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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, LOCAL NEWS, P.AN FREE TEA! ! Buy Buy 1 1- lb. get lb. Free lb. get 1.4 lb. Free WE BUY EGGS AND ALL KINDS of POULTRY Mutual Creamery Co. See our line of stoves and ranges KENDALL BROS. King Victor Emmanuel Calls Lock Win. H. Warner, transacted busin ess in Salt Lake Wednesday.. -2 You will enjoy its fine flavor Get it at our store Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Winn, motored to Salt Lake yesterday to attend Con " L. W. Evans, was a State Fair vis itor the early part of the week return lng home yesterday. Paint time is here again, don't for get we carry the best In Paints. Lowe tiros. KENDALL BROS. Attorney P. N, Anderson, went to Salt Lake Tuesday to attend to some legal business there. during Tanlac, the remarkable Folger Tea Week remedy that everybody is talking about, is sold by Nephi Drug Co. - ' Ye Editor extends many thanks to our friend S. D. Broadhead, for the gift of a box of very fine Johnathan apples. October 3rd to 8th Incl. Bruce McKnight, returned to his studies at the U of U. In, Salt Lake, after spending a few days with his ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. patents in this city. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Huntington, are spending a few days in Salt Lake this week visiting the State Fair and at tending Conference. Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Rees, went to Fairview, Tuesday to attend the fun eral of Mrs. Sanderson, sister of Dr. NOTICE TO CREDjTORS Uees. Estate of Peter S. Neilson, deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at her residence in Nephi City, Utah, on or before the 21st day of November A. Tanlac is a splendid tonic and puriiier, now selling at the rate of almost Ten Million bottles a year. Nephi Drug Co. D. 1921. MARY E. NEILSON, Administrator of The Estate of Peter S. Neilson, Deceased ' Date of first publication, Sept. 16, Last publication, October 7th, 1921 Thos. H. Burton, Atty for Estate NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE tiTOCKH OLDKKS OF THE VULCAN MINING COMPANY The Vulcan Mining Company, Notice is hereby given that a spec- -' ial meeting of the stockholders of the Vulcan Mining Company will be held at the office of the Company at the First National Bank of Nephi, Utah, on Saturday the 15 th day of October A. D. 1921 at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day for the purpose of electing an entire board of directors, and for the transcation of such other business as properly pertains to and is connected with such business, and for the election of a President, Vice President Secretary and Treasurer and to attend to such other business as may lawfully and properly come before said meeting. Said meeting was called by J. W. Whitmore, who is the owner and holder of more than one fourth ( ) of the Capital stock of said corpor- NOSWOROS ORP1S700 HIRB AKE USED WOK PATfCOA(rE TO FlOMT We SCOUR UP OUR WORKING IbOLS EACH B16JSED SINGLE NIGHT' IP CLEAN LIVESS Is next to godliness our excellent location has helped the Increase of our business. We purvey the best meats In a pleasing manner and guarantee honest weights and complete satisfaction. What more do you want? MEAT MARKET CJvTY Geo. W. Garrett. Prop. Dated this 19th day of September, A. D. 1921. J. W. WHITMORE of Stockholder of more than the Capital Stock of said corporation. First publication Sept. 23rd, 1921. Last publication October 14th, 1921 T. H. Burton, Attorney for said Corporation. Quality Bread us up in this Neither cut prices, sensational claims, nor a single tricks of the trade accounts for the big success of Good Bread Just there's the out-and-o- ut story quality in a nut shell. ty OARAOB Utah CO. Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson, David Cazier, and Clarence Hobbs, motored to Salt Lake yesterday for a few days visit. Miss Evelyn Porter, came down from Salt Lake yesterday, and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Booth, for a short time. FOR SALE Remington Automat broad gauge shot gun in good condition. Price reasonable. Just the See Paul E. Booth thing for ducks. ic Get rid of that nervous, Take feeling.' Brace up. and you will look everybody ace with a smile. Sold by Drug Co. fretful Tanlac in the Nephi Avoid vexation and trouble by get ting a range made by recognised ex perts. Cole's Down Draft Ranges work perfectly always. Sold by Cooper, Pyper & Co. you'll back statement. "Made the entire run without a breakdown'" Is wbat you all want to say. The first consideration Is the tires. Tou should before know their you start out. Our This Is well known. supply store keep its own Interests In mind by having yours at hpart. day. A. R. Paxman, will act as Cashier the Nephi National Bank during the absence of Cashier J. W. Boud. Mr. Paxman, took charge of the bank's business yesterday. Quality built our success. If you are a regular customer If you own an automobile Its mileage makes a real appeal. Donald Broadhead and Clyde Saaw visited the State Fair Tuesday and home yester Wednesday, returning - - of ation. Nephi. Dangerous Man. Catarrh Can Be Cured Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treatment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, gives tht patient strength by Improving the general health and assists nature In dolnf its work. All druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney ft Co, Toledo, Ohio. The Life Immortal higher realm the rainbow never fn ivhcn We stars Bread that is delicious and rich in nourishment- - Bread that gives you full money's ' ' worth. -- At your A The First National Bank are dist ributing thermometers this week. They are the Stanford special inside thermometer and are useful for the home and office. The bank Is giving them away free. are born for than earth: there Is gTocer's. Good Bakery will be xpreni !, u. hre .he .!ke Islands that slumber on the ixvhii and where the beings that puss lefore us like shadows will stay In nur presenee forever.- - Htilwer-I.ytto- n Always Posslb'e t 0.0 Wrong. Every great tmiU which lnopln as reverse ilile which wsrns us. It la well to kwp before our niin'la the possibilities of right leveloiiiieu. tut w must not forget tul we caa In ei'her dirvctlou. Ex lavelop change. When They SERVICES MUCH IN DEMAND Employed by People of All Nations and Professional Men to Open Safes That Have Jammed Does It by Sense of Touch. It's A Pleasure To Do Business ;! The man whom King Vic tor Emmanuel halls as the most dangerous man in Europe la neither Socialist nor criminal. He, like his father and grandfather before him, keeps a store where safes are sold. This in Itself is not an un lawful profession, but he Inherited from his father, besides the small store off the Piazza dl Spraguu. the in a modern business manner. Everyknack of being capable of opening any safe In the world with the help of a body prefers to receive a check for bit of stiff wlre.- his account instead of the actual curNever in his life has he been forced to break a safe open. He lias- - been rency. No one in business should Le summoned by people of all natlonH and without a bank account. It means professional men to open safes that had jammed. But not only private In security for the money deposited, sedividuals call him ; the other day King services. Victor Emmanuel needed his curity for money paid out by check. The king had left his keys In his pri We welcome mall accounts as well vate safe, where his wonderful collec as those of larger size. tion of coins Is kept. He was worried. as his favorite amusement every day is rearranging these coins. He was very much worried until they told him that a specialist for safes lived In Rome and would be called to the royal villa. His Real Name Withheld. Mr. X (his real name must be kept secret, as the tax collector would levy a heavier Income tax were It known AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaV that he was called to the villa) hastened to the Villa Savoia and found the king pacing up and 'down the study. 'Ton must not damage the safe, as there is my precious collection inside,' said the kng. "No, your majesty," replied Mr. X, 'I do not need even to damage the Just as Scores of Nephi People lock." Mr. X looked with a profes Have sional air at the safe. "I am afraid you will find It a diffi cult task, as it is a Chubb Special Waiting doesn't pay. If you negiect kidney backache, said the king. Mr. X inserted the Urinary troubles often follow. wire, felt with the wire Inside, deli Doan's Kidney Pills are for kidney cately twisted It here and there, then backache, and for other kidney ills. opened the safe door. Ask your neighbor. 'Here, your majesty, your safe la Nephi citizens endorse them. opened." , The king was very much astonished. H. P. Warren, retired farmer, says, and 'iid: "You are the most danger"I have used Doan's Kidney Pills on ou .n I have ever met. air. a. re different occasions, and I know they are a good, reliable remedy. I have plied: "I would be were I not hon est." suffered from a weak and aching back Mr. X Is rarely In his store, as and too frequent action of the kidhis fame has traveled abroad and he Is neys. I have bought Doan's Kidney often telegraphed for to start at a Pills at Lunt Pharmacy Co and they moment's notice. Before the war he have always relieved me. I gladly was called many times to Berlin to Name. recommend Doan's to anyone." Terrifying safe and he was open the Don't Price 60c, at all dealers. The Incorporated Vermin Repres recommended also to Francis Joseph, sion society Is making war ou the rat simply ask for a kidney remedy get who often left his keys Inside his se In to Doan's Kidney Pills the same that F.ngland. It's a name cret safe, and would allow no one but Htrike terror to the rodent heart. Foster-Mllbur- n M... Warren had. Mr. X to open or try to open It. Boston Transcript. Co.. Mfrs, Buffalo, N. Y. Many Diplomats Call Him. Diplomats. lawyers, doctors, all call him when they need a reliable doctor for their safes. When asked how he did the trick, Mr. X said: "It Is purely a question of touch. I am like a specialist who, without operating, CHARTER DAK UNIVERSAL ran tell by examining a patient, by touching him what Is the matter In side. Jamming of safes Is like a case of lockjaw. With my wire I can locate the trouble Inside the lock. Besides, my experience I Inherited from father, who In his time was the only lock specialist In the world." Sometimes It takes five minutes, ami often he has to probe for 20 minutes or half an hour, but never In his life has he had to damage a lock In order t open a safe. He Is the most ex pert lock specialist In Europe and with this talent has remained always an honest man who glories In his pro fession. New York Tribune. Rome. t, ' Mrs. W. H. Williams, returned to her home in Provo yesterday, after a pleasant visit with her sister Mrs. Joseph Broadhead. 31 North Main Street GRACE Specialist Europe's Most Buy your Dishes at Kendall Bros. 10 per cent discount all next week. ference. mlle-capacl- SAFE WITH WIRE 1- -2 flPPM ANY at on. I Wbm glasses or dishes stick te (ether so tightly there is danger of tracking them place cold water In lit kiner one and 1lp the outer Id hot eater They'll mine spur' esslty. Nephi National Bank TAKE IT IN TIME jCetterJieads Snvelopes misleads GiveUslour Orders for Printing J OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF BURNS HOME . TO KILL SIX Parents Fearing Children Will Be Taken From Them by Aid 8oclety Decide to Kill Them. Calgary, Alberta. A confession that he and his wife deliberately set fire to tht-l- r home, sfter snsking their four children's beds with gssollne so that all might be burned to death, wa made, according to the police, by J. J, Rutledge, an Innesfall farmer, the on ly survivor of his family. The man said he and his wife preferred death to being separated from the children, who, they feared, would he taken from them by a children's aid society. Rutledge knocked one child unconscious to save It pain, then lost his nerve and escaped severely burned, The man Is In a hospital, charged with murder. Crook Is Temperamental. Vienna. Forcing his employer's ssfe and finding only about $20 worth of crowns, Rudolph Twrdlk hanred himself, leaving a note that the dl appointment after so hsrd a Job was more than he eontd stand. Villa "Gets In" On Oil Game. Mexlen City. Frsnolscn Villa, once Mexico's noted bsndlt, lias started A dsbbllnc In nil. company was recently oreas.lned te exploit some lands In the Lsrnna region and ilia to said to ?nve Invested Jiwono. Universal and Charter Oak STOVES AND RANGES HAVE ARRIVED We have seven different styles and tizei of heaters and five different styles of ranges to choose from Call and see them. Our Prices are always tho lowest. Kendall Bros. STOVES RANGES |