the scandal and Ellen had been disgusted. Was It auch a sordid world after all? Then she had taken some poor chil dren to a big store to see the Christmas dluplay and they had been refused admittance. The, customers lind objected to such crowds of children they wanted to see the display themselves why should poor children see tbe toya when they could only look? And all about the outside of the store were eager little faces peering Into the windows and toping that perhuns tbey could get In whea the one who watched at the door was not looking. Once In a while one did and the children from outside waited for the news. "What did you see? Whnt did you see?" they shouted as tlie lucky one came out again. Other stores , had been different Other stores had not had their rich Reflected in Resolutions of Representative Bodies Favoring Separation of Central Pacific From Southern Pacific In order that the general community may know the status of public sentiment on the important subject above indicated, it is now deemed of organizations thus far compiled from opportune to give the names every part of the State of Utah-nor- th, south, east and west which have adopted resolutions favoring permanent separation of the Central Pacific Railway Co. from the Southern Pacific Co. The list which follows is made up from documents embodying the resolutions adopted by the various bodies named, duly vouched for and attested by their respective officials: American Fork Commercial Club. Beaver City Chamber of Commerce and Beaver County Farm Bureau in joint meeting. Bingham Citizens, petition with 81 signatures, representing important firms and most of the town's commercial interests. Boxelder Commercial Club (Brigham City) by its board of directors. , Boxelder County Farm Bureau by its executive committee. Brigham City Municipality. Cache County Farm Bureau by its executive committee. Cedar City Citizens in mass meeting. . Cedar City Chamber of Commerce. ? Cedar City Municipality. 'i"; " Centerville Community Club. Clearfield Citizens, petition signed by bankers, merchants, farmers, lumber dealers, teachers, etc - , Coalville Citizens in mass meeting. j ' Coalville Mayor and City Council. r Davis County Farm Bureau by its executive committee. Delta Commercial Club. ' ' " Deseret Live Stock Co. Draper Citizens in mass meeting Farmington Civic League. ;."" , Fillmore Commercial Club. Garland Commercial Club in joint session with Trenonton mercial Club. x Grantsville Commercial Club. i Green River, Utah, Business Men. Hatch Brothers Company. J ' Heber City Boosters Club. L Y" Helper Chamber of Commerce by its board of directors. , Hyrum Chamber of Commerce. Iron County Farm Bureau by its executive committee. Jcab County Farm Bureau. Kaysville Commercial Club. Lehi Business Men's Club. Logan City Municipality. " , w ;.': ':'! y . ' -- . Logan Chamber of Commerce. Lynndyl Commercial Club. Magna Commercial Club. Midvale Commercial Club. Milford Commercial Club and Milford Business Men's Club in joint meeting. t Millard County Commissioners. Morgan County Farm Bureau by its executive committee. Morgan Citizens in mass meeting. Morgan City Municipality. Murray City Board of Commissioners. '! " Murray Chamber of Commerce. ' i " Nephi Commercial Club, Club. Kiwanis Nephi Ogden City Board of Commissioners (Mayor authorized and directed to appear before Interstate Commerce Commission In support of resolution). ' 1 Oeden Chamber of Commerce. ' Park City Commercial Club. ?", Park City Mayor and City Council. Pleasant Grove Wasatch (Commercial) Club. ... 4 "' Richmond Chamber of Commerce. Salt Lake County Farm Bureau by its executive committee. .. Salt Lake Union Stockvards Company. Salt Lake Lodire No. 941 Brotherhood of R, R. Trainmen. Sandv Citv Commercial Club. Soan'sh Fork Kiwanis Club. St. Georjre Citizens in mass meeting. , " j Summit County Farm Bureau. Tooele City Chamber of Commerce and "business Interests. Tooele County Farm Bureau by Ms executive rommitfee. Train, Eneine and Yard Service Emolovees of Oregon Short Line. Tremonton Commercial Club at joint meeting with Garland rlsaWiiJnrtaT ! 1 -- '. ' i customers complain. But It had Bad- dened Ellen. Aad one of these very complalners had bought six copies of "The Christmas Carol" by Dickens to give away to friends. Ellen heard that later. It had not Improved matters. And on this same Christmas trip an-- ' other she hod met hud said to her that these children had such shamefully poor coats and had reproved Ellen. "I wish," the woman who had spoken ae sharply to Ellen had said, "that they had some of the alee warm things belonging to toy chlHren," but whea ,t Ellen suggested that she should do something for these children aftfe '" gone efT angrily. And another Person had patted her aa she had seen her walking with these children and bad said: "A. fine wark, my dear." And Bllea kaew that the woman felt ahe had showed Christmas duty and Christmas service and Christmas love by making that speech. But whea Ellen began te see the trees which were soot to the city for Cfcrlstmaa ahe felt better. The smell of the trees gave her some of tlie Cbrlatmaa spirit. Oh, yes. It waa all right after all, she had beea seeing only what waa disagreeable aad everything lse had passed her by. And then one day la the crowded section of tha city she saw a small crippled newsboy go np ta a Salvation army bucket aad put In bis donathm. Helping othere ta have a Cbrlatmaa dinner when he was nana to sure of bla anal Aa she saw It she Involuntarily smiled and a emlla answered hers. A Strang man was smiling at her. Was seme one going to be Impertinent to her? Was tha Incident of tha 1 -- , f "' Commercial Club. n MillorV and Grain Dealers' Association, by its special Utah-Man- railroad committee. Weber Count" Farm Bureau by Its executive committee. Woods Cross !ve Stock Co. Organizations, officials and firms whose resolutions include specific authority for such legal intervention as may be advisable or necessary in effecting the purposes set forth in the resolutions. Union 'acme Svstem SALT LAKE CITY ml boy only going to serve as an excuse for a man to amlle at her? But In another moment be was apol- little ogizing. Tie hasn't one biscuit left and "the In town don't carry grocers here them." LORA GOES TO TOWN The train whistle nrped the glrla towards the station and aftur they were well on the nay Into town the chief topic ef Westmont conversation come By I. WRIGHT. up. ''Only the young mnrrled people are going to go, really," announced . lilt tr MoCtitro N.rppr aradlcato.) Jessie Meacham. "Of course, the girls Lora hurried down the street, her will go aa uiany cT them as there ore puna In one hand, list of errondi In unmarried men In Westmont and yon the other and old Mra. Martin's um- know" then sire paused and stared at brella bung on her arm. The umbrella Lora, " you know how many yming, " was to be left at one of the depart- unmarried men there are In ment stores to be mended. Lora added another Item to her "Why carry aa umbrella on a day like this?" called Jennie Jlesrhom, penciled list and laughed as she lishoae veil proclaimed to the auburb tened. "There aren't many," ahe con f WMUnofit that she, too, going fessed, "yet, at least nine girls will get Invitations to the affair, If all or the Into the city for the day. Before tora could a inner, a young nnattarhed men go. For my part, I collie rushed pell tnell up tha afreet, don't even expect to go, and bo I am full awed at a slower pace by a yonng settled. If It's a nice evening I'U take bla rap under hla arm. The Beanie to the movies." in with ease voice tried to keep disappointto one hand told he waa surgnrm's ment from the surface, but Jwsl a I of erriuidii to do for everybody Mearhnm only am led cynically. "Well, a person stnys home ta I want If go. In town, as nsimir' he asked aa he from that she'll be dead socially aa far ' i lift to the glrla. as Westmnat Is concerned. Tou know I..rn smiled that, I.ora Ilomalne. And I'm going to "(Mi, of course," answered Jessie go (o It If I hnve to ask somebody to M ii.lmm. So bad "Arluslly II '.i n t sometime think I'll get op and take me." "You never wotitdH gasped. hi-- M tnlik train Into to a to avoid "If I didn't think young Doctor Miles flic erriiM every one haa." be aft on a hike with that collie "I" 1 waa golijg ta ak one of yea to would tat pan, of hla 14 aak bla to Ukt mm," said ffUr ewrae dag oUcuJU West-njont.- n Iir dM-tn- "It fti fr Ira Jessie stoutly. Lnra's checks flushed, but as the train wns nlready entering the station no one noticed. All day long Lora rnshed from place to place. She hod come In to the city to buy aoine fringe and trimming for a block lace frock. In the seventh-floo- r grocery department she bought a box of dog biscuits and ordered five mor boxes to be delivered. Tlie Qve poum' box she enrried with her. Khe nrrlred at the atntion In time tlie last coach of tha C:31 pv.l nit. The next train for Woslmon "If vould not leave tintll 0:42. isrtn't stopped for tha dog biscuit ' ilie snhl to herself. IWore she coul' Inlsh, some one tapped her on the arm tt wns young Doctor Miles. "Miss Itr lie asked. She nodded. It meant that sli would miss dinner at home, for he sunt was strict and roeala were ne kept waiting for any one, no matte ahot the excuse might be. "I Just came In ed happened t see you looking after the home-go!train," laughed Doctor Miles. "I h.v to get some (log biscuits and the wire were down from the storm last nlgti " be j nnseti, coionng. Hardly reullzlng It, Lora found herself sitting opposite hlra at dinner tnble in the loop, her parcels checked at the atatlon. "Wasn't It lucky you missed the train and and all," young Doctor Miles waa snylng haltingly. "Tou see, Fve been wanting to ask you to go to that dinner dance they're fixing Up out home, bnt you seemed so standoffish and and format and all but when you handed me that bex of Hat blsculis why, hang It all, it waa auch cn awfully friendly thing and end-- all. When I asked this morning I Just meant to have eome delivered" "Hut the pup didn't have any for tonight," put In Iora, her gray eyea girl rose-shado- d flvo-pniin- 1 aparkllng gnyly. "Never mind the pup hell have bla dinner. You're going with me to that dinner dnnca. I absolutely refuse to take anything but yes for an answer." And as I.era agreed softly to go ahe did not regret the missed train nor dinner at her aunt's bouse. , " "Here's one bos and Ova more w: delivered," aald Lora. baading hi Uia package. lit ttaraj & lfK "Wky, Jeyeua Sameness. "Don't you And fhe monotony ct Crimson Ouleh rather tlresorrttf "Monotony la all right In Its place," answered Cactna Joe. "The comfort f look In' at four acea. one after Urn ther, la a heap better thaa tha thrill , c Mala' aae ar aua "I'm so sorry," he said. "I was trying to plsc you in my ralad. I was so sure I knew you. And then I remembered that ou were the picture TOOTH DECAY CUE TO BREAD of the girl on the cover of a mn(jazlne last Christmas which I aaved all the Have Exhaustive Experlmante year and ao which la naturally very Iwttti From Blame Which familiar to me, I am so sorry 1" Haa Bean Attaehad to Them. And then Ellen langhed. Tor last year she had posed for oae of her The general belief that tha consumption of Jams, Jellies and such aeeta artist friends. "I don't snppose you'v any Idea," are responsible for the prepress of de man continued, "how much good cay In our teeth, baa not been borne the out by experimenta which were made that picture did. I've heard ao many of the Chrlstmaa aplrit at the hygienic Institute of the Lelpsic speak of It and You It fairly breathed It expressed. was It hand other On the university. then." waa bread Indicated that responaible "And bow I'm different?" she asked. for auch troubles. This was ebown "Ton don't look Just aa Jest aa by taking perfectly sound teeth and ha faltered. coating them with was. Into which aa Cbrlstmasy," For ahe And Ellen felt ashamed. or en waa at made point aperture la worand been others critical ef bad were then these and subjected another, world'a the about shortcomings bread of rying In a mixture to aa Immersion ahe had lost her own Christmas spirand saliva at a temperature ef 37 It bad been merely wanderCentigrade. At the end ef 33 it. Bat It was aot atteiiy lost and the showed ing teeth of sign the many lays if softeelng at the exped points; mitaT The tnaa who bad found It agaia for her? vhile 2.1 dnya Inter all allowed tL They became friends and then they 'oftenlng signs. At the md of Uf became sweethearts and they onade of 'nys compltVely developed rnrtes wn their lova a permanent thing and wora In all the tretli under eferl rnent. A similar test with Jorns and married. And he always called Ellen bis besn-H- 1 Jelllaa resulted In a complete vlndb-r- . And Ellen Christmas picture. 'i snme len :'nn of t"ie sweets, for the f ttma showed that the fruit ae!.- - ws glad Mist he d:d. It kept In mind the Christmas spirit id the perfumed acids of the that bad one almost left bar tor good "vea had ne effect upon the Ubi.U a an I t hatevav. s con-slaat- ty te |