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Show THE' TIMES-NE- ine rubliahed iimes-iMew- W tt, NEPHI, UTAH. s : TWO A. B. :: Subscription Kates $9 P"r " week salary. He naturally wanted more but he had only one pair of So he saved AND PUT HIS MONEY for him TWO Incomes TO WORK instead of one. Two incomes are better than one. Your wage, salary or crop profit may but when money comes to you in the form of interest as well as the other then you are on the road to a comfortable oll ago. be fine TODAY IS NEVER That Hand Bags and Leather Goods are 33 per cent cheaper than they were last year. 1- That Dolls are 40 per cent cheaper than they were last year. That Eastman Kodaks are 30 "per cheaper than last year. That practically eveiy thing in our stock shows an appreciable decline , over last year. We know it, and our stock of gifts and other merchandise marked is according, to market declines. Call and inspect our line whether you buy or not 3, TOO LATE TO -3 . y Then he had his savings. Ivory is 30 per cent cheaper that it was last year. That or-e- rs cess. hands evening. Many kinds of candy were made and a good time was had by present. Burton, and son Marcus, and Mr. and Mrs.Alvin Burton to Ogden last week THAT every citizen should be a boost- to motored attend the funeral of Henry Burer tor his home city. brother of the late Herbert Bur1HAT some business men dream that ton, ton of this city. They also visited business will come to them withwith Mrs. M. W. Jones at Murray, out asking. before returning home. THAT Is a dream', alright, A PIPE DKEAM. Mrs. C. W. Tolley was the honored THAT good goods, service and prices gueat Friday evening, the occasion plus advertsising win renewed being her 60th birthday anniversary. from a store's customers. 1HAT pleased customers are a great After a fine supper had been served, the evening was spent in music and asset to any business. THAT the buyers are in the habit games. The following guests were of looking over the ads to see who present: Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Tolley, is advertising and what they have Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Harris, Mr. and Mrs. to sell. THAT when a merchant advertises an Cluad Tolley, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rex Tolley, Mr. C. W. Tolarticle it means that the article is Stanley, and the guest of honor Mrs, C. ley, worth having, There were also present THAT the merchant knows that if W, Tolley. lie misrepresents his goods he 31 grand children, would Boon Ipse, the confidence f Reed W. Bailey, formerly of Nethe people, phi, recently resigned his position as THAT when his reputation for square Student-bodpresident at the Utah dealing is lost his business is ruin- Agricultural College in order that he ed. THAT it don't pay to try to deceive might take adavntage, of an opportunity open to him to finish his work the public. ChiTHAT the merchant who tries it is in geology at the University of He will immedcago. leaye Logan soon found out. for the ChiTHAT a reputation for square deal- iately after Christmas sehool, which is said to be the cago and truthful ing advertising results most advanced college In America in in a growing business, science work. E. R. WAITE, Secretary Shawnee, natural Bailey is one of the Utah AgriculOklahoma Board of Commerce. (Copy tural College's formost students. He righted 1922 by E. R. Waite) was elected student body president for year 1922-2but due to present NOTICE TO WATER USEItS was only able to act in circumstances State Engineer's Office Salt Lake that capacity during the faU quarCity, Utah, November 23, 1922 He was editor of the Notice is hereby given that Albert ter. 1922 year book, the "Buzzer," and Coulson of Nephi, Utah, has made succeeded in getting the book la the application in accordance with the hands of the. students earlier, probof laws Utali in of the requirements ably,- than it has ever been put out such case made and provided to ap- before. propriate Ten (10) Sec. Ft. of water Mr. Bailey expects to remain in Creek in Juab County, from Salt ' until he has completed the Utah. Said water wil be diverted at Chicago work prequislte to a B. S. degree in a point 1109 ft. south and 1840 ft. east of the N. W. corner of Section geology. .In the TJ. A. C. Bailey is a mem2 21, Township 12 South, Range ber of the following organizations: Lake Paso and Salt Meridian, East, PI Zeta PI American and conveyed by means of a canal a Association ofFraternity; Cosmos Engineers; distance of 1300 ft., and Caere used Club; and the from January 1st to December 31st American Veterans ofClub; the World War to inclusive of each great fortune by putting into operation very old but positive law of suc- and one head. iDo You Know Mr. and Mrs. T. H. DID YOU KVKlt STOP TO THINK for his now ft 12.00 $1.00 of The First Intermediate Class the Nephi Ward, gave a candy pull at the home of Ellen Cole Wedensday i 3 When John D. Itockfeller was a strug gling young bookkeeper in Cleveland He wasn't satisfied with Manager One Year Six Months INCOMES he laid the foundation GIBSON HAPPENINGS LOCAL every Friday by The Timea News Publishing Company DENNIS WOOD Editor ef IT START A SAVING ACCOUNT WILL YOU FOUR PER CENT HERE. The First National Bank Utah Nephl. Book-Love- BIDS WANTED Charles H. Dunn The Board of Education of Juab School District will receive bids for the sale and removal of the lumber and adobe dwelling house North of the New High School Building. Bids should be filed not later than Dec. DENTIST year, produce power for electric lighting and propelling machinery in the manufacture of salt at the Mountain Spring Salt Works in Juab County. After having been so used, the water will be returned to the natural channel at a point 788 ft. north and 2368 ft. east of the WVi corner of above men-tionsection 21. This application If designated in the State Engineer's office as No. 9083. All protests against the granting of said application; stating the reasons therefor, must be made by affidavit in duplicate, accompanied with a fee ft $1.00 and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the comof this pletion of the publication notice. R. E. CALDWELL, State Engineer Date of first publication Dec. 1, 1922 of publication Date of completion Dec. 29. 1922. 16th. 4 X-r- By order of the Board. Dennis Wood, Clerk. Nephi Drug Co. Watch This Space Next Week HOW'S THIS? for a list of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it cure CVnrrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim, to cure anv oth?r diseape. HALL'S CATARRn MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and acts through the blood upon the raucous surfaces of the system, thus reducing the inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Chenev & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Christmas Presents We shall have a fine line for you to choose from BAILEY FURNITURE SUPPLY CO. THE UNIVERSAL CAR NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION More than ever DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. LAND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE City, November 20, 1922. NOTICE Is hereby given that Samuel N. Fields of uMlllH, Utah, who. on October 25, 1917, made Homestead entry No. 021971, for NE14. Section 11; NW4 Section 12, Township 15 South, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has f f Tod notice of intent- - for the money Reduction on all models L"7' X 7 40 rl ONfchalf 1 1 In Effective today, the pricet of all the Ford passenger cars and trucks are reduced $50.00. This makes the Ford stand out more than ever before as the greatest automobile value on F.O.B. Nephi, the market Here are the new prices: th- - ChlMre world are cri. by Tuforcnl"! i'liere ur tiiaay ca ivht her la It; I'our pennies and did art will prevent am led ii ii i. I Y Ho Stooping m No Backaches Oven on t ht IpvoI uitVi your shoulders ow unpnrrnntni can rang. Thl err $462.40 $636-7- 0 MAKING HOUSEWORK EASY SAPOLIO Scours Equipment, at these prices, includes electric starter and demountable rims a COMPLETE car. Cleans We make immediate deliveries. Large cake No waste JUDD GARAGE - - Utah. ENOCH MORCAN'S SONS CO ., New Yerk, 0. S. A. Polishes W'!sg:y-SS:- ? hi what a big in old clumsy rang Is built from th woman's Stand nntnt. a rut nas in moaern conveniences that every woman demand. film Clean steel knives and forks, remove stains and grease with $704.95 $543.70 Ton Truck i r. $492.85 Touring Runabout Coupe Sedan Nephi, th ol all Ion to make five-yeProof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court at Nephl, Utah, on the 6th day uf January, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: Walter F. Brough, James L. Bellls-to- n Hyrum Brough all of Nephi, Utah, and John Williams of Mills, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register First publication November 24. '22 ar (Publisher) the Greatest car $50 OTHERS FOLLOW WE LEAD Big Holiday Sale of Millinery Children's Hats, Caps, and Sweaters. Everything in .Millinery going below cost. Also a line of beautiful dolls going at reasonable prices See Mrs. S. B. McCune Millinery Store. el Cllft Building Salt Lake City Practice Inclusive of Scientific Platework, Gum Diseases 521-52- rs t VE ARK HERE TO SERVE V COLE'S Elevated Oven Range Will meet your every wish, and give you a high else rang at a very .low coet. Pay for itself In fuel saved. Visit our ttor without delay. Efa Cooper, Pyper & Co. Nephl, Utah I |