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Show tHK f fftj ggg y &3 rw J"- - -' FT' '"r" r ;av pj"J W TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH, S. The Times News $W rrui.siii:i evkhy IU1$. CO.by THE TIMES-- I0WH fiuday President Wilson baa asked for food to stop the wave of Bolshevism rolling westward out of Russia. Ng Intelligent person doubts the value of food as a, first aid, but at bottom the security of our Institutions rests upon the working Interest the people take In those Institutions. Citizens having no Interest In a government, no economic Interest la the success of that government, are apt to be the flrat victims of vicious propaganda or unbalanced political theorists. On the other band men and women, who have invested in their government either by way of conducting private enterprise under its protection or through direct purchase of government securities bave something at stake and desire to maintain stable institutions. Such persons are not necessarily reactionists. They may be quite progressive and anxious for reform where reform is needed. Consequently the effective barrier to Bolshevism in America today is thrift and investment. The philosophy must reach Into the workshops of the nation. It is reaching into those work shops and into the scboolhouses of tho nation In the form of the Thrift Stamp and the War Savings Stamp, interest paying engagements of the United States government which can be, bought for as low as 26 cents. When everyBody in America Is Thrift and War Savings Stamps as a habit, one won't hear much about the I. W. W. In America. It Is the financial and patriotic duty of every American who lovSs real liberty to get the Thrift Stamp habit NOW. N Dennis Wood, 1 II Editor and Manager subscription J tales: fill I I! 5'!l!? One Year In Advanco J2.00 his Aionms in Advance $1.00 Entered sa Second Class Matter at the Tost Office at Nepui, Utah 1 rates made known on uppucauon. rrtces reasonable Advertising ni nr - Ti ttd 'A.la. vkm IIA3S1A Tho 4th of July Your Banking Connection is the It is gt'iiorally understood among many of the citizens of Nephi that we shall have ono of the biggest cele brations here on July 4th, that has ever been held within the confines of the town. It will be in honor of tho soldier and sailor boys and nothing should he left undone to make the day one lung to bo reinehered In tho history (if the town. In this connection this paper Wiuld like lo suggest that trie arrangements not lie left (ill the lust few duys and then only have half it celebration. It is none too early now to get committees appointed and begin to arrange the preliminary work. If we Intend to have a celebration worthy of the event. Important Business Relation you have IVJost a con nrri ion that i. iitle,ti.tio lii your We olTer .ton lt.it I i i. lli.tf prospei iny, iti-- ', rvriy li.inl.il::; Your account is v. ili.ii,', .iv.t o:i:t.u I will 1111,1 ;i: c I li n,ll.-- satir.u an,i YOl'K Hon. t ' - . here K l ' - looking for Metier Tilings carnival During a recent eight-da- y held in Itlaikfoot, Idaho, says the newspaper of that phioe, 1800 people did business with the local library in the book circulating department, and an average dally attendence of 66 visitors. This city Is very little bigger than Nephl and this report shows that t lie people of today are looking for better things, when that many people are seeking good reading matter in a community no larger than Nephl. EE Call and get a glimpse of our Two and Four Row Beet Cultivators ITS CURE BOLSHEVISM -- WHAT A COUNTY URHAKV MEAXH TO JUAU t'OUNTV The county commissioners of Juab county are to be congratulated on approving the County Library- plan for this county. It is a progressive move and means much for the future education of the rising generation of the county. progressive Eighteen states In the country, including Utah, which passed this law at the last session of the legislature, now have county libraries. Some of the many benefits of theis system can be summed up in the following paragraphs. Gives reading facilities to every man, woman and child in the county. Establishes a deposit of books In every hamlet and school room in the county. Sends books by parcel post to every farmer, rancher and Isolated person In the county. Lends books to ull residents of the county on the same conditions as to residents of the town In which the library Is' located. Stimulates the reading habit in the country as nothing else will. Brings thousands of dollars more Carnegie Corporation money for li brary buildings thun could be had under municipal supervision. service. Gives the hoy on or farm outside of library towns the chance to get any good book he wishes to read. Provides the same reading advan , the-ranc- CHARMING UTIUTY FROCK 1 Silage Cotters the banks of Kalispel, Montana, recently created a fund to be loaned to young fanners for the purchase of livestock, said funds to be loaned at 6 per cent ami repaid out of the increase from stork. In other words these banks are developing an industry which in turn develops :he community and Incidentally business for the bank. This ) const rurtive work and lh new Id. a of service in banking. as are built and first class Engines to run same, having sold five complete engines and cutters last week, is a good indication' that our price and goods must be right. oi Why i!j . ... - We ion tho m heard a siit'r a fc, ! '( ! Cha. t'oote Main Street, Opposite & 5on More i bull Line - For Spring Work intiiv Up nif iioit ft'iiil. - li ,.,,r ki. Uttiir 111I10 II: I'llMv M! IVA I' 1 N 1 . M T U't I IA1S IUn -- , I I i; our ! ,,. Mir,, f( t u,it.,Un .t:.: it nil KM M.MIM, 1H nr.hl (. m. ll!i- - S nrnitm li. He '! "d ImMit ,i;( IMM MOM ; Jl.t0 tl'mr, im!i I ni. Ho. , f Kendall Brothers Till: I I t tr.' ?;- - 1 itii; ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. Dr. Charles Dunn t I'lione No. 8. frmloflire I t Nephl. IU1. J I'tab He Itailds WUely Who Mail " WelL" r,fr,, TO lit I LI) WELIj t I ? I I The Universal Car J HAS NO VALVAL t " Ioil br' 'iall tll , . ft-m- T liunt the weather, tonally aefHl In iltr ronnfr). price 77A; on., .Vj f'.Hnh..ut, I.VIO; Touring fur, Trark fliassls, g.,.v. The prt.-e- Shoe Repairing i. A. di-e- r1 i 'cKr r''l l:riil f- f women wlu drive. It meets etriy" demand, every family want every day In Hie t regardless .f NEPHIPUSIEB8MFG.C0. s timiTEN8E.5 rfjrf s. K-- f f. o. h, rt T 2Jl lie World. re-fin- ed lrtrot. .H rmrt . t;'-,- 1 1 .The IiiH Hedan Is m car with appointments, many fonetili,. res, and with all f,r eid Mtlsfartion liar art tTid by I'ord rara. It Is a fH,,.Hlar rar among . 'I n I jirget and PsircMt Natural ItaMslt of (i)psyos la Very Ite of Oak Ton leather In All Repair Work Im t'sed .M tw,i;j,r fr'r "T ef rs(rh f,af aniot ba Owr Irteesi For I Imfa. IF hf Mft!eir Jf;r " All Competltloii. pairing lefjr r ritTrTh i,frffers for th ewn invwri thrr ft s hr.-,TTan4 ties yssrs. nen fhs erwf rt t'sf 1e rm4r fnr rx'ittb H'Vt t stsr th Pkol mi tj.ru 'n th Mvim UVERY AND FEED STABLE th Soil frim ih Ilkw-- ) snl hasting the . aa s &a V Af'-- r fV-- n bs JTsT Tstsntl i.ivkhv num, vnAr fr,r s t'nrt tims win s a trr.rA--rfvvZ fr-AND S.H WAOONM in twf J sturrh M"lt-ri- f h'llth ftsrt tstiona n-- t. t for Agenfa fhone fa. t ok nnt rM ni tf catarrh. Prnd ' I'HONK 4t-- 9 r It-i- - yi" Nephi Plaster ei sff.fOw . FORD II!!IIIIiiIIII,I,,,,,Iill!!! How's! his? r'1 liiinye. ti-.,- r - a park has a strong renson roe, snd as well H tau-tlflf- e tho city of rayon. will be a lir,g mei.,ori;,l !., t,e patriotism of her M,n NepM hun plenty of vacant rrourui f,.r Jut such a park hert and ahije foni,Iering the best and mos! suitable memorial for our soblier l.oys. the idea (,f a memorial prk to their memory, could tw considered. ,.r its 4r,.rin .Mi,f. mc j Bak-- . n full me .f f ,r S.r!ng .f iitij .,f Me h,. .;iij to o i?t n.- I wort,, fotlnuin j on nl 1,. .t ris Claude F. at Ijiw Ion this week bur to the north, has Marted such a park, wbiih will cover a hole 1i!k right In the center of the town Kai-man who entered I he service froin that t..n and Immediate vtrln- R (roe fty will lie representett T!i 10 will itt0 hundred and thirty ire. in the park, including six ever 'gteejo. for the si soldiers who died illi ih service The trees are aii ti.ino'it anil mart ,e kept l v Hie r If of these numlier land nanus. ilni a living memory Is erected hih grows with the years. A tiniqtio foHfqre I the fact (hat the tr-- s are planted by the soldier they represent or by a relative. In ruse of S11 in years to come people h tree repre- may know just who J L. Bakei Yours for Service 108 W. Center St. Trovo. I'tah Elks Hulldlng. Eureka, Utah soldier tnmorlal o us. ami is a memorial park In honor of our soldier boyn I'.iyxon. our neigh- - A spring dainties Attorneys and Counselor bih rather ai',.ile,l JSlI Radishes, Lettuce and Green Onions and other Baker & Baker that - every day f..r a Memorial? I'mi k suited of Iee The Truth. The truth Is s Impossible to he soiled by any outward touch as the Futiheam. Milton. STRAWBERRIES, tons. They have been put together most skillfully In a dress that will appeal to the young woman who re quires serviceable clothes and InalsM upon good style In them. it lo come. As an illustration, World's Grec'.iot Cataract. What Is set down 11s the greatest cntiuwt In the world Is 011 the IguitKu river, which partly separates Iiruv.il und Argentina. The precipice over which the river plunges Is "10 feet high. Hint of Niagara being 1117 feet. The cataract Is 13, Pi! feet wide, or about two nnd n half times us whU, as NliiKiiin. It Is? estimated that tons of water pass over Nlug lira in an hour. A like estimate glvei the falls of Igunu HD,tMH..0tl0 tons. at Our Store the good old days the banker sat behind his mai'ogaiiy rail and waited for business to come his way. lie loaned money and that was all. and generally he was the most man in the community for he was out of touch with everything but money matters. Times have changed and a banker today. If he is making a success. Is usually about one Jump ahead of the gun when it comes to being posted on conditions which spell prosperity To translate his Idea of ehanu and for h!s territory. utility combined in a frock, some The progressive bank today devel- gifted designer has used such simple ops business instead of waiting for means bs tricot, satin and bone but- We carry as good I'u'-loile- n. Good Things To Eat In Core Planters "Prince Charlie." Ciinrles Edward, the grandson of James II of Kiulnnd, sometimes culled lioiinle Prince Charlie, wus kuown us the young pretender, son of James II. At the Time of the rising of 1743 he was. nt one time very near enter'ng London, but the futnllty that bung over the Stuarts overwhelmed him lie retreated to Scotland, where lit anil Ills unity were utterly routed at With him tiie ilireet Hue of th tuarts bi ciinie extliut. lie Uit d Jut. . uury :1, 17S3. sT Ahead of tho tiun One and Two Row tage to the country clild as those enjoyed by the city child. Stimulates the establishment of a library in every town of Utah large enough to have one. Puts Juab county in the forefront of any county In the state In this progressive movement. co,Tic. T,t,4,, Obi J 11. I. (JoPl .tiroogh, t'roprtetoe """''Illiiiiiiiiillll'1""1 ! X Judd Garage G. R. Judd, Proprietor |