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Show THE NOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION, as No. 7944. Town of Levan, Juab County, State All protests against the granting of of Utah. said application, stating the reasons thea-efomust be made by affidavit WHEREAS, there is an Immed- in duplicate, accompanied with a tee iate and pressing need for raising of $2.50, and filed in this office within funds to defray the expense of erect- thirty (30) days after the completion ing a memorial building for the of the publication of this notice. of commoratlng the achieveO. F. McOonagle, ments of the soldiers, sailors and State Engineer. marines of Levan, Juab county, Utah, Date of first publication. May 9, who fought, or otherwise served In 1919. Date of completion, of publithe Great World War, 1919. 6, June cation, NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, the 3rd day of June, A. D. 1919, a PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICkS special election will be held within the limits of the said Town of Levan, Consult County Clerk or the KignerH for Further Juab county, Utah, for the purpose of submitting to such qualified electors of said town as shall have paid a NOTICE TO CREDITORS property tax therein In the year pro ceeding such election, the following lit the matter of the estate Of propositions, to wit: "Shall bonds of the Town of Le- Thomas Andrews, deceased. van, Juab county. State of Utah, In Creditors will present claims with the sum of Nine Thousand ($9000) vouchors attached to Thomas Bailey Dollars, payable In not to exceed or Win. A. Wurner at their resitwenty (20) years from the date of dences In Neplil City, Juab county, their Uhiio, bearing Interest at the Utah, on or befora the 16th day of rate of not to exceed five per cent July. A. D. 1919. per annum. Interest payable semi- Thomas Bailey and Wm. A. Warner annually, be Issued and sold for the Administrators of the estate Of Thom purpose of raising funds to defray as Andrews. T. H. Burton, the expense of erecting a memorial Attorney for Administrators. building for the purpose of commemFirst pub. May 2; 1919, last pub. orating the achievements of the soldiers, aallors and marines of Levan, May 23. 1919. Juab county, Utah, who fought or otherwise served In the great world NOTICE TO CREDITORS war?" In the matter of the estate of the At said election the form of ballot late-- ' Osborne Sutton, deceased. shall be as follows: Creditors will present claims with Yes BOND ELECTION BALLOT vouchers attached to Thomas H. Burton at his office at the City Hall, For the Isseu of bouds to de- NVphi City, Juab county, Utah, on or No erecof the the expense fray before the 15th day of July, A. D. tlon of a memorial building. 1919. At said election the polls shall be Thomas H. Sutton. opened at the hour of seven o'clock Administrator of the estate of Os .a m.. and closed at the hour of borne Sutton, deceased. seven o'clock p. m. T. H. Burton, Attorned for Administrator, The voting place for ail qualified First pub. May 2, 1919; last pub electors of said Town of Levan, Juab county, State of Utah', shall oo at I he May 23, 1919. (" unt; Court House. In Levau. Juab NOTICE TO CREDITORS tounty, State of Utah. . Estate of Charles Walter Klrgan I'l ted at Levan, Juab county, State of Utah, this 30th day of April, A. D. deceased. Creditors will present claims with 1919. to the undersigned at his vouchers By order of: Board of Trustees of the Town of Levan, Juab county, residence in Nephl City, Juab county. Utah, on or before the 9th day of Rate of Utah. August. A. D. 1919. Alexander By Peterson, Lester Gusttn, President. Attest : Administrate of the Estate: of J. E. Hansen, Town Clerk. Charles Walter Klrgan, deceased. Thoe. H. pur-purpo- se He-Kei'- Barton. (Sall Town Attorney. First pub. .May 2. 1919. Last pub. May 30th. 1919. XOT1CK TO WATEK Thomas H. Burton. Attorney for Administrator. First pub. May th, 1919; last pub May 30th, 1919. ISFR8 State Engineer's Office, DRESSES Salt Lake City, Utah. Apr. 30, 1919 Notice la hereby given that Louis Fugal. whose post office address is Pleasant Grove, Utah, has made application In accordance with the requirements of the Compiled Laws of Utah. 1907, as amended by the session Laws of Utah, 1909. 1911. and 1116, to appropriate two (2) second-fee- t of water from three spring Said springs are in Juab county. situated as follows: Front the southwest corner of Section 2, Township 11 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. No. 1 bears N. 72 degrees 24 minutes. E. 1(38 ft.. No. 2 bear N. 71 degree 47 minutes E. 17M ft., and No. 3 boars N. 73 de-fr49 minute E. 1C92 ft. The water will be collected and comingled at Spring No. 1. from where It will be conveyed by means of a pipe line (or a distance of 4310 ft. and there used from January 1 to December 31. inclusive, of each year, to produce power for electric lighting and for propelling machinery In the Nebo Mining district. Utah. After being ao used, the water will be returned at a point 8. 77 degrees W. 272 ft. of said from the southwest corn Section 2. This application Is designated In the Slate Engineer s office FOR SMALL GIRLS RISE IN MARKEf PRICE OF LIBERTY BONDS IMMINENT Some Liquidation Inevitable, Say Annalist, but It Is NEPHI,' UTAH. un.mul in building tissue and supThe Midland Breeding Farm at plying energy for work. In order to Nampu, Idaho, has nttracted the at- fuels do this, the containing the nut- tentlon of the surrounding country by rienlH w hich supply the required prothe novel sign extending the full teins aiitl energy are nemleii In length. of one of their cattle sheds: proportions In furniah the bodily Clean Living. Right Thinking, Good requirements. It feeds deficient in protein are fed. an exctiKHlve amount Karniiug." It is the motto ot the must be ooiihumed in order that the farm and is made known In system may secure the required quan The tractor cannot do good plowtity of protein, and a wuate of feed ing unless the plows are properly will be the result. It is essential, hitched and adjusted a fact many therefore, thut a balanced ration be operators apparently overlook. one containing protein fed; thin Dr. Hoggim in the blennlau report and carbohydrates in such proportion that the requisite amounts of each of the Live Stock board makes the will le received without waste. following assctrt ion ; "In making InThe foods rich In protein are usu vestigations of contagious and infecally the in os t expensive. If more pro- - tious dlseuses. we have come to the te n is supplied than Is needed for conclusion that there Is no condinutrition, the cottt of the feed is un- tion existing in disease of animals necessarily increased. It is more econ- thut man Is not directly responsible omical to supply tlm energy neces- for In sary to perform work in the form of stock." his method of casing for live carbohydrates than as proteins; thus for mature horses at work und for Sugar factory in Vlsalla. Calif, to maintaining body heat In cold weath le moved to Hoover In this state. er, i he protein feed allowance may be Sugar beets averuged In Utah last limited to the amount necessary (o 12.127 tons per acre at lt build tissue, and u large proportion yeur ton. per of carbohydrates may bo fed. Kureka Construction of a new t Icthwitlcathm of !' is Into the eastern end of the railway Hay, fodder and straw from grains Tintlc is under way. district nil grasses are carbohydrate feeds, and fodder frnm legumes Net cost of all copper produced by liny ( are protein Cteh Copper Co. Plants) during the ear leods. wun 14.5:13 cents a pound, us comThe grains are classed us piolelils. except corn and the sorghum grains. pared with 0.995 cents Tor the prelite succulent feeds such as corn. vious year. silage, pulp, syrup, roots, tubers and Suit l.ak. llrowers in territory fruits, while only fad. to supplement of Utah-Idah- o Sugar Co. will plant the principal feeds, ure relatively more tliun So.noo ucres ot sugar It K It in carbohydrates. The leguminous seeds (seeds from beets this year. pods I, oil seed (audi as cotton seed), aud the dairy products ure all. proteliis, 1 ho LOOK FOR common from THE RED HALL four mills, distilleries and packing TRADE, MARK , plants nre protein feeds. W. U. SUPERVISER THE FACTS STATES Taiilnc His Troubles ItriMikM 1 Nciys Xew 1. six-to- is Overcome Like a M-i- ii 'My wife obtained such sat.slae- The fact that the market price of results from Tun lac that tried lory Liberty Bonds U still below par has 1 discussion endless forth brought among person who either seek or try to give the reason for the prices. The present price of liberty Bonds have also been a factor In contribut ing to pesalmlstlo stories as to the difficulty which the nation will have In floating a Fifth Loan. The situation U wU set forth In The Annalist. New York financial weekly, as follow: Every loan floated, whether It be corporate or governmental, require a certain amount of time to become seasoned. This will be particularly true of our national loan, which have all been sold during periods of tremendous pressure where every appeal was made to the buyer to take the maximum, whether or no the security was suited to his need or within hi ability to pay. Healthy Gravitation. Gradual liquidation front small holder 1 as inevitable, therefore, a the law of survival. He shall take who hath the power, and he small keep who can. and it I in keeping: that more strength of character la required than in the resolution necessary to bring on to the point of signing the appliThe gravitation that i cation. going on, therefore. 1 a healthy function,' except, of course, where selling 1 Induced by unaonipUous windier. The liquidation from this souree represent so many footprint of the bond In' passage from the hands of the weak to the strong, and every aal that take plaee on the board emanating from this source 1 on step nearer to a solid market for Liberty Loan, charactersince it 1 a istic of those who buy in a declining market to hold either for permanent Investment or for so substantial a rise that they are amply compensated for their carry. Will Steady Market Much of the money realised from bonds sold to produce writeoff in the income tax will either lie in bank or go mto short-tim- e securities for Investment and the switching by savings banks may be safely counted upon to do nearly as much good to the market price of the Liberty Loans a it can barm to rail and municipal. As a matter of fact the taking of tax exempts from an Institution unaffected by taies and the resale of the urn to private individual la only the natural result of gravitation of securities Into the final niche In which they are most efficient. It Is confidently believed, therefore, that a turn in the tangent of bond price I at band with an especially cheerful prospect for ur national loan. well-know- n Utah-Idah- o than $125,000 government. Sugar Co. paid more income taxes to the myself and 1 liuve gained ton pounds and feel like a new nr.i'i," said J. W. Brooks, tratile superin tendent for the Western 1'iiion Tel egraph Co. at Pallas, Texas, ami lu ll at 1732 lltckoiy street, that .My. 'When 1 began taking Tunlae," he continued, "1 wax suffering Uoni a stubborn cane of stoiiruii lie result of an attack of uvu'iie, indi I hail several vuri ago hud an uwful pain across my bui'k. aud was so nervous mm I worried u! I hardly about my kidneys that I sleep at all. I suffered from rlieuuia- Ihiii iti my legs, my feet won I.I swell and I was tired and languid all l he was badly tun iwn, lu-ime. weight, strength ami vlie.'gv and none ot the luedieltieH I took Is n e any good." 'After using TanUic lor .k snort time I begun to pbk ii .'.nil ke;i im in proving until now my i liemii.it ull gone, tbe pains luve l i!s,qipeare don'l from my back am! iiiv .uiu-yi worry me like the .1 ul. : liavi i fine appetite and can eat unyilung I want without suffeviig ul all frmi' ih soui. i an I iudigestluu, my sl-restful und I get n; in ill moriiin; Vernal - Woulmiii getting record '.irg fine." ptlce of fiT.c for their product. Tanlac is sold in Nephl by H. F. Salt Lake -- Mammoth Mining Co. Tonilinsou, Neplil Drug Co., und in total assessment valuation about Eureka by Schramm-Jutiuso- u Drug $150.0H). In HeffermanSilver City by Co.. Tlitj la 19 wool crap of Utah and Tbompson Mercantile Co.. in Mam tber western wool growing states moth by Mammoth Supply Co. A' promises to be the best ever produced according to S ,W. McClure, secre- HORSES ar of the National Woolgrower's THE FEEDJGjF ton. Fnrmer's Bulletin 10:tO Hays: Close Otmervation More Vital Factor in Feeding Horses Than Feeding Other Live Slock ik-u- gestion 1 1 1 ep No one feed sor combination of fueds will meet conditions in all parts ot tbe country. Generally speaking. tbe crops grown locally constitute the most economical rations. Choose from the feeds available those that will meet most closely the requirements of economy, nutrition and conven Substitution may often be ience. made in rations In such a manner that while the efficiency remains un changed, the cost Is materially lower ed. Selection of the most eronoml ral and suitable rations is governed largely by local conditions. Conditions Altec tin I(euire4iif Ms The kind of feed used, the quantity per horse and the manner of feeding depend on the age. stie, and condi tion of the horset th.e amount ana kind of work, and on th individual ot 1 v!Jiiir.y "Modern" W . . rr 1 oai ire&rnu Ammunition Shooting Eight Ef CAVANAUbHM 1 GRANITE H.,...,''i 5 MONUMENTS lUUl'TIFl L .AND F.VKUI.AHT1NU Our Guarantee: nlmal. The horse at work requires more 1. lest Urade of Material. and ricner leea man ine one um. i 2. Ilest of Workmanship furnish energy for work. feted must 3 Artistic Proportions be In excess of that needed for bodily 4. Perfect tittering maintenance. The amount of feed r; Substantial Foundations Ul V A need ml for maintenance Is about two 6 Careful Settings. thirds that required by a horse at 7 Heasona'de Prices. moderate work. If the work done Every Job Made U gtit. Kvery rails for more energy than Is fur en Promise Made Uood. One Hundred nlshed in the ration, the stored-uPer Cnt Hervlce. ergy of the body fat or other bodily timuM will be drawn upon wun Send for lllualraleil 'dialogue. A I AMOI H ll)IM) TAI.KIMl til. consequent loss In body weight and ! IIIK. PIANO AND PL.AYF.tt continued is such If feeding energy. A HlKi: DKMONHTKA. the borne will be so weakened con l'lNl4. HON ANV TIMF-unable be will he that stitutionally to perform his work profitably ana will also be liable to disease. Individual horses of the same MIKItl.F. AND tilt A NITF. WOllkH, weicht may have different feed- rr SHf i.il 'reH-iitDsjaem-llfTI'lttlVII. I'TAH. onirements. which makes It t Mul o.. Halt OI. of tbe sary to study the Individuality animals. If the hole Is not doing well on a ration. slight change should be made. Any change, how ever, should be. made gradually in ,. order to avoid digestive disturbance-calls lUtle.n Hrlerting of comtitnalion A no feed or face lotions feeds will me conditions In all feed or part of the country, allnorlasse of mixture Is suitable for ration for a horea. In r housing aseem to meet one select ihat horse, for whether bis requirements. growth, maintenance, work, breedestimate the ing, or fattening; amount of feed needed and trv out its worth. has Big the ration. It may appear after ora fed Is too teeing little trial that Bottle that the ration may be chanced some-wh-or of economy In the Interest are efficiency. If a number of hor kept, different rations may be t.ted on different animals and the b"l one selected fnr general ne. Individual feeding gives the bet re'ult. JSFVF.H M nmTLTF.S lUtion lUUeeing There is far more eronomy In required amounts of nutrients in right proportion than in pro viding an exre of one and too nine Of another. Attention to balancing J the rations of hore mwns a benefit to the animals and a sing in the enormous annual feed bill whirh i charged agsinxt the hores of th ronntry. Feeding stuffs are broadly divided Per Cent Inter Into two great classes, proteins and ' On Improved Farms, at 5 carbohydrates. The protein feed Time. Term. est. Apply to Eagjr Long are rich In nitrogenous romnound which are nsed in the animal body in ballding tissue, bone, hair, etc , and to provide energy; th carbohydrate feeds are starchy and are ned in the animal body In the formation of fat and al for enerry and heat. I Grafonola p Beesley Robert Lomax br n- SUMMING UP THE EVIDENCE lb This dry, windy weather Every mother will like tbe sturdy Many Nephl People Have llern tnd pretty reuses which the spring Called a. Wit la brought In for amall girl. They re made of strong wash fabrics, with nlckerbocker to match, and their Week after week baa been publish leoorallun is of simple needlework. ed the testimony of Nephl peoule kidney sufferers backache victims people who have endured many forms of kidney, bladder or urinary disorders. These witnewae have used Doan's Kidney PHI. All have given 1 Satisfactory Trrmi We make a thoughtful ttudy of your particular requirement, which enable us to gie your buiine more than ordinary service. Keep you loan at home! Ak u how. Whitmore Co. The Geo. C. NATIONAL BANK. NEPHI their enthusiastic approval. It's tbe same everywhere S9. 000 American men and women are publicly recommending Doan's always In tbe home papers. Isn't It a wonderful, convin cing mass of proof? If yon are a suf ferer your verdict must be "Try Doan's first." Here's one more Nephl case: Mrs. S. O. Ord say: "Beveral year ago I bad occasion to ase, a kidney remedy and as I bad heard and read so often, I went to Lnnt'spharmacy and it only took one box to give me relief. Doan's strengthened my kidneys. They are a good remeWy for anyone aelTerlng with weak n ex or lameness throagh the back or other symptoms of kidney of Doin'i Kidney Pill disorder." Price 0c at all dealers. Don't ask for a kidney remc1r get simply Doan's Kidney Pills the same lhal Foter-MHboCo Mrs. Ord bad. K. T. . Bnffalo. Mfgrs., m vv i. Healthy Condition ministration. Rt. OFFICE FIRST S. Mt. Pleasant $15,000 bond Issue to be voted upon May 17th for al teratlon in the city' water system. Expenditure of f 1.000,000 for ad vertlsing to stimulate travel planned by the United States railroad ad Money To Loan on Improved Farm ReawnaUe TIMES-NEW- for hand and Lunt's Amber Lotion proven at for 25c Lunt's Pharmacy j Plenty of Money 1-- T. C. Winn, - ro)t ie feedthe ing the ration should be balanced properly to meet the need .f the To obtain b-- t 2 - - Secretary Nephi National Farm Loan Association |