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Show I K : - - -- if. i AN AD, IN THE BRINGS RESULTS. IT HAS THE CIRCULATION. TIMES-NEW- :(';.-: 4- - : .T S ffis' THE TIMES-NEWEVERY HOME COUNTY. READ IN EAST JUAB IS S IN BEING A CONSOLIDATION OF THE JUAB COUNTY TIMES AND THE NEPHI CITY NEWS The Times, Vol. 9. No. 4. WEEKLY Nephi, Juab County, Uts h, Friday, November 2, 1917 DISTRICT COURT NOTES HAPPEN- - OF THE WEEK NGS FROM LEVAN Tfl.FIF- JAMES HICKMAN . WELL SHEPHERD, KNOWN CITIZEN OF LEVAN, MEETS DEATH THROUGH ACCIDENT. OF AL DISCHARGE GUN. SHIPS FIRST CAR OF SUGAR BEETS. N. WATER TEEN DAMAGE YEARS CASE STATE N IN PROGRESS LEI RIDGE MARY EMMA WOUNDED WHEN IS HER FATALLY BROTHER, GUN BY ACCI- met death by a shot accidently discharged from a revolver he chanced to pick up from his desk shortly after entering the store for the days business. At the time of the accident Mr. Shepherd was alone, his daughter- - having just stepped out to weigh some grain belonging to a customer. On returning she discovered her father in a pool of blood near-thdesk, her screams soon attracted assistance but nothing could be done. Upon the arrival of Deputy sheriff P. P. Christen sen, Attorney W. A. C. Bryan, and Dr. N. J. Rees an inquest was held by Justice of the peace E. W. Peterson; the jury rendering a verdect of accidental death by the discharge of a revolver in the hands of the deceased. Mr. Shepherd who was sixty-fiv- e years of age has been a resident; of Levan practically his whole life Jhaving come here with his the early days of the settlement. He has always been extremely industrious and has accumulated considerable means and has been particularly oted for his honest . dealings. He leaves a wife and a large family of children as well as a number of brothers, sisters and grand children to mourn his sudden demise. Funeral services were held Sunday at the Ward Chapel the speakers being Bp.N. farenromWt MEETING WEDNESDAY EVENING, VOTED UNANAMOUSLY TO PETITION GOV. BAMBERA most tragic occurance took GER TO CREATE AN IRRIGATION DISTRICT. place in Nephi Saturday, when COMMITTEE MAKES A FULL REPORT ON WORK Louis Cartwright, son of Mr. ACCOMPLISHED. PROJECT WILL BE PUSHED. and Mrs. Isaac Cartwright. acci- MASS If there are any skeptics or doubting Thomases, regarding the Levan Ridge water project, they had better wake up from their Rip Van Winkle and get on the, band wagon for things are moving and shaping themselves to bring this project to a successful consummation, i At the mass meeting held in the Tabernacle Wednesday even ing a full report was rendered by the Chairman of the committee Mr. Wm Bailey, who has had this matter in hand during the pre liminary stages, the report showed that practically all obstacles had been overcome as regards to getting the water, and the re port of the engineer who had made the survey was given, showing the project to be absolutely feasible,! 'and that nothing stands in the way of landing the water on theXevan Ridge only the money I to do the work. Mr. The chairman gave the views of Lylel, the Government Reclamation engineer, who went over the ground a few weeks ago and who was most favorably impressed, and pronounced it one of the best irrigation projects in the West at the present time. The time has come as was explained at the meeting for the peo ple to act and the first step was taken when by a unanamous vote the citizens present by a most cnthugicf tic cie rssscd 1he resolution that will set the machinery in motion that will bring the wa ter to the Levan Ridge, and which fdl make this section, as was stated at the meeting by Mr. Paxmaii, a second Bear River Valley. The following is the resolution adopted. IN AID OF THE NEPHI RED CROSS CHAPTER The NeDhi Red Cross ChaDter is badlv in need of funds to carry on the work. They have gone in to debt ion material to make ar ticles for the comfort of the Soldier Boys, and our boys. Now in order to raise the money to pay off this debt, they have de cided on a series of dances. The first of which will take place next Tuesday evening Nov. 6th, is election night. The which price of this dance will be 50c and 10c for extra lady. - If vou want to heTn make th e soldier toys who have left their homes to fight our battles com fortable, you will surely make a special effort to attend this dance and show by your presence, your loyalty to our boys who are thus making the greatest sacrifice of their liv?s in order that our coun try may be safe to live in. o Speaking of the work that was accomplished by the children be ing allowed to remain out of school last week, Mr. Thomas P. Rasmussen, and Henry Music was furnished by the ward choir. Among the out of town people in attendance were Mrs. Ellen Johnson and Samuel Johnson of Sandy, Peter Amtoft of Provo, Arnold Amtoft of Centerfield and Ear i Shep herd and family of Salina, The old familiar story a boy and a match came near causing A a costly fire here Tuesday. small boy near the house. Had it not been seen by some women near by the blaze would without a doubt have reached the hou3e and corral, but with buckets they succeeded in nutting the blaze Broadhead reports that the help out. h? was able to get, resulted in ore H. C. Anderson has been at thousand bushels of apples get Ely Nevada the past ten days ting picked and 150 bushels of where he has been visiting rela potatoes being dug in 4 days, on his farm, and he thinks it was a tives. Word has been received from wonderful benefit to the farm A. L. Jackman who underwent a ers in getting this help. serious operation at Salt Lake City Monday that he was doing Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClure very nicely. left for California Tuesday where Miss Elease Christensen spent they expect to spend the winter. the Dast week at Oak City visit Mr. McClure has procured work ing with friends and relatives there. The Conwell Players headed Sunt. Rav Stewart and Cai by Lew Foote of Nephi, played Nielsen visited the schools Wed the Drama The Hidden Hand nesday. to a crowded house Tuesday Miss Pearl Hanks pleasantly evenintr. entertained her lady friends Erick Thompson returned from Thursday evening the lime bt in Delta Sunday where he haa been snunt in music and cams?, lie encracred in harvesting beet?. freshnients were served at 10 o' For the first time in the History clock. Those present were i les ofLevan a carload of sugar beets dames vinnie Dalby. Louise is hemtr shinned from the town Khenherd. Maud Francom. This is no doubt the beginning Emma Dalby, Arvilla Chrif of a profitable industry here. Emily Mangelson, Misses A areneral mass meeting wi Dol res Dalby and Nettie Hat be held here Friday evening for field. purpose of determining the stand the farmers will take in the Irvin Christensen who recently Gunnison Reservoir project re went to Camp Lewis, Wash, has lative to the forming of a bond has been transferred io the Utah Battery at Linda Vista Laliio;':ia. ing district. n. len-se- n. OVEH BES QUOTA CARTWRIGHT. LOUIS, FIRES TARGET The Fifth District court has been in session all this week .The first case to be disposed of at the opening of court Monday was that of James Hickman, who in Missouri some was months ago, after escaping from the county jail here several years ago while awaiting to receive sentence formurder in the second degree. Attorney Henry Adams, who appeared for Hickman, had filed a motion for arrest of judgment and the court after hearing the arguments denied the motion The defendant was thereupon sentenced to 15 years in the State prison. In the case of the State of Thomas Llewllyn, Utah, vs .charged with an attempt to com mit a rape, and which occupied the time of the court for about two days, and which was tried bv a iurv. resulted in a verdict of not guilty bein: returned. The big damage suit in which A. Wotton, is suing the Dragon Con. Mining Co. for personal in juries, was commenced yesterday, and will probably occupy the time of the court the remainder of the week.' COUNT E DENT. A most heart rending tragedy occured here Friday when John N. Shepherd a prominent and wealthy merchant of the place Hend-rickso- DEATH BY ACCIDENTAL WILL BE BROUGHT TO THE PRISON. The News, Vol. No. 30 dently shot and killed his youn ger sister Mary Emma, a young girl not quite 14 years of age. It appears that he was on the porch in the act of emptying a 22 target gun of some shells when in some unexplained manner a shell' was exploded just as the girl came out of the house, the bullet entering her neck and causing her death in a short space of tin e. The young man is suffering intensely from grief over the sad affair, and it should serve as a solemn warning to other young boys not to be handling firearms around dwelling houses, where people are moving around and NFPHI MAKES A RECORD AND BUYS NEARLY EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF BONDS. SCHOOL CHILDREN SHOW THEIR PATRIOTISM IN SUB- SCRIBING LIBERALLY. Nephi done herself proud in the Liberty Loan drive which ended last Saturday. Out of a total of$S3,500 worth of bonds purchased on the East side of this county, Nephi bought nearly $80,000. Juab county as a whole, oversubscribed theamount alloted by about $9, 000. The total for the county being about $209,000. In East Juab county there were 492 applications for the purchase of bonds, which shows that the amount is well distributed among the people. The schools of Nephi showed their patriotism in a substantial manner in purchasing $300 worth divided as follows. First, Second, Third, and Fourth grades. $50 Fifth and Sixth grade, $50. The Grade $50 and the Seventh Eighth grade $50. The Sopho-moi- e Class of the High School, took a $50 bond, and the Student may become a victim to carelessness at any moment. Tnis young girls life was snapped out without a second's warning, right on the doorstep of her own home, bringing untold grief to her parents, and remorse to the Body a $50 bond. boy, that a life time will not Splendid work was done here - RESOLUTION a number of patriotic citizens by r unerai over the re in working so persistently for the Whereas the people of Juab Countv ihave made a servey of the mains wereservices held in the South success of the Loan in this county proposed canal line leading tro'm th xlunnis'on Reservoir and hive ward meeting house' Monday. left unuone to bring-beforascertained the feasiblty of bringing the waters of said reservoir and the house was filled with Nothing was minds of the people the into Juab County, and have made a thorough investigation of the relatives and friends who came the urgent necessity for purchas water supply, and are thoroughly convinced that undertaking is to offer their to those ing these bonds, that their work sympathy very commendable. who had been calied so suddenly brought satisfactory results, is Now therefore, be it resolved that the citizens of East Juab to mourn. evidenced by the splendid subthat was obtained here. County and land owners under said prepesed project in cress The opening prayer was given scription We whether there was of question of the state State the that meeting assembled, Engineer by Alfred Stout and words of another town in the btate of Utah be petitioned to recommed to the Governor of the state of consolation were spoken by Bish- Utah, population considered, that Utah, that he create or cause to be created as Irrigation District op A. H. Belliston and J. E. showed to better advantage in to be known by such name as shall hereafter be designated, in ac Lunt. The music was furnished this drive. cordance with Chapter 74 laws of Utah 1909 as amended by Chap by the ward choir,' assisted HIGH SCHOOL NOTES ter .101 laws of Utah 1913 as amended by chapter S3 laws of Utah Gwen who sang TLje per1917. That the Governor may take such steps as may be necessary fect BY LEONE INGRAM. REPORTER. day' and Miss Lutie Brough to create the said irrigation district, and. who sang 'Oh dry those tears.' The School is very forBe it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to The closing prayer was offered tunate High in getting Dean Leary of his Excellency the Governor, and one copy thereof to the Honour by W. G. Bird. The floral offer Law Department of U. of U. to able State Engineer of the state of Utah. ings were beautiful and profuse give a talk in Devotional ExerDated at Nephi City Utah, this 31st day of Oct. 1917. cise Friday from 1 o'clock till Wm. Bailey, Chairman 2'cock. It is the intention of the FUNERAL SERVICES HELD T. H. Burton, Secretary student body association to have an out of town speaker at least This resolution was passed in accordance with the Irrigation once a month. Mr. Leary being District law passed at the last session of the Utah Legislature, Impressive funeral services the first this year. He will also definite in and is the first step to be taken putting this project into were held Sunday in the Taberat the speak public meeting Friacted the been it upon by Governor, shape. When petition has nacle, over the remains of Clyde day evening. will be put to a vote of the land owners who come under the Gibson whose death was chronicThe Student Body met and is the be district favorable will then vote if this district, led in our last issue. Bishop collected enough to and issue purchase a bonds for the and can officers, eltct business do to ready Thomas Bailey was in charee of $50 bond. The alone So'phmores the completion of the work. the services, and L. A. Bailey memtwo band a $50 purchased That this is the golden opportunity for this valley, any person Sr, offered the opening prayer. bers of the class. Daryl Chase with an atom of intelligence need not be toid. The increased wealth Consoling remarks were made and Roger Ingram contributed and in which has been told that will come to East Juab County, by T. H. G. Parkes, T. D. Rees $15 and $10 dollars. this paper in other issues need not be repeated now. That the and Bishop Bailey. Music was Steps are being taken to orpeople of this valley will be back of thi3 project with both fett is furnished by the ward choir, ganize a unit of the Red Cross a foregone conclusion. It is realized that this is a big undertaking and a quartette composed of chapter at the high school. The but this is a period of big things.and it is none too big but what it Prof. Carl Nelson, Arthur Pyper, students are very desirous of doMiss Ruth Sperry and Mabel can be carried through successfully. Owen, sang, 'I will go where ing their share in any of the MILLER BRACKEN you want me to go dear Lord' work pertaining to the war. RECEIVES CONGRATULATIONS Mr. L. P. Anderson sang 'I know If you have noticed the High that my redeemer lives.' The School students this week you Salt Lake, City, Utah A pretty home wedding took closing prayer was offered by have not missed seeing the solen Oct. 29, 1917 place Tuesday morning when J. E. Lunt. and grave look on their faces. Miss Lavern Miller was joined G. M. Whitmore. Those who attended the funer- Especially the Freshmen. This Neohi. Utah. in marriage to Mr. A. F. Bracken al from out of town were, VV. J. is examination week. Let me congratulate you and at the home of the brides parents Three more students have reE. Frisby, L. O. Tregoning, the people ol your county in the T. H. G. Parkes performinn the Schofieid, W. for work this week. J. gistered Collwell, Ellison, accomplishhave ceremony. Both are well known and Miss Belle Laid, of great work you Vermeil Beck, Grant Allen and Enreka, ed. Secretary of the Treasury among the young people of this Miss Lizzie Gibson and Mrs, Bernell Gowers. Wm. McAdoo, asks me to convey city, the bride having been chief Sarah Riches Lake. of Salt The special class in Domestic to you and your colleagues hi operator at the local telephone which Miss Blackett has orArt congratulations in the splendid exchange for a long time, while and which is held from made. ganized have Mr.and Mrs.SamuelShaw Jr.& the bridegroom was employed at achievement you Utah totals will be over fifteen the experiment farm, Until he family left this week for Las 10;3 to 12 o'clock- - daily is atmillions. tracting quite a number of her was appointeu to take charge of Clarence Bamberger the Coalville experiment station. Vegas Nevada, where they will students. In this c'ass special Chairman Liberty Loan Com. of After the ceremony they laft by make their future home, Mr. students are invited to bring problems of any nature Utah. automobile for Coalville, where Shaw having purchased a big sewing and are given help in solving at ranch We that underplace. home they will make their future them. Old cloths are renovated Mrs. Thomas Brough and Their many friends wish them stand that Mr. Thomas Orme, and made over or new dresses home returned daughter Selma home of Mr. made. All girls are invited to the greatest of joy and happi has purchased the Friday after a weeks visit with nessin their journey through life Shaw in Nephi.join this class. Mrs. W. A. Mulliken at Provo. e -- irri-gati- . - |