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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, DO YOU SMILE AT THE MAN WHO HAS CONSTANT TROUBLE OVER HIS PAID BILLS? HIGH SCHOOL LOCALS It's a safe bet that he does'nt (FROM THE N. H. 8. CLARION) Say it with Greeting Cards ii,m pi u- iqoo itfUd nave duced the most exquisite line of Christmas arr NVmr Vooy. row j. ci uoiuscvci offered and we are fortunate in be- Ing able to offer you, and at reason- aDie prices, tne cream of this year's product. TTVHE ARTTSTS -. vo. - . v.. ft make your selection now Our Greeting Card are arranged io that you can write or select the sentiment you wish to express and then have it printed on the card, with your name, thus giving an individuality that cannot be secured with an ordinary card. TIMES-NEW- S WILL L. HOYT "He Builds Wisely Who Bnild Well" ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR 19 HAS NO EQUAL GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIRING SYSTEM Ctah Nephi, Best Material Used Prompt Mail Order Service J x x Nephi Plaster North Main Street A . 1 The old members of the Progressive club of the N. H. S. entertained the new members and their partners at a Dinner Party at the high school Tuesday evening. Covers were laid for the following: Helen Cowan, Lazelle Chase, Mar garet Foote, Daphine Broadhead, Laverne Blackett, Veneta Latimer, Naomi Broadhead, Gladys Ingram, Sheldon Winn, Clyde Shaw, Bill Starr Fincley Bowles, Floyd Painter, Loyle Adams, Marcus Burton, Howard Brown. Special guests were Miss The Largest And Purest Natural Deposit of Gpysum In the World. NEPHI PLASTER AND MFG. COMPANY Chiistensen, Prop i M usic exclusive ly Dont be Misled; we carry the best, and r n ... t years or expenence aiiows us 10 give you Emmett and t with every instrument we sell f and satisfaction guaranteed. Complete line of the Worlds best Phonographs and Piano's. Phonographs Piano's Edison oonora and Columbia Grafonola Autopiano Kimball Virtuolo And many others Also a line of the World's best Band Instruments. The latest Player Rolls for your Piano. Complete line of Phonograph Rrordn Miss Because who pay by check a clear receipt for every a receipt that is beyond ques- tion. . Vne Your Check Book It will automatically record where and how your dollars are spent. 40 A 1. If proper arrangements can be made the West Side High School basket ball team of Sal Lake City will meet the N. II. S. in a game of oasket ball December 15 or 16. It is expected and hoped bv all that this game can be played in the new gymnasium. Coach Homer Christensen is tak ing fourteen players on a ten days tour tnru Southern Utah about the middle of December and he is arranging games with only the strongest those bill have Worthington. It takes pWles sMV-fw- e ho. make d. Our bank invites your checking account we do the bookkeeping and L?iWn and only tW-Ue- furnish you a monthly statement of to smile, n yJashe ruty your account. energy. Pay by check It is safer. Nephi National Bank Btl IE. , BUYING FOR OUR 371 STORES ASSURES LOWEST PRICKS - 41 'UL, 371 DEPARTMEN 1 STORES 2264 PREPARED TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING MORE SATISFACTORY TO YOU THAN CUER before! in our various DepARTnerrrsTHeRe arc nuoierous suggestions of g i fts that uillgiv&th greatest aoount ops atisfaction 0 ver th c ion6c5t tjttt There Is a Big Grist of Unusual , Sport King Hat ! 8280 Handkerchiefs Ideal Winter Of Silk Here Gift-Valu- es 2340 r 2322 Leigh. Lrg Variety For the past three years a progres sive club has been organized in the high school. All Juniors and Seniors this being eligible to membership, year the club is reorganized and is looking forward to a very successful year. All Sophomores are requested to pay their class fees immediately.See Deon Belliston, Secretary and Vw5 Treasurer. The Sophomore domestic science girls entertained the members of the Service Star Legion at a luncheon The held last Wednesday evening. fcuest of honor was Mrs. L. C. Potter of Provo. who recently returned from the national convention held n Chicago. A pleasing program was rendered during the luncheon and the guests enjoyed themselves very much. The Junior Cake Sale which wag on Nov. 29th was very successful. t any fellow is looking for a good find plenty of them la cook tlfc-y'he Junior Class. From the sale of Ine cakes they brought in $8.6G. The money from the doughnuts whlca were sold, added to the cake money will go a long way In helping the fastest class In school to carry on the plans which they are secretly work- When all their plans are ng on. revealed th other classes will be of their minor glory and Intelligence. The Juniors sent out a challenge ot more than two weeks ago but s usual no one has or will accept it erauite they know they can't keep p with us. Needlim and All Supplies Four-ln-Ila- Rnugh scratch finish u e w colored mixtures; light, erushable, easy fitting Full satin lined, black, mint oi tobacco mixed color. In Lot3. MOB t Superior Values Economy la the hauls of i prosperity ant juaicioua spending rather than la the foundation of trua economy. ' ''''"!'. 5? IL.'.;lU..vV I Direct mill conneo- tions and lar;e buying these makes uuinunl values. rt lowcl irrti-f- . linen buck rel with MM: Tood weight cot- - t' n ISsSO Ins 33c !. :.6.4.$1.69 'liinket. o!:;..;:,..c..,.i$2.98 58c1 ttra weight mil finished all ltui hlunket; Ferry 1 s fJenvy nool 1'nlr Ca'.r. all Save Moat by Spending Wisely la-nl- al ;.!ra at 2218 Blankets Popular Etylea linik owpl. iiimIIi. "6 I tViMl i'i ii at" 49cto1.K 2250 Towels ith rp'l rr towels white Ixinlpr. 18 :ttl turtles I'illr 5 Taacy Box $2.98 98c 174 liii'ht-- ROBERT LOMAX BrarTona. from th to Grandmother will aDDraclata a rift oi thaaa handker dainty chlafa; all white with ex qulsltal embroidered cor nan; tinted borders an mbroldary noveltr con. borders. 8eti of 3 la choolt-lr-l ni Yes, the very I IE wants for Christmas is here. Excellent grade silk; rhoice patterns in the hirst colors. Io gift I Venice Building, Nephi, Utah. Unusually long term on Pianos and Phonographs for those ' desiring one lor Christmas, BY CHECK did exceptional work. The program is as follows: Prayer Mr. Beagley Reading Alice Sowby Son? Ora Judd Leo Ingram Reading Live Sparks Sheldon Winn Piano Solo Larmar Hawkins Veneta Latimer Reading THt Mr. Poulson Report from Athletic Assn. Glen Dancing was enjoyed during the teinainder of the evening. service. A guarantee PAY Part of the money which they have they are going to use to buy a com plete make up box, the remaining money will be spent where it will be most beneficial to the new building. They are working on two one act plays at the present time. Notary Public LICENSED ABSTRACTER And EXAMINER OP TITLES . Utah Nephi The Thanksglvine Devotional Dro- gram which was given by the Stu dent Body Wednesday Nov. 29th, was one of the best programs given this year. Everyone who took Dart The Manti High School Basket Ball team will meet the Nephi High School team in a practice game Friday, December 8 th. Coach Peterson of Manti has a strong hoop squad this year and ex pects to take the division title. teams. A hard fought game can be expect He will probably send a strong ed as both teams are in good con quintet against our team; a good dition. game can be expected by all. Coach Durham will start the same men tnat aereatea Moroni, ana an that is needed to win from Manti is the support of the N. H. S. Student WORLD'S Body.' LARGEST CHAIN The Play Production Class of the DEPARTMENT N. H. S. is proud to report that due IB K STORE to the patriotism of the students and ORGANIZATION the citizens of Nephi they cleared $30. They did some very effective but inexpensive advertising which goes to prove that it isn't the show which costs the most money to put it on that is always the most success ful. Come in and THE The students of the Nephi High School are proud, very proud of the new building but they have done very little to make the new building proud of them. We Juniors are sending out another challenge to the other classes of the school even before our tirst one is answered. We claim that we can do more toward securing a epecial holiday for the purpose of putting an N on the hill for the Nephi High School than any other class. We claim that when the day has been granted us that we will have ore volunteers to assist us in the work, when it is being done. It is the duty of every member of the stu dent body to do his share toward The butting a letter on the hill. Juniors naturally are going to do more than their share but even all they can do is not enough to make letter day a success. The other class es must help. wool Scotch Inche hla plaid A( AH 6SxS0 $9.90 A carefully planned bad t get proTldlng for aarlnc , by reruhitlnf apandlng ao often falla because the boosawlfe has not learned bow and where touy. "It costs so much to live. We can't aaTe, Is a cry so often heard, j It has been onr aim for i twenty years to make It coat lesa for onr patrons to lire by always clTlDg beat raloes at low prices. Patronise onr Stores-t- here are 171 of them to nd yon will 29 State aee your expense columns aod your eavtnxs column rrow. ; I r |