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Show f TH 6 FlMES-isiJVr- f NfiPHl. ITT AIL a, LOCAL NEWS M if 18 0 Dont delay your Christmas shopping Only 13 more shopping days. Avoid the last minute rush and get the best selections. Overcoats. Our line of toys, dolls books, silverware and etc. is now complete . See them. GROCERIES 35c Best Raisins 2 pkgs. for 1 lb. box McDonalds Swiss Chocolates 70c, 2 lb. $1.35, 3 lb. $1.85 Walnuts 3 lbs for $1.00 45c Brazil Nut 2 lbs for Best white Ripe Pop Corn 3 lbs for 25c Xmas candies 30c lb and up SATURDAY SPECIALS 39c 25c S. FOOTE A A Mont Kirgen, left for Bingham, Utah, Tuesday, where he will be employed for some time.' CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Want Ad Will Sell The Things You Do Not Need You Need the Money One inch of rain fell in the last storm according to the official weather observer S. T. Vickers. WANTED Room ana board Expect to occoupy same from now until Mr. and Mis. Jas. H. Mlllward of first of May, 1923. All communicatin writing to Salt Lake City, spent the week end ions must be made A. B. G. Care Times-New- s office. v !tk Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Judd, ; AT Everybody attend our Christmas, Dr. and Mrs. V. L. El'.er!e"' r." opening Saturday Dec. 9th .L, Frank Salt Lake City, were in Nephi Mr. Ellerbeck is the general Fuller Brushes make a fine Christ manager of the Nephi Plaster Co. mas present. I will have a display of Mrs. M. E. Jennings returned home these famous brushes at 29 North Main St. L. M. Pexton the Fuller Wednesday from Milford, where she Brush man, re visited the past week with has latives, I am prepared to do your elect rical work. I have a full line of all C. Mrs. E. and and Mr, Stephenson C. J. Pyper, electrical daughter Josephine, motored to Pro-v- o phone 152-- supplies baturday where they visited with relatives for a few days. FOR SALE the home and farm of the Edward Shaw. See E. It. Paul Cowan, was down from Salt Shawlate or Will L. Hoyt. Lake to spend Thanksgiving Day with, his parents, returning Sunday. s.n fiava frnm 9 d n ft w- Xmwi Gilts L. FRANK. jour Reed Bailey, was down from Logan Saturday visiting with relatPure bred Duroc Jersey Boar kept ives in this city. for service J. F. Neely. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kendall reLOST A pair of glasses Finder turned home Tuesday after visiting Miss Ophelia Jennings notify in Provo the past week. Miss Eleanor A. V, Hague ana I will buy your old and crippled Hague, were down from Salt Lake torses Phone 168. Sunday visiting with relatives here. All Xmas Goods going at special A baby boy was born to Mr. and Sale Prices L. FRANK. Mrs. Willis Bryan Friday. A registered Boar kept for service Orapluta Mining Company. ..Location Phone 168. E. L. Guyld 1st So. 8th of Principal place of Business; Nephi, East. Utah. Notice is hereby given that at""a For particulars My home for sale. meting of the Directors of the Ora-pla- ta see R. H. Evans. ' Mining Company held on the 6th day of December, A. D. 1922, an A bunch of keys. Finder LOTS assessment ofone-ha- lf cent per share return to Bishop A. H. Belliston. was levied on the outstanding capital stock of the corporation, payable imSave from 25 to 50 per cent on mediately to the secretary of th your Xmas Gifts L. FRANK. Any corporation at Nephi, Utah, stock upon which this assessment NOTICE TO CREDITORS may remain unpaid on the 10 day c Estate of Gerusha L. Boswell deJanuary, A. D. 1923, at 12 o'clock noon, will be delinquent and adver- ceased. Creditors will present their tised for sale at public auction, and claims with vouchers to the underunless payment is made before, will signed at his residence in Nephi, be sold on the 28th day of Feby., Utah, on or before the 8th day of 1923, to pay the delinquent assess- March A. D. 1923. ALFRED J. GOWERS ment, together with the costs of adExecutor of the estate of Gerusha vertising and expense of sale. L. Boswell deceased. T. C. Winn, Secretary Location of Office; Nephi, Utah. mate of first publication Dec. 8, 19 22 First pub. Dec. 8, 1922. Last pub Last pub. Jan. 5th, 1923 . Dec. 29th, 1922. Thos. II. Burton attorney for estate ass ill S OIIHilUIIIIIHIiKII We certainly appreciate the splendid response our trade is giving to our SHOP EARLY Slogan And we are all agoing to be better satisfied with having done so. inim OUR LINES OF FANCY CHINA, TOYS, GAMCKS, DOLLS,, HARMONICAS, JEWELERY, STATIONERY, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, MEN'S AND BOYS' TIES ETC. IN FACT EVERYTHING FOR XMAS AT THE Nephi Mer. Co. WHERE GOOD MERCHANDISE KIWANIS HEAR ROAD TALK (Continued from page one) same lines. He also urged that this city pave main street, and quoted the late Andrew Carnegie, to the effect that a community is measured by the IS CHEAPER" highway that leads to It. which is en Index to its progresslveness. At the present time Mr. Hinckley stated that we were minus the index, as" the traveler came to the limits of the city on the finest paved road in the country, and was then dropped into the finest mud road to be found in this section. Our Stock Of Beginning The Gifts Worth While Select Them Here Now Novelties and gifts is bigger than ever before, and the quality higher and price lower. SATURDAY, Dec. 9th CHRISTMAS and gift; shopping is just around the corner. We have a large selection of Xmas gifts of quality. Gifts that Big assortment of Childrens story books Our entire line of Xmas Goods Kodak Albums Manicuring Sets Xmas Cards Perfumes Hand Bags Xmas Tinsels and Decorations Rubber Toys Ivory Safety Razors Toilet Sets Fountain Pens Phonographs Kodaks will be on display Hundreds of beautiful and useful gifts, for men, women and children, all at a saving of from 25 to 50 per cent Shop early and get the best. FRANK'S L. Frank, Proprictw. full blast and most of our customers buying their Christmas Presents early in order to avoid the rush of the last few days before Xmas. ia now on In J. AS L. The Nephi Mercantile Wed-nosda- We still continue our big sale prices on Ladies' Suits, Coats and Dresses; Men's and Boy's Suits and 5 lb Fancy Head'Rice Matches 5 boxes for CLASSIFIED ADS baby g:rl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ross liurton Suoday. A I R. Q. Dorius, Manager 1 3D See our stock NOW before it is sold out. Lunt Pharmacy Co. Nephi, i: tn:i un: 3i amnum n: ru: i:j fiui inuiim uu: iii m ui tuiinci ;; t ; j Utah - - in ni mniiuui rnimif KimuiiiUHaui ui uit u iimnnuauunmxiiuiiiinmfHSciimi will be useful every day. We cordially invite you to come in and see our large assortment are always welcome. you IT IS NOT TOO EARLY TO BUY XMAS GIFTS NOW 1 B :S The Toggery |