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Show THE K.iST NEWS GREEN FOUNTAIN Jl'All t'OUTY GOOD MONEY LADIKH RKCKIVK l'KAISK Untie Who Worked For Hed Oiimt Chapter Receive t'oiiKxutuU-tioiiof Ilvision Manager H Clifford Meyer left on Monday for a mltwlon to the northern Btates. A program was given In ilt honor Sunday evening und u farewell dunce the following Saturday evening. Jiorn. May 9th, 19X9, to the wife of Frank Allred of Centerfteld, a buby boy. Mrs. AUred's mother, Mra. K. M. Anderson, of this city U visiting with her daughter. -- The entire natlou must pay homage to the women of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming, who comprised the Mountain Division of the He'd Cross. The workers of these four states contributed more articles according to population than any other division. The following speaks for Itself: The teachers of the public school Divisfaculty surprised their principal, Mr. To the Workers of Mountain" p. L. llolman, at his home Thursday ion Chapters: "Chapter workers of evening. A travelling bag was to him an an appreciation for Division produced In 1918 a greater his year's splendid work. lie leaves number of articles, according to population, thuit the workers of any of soon to study medicine In the east. the other thirteen divisions. Anna and Krnest Livingston of This very gratifying fact Is set Suit Lake City are visiting relatives forth In the complete production and friends here; Krnest recently record of the Red Cross Chapter s over-seaund returned from service workers, just Issued by National will soon leave on an U. 1. S. mls- - lleadiiuurters. ion. Kuch Chapter worker, and In particular, dach Chapter official, should Coal, Is Claim. Sun Power see tht every worker In the Juris Invi iitor of a sun- - diction of the Chapter Is Informed of Tim Phiiudi-lphn said to liu this admirable record, which they jiiiwer engine, v. Ii'ch vnrklni; successfully in Kyjil. lias have made possible. No such result t that It would Ue necessary could have been obtained without O ..ViT tint square miles of the team work, great sacritlce splendid to the with desert Nullum and patience. world's ns untiring the ohtiiiu its much power "The great service rendered was coal supplied in l'JOi. 11 iltlmore not In expectation of this recognition. American. It unperformed in obedience to a high sense of duty und patriotism. Pearl Fisheries. "You have been 'good soldiers." It Is tli'tlnH-l- y known ttmt the Cey Distances and Inadequate transpor on pearl flshries have been In exist nice since H(Mi 15. ('., and tradition sn) tation were not Impassible barriers Handicaps that would have furnished they yielded j:ei;is before that time. perfect 'excuses for a less deter people were I t. ill wool clip for 1919 breaks mined and patriotic You have added surmounted. readily all recurds. You States. Mountain to the honor I'tah-Idah- o Sugar t'o. will oper- have furnished one more convincing ate lit factorit's this year. that the quality of patriotism of proof When lu nee I of Job of Weet Is pure. You have honthe any description, call up the Times-New- estly earned the distinction that Is N'ephl. Utah. yours. liut every privilege Is attended by a duty. The Hed Cross cannot demO' ITS A PRiHC RlB "OAiT bilize while our armies are abroad 11 OrwHICHIBOAST. while there is suffering anywhere ANDIT5 FLAVOR amongst the families of soldiers who cant ee eturitt: died to make men free.' BEAR THIS If MlND- "Chapter workers must be prepar TMAJ YOU WILL FIND ed to 'maintain their record by bus ITS TMC talning the Hed Cross Chapter organ TINDERCST iations. Any day may bring a test YOU ve that will demonstrate whether or not we Mill merit tho honor that has been conferred upon us. A PRIME RIB ROAST "Congratulations to the Chapter of the Mountain Division for workers in primp t omtit ion is n prime history-makin- g achievements their woman tiMe-i- n or lit tiny In help much so which accomplished man in On- prime i f lift. to win the world's greatest war.' ing will ou Vli;itewr ;nur ii;e JOHN W. MOREY. find nutritious rnj.i) menl in Division Manager. iI liicnt piirliikhiK of mi) pre-Heut- yp C-- d "O.'-Ti- s. pur-(Iih-c- market. t)i in iiirli'iiui ripiU lire utle-tiic- on-ltei- it, Count 'Em Again, Old Tcp! From an Kngliidi story : "He'll havs as sure as blni In the Fleet ever a lice hu J.mr nides." Boston Tram ,.1pL nil n iletiwrj. , CITY MEAT MARKET .:;. w. ;I'.i:ktt, Prop. We print Bolter Wrappers. OVERALLS Keep Kids Kleen etf . U.S.P.t.Off TW tneicai kokl JJL InWimMmlrakdlxUU I bSfanil KWV M ft Ml cjf tc4. tjtmif nad mm mmit. EaalrwftAad. ktm 4 Na hgU faiMr b iin tap efUni. Mi m bim tomb. Ahohgwwor, taMnw MMHl wtrty llllulf ftd All yrMiH wini- -t Hymn j. X arc laftl-col- it, w. '. of KOVt RAILS $1.50 the suit V M m rr MmJ, imW aari tt par. IU nm i W oak. bnmitlMftMi. i Lri StraM St Co- -. Saa FraacUce wn THKHK IH A iT.nT.tIV WHKII If ilHt AUK 7IIAX UlA'IXf. TIII'.M IIKUK Ol" H.MJVO IX AXI KKK U IX IIAVIXtt THAT MOUK MTUUTI.V OK KXPKXHK Altl.K UKAsoX Till: toll , - Th world witt look brighter, th obstacles from a tNautitut'.v furnished interior. tMK pi m . HOW KAsll.V IT I AX umalter, UK 1KIXK wmwmm TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH. S. GOT HIS. DOCTOR FROM BAD EGG Piston Ftlnss. ring's, of which millions tire used yearly, are shaped by ecntrlfiujiil action from molten metal lu the special niachliii) of DcLnvaud. In tests at t'ls'on A Nortli Carolina doctor. Inclined to Jim Ducklsy Finally Proved Truth ef be mindful of other people's business. Waa Ha rand That Saying was riding along a country road. He of Repealing. drew up where a native was husking "Thar ain't nothln In the world but la good fer aomethlu'" Is on of the favorite sayings of Jim Buckley of Bear Lake. Buckley Is a thrifty soul. He farms la summer and traps In winter and between wheat and furs he Is growing rich. One morning his wife was cooking breakfast She broke rotten egg Into a skillet end was starting toward the door to throw it away when Buck ley atopped br. don't throw that egg Woman, way, said Buckley. "But It's rotten," protested his wife. "Makes no difference," declared the phllsopber. "Thar ain't nothln' In the world but " "James Buckley," exclaimed his wife, "I've heard that a thousand times." The wolf never sniffs at the doors of the prosperous fsrmers ef the Peace river country. But foxes are different animals here is something you don t know rotten eggs are rated as an epicurean tidbit In vulpine menus. That ulght Buckley eet a trap In a poplar grove near his home and batted It with the rotten egg. He hoped to catch a red fox or perhaps a coyote. But when he went out to his trap next morning, what do you think he found t The biggest silver fox Buckley ever had clapped eyes on. lie aold the pelt In Peace River the other day for S34d. "A right nice lot o' money to hatch from a rotten egg," remarked Buckley, as he stuffed the money in his pocket I've alters allowed that tbar ain't nothln' In the world but Is good fer somethln'." Chicago Post ONE GOOD THING Columbia university. It Inn been shown that these rings are not only made faster than by other methods, but are actually stronger und more resilient than rings of the same chemical composition cast In sand. The mlseroseope reveals a more uniform aud Uuer corn tu a Held. "You are gathering yellow corn?' said the doctor. Yes, sir; plauted that kind." came the reply. "Won't get more than half a crop? volunteered the physician. "Don't expect to, sir; planted It on half shares." The doctor was somewhat nettled at this, and replied : "You must be mighty near a fool. "Yes, sir ; only a fence betweeu us." Human Life. structure. Power of Wilt. "Will power has kept many a man In the straight and narrow path, re marked the bothersome brotuldlst. 'Indeed It has," answered the chap with the sliding sculp as lie swatted a flu germ on the back of his hand, "par ticularly If It Is the will of a rich and pious old uncle who hasn't checked In." "Say, Pests Wiped Out. Recently a government hunter shot two mule wolves which had killed 1"u sheep and seven colts on two Wyom ing ranches, while another trapper bagged a pair of old wolves which had a record of killing $4,000 worth of livestock a year. A third trapper destroyed k.'i coyotes anil Si bobcats' In one month, tfslng six hories und .(H) traps over a trap line varying front f0 to 100 miles in length. the facetious feller. "Why, that there dorg can tell time." "Awgwan." 'He sure does. Why, when lie sees that spot ttil bull terrier down the street coming tils way be can tell It's time to start for home." ri MM Wealth That Works LIKELY. VERY Money saved and deposited in a banK ta wealth, that worKs. Wealth that worfts ta capital. UnltKe bratn and muscle, it doea not wear out or deteriorate. It growa and Coeene Nut Hitherto Considered Only a Nuisance, Haa Been Made Article of Commerce. Aristocrats In flutter. We hear rumors of grand dukes and other members of the old nobility of Russia driving cabs and peddling boot- laces In Petrngrad. This Is no nei thing In Europe. la Engtsnd the descendants of the great Plantageneta have been found la very lowly occupa A few years ago lawsuit tions. proved that a genuine Bourbon was then hawking vegetable la the streets of Paris. A few year earlier a son of cousin of Empress Josephine, Na poleon's first love, was sent to prison for petty Isrceny. In 1802 the Msrquls IirFollgne was an omnibus conductor; the Comte de la Marche was a house painter; the Marquis DeTorcey d'Etal- llnde kept a smstl Ina at Carnae, and descend the Marquis d'Hsnteroche. ant of the nobleman who, at the bat tle of Fontenoy, called out to the English : Tires lea premiers," waa a gendarme. The frosts of the past week damaged strawberries heavily, but the fruits sufferod little Injury except in the Hoar River valley, where considerable losses are reported. Alfalfa was fronted down In many plucea and beets and spring grains were frozen in Sanpete county. In general, however, wintor and spring grains and pastures are making good growth, but the light showers of the week were Insufficient and the need of rain is Increasing. An enlarged beet acreage has been sown, some of which Is now conning up lu fair condition. Thinning hus begun In Cache county. Ranges und stock continuo in good condition throughout the district. A large per cent of the stock is now on summer feeding grounds, but shearing and lumbiug are still in progress in many sections. Must Be a Watch Dog. I sure got a smart dog," said FROM WAR Before the war the cocone, which grows freely In the Southern Ameri cas, on large trees of the palm fam ily, was literally such a hard nut to crack that Its vegetable oil had no place In commerce, and the tree was known chiefly as .botheration to banana planters when they wished to Eighteen enlarge their plantations. hundred pounds' pressure Is required to crsck the cocone nut end there was no machinery for doing It Then gov ernment experts ssld that nothing else In the world would provide such good carbon for gas masks as the cocone out and the United States flnsnced the creation of machinery for crack ing It thus starting a new and Im portant Industry. Hereafter It will be well worth while breaking the shell for the vegetsble oil Inside them, val uable for cooking, lighting, and the making of nut batter; and the shells. happily no longer needed for masks. ewn be used se foel or la the manufac ture of gas. And so, out of sn effort to prevent the expansion of autocracy by conquest, the Southern Americas find opportunity to expand by com merce. Scientific American. KltONT DID NOMK CHOP DAMAtJK IX PAST WKKK Improves. The only gain from labor ts what is saved. Labor, there- fore, maKes wealth and when wealth worKa it is capital. Example for Beats. Savings brtntf independence. A savings banh is a publio servant Unto the cuke nuKht tu go Each tmpeunlciuii shirk. For there he'll learn to the dough. The yeast cake has to work. tl Dangerous Remark. One "I am a servant of the people," Claimed the orator. Ton't say that," whispered the friend. "Servants are terribly dicta torial these days. People tnuy think you are trying to be a boss." The Proper Kind. say that pilot guulioata ought to have signal guns when they go out In a fog." "I should think they could better thread their way with a needle gun.' They Dollar Starts an Account! NEPHI NATIONAL BANK 3! EE For Abstracts of Titles SEE Jumping to Conclusions. "There Is a license In this country which a great many Judicious teople regret" "Do censer mean you the marriage WM li ABSTRACT COMPANY Kitchen Colloquy. foot of a rnld.lt algn of luck?" "Tin." remarked Mr. Krtu Pink- ley, "If you owns de rest of de rabblL" "If de left bind We Pay Special Attention to All Work in Connection With Lease, Mortgage, General Conveyance A IX HC8INK8S STRICTLY OOXFI HKNTIAL Office Goldsbrough Bdg. Over Postoff ice Proof. "Tbey say she ts wildly wasteful. "So she Is. I counted three lump of coal lying on Iter pavement fter the coal cart had driven off." A T. C Winn. - Manager OUGHT TO BE. Antimony In the Transvaal. A new body of antimony Is reported to have have beea opened near the Komatl river. In the district of the Stenysdorp gold field, Transvsat the ore ts found to he veletble, a min ing com piny Is now carrying on smelting operations on the spot. Throe shafts have been snnk ta a depth of N feet, besides ooea wort Id is. On Is A fern ace continuous throughout. capable of smelting ten tons of per day la la operation aaa It Is ststed that there Is safflcteat ore la sight ta keep the f urn ice werkleg white devel opments are being made. icleo flic American. We Carry A Full Line of VlHJv iHtOR M WlltK WRKKMH t T LT1 V A TO ISM AIUr, n eaerts Predleteel F sen's Vletery. When Lord Roberta was la Caaada tea years ago at the dedication of the Plains of Abraham park and play- groaad he msde this prediction t "Tbey , and we are refuse ta believe "Are yon sore It's genulnef asleep under a false aeearity, for I do "Every girl that's had It so far has not kealtste to affirm that we will had It tested." a ta ad war a Europe, bare frightful that Great Brttata aat Frsaee will Its Kind. have the kaadeet evperienc of their lm not a !nle half old "Poor Jsck la feet, see de on his bead." listen. Theybatwill, tha war will finally feat very sr, "Is that llterntly soT k won by the genlas ef a Treach geo-"it's the bald truth." eral named Ferdinand rack, profeasor la the military school la Parts. Net Se Romantie. n4rin minstrel Tte Little Rivers Important. We now no l'r r vsn re wsr Dr. ode of r.ere lote ta bis Btit we Dyke Who wsrrtw from the fcr. mains loysl to "little rivers." Ia kls ktmk, "Little Rivera," be hss already Ms fruits. made little rivers aa Interesting as the "I sVed Nun by be liked the little drops of water that make the eo tnnh." mighty aceaa. Freedom begins at Use Study of oiC "What did she sayT source. It A P. It WWW. iKir, till wmr. I.TRV . KTT1MJ AM Everything in Hardware oM-ti- be r. 4 Capital at worh paya wages, which, when saved, creates more capital. Labor is the producer when labor saves. "I saw you hugging Daisy last night. but It's all right, old mini, I've hugged ber myself." "I reckon she considers us members of the associated press." )mt --- COOPER, PYPER & CO. -- 4V |