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Show THE Good Diamonds MICHAELIS HAS You need not spend much to own a .perfect one. Our assortment will sat. We have all Isfy any requirement. sizes in the desirable grades. Our BEEN REPLACED prices are honestly moderate. BOYD PARK FOUNDED IMPERIAL GERMAN CHANCELLOR RESIGNS AND IS MADE PRIME MINISTER 1009 OF PRUSSIA. MAKERS OF JEWELRY SALT LAKE MO MAIN STREET BARGAINS IN USED CITY CARS ks, Oldamobtiei, Nasplendid a ted tional $250 to $00. Guaranteed first ckm terms If wanted by runninf condition-ea- sy right parties. Write for detailed Use and detcrl tion. Used Car Dept., RandalWodd Auto Co Salt Lake City Count George Von Hertling, New Cab inet Head, Regarded as Reactionary Opposed to Reforms Sought by Liberal Parties. 10 WEAKEN STATEMENT OF FACT Many Persons Seem to Question Their Own Conclusions by Excessive Use of Rising Inflection. a modern conversational fad to use the rising and Interrogative InIt ; la a great deal, even when a question Is not Intended at all. The women are more apt to use it than the men, and U started a few years ago, merely as a pretty trick of talking, With no harm in it, "no harm 1 th' World," says the Ohio State Journal. But It has been so very much overdone and is now so general that we are Inclined to wonder if it betokens a state of mind, or, on the contrary, if it Is likely to have an influence on the mind. For a rising inflection implies questioning or doubt and, when applied to a sentence that is supposed to be a statement of fact, It necessarily weakens that statement. We have heard people who were narrating some simple incident use this rising Inflection so repeatedly that they" seemed to question all their own statements, or to seem to appeal to their hearers for agreement. And that doesn't indicate Just the right state of mind. If a person has anything to say and believes it, he should be willing to state it quite simply and positively. A positive statement does not mean an aggressive one; and a person must needs be in a rather pitiful state of fear of his hearer's opinions If he is afraid to utter an affirmative sentence. flection ' PIPE THIS HAS A HISTORY Was 6moked by Sir Walter Raleigh, Who First Introduced Use of Tobacco Into England. A pipe with a history is in the a collector in London which was onevthe proporty of Sir Walter Raleigh, and is not unlike the letter T" In shape. For centuries it hag been kept in an inlaid box dated "Anno, 1527." It is constructed in four pieces of wood, rudely carved with dogs' heads and with the faces of Indians. On the bowl there is a cap about as large as the bowl itself, and attached to the stem is a string of beads' made of the same wood as the pipe. - In this stem a powerful whistle has been cut, and the suggestion Is made that Sir Walter used it to summon his servants. The Archaeological society exhibited this pipe at Guildhall in the middle of the last century, the Inscription accom panying it bearing these words: "The original pipe of the above celebrated, historian of the world, and who first Introduced tobacco and potatoes Into England." Tradition, corroborated by S parchment in the possession of the owner, states that this pipe was smoked by Sir Walter on the scaffold Just before his execution and handed to one of his relatives as a memento of him. Dr. George Michaelis Amsterdam. has been replaced by Count George von Hertling, Bavarian premier, as imperial German chancellor. Michaelis' reign as chancellor last ed Just 107 days. The kaiser, accepting Michaelis' res ignation, appointed him prime minister of Prussia. Count von Hertling, the seventh chancellor since the foundation o the empire, hitherto coupled with his office of premier of Bavaria that of chairman of the foreign relations com mittee of the bundesrath. He is generally looked upon as a reactionary, opposing the liberalizing reforms now being agitated. He is known to entertain intimate relations with Austrian official quarters and was the first German states man to come out openly for "peace without forceful annexations ana indemnities" after the Austrian foreign minister, Count Czernin, had publicly embraced that formula. Emperor to Determine Policy. Washington. Berlin dispatches re ceived here by way of Switzerland say that Emperor William, through the head of the civil cabinet, has informed the majority party leaders in the reichstug that he will make a definite decision during the coining week on the subject of the government's pol icy. BATTLE CRUCIAL EXPECTED. Death Lock Is Near as Hun Horde Sweeps on. London. Probably the greatest bat tle of the war is expected on the Venetian Tatrliamento. "Italy's Morne," A race is on between six Italian armies and at least that many Teuton groups to reach this river. On its east banK the Austrians 120 years ago made their last stand in Napoleon's Italian campaign. This time the Italians mean to make their stand on the west bank against the combined military forces of their former allies. Meanwhile a game of superstrategy is being played. ' Cadorna is staking his wits against those of the vaunted trio. Down from the Carnic Alps a great Teuton army has swept into the northern flatlands of Venetla. In its headlong southwestern dash lurks a menace even graver than that borne by the whirlwind Teuton advance froia the Isonzo. For this army from the Carnic Alps is the Teuton's "favorite" in the race. It is heading for the undefended northern course of the Tagliamentp in an effort to dash along its western bank and take the Italians in the rear, either before or after they have crossed the eastern shore. At the same time this army is trying to outflank the Italians now in the Dolomites and bring about of the whole Trentino the shake-u- p front. Hindenburg-Ludendorf-Mackense- n CONSTANTINE KAISER'S AGENT. Charged That Greek King Telegraphed Emperor Military Secrets. London. From the text of telegrams exchanged between Constantine of Greece and Emperor William before the king's abdication the decipherOrigin of Superstitions. Man's curiosity is In excess of his ing of which will be completed shortly power to interpret and understand. by the Greek government, it develops Consequently, he guesses, and when he that Constantine, "to put It mildly, was guesses wildly and as It seems to oth- a German agent," says a Reuter disers, probably of later date inaccupatch from Athens, October 30. The king promptly cabled the emrately, his guess is called a superstition, writes J. Arthur Hill in Cham- peror all information of a military or bers Journal. political nature received from Greek Owing to the Innate conservatism diplomats accredited to the entente of human nature, a superstition may powers and from Greek officers at continues the dispatch. linger long after Its origin is com "The organization of bands was pletely forgotten and after people have clearly seen that there is no rational directed from Berlin. The emperor evidence for the thing believed. This ordered the formation of bands of 5000 men to cut General Sarrail's applies to customs of all sorts. and harass the rear of his Daily Thought. forces." i Neither let mistakes nor wrong dl Vaccine Contains Tetanus Germs. xectlons, of which every man, In his studies and elsewhere, falls into many, St. Paul. Health officers were asked discourage you. There Is precious In by manufacturers of vaccine sent here struction to be got by finding we were for use In vaccinating against smallwrong. Let a man try faithfully, man pox to return it, as in certain instances fully to be right; he will grow dally It has been found to contain tetuuus more and more right. Carlyle. genus. ' Ingenious was sent to the store to buy 'a lemon cream pie. Sometime later she returned bearing It triumphantly In her arms and said; "I forgotted the name of It, so I Just isked for one wlf embroidery on it' A little four-year-ol- d Taking Advantage. ' "The office loan shark in taking mean mlvnntage of the boys." "How's that?" "He used to advance money from day to pay day wlthont security, 'nyt now he makes 'em deposit their iierty bond." Lotty nvs Two Worries. Poor Johnny Ilnrdnp Is si worrying about the money cjgie And his wife Is always wo I jrylng about the market money Basic Sugar Price Fixed. New York. Basic price for sugar delivered In New York City was fixed at COO, duty paid, for 1)0 centrifugal by the International sugar committee iu conference here. First American Wounded. Pnris. The first American wounded In the trenches arrived Tuesday at a base hospital. He Is a lieutenant of the signal corps. He was hit In the leg by a shell splinter while working In a communication trench near the first line. The wound Is slight. Soldier to Die on Scoffold. Hartford, Conn. William .1. Wise of New Britain, mi enlisted soldier at Fort Slocum, N. Y., was found guilty of murdering Mrs. Anna Tohin, and sentenced to be huuged December 14. TIMES-NEW- S. BARES MORE WAR NEPHI. UTAH. UTAH STATE OFFICIAL NEWS DIRECTORY. District. Judge, Fifth Judicial District D. H. Morris. According to the state fuel admlnis PLOTS OF LUXBURG trntor, Attorney Oris Murdock. se a with threatened is Ogden Stenographer W. L. Cook. famine. coal Btste Senator Dan Stevens. rious on State Representative Orson Cler. The fish cannery to be erected Smith-Held- , V. 8. Expert In Charge Experiment Bear River is to be located at Station Mr. Jones. SECRETARY LANSING MAKES PUBit is announced. LIC CONTENTS OF TWO NOTES County. L. E. Moffet, prominent in newspaFROM NOTORIOUS GERMAN. suicided at County Commissioners J. W. Whit-morper and magazine circles, a Oscar Andrus, P. J. Bonner. Salt Lake, cutting his throat with County Clerk Will L. Hoyt ruzor. Recorder Thomas Bailey. Messages Provide Official Confirmation The people of Utah showed theli Treasurer T. H. G. Parkes. of Germany's Plan to Control tt $15,300,000 Assessor Charles Haynes. loyalty in subscribing Southern Brazil and Finally havstate the second Liberty loan, the Attorney W. A. O. Bryan. but Surveyor V. E. Ekloff. ing been asked to subscribe Sheriff Dan Martin. Washington. Two more of the noSuperintendent of County Infirmary unable to secure a sufficient Being Thomas Vickers. torious Count von Luxburg's messages number of motormen, the street cat to the German foreign office from at Salt Lake is seriously con- BAST COUNTY MUNICIPAL OF- Buenos Aires were made public Tues- company the advisability of hiring sidering FICERS. day night by Secretary Lansing. They women. Gerofficial confirmation of provide to kind his of officer The first Utah NEPHI CITY OFFICERS. many's plan to control southern Brazil, for the arrest of a shed additional light upon Teutonic draw a $50 reward AlIs from the national army Mayor Alma Hague. intrigue in South America generally deserter sheriff ol H. BelUston, A. Councilmen and reveal that , Luxburg appealed bert L. McMullen, a deputy Thomas Bailey, James Garrett, Jr., vainly for a squadron of submarines Carbon county. Mark Bigler, George O. Ostler, Slipping from a narrow path that with which to awe some Recorder A. V. Gadd. and to flatter others with sa- skirted a cliff near Bingham, Reuben Treasurer J. H. Latimer. more than fell Willman thirtj Elmer lutes. Attorney T. H. Burton. he which from injuries These dispatches, like others that feet, receiving Marshal Samuel Linton, Jr. later. minutes Justice of the Peace Wm. Stout. have gone before, were given out by died twenty Street Supervisor Jas. B. Riches. "D. The Salt Lake Route may spend Secretary Lansing without discussion Dr. T. Quarantine Physician of their contents. The only comment, $200,000 in the elimination of the long ' was in this statement attached to the trade in Jordan narrows in Salt Lake Rees. Building Inspector I. H. Grace. and Utah counties, if plans now being copies : Chief of Fire Department N. A. effect. into subview are "In of the fact that the considered put Keilson. ma stance of certain telegrams addressed When his overalls caught in the Superintendent of Water Works A. by Count Luxburg to the German chinery, S. J. Tuevarthan, pump op- J. Gowers. Members of Board of Health Dr. T. foreign office has been published, the erator of the Weber Coal company's secretary of state makes public the mine at Coalville, was severely injured. D. Rees, Alonzo Ingram, Wm. G. Orme. Sexton C. E. Bigler. actual text of the telegrams." It may be necessary to amputate his Asked for Submarines. leg. LEVAN TOWN. The message follows : Arthur L. Willard, who was acquitNo. 63. .July 7, 1917. Our attitude ted at Salt Lake on a first degree murPresident Board of Trustees Alma toward Brazil has created the im- der charge, will leave sometime this Dalby. g good week with his mother fotf the Uintah pression here that our Trustees M. W. Mangelson, S. P. nature can be counted on. This is where he intends Jo purchase a Taylor, Alex Peterson, George Neilson. basin, Marshal Neils Mortenson. dangerous in South America, where ranch. , the pople under thin veneer are InJustice of the Peace Neils Schow. been have there 1, Since Health Officer Henry Hendrickson. dians. A submarine squadron with full forty-fiv- e January accidents on the Short Line Juab District Board of Education powers to me might probably still save automobile and the L H. Grace, President; Lorenzo Manthe situation. I request instructions railway crossings, of most role in gelson, Vice President; A P. Paxman, as to whether after a rupture of rela- lias plaiyed a leading Treasurer and JoJ. H. tions legation is to start for home or these accidents, according to railway Clerk;Newton.Lunt, seph officials. to remove to Paraguay or possibly Shippers and carriers of perishable EA8T COUNTY PRECINCT Chile. The naval attache will doubtOFFIgoods have been advised by J. Cecil less go to Santiago de Chile. CERS. Alter, meterologist of the Salt Lake LUXBURG. weather bureau, that upon request he Designes on Argentina. Mona. daily No. 89. August 4, 1917. I am con- will fu'iish "by telephone D. O. Young. Justice vinced that we shall be able to car- weather forecasts. Health Officer N. W. Ellertson. Utah's soldiers will live practically ry through our principal political aims Nephi. in South America, the maintenance ofN on half pay during the next ten R. Black. J. Justice reinvestment their to and in the market due heavy months, open Argentina Constable H. T. Knowles. organization of south Brazil equally in Liberty bonds in the campaign just Health Officer Dr. T. D. Rees. figestimated or well, whether with against Argen- closed, according to the Levan. tina. Please cultivate friendship with ures just completed. Justice E. W. Peterson. Chile. The announcement of a visit of Utah's assessed valuation for 1917 Is a submarine squadron to salute the $60,982,510 more than it was in 1916, Constable Richard Iverson. president would even now exercise de according to an official report of the Modern Woodmen of America No. IMS., cisive influence on the situation 'state attdltTjr. llle assessed 'Valuation meets every Tuesday evening South America. Prospect excellent for for this year Is $592,968,105, while 10,700, Woodman hall. Visiting Woodmen It December. in wheat harvest last year it was $531,979,595. loomed. LUXBURG. CHARLES STEPHENSON, A portion of the $2,000,000 estate of After the state department made Consul. America's wealthiest Green, Hetty J. H. LATIMER, Clerk. public the "sink without a trace" woman, which has released been just messages, which caused Argentina to for will come to Utah, F. L O. O. F. No. 16 meets every Sat hand Von Luxburg his passports, the C. distribution, of the Salt Richmond, president Washsent to evening in I. O. O. F. hall. Visurday Argentine government one of Commercial club, Lake being iting brothers cordially invited to at ington a number of the former Ger- the heirs. tend. man minister's dispatches for deThe success of the second Liberty HERBERT ROBERTS, N. G. ciphering. Whether the two now pubmore JOHN S. COOPER. Secretary. lished were among them or were ob- loan in Utah; while effected by to tained by the United States at the than 4000 workers, was due largely SAINTS' MEETINGS. same time it came into possession of a handful of men wno have given their LATTER-DAother telegrams forwarded to Berlin entire time for weeks in its behalf, Sunday School, 10:30. South ward any monetary compensation through the Swedish legation at without at High School building; Nephi ward whatever. Buenos Aires is not disclosed. North ward at meetThat a gang of automobile thieves at Tabernacle; house. has turned incendiary for revenge is ing I. A. BALTIMORE WHARF FIRE. M. Sunday, 7 p. m. South the belief of residents of the Sugar-hous- e Ward School building; Nephi High a Incendiaries Responsible for Heavy where district, Salt Lake, North ward at at ward Tabernacle; Loss of Life and Property. been number of private garages have house. meeting mysterious Baltimore. Ten stevedores are un- burned recently under Primary South ward every Tues accounted for, one British ship was circumstances. day at Tabernacle; Nephi every FriIn to woman be two of finest first of the The appointed the sunk, piers day at Tabernacle; North ward at Baltimore & Ohio railroad terminal an executive capacity in connection meeting house every Friday. food and were destroyed, all the result of a fire with the operation of the Priesthood meeting every Monday of incendiary origin which started late fuel bureaus Is Mrs. F. C. Schram of evening at the Tabernacle and North Tuesday night at five different places Salt Lake, who has been placed In and South ward meeting houses. at once. Relief Society South ward first and charge of publicity for the state food third Thursday in each month at 2 The piers destroyed were numbers 8 and fuel administrator. and 9. The flames spread to pier 10, Citizens of Myton last week ordered p. m. Nephi ward first and third North loaded with wheat, but heroic work of E. D. MacDougall to leave that sec Wednesday In each month. ward first and third Thursday In each the firemen saved it. tion, he having been accused of being month, at respective meeting houses, A large British steamship docked at disloyal to the government. Maco pier 9 caught fire. Dougal is the attorney who was disPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. antisubmarine shells Hillstrom during brought missed by Joseph Eight to this country by It exploded. Hlllstrom's trial In Salt Luke. Sunday school at 10:30. on the ut work stevedores Twenty Potato growers and handlers should ship leaped from the vessel Into the mnlntaln n careful watch on their water. Ten are still unaccounted for. thermometers and the weather fore"He Builds Wisely Who casts while digging and storing the North and South Share Honors. . remainder of the potato crop In the Builds Weir Paris. Indiana and Georgia divide next few weeks to prevent avoidable the honor of having inaugurated Amerloss by freezing, says J. Cecil Alter, TO BUILD WELL ica's warfore on land against the Ger- meterologist. USE mans. A sergeant from South Bond, Weber the E. of Tratt A. Judge lnd., pulled the lanyard to send the county district court, who recently first shell tearing across the valley In ruled It was no violation of the Utah the direction of the German positions prohibition law to have liquor in one's nt 6:15 on the morning of October 23. possession If the liquor was purA lieutenant from Georgia gave the chased prior to August 1, 1917, when No order "Fire." the law went Into effect, will have 1 The Largest and Purest that ruling dissected by the state su Steel Plants Promised Coal. preme court. natural deposit of Gypsum Washington. Steel plants working It Is announced that Utah men at on war orders were promised an ample Cnmn Lewis will be among the 000 in the World. supply of coal nt a conference of rep- enlisted national army men chosen to resentatives of the steel Industry Tues- attend on officers' training camp at day with fuel administration officials. the cantonlnent to he run from Janu Nephi Plaster & Mfg, Co. Some concerns. It was declared, were ary u to April 5. The successful nbotit to close down because of a lack will be recommended for of coal. uiniiid lieutenant' commissions and lie promoted as vacancies occur. Firemen Are Thief Suspects. Ikfle or no hope There Is said to Chicago. A career of crime Is snld of Byron Pace, an the recovery for on to have been fastened eight city the Ogilen, Iognn & Idaho firemen under arrest as members of employee of who was seriously company, an organized band of thieves by the Railway October 18, while attempting Injured confession of two of Tuesday alleged, to couple curs. He Is ut an Ogden hos their number. pital. Dr. F. P. Atno, a dentist well known Spending Over Billion a Month. Washington. Total October expend- In Price, Vernal und Salt Lake, Inwhere an Next door to the Forfeit Hotel. itures by the government have swept he hud practiced, was killed nnto accident at Los Angeles, two past the $1,000,000,0110 mark by NfoM'L"011' and Indications are that the other occupants of the car being total for the entire month will killed. Dr. Amo had Just bought the grand car and had run It but forty miles approximate $1,200,000,000. when he collided '1th a street car. e, Latin-Americ- a. Latin-America- Hotel Forrest Home of the Traveling Men Good Meals Good Beds Large Shady Lawn E. R. Forrest, Prop. Meat City GEORGE Co. GARRETT, Proprietor of Home Cured and Fresh Meats AO Kinds Kept fa Refrigerator up-to-d- Business bains; run on cash basis, enables us to sell at vsry reasonable prices. Courteous Treatment to all Dr. J. G. IRONS VETERINARIAN :: NEPHI u UTAH Graduate Veterinary College University of Pennsylvania PHONE 187 Diseases of domestic animals easy-goin- City Barber Shop nUIUirf Men cua COUKTBOTJS roars AND A. NIELSON, Proprietor Two Doors South of Lunts' Pharmacy - Stable Livery and Feed Masts All Trains. Good Livsry Riga, Dray and Bzpresav "Bus Agents for Wagons. Phons Us. No. Co si. 4-- R D. GOLDSBROVGH. Proprietor Dr. Charles Dunn DENTIST ' Phone No. 3 Nephi Post Office Blig. Thos. H. Burton Attorney at Law Notary Public In Rooms 1 and 2 Ostler Bldgv OflBoe Dr. BOOTH I A.DENTIST OSes Rooms Nos. 6 and Venice-Theatr- 7, e Building1. Phone No. 123--J Dr. D. O. Miner. Physician & Surgeon. office Phone 54. Res. Phone 2. Office 4 & 5 Venice Building. THE Palace Barber Winn Building Shop Main Street. everything New and Up-to-d- First Class Work Courteous Treatment to all ho shin tans' and bathtub In connection Aieat for SALT LAKE STEAM TROY LAUNDRT ROBERT LOMAX, Proprietor Nephi Plaster Has treated Fine Watch, Clocks, Jewelry, and Spectacle Repairing. EquaJ Good Work Guaranteed E. L. Boucher Leading Jewelry Store Nephi, Utah P. O. Box 297 1 Nephi General HOSPITAL t I V' I Phone 23, Nicely equipped, Steam Heated, Giving a uniform temperature. -- oOo- Matcrnky um tolicited; me reftriaiont ( to your medical or surgical attendant Medical and surgical cater cared (or. Prices $12.00 to 20. pet week. f |