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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH. S. Fish Day. Proving It He By Jove, Betty, yoo look nlca Pussyfooting la a calamity." "I suppose It la aomethlnf of a enough to eat She Well, don't forgot this la Friday. Boston Transcript astrophe." iniimiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiim GREEN George Brrr McCUTCHEQN Bv OF HER. HAND, HOLLOW K, iiiii iii iii iiititi t ii i tiiiiitiiiiiitiiiii iiiii i tiiiti iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii in iim 11 ti n ii ti tit ii iiiiiiiiimi muni hiiiiiiiiii iiiininnnimnmum tm niimimi Oepright br iMxid, Med u4 Company, loo. clouds now rolling ominously up over the car around "And be quick about Barnes. What's your Idear ter footln' the mountain ridge. It," she added. It this time o' the year?" GIRL OF MYSTERY! The first drops of rain pelted down "I do something like this every "By Jove, we're going to catch It ' HOUSE OF MYSTERY! good and hard," he exclaimed. "Better from the now thoroughly black dome spring. A month or six weeks of It take my advice. Thexe storms are ter- above them, striking In the road with puts me In One shape for a vacation rible. I know, for I've encountered the sharpness of pebbles. An American story of love later on," supplied Mr. Barnes whimhalf a 'dozen of them In the past week. "Lucky It's a limousine," said the sically. and patriotism, of plot and Mr. Jones allowed They fairly tear one to pieces. You tall truveler. "Better hop In. Well grin to steal are a stranger In these parts?" be getting It hard In a second or two." over his seamed face. He reinserted counterplot, that enthralls "Yes. The rullwuy station Is a few "You must let me take you on to the the corncob pipe and took a couple of the reader and keeps him miles below here. I have walked all Tavern In the car," she said. "Turn pulls at It guessing. the way. There wus no one to meet about Is fair play. I cannot allow you "I never been to New York, but It me. You are a stranger also, so It la must be a heavenly place for a vacauseless to Inquire If you know whether "Never mind about me," he broke In tion, If a feller c'n Judge by what some CHAPTER I. this road leads to Green Fancy." cheerily. He had been wondering If of my present boarders have to say "Oreen Fancy? Ronn' attrnctlve. she would make the offer, and he felt about It. It's a sort of play actor's The First Wayfarer and the Second I'm sorry I cau't enlighten you." He better now that she hod done so. "I'm paradise, ain't It?" Meet on and Part the drew a small electric torch from his accustomed to Wayfarer "It Is paradise to every actor who roughing It. I don't Highway. mind a soaking. I've had hundred of happens to be on the road, Mr. Jones." A solitary figure trudged along the pocket and directed Ita slender ray em." said Barnes, slipping hia big pack narrow road that wound Its aerpcn-tlnou- s upon the signpost. "Just the same you shall not have from his shoulders and letting It slide "It Is on the rond to Frogg's Corway through the dlsmul, forbidone she announced firmly. to the floor. ding depths of the forest a man who. ner," she explained nervously. "A mile "Get tonight," In behind. I shall sit with the "Hear that feller In the taproom on so a am It Isn't I and told. half, though wenry and footsore, lagged not talktn'? Well, he Is one of. the leadla hi ft awlft, rpxolute advance. Night the signpost. It Is a house, not a vil- driver." If anyone had told him that this ing actors In New York In the world, waa coming on, and with It the no un- lage. Thank you for your kindness. He's been talkln And I am not at all frightened," she rattling, dilapidated automobile ten for that matter. certain prospects of a storm. years old, at the very least, he would about Broadway for nearly a week He en me to the "pike" and there added, raising her voice slightly. "But you are," he cried. "You're have sworn was capable of covering now, steady." wan a signpost. A huge, crudely painthe "May I Inquire what he Is doing up ed hand pointed to the left, and on scared half out of your wits. You the mile In less than two minutes Alwould have laughed In his face. here In the wilds?" what was Intended to he the sleeve of most before he realized thnt they were "At present he ain't doing anything very stiff and unflinching arm those on the way up the straight, dark road except talk. Last week he waa treddln" words were printed In scaly whle: the lights In the windows of Hart's the boards, as he puts It himself. Bust"Jlart's Tavern. Food for Man and Tavern came Into view. Once more ed. Cp the flue. Showed last SaturAlso Gasoline. Established Beast. the bounding, swaying car came to a day night In Ilornvllle, eighteen mile 1798. 1 Mile." stop under brakes, and he was relax- north of here, and lmmeglately after On the opposite side of the "pike." g the performance him and his whole ing after the strain of the most In the angle formed by a Junction with ever hnd he ride experienced. troupe started to walk back to New the narrow mountain road, stood an Not a word had been spoken dur- York, a good four hundred mile. They humbler signpost. lettered so Indising the trip. The front windows were started out the back way of the opery tinctly that It deserved the composlowered. The driver nn old, hatchet-facehouse and nobody missed 'era tilt next ition of all observers because of Its man hnd uttered a single word mornln' except the sheriff, and he humility. Swerving In his hurried pasJust before throwing In the clutch at didn't miss 'em till they'd got over sage, the tnll stranger drew neiir this the crossroads In response to the the county line Into our bailiwick. shrinking friend to the uncertain travyoung woman's crisp command to Four of 'em are still atoppln here anwas nun re and of eler, suddenly drive to Hart's Tavern. Thut word Just because I ain't got the heart to In the roadway. other presence was uttered under his breath and It turn 'em out ner the spare money to A womnn appeared, ti" If from noIs not necessary to repeat It here. buy 'era tickets to New York. Here where, almost at his sld. He drew The wayfarer lost no time In climb- comes one of 'era now. Mr. DUllng-forback to lot her pass. Slip stoped bewill you show this gentleman to ing out of the car. As he leaped to the fore the little signpost, nnd togeiher and raised his green hat he took room eleven and carry his baggage up ground they made out the faint directions. u second look at the automobile a look fer him? And maybe he'll want a To the right and nn the mountain of mingled wonder and respect. It pitcher of warm water to wash and road Krogg'a Corner lay four miles and was an shave In." He turned to the new guest half away; Pltcalm was sis miles Its antiquity, of and smiled apologetically. "We're a car, capable, despite back over the road which the man had astonishing speed in any sort of go- little short o' help Just now, Mr. traveled. Two miles and a hnlf down ing. Barnes, and Mr. DUIIngford baa kindthe turnpike was SpnnlHh Falls, a rail"For heaven's sake." he began, ly consented way station, and four miles above the shouting to her above the roar of the "My word !" gasped Mr. Dilllngford, crossroad where the man and women wind and rain, "don't let him drive staring at the register. "Someone a'ood ecrlng through the darkness at like that over those " from little old New York? My word, the laconic slgnpont repowd the vil"You're getting wet," she cried out. lr. you Won't you have a er Hart's Tavern lage of St. a thrill In her voice, "Good night little something to drink with me bewas on the road to St. Kllxabeth, and and thank you I" fore you the man, with barely a glance at his "Look out!" rasped the unpleasant "He wants something to eat" InterDrew He Small a Torch From Electric fellow traveler, started briskly off In Hia Pocket and Directed Its Slender driver, and In went the clutch. The rupted Mr. Jonea sharply. "Tell Mr. that direction. mnn In the road Jumped hastily to one Bacon to step op to his room and Ray Upon the Sign Post He knew that these wild mountain side as the enr shot backward with a take the order. atorm moved swiftly; his chance of can't fool me. I'd he scared myself Jerk, curved sharp'?, stopped for the "All right old chsp nothing easier." reaching the tavern abend of the at the thought of venturing Into those fraction of a second, and then bounded said Mr. Dilllngford genially. "Just was exceedingly slim. Ills long, woods up yonder." forward again, headed for the cross climb up the elevator, Mr. Barnes. We powerful legs had carried him twenty "Well. then. I am frightened," she roads. do this to get up an appetite. When or thirty paces before he came to a confessed "Thanks!" shouted the late passen did you leave New York?" "Almost out of plaintively. sudden halt. ger after the receding tnll light, and my boots." Taking up a lighted kerosene lamp Whst of this lone woman who trav-erse"That settle It." he said flatly. "You dnehed up the steps to the porch that and the heavy pack, Y.r, Clarence Dilthe highway? Ills first glimpse shall not undertake It" ran the full length of Hart's Tavern. llngford led the way up the stairs. of her had been extremely casual A hure old fashioned lantern hung He wss a chubby Individual of IndefiI must. I am expected. It but "Oh, Indeed, he hud paid no attention to Is above the portal, creaking and strain nite age. At a glance you would have Import " her nt all, so eager was he to read Ins In the wind, dragging at Its stout said he waa under twenty-one- ; a secare "If didn't you expected why the directions and be on his way. someone meet you at the station? supports and threatening every la ond look would have convinced you She was standing quite still In front Seems to stent to break lm.se and go frolicking that he was nearer forty-one- . me" of the slgripoot. peering up th rond "Hark I Do you hear doesn't that awsy with the storm. Teposltlng Barnes' pack on a chair toward Frogg's Comer confronted by sound like an automobile oh!" He lifted the Istch and. being a tall In the little bedroom at the end of The Into he black and hoarse honk f an automobile born man. Involuntarily steep climb that led stooped as the halt upstair he favored the guest sinister timherlnnds above the narrow rose above the bowling wind, and an passed through the door, a needless with a perfectly unabashed grin, strip of patnre bordering the p'fee. "I'm not doing this to oblige old Instant later two faint tlcht rame precaution, for gaunt gigantic tooun The fierce wind pinned hpr skirts to bad entered there before him man Jones, you know. I won't toward tliPtn around a bend In talneers attempt ruMiing nnd without bending their arrogant to deceive ber slender holy as she leaned agnlnot the mountain I'm working out a "Better lute than rond. you. the gnle. gripping her hat tightly dally board MIL Chuck three time a never," she crle 1. her voice vibran heads. with one hand snd stmlnlng under the once more. day and abed to sleep In that's what CHAPTER II. . weight of the ling In the other. The I'm doing It for. so don't get It Into arm and He ber her Jerked grasped ends of a veil w hipped furloulv aliout besd thst I applied for the Job. her bend. and. even In the gathering out of the path of the oncoming ma- The First Wayfarer Lays Hia Pack your Let me look at you. I want to get a was it whose driver chine, semling or see a could two strand Aside and Falls in With Friends darkness, be g.iod square peep at a man who has along ot a mad rate. rcgsrd!cs of ruts of hair keeping them company. In which he found the means to go somewhere and yet Is The little t car curves. and The stones rn and hims-- lf was the "office" tlirongh which Ixsib enough to come to this gosh-awfIternclng his steps, he culled out to reened as It swung Into the pike, skid nil men tnut pnss who come as ber above the gale: guests place of hi own free will and alarmingly, ami then the brakes to llnrt's Tavern. A "Cnn I be of any assistance to yon?" ded steep, angular accord. Iarn It, you look Intelligent. a were Attended down. Jammed by She turned qnlckly. He saw that took up one end of the room. I don't get yoa at all. What's the rustof gears ami wheels, the staircase Set In beneath Its upper turn was the ier? Are yoa a fugitive from Justice?" thp veil was drawn tightly over her :.t grinding old to came a car stop fifty counter over which the btlines of the rattling face. feet or more beyond them. house was transacted, and behind this "No, thsnk yon." she refilled. Her "I'd sooner walk thsn tnke nvr man was cngnged In the peaceful certnln nervous note, voice, deplte In an chances antedllutlnn Barnes find the theatres! rattletrap occupation of smoking a corncob pipe. wss soft and clear and gentle the tnll like anld the thnt" wayfarer. An ojen door to the right of the vo!ce and speech f a well-breperpeople entertaining, but as bending quite close to her car. "It will stairway gave entrance to a room from son who was young and resoin'e. the storm rages does a good to fall lefore pleees sonoyou" which came the sound of a deep, "Pardon me, but have yon much farthe down was r.nt rv"d she deal of thinking about the running In what turned rous voice ther to go? The storm will soon be out sharply to out to be aemployed toward car. the calling conTo will convrrsstlonal and not os. you sol. surely tipon mysterious girt bound for sider me presumptuous I don't like the driver. He stooped over and took the left another door led to what was Green Fancy. up the traveling bag she had dropp-the Idea of your being caught out In evidently the dining room. The glance was In and It baste ber excitement "What Is to be done about It?" she that the stranger sent In that direction revealed two or three tobies covered Inquired, resignedly, "I must go on. heavy, amatlngly heavy. (TO BK COTVTIXt ED "I shouldn't like to carry that a mile with white cloths. f can't wait here, you know, to be washed back to the place I started and a half." he said to himself. "Can you pot me up for the night?" Mystery In Plant Presence. Tlie voice of the belated driver came be inquired, advancing to the counter. f Tim." The Chilean province of Atacam. wind. was ears on bis swift to It the He smiled. She had wit as well a "Too look like a feller who'd want Tflrafr and Turns are la the rainand unmls-akahldetermination. apolo a room with bath," drawled the man less region, or desert country west of "If I can he of the least assistance getic He Could not hear what she behind the counter, surveying ihe ap- the Andes, and are entirely of to yon pray don't hesltete to command was saying to him. but there wasn't plicant front head to foot "Which we vegetation. The winds In all h thl of as her to much doubt the I n!ure me. am a sort of tramp, yon might ain't pot," he added. region are from the east, and in passShe was roundly opbral&ng Smv. nnd I travel as well by night as remarks. "I'll be satisfied to have a room with ing over the elevated perpetusl snow I do by day so don't feel that you are him. a bed." said the other. of the Andes are stripped of their of his to thonchls me reto action Are Inconvenience. was laconic the by any Urged "Sign here," putting moisture and arrive on the coast peryon by any chance bound for Hart's own plight he hurried to her side and sponse The last rsln. a alight fectly dry. so. I 1 will he glad to lag said: Tavern? If "Can have supper?" which fell la Antnfagasta, la txhind and carry your bag." "F.trn "Food for man and beast. salU the Atscama me, please. Tnu dropped was the first rsla "Ton are very good, but I am not something. Shall I put It up In front other patiently. He slapped Ms palm which hadprovince, fallen tn 18 years. The d a erck-call bell and then fmrd for Hart's Tavern, whercvr or In the tonoeauf upon Inst rain which fell In Iqqlqne, tn The whlmMcal note In his o ce looked at the fresh name on the page. Tsrspaca that may be. Thsnk yon. Jnt the province, wss the first In 24 To.-k.uncom" same. Von appear to be an he resrs. With both of these shower a brought a quick, reponslv nh from Thomas K. Humes, New ber lips. read aloud. He eyed the newcomer notable phenomenon occurred. monly genteel tramp, and It Isn't The 1 am afraid yor. "Thsnk you so much. I am fright- once more, "lly name Is Jones I'ot-na- hills l.srk of these cities assumed a might make off 1 fawith my belongings." She added the fully careless with my valuables. run this Jones. place. My green tint from a little plsnt which Would you mind putting It In behind? ther an' grandfather ma It before m. sprsra up almost In a night by way e' apology. Tha He smiled and then frowned a be Thanks!" Her tone altered complete, Glad to meet yon, Hr. Barnes. We query "I rotn wbera did this plant is; can an tineas look a lb alack ly as she ordered the ma a t turn urf fe bve a bostler tere named corns 7' 11 to" hnlr-rulsln- . d d, high-powere- d to" Elir-abett- i. del-ne- e d d harmless substitute for Castor OIL Paragoric, Soothing Syrups. It ia pleasant It contain! neither Ita aga U ita goar Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, an tea. For mora than thirty years it ha been in constant us for tha relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feveriah-Bea-a arising therefrom, and by regulating tha Stomach and Bowels, Jda.tho assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural Bleep. Tha Children' Panacea Tha Mother's Friend. Tha Kind Yoa Have Alwaya Bought, and which baa been In na for over SO years, has borne the signature of Chaa. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his Mrsonsl snnerviaion since Its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in thia. All CounUrfeita, Imitations and "Just - ae -Cood"ejro bot Experiment) that trifl with and endanger the health of Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment Genuine Cmstorla always bear tbeaignacareof eSTORIA "THE PRINCE OF GRAU-STAR"FROM THE HOUSETOPS, ETC gji iiiii ii iii ttiii t iiiiiitiiiii Rely On Cub'cura alug-m- g 'd For Skin Troubles Authorltlea differ as to whether a poker room should be classed aa an ante room or drawing room. Bm.l Hk tn ot ''OslMrs. St. A Sill " There la nothing more Idiotic than I When a man begin to discuss maa the smile of a pretty girl when dl - rlmony with a widow the result la I usually a tie. rected toward some other fellow. 1 WHEN BUYING ASPIRIN ALWAYS SAY "BAYER" Ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" in a Bayer package marked with "Bayer Cross." Don't buy Aspirin tablets In a pill In the Bayer package are proper diInsist on getUng the Bayer pack- rections and the duse for Headache, age with the aafety "Bayer Cross" on Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheuboth package and on tablets. No other matism. Lumbago, Sciatica, Colds, way I Influenzal-ColdNeuritis and Ton must say "Bayer." Never ask Grippe, pain generally. for merely Aspirin tablets. The name Tablets of Aspirin," Ameri"Bayer" meana you are getting the can"Bayer made and owned, are sold In vest genuine "Bayer Tablets ef Aspirin," pocket boxes of 12 tablets, which coat proven aafe by millions of people. Beware of counterfeits! Only re- only a few cents, also In bottles of 24 cently a Brooklyn manufacturer waa and bottles of 100 also capsulea. aent to the penitentiary for flooding Aspirin la the trade mark of Bayer the country with talcum powder tab- Manufacture of Monoacctlcacldester lets, which he claimed to be Aspirin. of Snllcyllcncld. box. s, Danger In Abbreviation. Even the school nurse has her fun. In a talk before the central philanthropic council the other day, Mis Helen R. Stewart of "the board of health told of one little boy who, after he had been examined by the nurse, went to the teacher In tears, complaining that the nurse called him namea. When the teacher expressed her surprise, the boy sought to prove his case by handing her the card the nurse had given to him aa ber record of the examination. "Look at thatl" he cried. "Poor nut" read the card. "Poor nutrition,' explained the teacher, finally sending the child away with a better opinion of the nurse. Dallas New. Von Tlrplti a Pauper. The Tribune de fJeneve I Informed thst Orsnd Admiral von Tlrpltx I staying at Wlldegg. Kwltxerland, aa the guest of Lieut-ColonWllle, son of the former commander-in-chie- f of the Swiss army. Tlrplti has lost all Ms fortune. Ht son is a clerk In a bank at Zurich, and his daughter Is a governess In a Zurich family. To avoid paying the fterman war tax of 1913 Tlrplti Invested his money In Itallsn securities, with the result thst he I now penniless. What a patriot I Information Needs Confirmation. "Old Dorsey Dudgeon prides himself on knowing where the conflagration Is aa soon aa he hears the Are bell ring," related tha landlord of the Petunia tavern. "By the time half a dozen whang have changed he has scrabbled Into a garment or two' and Is out on hia front porch, hollering to the people running by Just where be knowa the Are Is." "He should be of considerable aa slstance to the volunteer firemen and others In sending them In the proper direction," commented the Interested guest ! He would be If he didn't nine times out of ten know It wrong." Kansas City Star. "Eh-yah- Glossing Over the Facta. "Pa, what Is a euphemism T" "I'll hsve to explain that by giving you an example, son." "Tea. pa." "The dictionary say a euphemism I a fgure of speech by which a word or phrase more agreeable or less offen. slve Is substituted for one more accurately expressive of what la meant' as In the rase of tha society reporter who stste that a widow who has bees married three or four times I led t the altar by a wealthy old codger who never had the slightest notion of getting married until he faced the preacher." Birmingham Age-Heral- Economy in Postum Postum as long aa you please, and you will extract only healthful poodnea. You'll get no caffeine the coffee-dru- g for there none tn Postum. Do3 The Original Postum cereal in fact, ahould he boiled fully 15 minutes, and if desired the pot can bo kept going from meal to meal, adding more Postum and water for the new StfrtCt old lst b a Tuition Will Be Frs. "She say she's going to give lesaona." "She'd have to. ever pay her for them." hlch-pltrhc- e ; What is Castorla liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Author of "GRAUSTARK." THE cat--1 Postum is the favorite of large numbers of former coffee-drink-er and can ba secured from grocers everywhere. Two Sixes, usually sold at 15c und 25c Ji Delicious, Invigorating and Healthful Drink ft There's a Reason" |