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Show r THE PEACE PARLEY IS FIRE DESTROYS AT CRITICAL POINT SCHOO L BUILDING Dl NEPHI. UTAH S, GOVERNMENT Witt Be With Us Shortly til l TIMES-NEW- ?!"' k TfV i if ihev have ...-- h : Ill Ahobth iciM.. ..y:rr ;y, :,y; IN SWINDLE RING -i DARDANELLES, GREAT PROBLEM SCHOOL TEACHER IS HEROINE Ir VITALLY INTERESTING TO 17 PUPILS INJURED BLAZE POWERS IN FALL TO GROUND ALLEGED LEADER IN HUGE BANK NOTE COUNTERFEITING Hot Controversy Waged as to Whether Greeks Have Been Ordered Out Of Asia Minor; Turkey Would Close Straits Three Men Under Arrest in Various Sections of Country in Connec- -' tion With Operations of The Gang Lausanne. The clonlcg of the Dardanelles to all warships exeept those of Turkey and giving Turkey the "riht to fortify the straits were advocated by Foregn Minister Tchlteherln Of Russia at Monday's meeting of tine conference called to discuss the straits. Ismet Pasha, loading Turkish delegate, asked for absolute Turkish control of the straits, without demilitai Ization. The preliminary exposition of the question by the representatives of the great powers had not been completed when the meeting was adjourned. Tchitchein insisted that Turkish sovereignty could be guaranteed only by the presence of Turkish warships In the straits, while the warshiim of ether powers should he prohibited from entering them. He contended also that Turkey should have authority to fortify the straits as a means , of safeguarding her independence and particularly for the protection of her capital, Constantinople. AH delegates to the Near East conference approached Monday's session with the conviction that the critical moment of the discussions was at hand. The preat problem of today the Dardenalles is vitally interesting to nil the powers, including the United States. The Russian delegates were to make their first appearance. Foreign Minister Tchitcherln and M. have been in close consultation with the Turks the last two days. Turkey wants the straits open to Turkish warships alone, but Europe and America desire the waterway free to the naval craft of the entire world. The treaty of Sevres for which Lausanne must find a substitute opens the straits to the merchant men and warships of all the powers in peace and war but no blockade or act of war Is porml sable unless authorized by the league of nations. The treaty also provided for an International commission 01 control. , Teacher Strives Desperately to save Wards; Funeral Party Halts to Aid Children Who Were Be. Ing Lowered from Windows Covington, Ga. Two. dead and 3S Injured was the toll taken in the burn, ing of the High Point Community school bouoe near here Wednesday, when the structure In which 09 children were engaged in studies was destroyed by fire. A careful check today showed that aM the others had been accounted for and Identified. The dead were James Steele, son of John J. Steele, and the old sen of Charles Bachelor. These pupils were In the room of Mrs. Oscar Grant, who herok-allstood by the window nnd dropped forty children to the ground the floor of her room gave away, ard she was engulfed In the flames. She was unable to save the two boys who were lost In the smoke. Investigation showed seventeen children were sulTring from broken limbs as a re-sof the twenty-fodrop. A funeral party pasilng tbe school discovered smoke pouring out of the The windows. procession halted and the men and women of the party rescued many of the children. An overheated stove Is believed to The school have caused the fire. house wns a two story frame building, situated In a prosperous farming community. Authorities suy the building had been condemned as a lire trap more than a year ago and funds had been provided for a new fire proof building. The erection of the new school was delayed because of a dissension among residents as to its location. ot - Rescues Burning Child Los Angeles. Francis II. Wright was driving his automobile when he glanced through a window and saw a girl with her clothing aflame. Wright broke in through a window, beat out the flames and took her to a hospital. There she said her name was Mildred Pomeroy, 5 years old. She was alone lr the house" when aer dress cangnt firs from a gas beater and was unable to put out tl.e Lames. Latin Republics Open Meeting With the Unite-- ' Washington. States not only nct'ng as host nnd sponsor, but taking the port of a full participant, the conference of Central American republics began In the Beaten Victim Sues Klan union, amid mutnnl expresFort Theodore Schlerlman of thnt Its dlicnss'on of confluence sions LibNowata, Okln., former mayor of would inaugurate a new era of Cenerty, Knnwis. filed suit for $.10,000 American pence and stnbllilv. Sr. damages In federal court here against tral Hughes, ns presiding officer cretnry the city of Liberty nnd the Ooffeyvllle represent-In- t of the bead end Kn Klux Klan organ to xtbm. Tbe the welcomed United the States, suit io the result of the Togging of de'esrafes of the ether five nations. In Mr. Schlerlman by a masked band the name of President ITard'n, but did recently. not fimpllfy the program of the conference as a'ready outlined In the InIn Lower Chamber Subsidy Bill Pat-- 1 vitation sent out from Washington. The administration Washington. hipping bill, around which was waged Bill foe Sale of Beer Introduced ths most bitter partisan fight of the Washington. Another prohibition wos present congress, passed by th notification measure was introduced r vwtes to spar. house with twenty-fouby Representative O'Brien, New JerThe final count was 208 to 1S4. fUrty-ln- e sey, who proposed to legalize the sale Republican broke away from of beT of less than 7 per cent alcohol their party organization and opposed by volume and other beverages of les tha bill, while four Democrats su port- than 13 per cenL Saloons would be ed U. barred under ths bill. iV-ot- de'e-mtlo- One Killed In Fire at Wendover Wendover. One man was killed and tTiree wre seriously burned in fire which destroyed the Overland hotel, the store of the A. J. Spencer company, two residence and n vacant store bnlid'ng hunday morning. The dam-sgwas estimated at $100,000. Rees a stationary Foulks, 3.1. fireman boater In lb Western Pacific lost bis l!e when he fai'cd to bear tha alarm, lie was the only on of the nor thnn twnty occupants of the hotel wbo did not escape. ' o IS BAGGED o CenBrigham City. The tral Railroad company has installed a bell signal at the street crossing on Fifth West ond Sixth North streets. Utuh-Iduh- This crossing has heretofore been con. sidered quite dangerous to the traveling public. Salt Lake City. 4JuIt to recover from Salt Lake City was- - instituted in the district court Wednesday by Salt Lake county. The claim is for money alleged due the county because of work in removing weeds frotn city streets during 1020 and 1921. $2G&3 Obregon to Combat Water Shortage. Mexico City. The gavity of the situation caused by ten watterlesa days here led to a protracted debate In the chamber of deputies with the result that a resolution passed authorizing President Obregon to use extraordinary powers granted him by the constitution to commandeer all water supplies and to adopt any measures necessary to combat epidemics. It is expected that the president will order all artesian wells to be taken over and "Blue are Laws" Enforced 8unday that the federal forces in the capital Wabnah. Sunday blue laws were here for the first time as a will be mobilized to enforce sanitary result of a fight against Sunday movies regulations. being waged by the ministerial society. Charles Bolte, chief of police, closed General Chang Developes Army. " Mukden," Juan- -' Carrying out everything except restaurants and garages when Sheriff Summerland re- his plan to create in Manchuria a fused to art ngnlnst them without affi- state independent of the rest of China, the military dictator, davits being filed, Last Sunday the Chang Tso-Li- n, sheriff arrested moving picture theater is reorganizing his army nnd developwithout warrants after ing a civil government along Western managers af. breaking down the doors when the lines. General Chang asserts that who officers managers refused to open them and ter eliminating Inefficient Pel-Fnear u submit to nrrest No action was taken caused bis defeat by Wu now has the he Inst spring, Peking other business of which against places The were open. Next Sunday street cars most effective army In China. will be stopped and everything closed war lord of Manchuria says frankly he has no Intention of respecting the Including restaurants and garages. authority of Pefcin. Congress Opens Its Regular Session Washington. Congress closed Its two weeks' extra session and started itta regular session Monday with an Intervening period of only ten minutes. By resolution the end of the special session, which began November 20, was closed at 11:50 o'clock, and the new and final session of the seventh congress began at noon. Proceedings were largely the routine if winding tip the old and beginning the new session, which runs until March 8. The senate met nt 10 o'clock and the house at 11. In its brief sitt'ng tho senate formally dropped the Dyer antl lynching Mil ond confirmed about 1700 nom'nations. SCHEME News Notes From All Part of UTAH FIRE DESTROYES ill CANNING PLANT STREET cur-rnec- y. LOSS OF VAN ALEN CORPORA. AT OGDEN ESTIMATED AT MORE THAN $150,000 - Fire Which Breaks Out In Early Eve ning Requires Service of All Fire Fighting Equipment of the City Troughout Night Ogden. Losses In a fire which des troyed the large cunning factory and warehouse of the Can Allen Canning Twenty-firs- t corporation on West street Wednesday night, was estimated at 5150,000 to $200,000. The fire broke but at 0 :30 o'clock in the evening and all the fire fighting equipment of the city wns pressed Into service. At 11 o'clock the fire had eight streams of water still playing upon the structure. Gage B. Rodman, president of the Van Alen company, said that he wonld be unable to estimate the loss and probably would not be able to determine anywhere tho loss until after a survey of the property. He said the new warehouse, which also was destroyed, was packed full of canned tomatoes, peas, catsup and canned fruits of this season's pack. He added that this would be a total loss. ((plT. ,a small portion of the product is said to have been covered by insurance. A survey of that portion of the structure made showed that the brick office was Intact and a small portion of the canning machinery near the office was partially injured, but the canning machinery on the second floor, and the old and new warehouses were burned, with only the charred walls remaining. It is believed that less than 1000 cases of the several thousand cases of canned goods will be ' salavged. The fire was discovered In ths northwest corner of the building, when s little smoke was seen arising from the roof. Within less than ten minutes the fire had broken' through the roof and the flames shot into tha air a distance of about 100 feet Almost in. stantly the flames spread over the two warehouses, bet were prevented from reaching the main floor of the Imcanning department, or office. mediately npon the arrival of the detainment. Fire Chief George A. Graves railed in the day platoon men and tha equipment from station No. 3, as well as using all available equipment in the Central station, the new fire hydrant which was installed at the corner of Reeves avenns nnd Twenty-fris- t street was pressed Into service ami tha large pumper was used to add fore to the stream. In addition to the loss of canned goods and the buiMIng. the new ware, house contained several dollars worth of fum'ture be'onglng to Thomas Keogh and mother, Alex M. DaggetL Gage Rodman and others. n Burial of U. S Girl Stepped Paris. A request by ths French nthorlt'es for permission to b;iry the body of Miss Rose Rhsnnessy, ,f Min neapolis, wiio t allsd-e- d to bars com. love ml' ted suicide ovrr an affair, wns frustrate! by the American consul. Tbe cont'd has ea!,vl rcla in M'nneapo. Uvea of Miss Slinnns-m- y lis nnd Is expect In n request to sh'p s t the Vn to I Stale. Mi Mie r fhinnmse wis a t om,.rt of trlklnr benuty. Fhe s'mt ho.ielf threii.tli the heart. New York. With the rrest of John Popovich of Los Angeles, carrying $93,000 in, conterfeit notes or more than 1450,0000 face value, United States secrPt service agents said they had captured the third of a gang of counterfeiters who have done what was heretofore considered almost impossible making and passing bogus iank of England notes. I 1 The other two alleged members of the band reported to be under arrest POLICE TANG WITH in Los Angeles are Oscar A. Simon and Ivan Glavandonovic. Popovich was checking out at a CITIZENS IN Broadway hotel when secret service agents, who had been registered at the same hotel arrested him after he had paid his bill m United States They said he was about to FATAL CLASH RESULTS IN MEXleave for Canada and In his battered ICO CITY AS THOUSANDS PROtraveling bag they said they found TEST WATER FAMINE C35 counterfeit bank notes of 100 denomination and 800 to 150. Riotlni Last Over 6 Hours, During The secret service agents said that Which City Building Is Dam. about 50,000 had been obtained by the gang in California through passaged; Government Is Asked to Act ing the notes. They ascribe the success of the counterfeiters in part of Mexico City. Federal troops guard, the fact that since the war many ined a badly battered municipal bund- experienced dealers in foreign exchange have set up in business. Twening while the city counted the casualties of a pitched battle between the ty thousand dollars worth of the bogus English bank notes have been accountpolice and a mob which attempted to ed for, it was said. storm the building Thursday night The death list as a result of the Chicago Stock Show In Full Swing fighting stood at seventeen, while annual Chicago. The twenty-thir- d eighteen persons are known to havo international livestock exposition been seriously injured and thirty-thre- e swung into action at the Union s here Saturday with 10,000 head It was thought slightly hurt that a closer check might reveal fur- of blooded cattle, horses, sheep and Stock hogs competing for honors. ther casualties. i'he city, after a night of great ex- raisers from nearly every state In the union and many Canadian provinces citement, found its main plaza before were Included exhibitors the municipal building a shamble of and a number among the had stock by Europeans broken glass, timbers and stone. scheduled. The hay and grain show The trouble, wlilch lasted for more held In connetelon with the exposithan six hours, started when a crowd tion includes entries by the Duke of marched to the city hall to protest Sutherland, the province of Ablerta, Canada and other Canadian provinces against the aldermen who are held re- as well as most of tire grain producing sponsible for ciadltions leading to the water famine. The demonstration was states of the union. J. W. Lucus of Alberta, who won last year's intended by the labor unions that or- Cayley, oats championship and W. Kraft of ganized it as a peaceful protest, and a Bozeinan, Montana, last year's wheat parade was held before the marchers sweepstakes winner are back seeking proceeded to the hall to voice their ad. further honors. veres sentiments agalaat the city gov. La Follette May Head New Bloe ernmenL The purposes of the Washington. e Several sporadic attempts to new the demonstration were made in urated "progressive movement inaugby the organization of the tbe succeeding hours, but several hun bloc" in congress were dred soldiers protected the building "progressive declared formally to be legislative nnd and the crowd contented Itself with not political in resolutions adopted jeering and hooting officials in gen- Saturday at a general public conferera!, including some of the members ence. Senator Lafollette, Republican, of the federal government Wisconsin, who with- - Representative Several small groui of citizens Huddleston, Democrat, of Alabama, marched through the streets commit- called the conference under the auspices of the legislative serting minor depredations. They called vice, presided people's over the general public on all newspaper offices and booted which wns attended by more and yelled before the residences of gathering titan 100 members of congress, the city officluls. and other leaders. RepresentThe chamber of deputies adjourned ative Woodruff, Republican, Michigan when It received news of the sanguinwas elected secretary. The first resoary encounter in the main plaza and lution adopted declared that the movea heavy guard was thrown round the ment was and would building. devote Itself to "consideration of devising methods nnd menns for coopJames R. Mann Giant of House Dies eration and support" of the general Washington. Death Thursday end legislative program adopt d by the ed the legislative career of Rcprcsenta- - new progressive congressional bloc. tive Jiiiuts It Mann of the Kecond At the suggestion of President Gomp-e-r of th American Federation of lllnols district. Ion? rated as a gnlrit of the house. News of Mr. Mann's 1ibor, the resolutions had been death was a shock to the houxe, for amended to declare tbe movement few of bis most inllmata friends knew "nonpartisan" Instead of "nonpolitl-ctil.of his illness, beyond the statement that he had been confine! to his home by a cold. Mincrlty leuler In the Judge Authorizes D. eV R. G. Bondt Ienver. Federal Judge J. Foster house during the eight years of Democratic control. Representative. Munn Symes signed nn order authorizing the saw tbs speakership fo to Gillette of Issuance by Receiver Jos'tili II. Young .Massachusetts when bis i&ny again of the Denver & Itio Grande Western cinn into power there, but If tho fail. mil way of S5.orrj.orjo in rece'rers cerIn uilor-- t ! tificates, bearing C',4 per cent interest ttre of him riftrfv In efltif-ti- a blm as speaker left any tinge of bit the money to be used in making imterness with tha veteran member, his provements on the mad. He ala friends never saw an indication ef It considered the Iriuanc of t',000,000 iKvllnln then tbe proffered leader. in equipment trust certificat e to be ship of tbe majority, Mann thereafter secured by rotl'ng stock purchased. continued to exerciss a power ctihI Mahoney Pays With Life to If not greater than that of the Walla Walla. Jam-- ' Ii Mahoney speaker himself ss ba!nua of ths was bnnpel at ths state penltenthrr committee oa committees, which con. ber Friday for the tunrder of hit trils the makeup of the hone commitaged wife. Kate Mooers Mahoney, at lee. Scattlf. In April lsr.'l. No Debt Cancellation Harvey Declare 409 Horre ets At Result ef Fir London. On the ev of the TerreSonn"! One. Four hundred In tanrion conference thlt personi were hmi ss ns a result of j a f re whirb Saturday night wiped out wee't to dismaa aebt cancellation. In an tbe entire lower fart of Terrebonne Harvey served res address before the A eglo. American de'f' lag more tlian sTrnty-flnn! store building, lm-ti- t lin society of Man he;r, tbat Amorba is Id The oot la tbe deSt husinre liie town hall an I the ivtoffl-efii B!nlia aa !:r discussed ibe rcvhal "invent fif tl (Vnxrrgntlnn of Notrf of trud.i In Ilnrlnrnt He stid thai Diime nnd tbe .Tuven.il college, eon Atnirl" wafctel otht r nation to gc' i ;'ted by tne Kalhors of tb Very Holy Sncraw nt, e cupd damage from he. inoa'y If tliey could, but nrt ! lb fir. plar".ni baby." Illinois Governor Frees Radicals of Wil. Sentences Springfield. Ham l'.rcs Lloyd nnd six assclatci. serving sentences In Jol.et penitentiary and tbe Cook county Jail for violation of the state nntlsyndacallsm law, war commuted to expire at once by Governor Len Smntl Tbe rntntnntntlon were Thanksgiving gifts to the prisoners. They were to be released upon ar. rival at the penltantlnry of Attorney W. A. Cunns of Chicago, who wea appointed a spe'Hnt msaxenger to rsr. ry the official pnpers. Tbs n.Bner began serving thrir sentence Inst week. Ceutsns Insint. PlcVes for M!-h- . Miyor nats Pest Jan-e- s Con- r :!! d rt con-tinu- gov-erno- ra "non-parllsnn- " " Fran-o-r.r:U-- tent of Ietrolt wit appoints! by ficvernor Alex J. Oroee'ierk as Ualled States senilor from Michigan to fill the unexpired term tf former Trunin II. Nawherry, ho re. Mayor Courena has a The governor fn the appointment. munced Mr. Co ixsns, who hss gained nition-wlIhroirh b promin"fl' It venture la Municipal rsil-v:iwoii'd tT!:e bis It tbe senate a toon as bis nff;alr could e srran;el. Fea-ato- stocK-yard- h 1 e nr-e- can'-ellatio- . NephL The Local poultry associations are now successfully transporting eggs by automobile trucks to Gunnison where they are graded prior to shipment to the New York markets. Salt Lake City. The unknown man whose body was recovered from the Jordan river February 27, 1922, may have been John Orifino, 48, an Italian merchant of Toledo, Ohle, according to Information received by the seriff s office. A circular issued by the department of pustlce, Washington, D. C, describes Orifino, who is a fugitive from Justice. Brigham City. The enr which was abandoned at the side of the road near Tonoph, Nev., by O. C Jaeobsen, the Brigham Jeweler, October 27, when he wnndered off into ths desert and disappeared, was brought to this city. No trace of Jaeobsen has yet been found, and the parties who have been scanning tbe desert for several weeks have given up the search. Deputy Sheriff Blrk,- - with In custody, left for Sweet Grass, Mont, where he will turn Bushman over, to the immigration authorities. Bushman was arrest-de- d here several weeks ago on the re quest of D. A. Plumly of the immigration department on a charge of Saving smuggled his way Jnt the United Provo. J. J. Bushman States. Ogden. Motlsra picture films of Ogden cnyon, which were taken last summer by C. J. ElanTd of the United States reclamation service, will be shown in Ogden acc- - ling to the advices received by Jesse S. Richards, lecretary of the chamber of couimert The Ogden films are now being shown in Omaha by the Union Pacific company. Salt Lake City Appointment of a receiver for the Baldwin Radio company of this city, manufacturers of radio telephone equipment was asked in Third district court by attorneys representing the latter firm. One woman Mid vale. was killed three men badly bruised and two bies escaped with but a few ba- scratches-Wednesda- night when an automobile driven by Grant Mortenson of West Jordan stmck a cow on the main street of the village and overturned. Salt Lake City. The Utah Light St Traction company was fined $28 for violating the city ordinance prohibiting one-ma- n operation of street cars In test case heard before City Judge N. H. Tanner Wedensday. Ogden. tributed A total of $170,00 was disby tbe U. S. Bureau of pub- lic roods within the past few days, for road work done In Utah nnd Idaho-durinSeptember and October, acr B. J. cording to District inch. The amount Is the largest the government hot paid out since tbe bureau was established In this city. Ot the amount $100,000 will be for road In Utah and $210,000 for road work to Idaho. Salt Ike City. Following the lead of the national department, the Amer-bti- n Ieglon, department of Utah, has taken n rtetermlnrd stand te stop the pe?t of war beggars and peddlers that for thrfe years now have Injured the reputation cf men who proudly wore tbe uniform of the United States. Formlnrrton. Tbe Utah rower and Llsbt company will furnish the In. ot five special Rgbt on tho overhead cromdngs stitPation Farm'ngton, next week. hundred pounds of cabl osed In tb work. at Seventeen ar feeing Salt Lak City. The paved highway wongh kK L,nke sad Utah conn tie will be kept open alt winter. Roth counties hare Jelned In tbe cost of erecting a serlr of snow fence in the region of Jordan Narrows to prevent the heavy drifts at this point frotn covarlag th mad thla winter. Fait TV City. nMnt ar "up a rt',ilt of aa occurrence In arm" In a lot adjoining 523 Caneord street. In which a dog was killed and four children narrowly escaped death, when a "dath trap," which had been set fVr a rh!cken-thlf- , was pr maturely t oft. Layton. A mrdrn ml'k station will t on b under eotittnirtlon In Laytcrn. Tl afrncttire wW be erected by th s-- Tfcivis tw en tut cot-nt- tre Ivj'ry Asocltt'on, U 1 th tracks O. 3. L. h'fbwsy |