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Show THE JUST AS LAWYER FIGURED IT SAVED BY A Witness. euffrd ch Thirty Yare With 8tom Trouble and Hemorrhage Of the Bow I a. essary to establish the age of a woman witness In court, lie made the statement after pulling a boner In court the other day which has put him In bad In one I.os Angeles home, at least. "What In your ace madam?" Lou askevl of the matronly wltuesa. ''My nge, why I've Just turned. 24," she gurgled. "Let's see. When you turn 24 It's 42," floured Guernsey, "I thank you. experience trouble with the atomach. It la ao common that we frequently pay little or no attention to It the Yet, atomach la very easily upset, and catarrhal 1, mu-co- Versailles. SHORN ua lining- devel grow a worse tho pain and la Incesaant and the truth Alsace-Lorrain- die-tre- aa dawna that we hare chronlo atomach trouble. Tho caae of Mr. Loul Toung. 205 Uerrlmao Bt, Kocheater, N. Y., la typical. He writ: "I suffered for thirty years with chronlo bowel trouble, atomach trouble and hemorrhage of the bowels. V bought a bottle of Peruna and I took It faithfully. I began to feel better. My wife persusded me to continue and I did for some time as directed. Now I am a well man." Mr. Young's experience Is not unusual. If you suffer from catarrh In any form, whether of the head, atomach, bowels or any other part of the body, try Peruna. It may be Just what you need. Teruna comes in either liquid or tablet form and Is old everywhere. Your dealer has It or will get It for you. Aslc for reDr. Hartman'a 'World-Famoruns Tonlo and lnalat upon having; It. If you want your health accept ' Substitutes for Glass. Materials of ninny kinds, more or less transparent, are being tried In Kurope to replace window glass, which Is unobtainable. Cellulose 111 ins are made practical by mounting on metal gnalng. light wire screen, or cloth. Olue Interlaced with hemp ftrnmls between two sheets of paper: albumen and casein products; sheet gelatin, and an artificial resin made by condensing phenol with a formaldehyde solution (II are Imperfect but ready makeshifts. More nearly resembling glass, but comparatively expensive, are an oxide of silica made by fusing It with add oxides of tllanium or r.lreoiilum, iind a combination of grecnsund marl with magnesia, biuixite. and an alkali, meltSome of ed In an electric furnace. thce glass substitutes are flexible. I'opuliir Mechanics Magazine. " us nothing- else. All the atck and suffering; Palpably False. are In"Paw. here's a new puzzle I heered to vited write The reruns Company, In town." stated t'oonmd. eldest son of Dept. 78, Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. lap Johnson of Itiimpus Ithlge. "A Hook. Health book Ilartmsn's The farmer said be bad thirty ilogs and la free and may help you. Aak your killed 'em all 'n five days, killing an tfealcr for a I'truna Almanac. odd number cio h day. What's the answer?" Talk of Resourcefulness! "The farmer lied: Hint's all." returnHe wna dlKctiKHlng Australian resourcefulness, and told how an Aus- ed his aire. "Ah. how do you know? Somebody tralian anil his dog were lost In the bush. They were starving. The man mif-- t have told you." "I don't ni"cd to be tol.l. No farmer lovid his tlog too well to think of killever I knnved. If he bud any surthat him to fisid. not for wishing ing senre. would kill nnv dogs any vive his faithful ronpnniou. At last he hud a brilliant Idea which time." Kansas City Star. mould serve to keep them both alive. He kindled a Are. cut off the dog's Washday In 1919. "I'nusually fine dinner you have totall, rooked It. lite the tneut, and guve night, my dear," said n Kansas City the bone to the dog. husband the other evening. "Yes. It's the leftovers from lunch," An Easy Promise. "John." said the wife tenderly, repl'i-- Ills wife. "Ils lunch today? Yon must have "promise me that If I should lie taken Why. I thought this away yon will never marry Nancy bad company. " a Tarbox." "So It was. dear. Hut. you see, I "Certainly, Marin." replied the reassuringly. "I can promise you had to get a big nv-a- l for the laundress She refused me three times anyway, so I Just flxeil a little more, that. when I M a miirli handsomer man mid bad three of the club girls over." Kansas City Star. than I otn now." d d ticrt.fu! man Is H Thought cf Father. The twilight was wistful and sad. "Listen." she said. In a tense voice. Hear the howling of the wind among the tremhllmr trees. See how tnourn-fnl lies the waning light on the hills. Tills ch'lly desolation! Oh! does It not make yon feel that In life there Is too, much of cold, too much of blenk-tie- bny ale-ay- feels like It or not. Any tt.fin ran work when be fWls :ke It. ! 1 Back Lame and Achy ? kidhi tie peace when your There' ney ere weak and while at lir- -t there may be nothing more serious than dull berkacbe, ehaip, stabbing pain, headaprlla and ki'tnry you mut art quirkly to avoid the more erriuua trouble, drojsiy. gravel, diaraae. t'se heart hcae, iVight Kelney Tills, the remedy that so recommended ta everywhere warmly by grateful uarra. ache. diy "Well, no," he answered, candidly. Is In Ihe gas stove "Kat'jer. you s-- 1 11. ." Ift-a- He Knew Them. "I told you." said the merchant, "to mark this box 'I fondle with care.' What's this gibberish you've scrawled A Utah Case Jonah Mathlas, retired Jr! farmer, ftouth and rd Kul St.. lri;lim. Clah. ' or a numear: ber of year I frnm vnt l lie tta'k of twrmettmeiT It w hard tor me to get up from a rbntr. r a Mr kidne left. m more or ranedtrout. t fm t'v t Kin'e Kelnev a ( f'W in ard taia the bika'he tt't tre and my kidney normal." ; oi It T" the Ijitin for 'Handle ;ls"llnh! llow do yon 4 b-- tol t!i Could Not Resist His Appeal. "No. Mr. Smith." she said, gently but firn.ly. "1 run never he your wife." bream" Ce Dewa'e al Aar Star. eOe a B DOAN'S "pV rO$TULULMVUt CO, BUFFALO, ft, Y. Stop Losing Calves Then be sfmyKlod to bis feet and said In broken lobes: "Are all my hopes to lw thita dashel to pieces? Am I never to le known ins the husf-nnof Ihe Iwnullful Mrs. ' smifiir' 11il wa too mticti for the girl, and ie snennnhed. ' ca Stamp Abortion Oct HERD and KcCp It Out YOLTt f . Toa Just Beginning. s your an old family. Mr. Nepo)!?" Mr. New .p "Merry, no! We"ve boen married only Mr. By the see of DS). DAVID SiOBCHTS' 4 a MAnUAbortion,, r'lnel.rel--"l- ysr." oill F.spsa Th Beginning of Economy, Mrcasny for I year j Husband We'll have to economise, Owwrnlt tm. tAVID ROBrRTH dear. tn- rnt etl ftnaJ alimrrf. Wife Well, let's smoke less. tor rRtR fnmallne frsA, Stfd ! lfoe. ' tiiril"' tmpf wt"TCtV OS . t)Vin KtUfll n.Ot Hktnw ml mm. The same bemnief that break a Woe. ttTtAWffcH faO. mUead j.lece of Iron In two fun he ned to weld two pieces of If.m Into one. W. N. U, salt Lake City, Ne. AS),, ) 20-1- 19. TIIE MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL DISEASES are so Ita ertsne f t? fc jtnsn Mr atd kng lifa the Important W hl'h slow up nd com as kidneys. their 4'iii, ksk eutl m.nr l la in tly In la sirht. lanrr Firl out ht tke trrniMa Is with' rot delay. Vk'iwf yon nroiis, weak. dur. S"!ffr from !epbsns. in the p at wk if kar pn'," b'k, are rneo. Tmir ki lneys Beed help, lb oar 'n r'"1 that scrs kilry f'Tnrlt'ma trf-rTr.j1h"ir are l"t 1hy re nnly bail Jb,ir work r4 are aHowinf imr--jr . In aimBJat aod be etTrted lno tW .f;s. ''' tirie a'id aM ; are J"s the re driven from nJee roy ys r srsteaa. r in .r-nrl- r. rnirf """" ' d- -t soma COT,r MTTAL TTrtet Cil Capaule t once. Tbey are an old, tried rprstlon tiaVI ail over the world for centuries. They contain only oils combined soothing ami system-clean- " with strength-givinneed by phy well known and Ing herbs, GOLD siHans In their daily MKDAL Haarlem Oil t'ssale are im- direct from the lahorstorie In g rorted They are conwnient to tk. and will either give prompt relief or yoof money will be refanded. Ask for tbetn at any drtif atore, tut be imre t the original Imported OOI.D MEIAL brand. Arcef t Ia aealej patkagea, Tkree aixea. rt t nhitute. You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take ia absolutely pure and containa no harmful or habit producing drugs. Buch a medicine is Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Roo- t, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The snnia standard of purity, strength and excellence ia maintained in every bottle of Swamp Hoot. It ia scientifically compounded from vegetable herb. It ia not a stimulant end ia taken in teaspoonful doaea. It is not recommended for everything. It ia naturc'a great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troublea. A (worn statement of purity is with Bwanip-Boo- t. every bottle of Dr. Kilmer' If you need a medicine, yon aliould have the On aale at all drug atore in bottle of two aizea, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try tin great preparation send ten centa to Dr. Kilmer 4 Co., Kinghamtnn, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be lure and mention tliia paper. Adv. The Flow of Meat lt. of tho live stock in the United States has to be raised in the West. Two-thir- ds n Alsace-Lorrain- e Reto"ed. Ihe terms of llu treaty, ' fiermany, by to France, restores rccepts the Interriatfonall'.atloii of the Sarre Itustn temporarily and of Danzig pcrmaiicolly, agrees to changes toward IlelgUiin nil Denmost mark and In Fast Prussia, of upper Silesia to I'oliitid, ami re nounces all territorial und political rights outside Kurope, as to her own or her allies' territories, and especially to Morocco, F.gpt, Slum, LUeria und Shantung. She also reeognlr.cR the total Indet.echo-Slovaki- a pendence of ticrinnn-Austria- . and I'oland. Iler army is reduced to 101,11 men. Including ollicers. Conscription within her Is abolislnd. All fort fiO kilometers oast of the Ifhlne are to he rnzctl. German Navy Is Reduce.l. Allied occupation of parts of will continue till reparation Is luiide, but will be reiluced at the end r of each of Ihree jsTlods If r oliligations. Certnniiy Is fullilllng Any violation by tietmany of th conditions as to the zone ."' kilometers east of the Klilne will be regarded as an act of war. The Cerman navy Is reduced to six and battleships, six light cruiser I twelve tor-lcuts, without submarines, and a kthoui el of not over fler-iiuin- y live-yea- b-- l.V"'. All other vessels must be Kurreu Uervd or destroy. d. Germany Is fnrlibbb n to build forts controlling the Italllr. must demolish Heligoland, osn tlif Kiel canal to all nations and surrender her fourteen submarine rabb'S. She may have no military or naval air forces except H unarmed seaplane Ulilll th'tolier 1 to detect mines. Responsible for All Damage. Certnniiy may manufacture aviation mnlerinl for only six months. Cenr.any accepts full resinsiliillty t allied anl for all damages caii-govetumints und nationtils, to reimburse all ngre-- s with an civilian damage p!iiuetil of jt.nts.s.i'i, marks. by Milffiniit payments to be Immi.1i to lie ined at Ihe discretion of the reparation comiiiiloii. Serttinny la to pay shipping damage i basis by it hti nf en a ton a larpe part of her iwrebntit. ceatiug utid river fleets ami by new constrii--li"ii- . and to devote her economic re-- i urce to the rebiiibllng of deva stated for-loi- region. o retnni to the tlertnnny agree mirtt. favored nation tariff withi;ll of any sort ; to out w-allied and bsm luted nntlcnnls freediitn of tn ti"t tlirnich her territories, and to accept highly detailed r debt, unfair ptovision. as e.infet ition. Internal ionnhwition of erxids nnd river, and other economic ml financial cliinw. . Sb" also SEree to the trial of the ex kalwr by an Internal lotial high court o a supreme offense asalnM morality and of other nation .nl for vlobitien of tho law and (H lom of war, IMInnd to bo skrd tc ejtradite die formor and Cermany ! li! reMintlie for bliyering tli bitter. bt Hie leaifiie of nation I lie allied and axiafet power allo- pre-wa- Inter-firtlonn- l I erd fl Purls, May 8. Following Is the official brief suuiiiuiry of the peace treaty as presented to the Cerman plenipotentiaries at a memorable assemblage al Versailles on Wednesday afternoon, attended by the delegatea of the twenty-sevenations which are parties to the peace pact : Following llie preamble 'and deposition of powers roiiies the covenant of the league of nations, as the first sect'.on of the treaty. The frontiers of Germany In Kurope are denned In the second section; Kuropean political classes given In the third; Kuropean political classes In the fourth. .Next ure the military, nnval and air. terms as the fi.'th section, followed by a section on prisoners of war and military graves and a seventh on nsocM-iaVe- "That." replied the college gmdnate. with care" expect a bag gngcmnn to understand that?" "lie won't, and therefore be won't get mad and smah I be Imx." ttostoti Trn n script. i t- euf-1r- e ANuce-Ixirrain- - The whether POWER OF MILITARY Enemy Must Pay $5,000,000,000 as Initial Payment for Damages; Return and Agree to Trial of Former Kaiter. she hissed, hut the jury was more appreciative. Los Angeles Times. - op Pact Handed to Enemy Envoys at muclnm." "You brute," ! inflam- mation of the GERMANY if Lou Guernsey has gone on record thut he doesn't think It should be nec- The Story of Wonderful Recovery There la hardly any one who doe aome A Feeling of Security PEACE TREATY Legal Light Had Method of His Own of Ascertaining Age of Feminine FAITHFUL WIFE not NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- S. i perntlvr, nd by tlenonny l;'o. I.tif without moTi1srh In p. prlr. Ialfi Ulniilnrly an bdornntlon-ioily I brought Into Iwing w ph a f ofTiee end an ammal eonven tin. mill Ta!k of Special Pledge. l'srl. Th revivnl ofofthe story thaito on jociBl pleleo security frneee I to he inndo by Crest I'.t . I and the foiled f tntdue, to an utlernnci of M irhnl Korh. vVhnt element of truth there Is (n it elom'd b; dicbrd i, Wsihlnit-ton- . lf!iftl wa mado fromFrncoltrH-I'h-Awrl-rwhen the tory f n frra'y 'we flr-- f ,rrU'Ti 1i;t tlic l'ii!td iv !rrTi ' o Til nf th "' t f. - prol-rl'ly- jnb-lUlii- !;'!II f' lb K i ;n : I:' i!e l v i n to '!!-iS:tt-.- e fni rirvr. Great Scott. An Indianapolis woman hud her first experience with a garden lust year. She spaded Ihe plot herself and then planted her seeds. Everything came up fairly well In due time except the potatoes, and they didn't come ut all. In desperation she went to a friend. To her she told of her failure to grow potatoes. "I bought such nice, smooth lines." she ended her plaint, "and I peeled them as nice as 1 could." the "Peeled them l" ejaculated friend. "Yes." agreed the amateur gardener, "I peeled them as nicely as I could and cut out all the specs Just as If 1 were going to cook them. 1 (lid hate to put th.;se grenl white beauties In the ground but I did und they didn't come up. and -- ; " "Great Scott :" ejaculated the friend. And that was all. One-hal- f live in the of the consumers of meat East. In other words, most of the live stock is one or two thousand miles distant from most of the people who need it in tho form of food. Fifty years ago, when live stock was raised close to every consurning center, the country butcher could handlo the job after a fashion. But the job got too big. Now millions of animals have to be moved hundreds of miles to millions of people. Somewhere on the way they have to be turned into meat. Reject Title of "Hon." "I received a oimpllmetit yesterday for which 1 did not thank Ihe giver." grumbled old Festus Pester. "A total s: ranger wrote me a letter and d me us "Ihe lion." "I do not know why he should have applied that epithet to me, unless It was beciiuse he did not know me. I feel safe In saying that even my enemies would mil charge ine with having many of the characteristics of an Tho packers solved the problem. They set up plants where the 'live haul" and the "meat haul" were in the right balance. They built up distributing systems refrigerator cars, refrigerating plants, branch houses. They saved time, money and meat everywhere. The stockraiser benefited in better markets and higher prices; the consumer, in better meat and lower prices. As the country grew, the packers had to grow, or break down. Because of its present size and efficiency. Swift & Company is able to perform its part in this service at a fraction of a cent per pound profit Hon. "I am not a fawning, smirking ton Inr.y to work, nor am I a liar unci dead beat, it may be thnt I have one attribute of an Hon. very likely I am n Inire. but beyond 'hat 1 am not guilty." Kansas Oly Slur. blath-en-klt- He Loved the Khaki. The officer father bad Just been mustered out and when be apcarcd In mm "civvies" bis elghteen-inotiths-lfailed to recognize him. In khaki hud the father first been Intnsluciil to the m.by and the Imby refused to neknowl- dge the acquaintance In other dres. 'Papa all gone '." he cried sadly, over and over again and when the parent Insisted "No! No '." declared the haby, "papa all gone!" "Al least he's not a pacifist," was the father's consoling remark. Swift & Company, U. Quite Unlike. "Thnt follow Ilenlein Is a SMinge." "Don't libel a useful article. You rotililn't get anything back from It by squeezing hint." ISoston Eve-sinTranscript. S. A. nt-r- g You will not do enough If you do ot try to do more than enough. Vain Escape. Slender Return. am not rich enough to give yon "Did you rale anything on yonr large contribution In this cause," promise lo pay?" "Ob. yos; I raised a smile." "That Is a poor etrtte." "1 a r eUy Said She GouM Bake "I knew she never had baked a cake and I was doubtful. But I told her to go ahead. "She got my treasured Royal Cook Eook,mycan of Royal Baking Powder and all the fixings and sailed in. "Honestly, it was the best cake we. ever had, and now I believe anyone who tries can bake anything with !p! laMog Powte Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Royal Contains No Alum-Lea- ves No Bitter Tasto The Royal Cook Book, containing over 500 recipes tor a'l kinds cf cookery, mauled free. Write for copy to ROYAL. BAKING MUDER CO., Dept. It, li5 William Street, NtwTotk |