OCR Text |
Show THE Her Engagement Ring a Slmmnrtalfi Moat striking instances of gallantry for which th Distinguiahed Service Cros has been swarded BOYD PARK KMMM turn 11 prisoners. Later the same day ho Jumped from a trench and rescued a comrade who was about to be shot by a German officer, killing ths officer during the exploit. Ilia actions were entirely voluntary, and It was while attempting to rush fifth machine gun nunt that he was killed. The advance of his company was mainly due to his great courage and devotion to duty. His home address was Kelly Luke, Minn. Amrrtra'a girl' moit traaurd gem. It should be a good on. It will coat lata than you think. Wa hava all alxes each on par. fact. Modaat price. It aftM MAKERS OF JEWELRY JO MAIN 1 1 M.M CITV aAU IAK Military men of other countries ouwentbt wagailcara HFIP" WAMTTD barbel were amazed at the fighting qualiainmll Uiui trail. towna naatt barhara; oppnituuliiea opaa tor mao otar dratl are. good Barbara lu army have ties of the soldiers from America food aa officer ronimtaiilnD. Oyl prepared the land of peace. They were amazed to (f weeke. Call or writ. Molar Barber Collaga, ail S. Wait Temple St.. Hall Lake Ourat the spirit with which Pershing's fighters went into battle. Thousands SIMPLY PERFECT IN THEORY of American soldiers won foreign decorations, as well as the DistinKltefian Management Left Nothing t guished Service Cross of their own B Desire, Ixaept the Prssslo ' Fact f Cooking. country, in recognition of acts of supreme heroism or sublime An aipartenred noueewifa, who has Following are a few of never taken any other cnurae In domost cases of bravery on notable the afforded than science mestic that by the part of American soldiers in acwreatllnr many year with the problem of three meal a day, felt much tion, selected by General Pershing's Interested whea her colla-brdaughown staff as of special comter told her that the waa going to mendation. worthy - self-sacrific- e. d with a friend who pend the week-towaa the latt word In the highbrow world of the coaklng specialist. "Mother, It waa wonderful," exclaimed the gtrl on her return. "On one aide of her white-tile-d laboratory eh doesn't call It a kitchen there la the dlahwaahlng machine and on the other the long table fur the conThe arrangement structive work. are perfect, and everything I clean and ahlnlnf. I'm ut crazy about It. Hot a bit Ilk our haphasard kitchen." "And I presume the food wa equally wonderful," aatd the really sympathetfc mother, ready to learn of the new feneration. "Tell ru about It" The returned visitor looked thought-fu- l. "Well, you ee, w didn't go very deep Into cookery. She never do. Wa had dinner made In the flreless cooker, aome eort of atew. Anil the rent of the muff ahe geta at the delicate-Ban.- " New Tork World. d HARRY U CAUSLAND, Private, Company I, 357th Infantry. Private Causland was decorated for conspicuous heroism In action near llanthevllle, France, October 24, 1018. Prlvute Causland was acting as ammunition carrier for a mochlne gun. which was supiiortlng a raid on the enemy by the infantry. While this gun wus being operated from a shell hole its ammunition became exhuusted and the corporal called back to the carriers, who were In shell holes twenty-fiv- e yards behind, to bring up more ammunition. Though the gun position was tinder heavy enemy fire. Private CiniHlnnd called out, "I'll take It," and rushed forward with two boxes of ammunition. Just as he reached the emplacement, with the ammunition, he was killed Instuntly by a machine gun bullet. Private Causland's home was at Anacontes, Wash. ALLIES PREPARED TO 60 RE-ENA- J. PIKE, rd - FAILURE OF GERMANS TO SIGN PEACE TERMS WILL MEAN OCCUPATION. Loudon. Should the Genimns refuse to sign, the pence treaty, which does not seem probable, according to the latest advices received here, they can expect the allies to at once begin a march upon Iteiiin. And there will be many enthusiastic wearers of the uniform who will be find to complete the Journey they begun before the collapse of the Hull fighting machine. It is declared that all military ar. raiigeiueuts have been tnude for the ullied armies to udvuiice In exuetly the same wuy us they would have done hud (ieriuuiiy not accepted the armlstlco terms. According to a dispatch from Cob-leu- z the impression gullied by Aiuorl-cu- n n officers through talking with HARRY J. DAVIS, the pence terms is tliut regarding Corporal, Company D, 60th Infantry. muny of them are bitter und sullen, Corp, Davis received the Distinbut ure inclined to resign themselves guished Service Cross for extraordi- to uccept any terms, no mutter how In heroism action at Cunel, hursli. No concrete plan of uctlon has nary France, October 14. 1018. While the been suggested In the event the (ier-muadvance of his plntooa was being held delegates at Versailles refuse to up by deadly enfilading fire of the en- sign the treaty. emy, Corp. Davis voluntarily ruHhed American officers say the common over open ground, through direct ms- people in the occupied areu have widechlne gun fire, for s distance of over ly divergent views, but that us a w hole 100 meters, and, with the aid of his they appear more or less stunned. bayonet, attacked the nest. He killed Muny of them seem crushed, but othboth the gunners, thereby silencing tbe ers are showing a spirit of bravado. fire, but, during the combat, he himOne American who hud circuited self was severely wounded. It was due freely among the civilians reported to his prompt and feurless action that that none of them expected that Ger-mufurther advance of his platoon wss would accept the terms. They made possible. Corp. Davis' home Is suld could not see how the people they In Philadelphia. would be able to pay the Indemnity s demanded if their commerce wus reJOHN PRATT, stricted and all their colonies confiscated, und, In addition, Cermitny had Corporal, Co. L, 168th Infantry. to cede territory belonging to the mainwas for decorated Pratt Corporul land. In action with conspicuous gallantry Hut there is one tiling the Cernuins the enemy near Chevenges, France, November 7, 1918. Corporal Pratt was can bank umiii. They will either sign terms or face un Invasion by on duty ss a runner at the headquar- the ters of the advance battalion when the the allied forces, who will tuke charge a Just peace position was being heavily shelled by In t.ermuny and force the enemy. Seeing two soldiers lying should the Huns decline to accept the severely wounded two hundred yards terms offered. away In an open field, be crawled out under Intense fire, gave them first aid WORKING ON AUSTRIAN TREATY treatment and then dragged them, on at a time, back to the dressing station. Council of Four May b Ready to R. His exceptional bravery enabled the port During Week. two wounded men to secure ImmediParis. The council of four sienl the ate medical attention and saved their greuter purt tif Monday on the Auslives. Ills home address Is Toledo, O. trian boundaries and completed the task of defining them Monday afternoon In a session witli the foreign minHARRY C SESSIONS, ister. Such progress was mnde that InSecond Lieutenant, Co. I, 172nd the members of the council believe that fantry. the Austrian treaty may be completed Lieut Sessions wss awarded tbe during the week. Distinguished Service Cross for unPresident Wilson spent some time usual bravery In action near Bussy with the American commissioners who Farm, France. Although be wss on have been considering the various duty In the rear, Lieut. Sessions Joined phases of the euce treaty. It was his battalion and wss directed by his out thot there are so many battalion commander to locate open-Inc- s pointed of similarity between the Aus. points through the enemy's wire and at- trian snd German treaties that nn. tack positions. lie hastened to tbe enormous amount of time would be front and cut a large opening through saved by preparing the document ."lie wire In the face of terrific machine to Austria at once. gun Ore. Just as bis task was completed he was so severely wounded KING APPROVES PEACE LEAGUE that he had to be carried from the field. His gallant act cleared the way Declares America Has for the rush that captured enemy pos- Utah Senator Com Into Her Own. ition. Salt City. "America bn come tsm Into her own. t'nder a Ivngue of naPHILIP C. KATZ, tions ( are not forming entiins-iinSergeant, Company C, 363d Infantry. alliances, but we are unraveling them. or the world. Sergt Kntx was decorstcd for con- We ere for the The league of nations Is Just ss sure spicuous gallantry In action nesr France, September 2ft. o Is ratified by the I'liil'-- States 1013. After his company had withns the sun is to sliliu tomorrow drawn for m distance of 200 yards on inoniif.g. It bus come, to give a line with the units on Its flanks, to a distrarted world. Ivnwwrat" In It ond so do mot all other." Sergt. Knt learned that one of his comrades had been left wounded In Tin! views of Senator Without II. mi cxoe position St the Klnt from King were sIhUmI In an address wlili h the withdrawal bad taken place. cnil here Monday ntght. .Voluntarily crossing an area swept by heavy tiini bine gun fire, Sergt. Kats LINER DOCKS WHILE ABLAZE advanced to where the wounded soldier lay snd csrrled hltn to safety. Ilia Passengers Show Courage When They mother. Mrs. Jeohle Knt., lives in Son Find Vessel in Flames. Francisco. Fire wns buttling in the ' I hold of Hie Japanese liner Manila Mni ALBERT MEYER, whin she arrived hen Monday from the Orient with about i.1"' passengers Private, 79th Compsny. to ! worth Private Meyer, who mokes his home and n cargo etiniiit-tvllh his father. Guslsve Meyer, 22 about fliMiard the M:itiii r- t 'H ss-West 12Tlh street. New York City, !i!d. wi!l won the Distinguished Service Cros mailied ill I III. her officer for extraordinary heroism In actton the fire Whs dicocr-- white the hip near Tliiinicourt, France, September whs hIm.iiI If si i, tile from Cape Flat1.1, 11)1 S While on duty ss stretcher tery. hesrer for his company, Privste Meyer Wilson Defends American People. rushed Into the open .to rescue another Paris. Prid'iit Wilson. In bis i. soldier ihrestened with capture. In the fnce of a large force of advancing dress here Monday to the I'niii h send-etn- y of mornl mid political sciences, tJermnn. He killed two of the enemj and trought In the soldier to m place entered a strong disclaimer if lite l1si Hint Hie Amerii-ni- i ople were largely of safety materialists or iloliHr worshippers. Forged Art Work a Rodin'. California to Oust Ytllow Tenants. The French police arrested at a tnnn named Poyon de Chalus. San Krnmlsfii. A movement to terat whose house they seized a large minate the leaseholds of sll except White tenants In California lands and Bttmlier of bronzes, alleg"d to be falsely lnsrrlled with the name of Rodin. to ojwn these lands and vast reclaimed Two metnl founders and an Italian territory to white settler, particularly sculptor of repute were slsn arrested. returned soldiers, lias been started. The action of the authorities arose out Labor Fight Pool Hall Ctoaing. of Information furnished by II. P.ene-- ,' Tex. Monday. June C,. Aniiirillo, of the curator the Luxembourg dite, In fiHleml wn court for sot who the llodin museums, srvl reported sate of numerous counterfeit !!oHn, hie application of the Ihillns Inlw.r temcif h.'h one lot slope was bought y ple for fin injon 1ic.il ftk'n.iixl the sfnte attorney gineriil to preiciit fioiri3 a lna!.r for flxflt mi; lisi'I In Texas he-fo- re u g n" d.-li- J.ts.". -, As-nler- o. MADE STRONG By Lydia E. PmkhamY Vegetable Compound. n DRIVING OF GOLDEN SPIKE JOIN. ING TWO GREAT RAILROAD8 CELEBRATED AT OGDEN Winona, Minn." I suffered for more, than m year from nervousness, and waa so oaa x couia not Fifty Years of Progress Sine th Completion of th Transcontinental Road Subject of Psgeant. Trio- - , ute Paid Pioneer Builder Taks Treaty or Leave It, Position of Victor, Who Are Prepared to March Into Hunland If Neceaaary to Enforce a Just Peace. I be-llrv- WOMAN'S NERVES SCENES CT OF FIFTY YEARS AGO INTO BERLIN tier-iuuii- EMORY Lieutenant Colonel, D. M. Q. O, 82nd Division. Lieut. Col. Emory J. Pike (defensor!) was decorated for conspicuous gallantry In action nenr Vuniileres, Franco, September 15, 1918. . Having gone for-wuto recnnnolter new machine Run positions, Colonel 1'lke offered his assistance In reorganizing advance Infantry units which had become disorganized during a henvy urllllery shelling. Colonel I'lke succeeded In locating only about 20 men, but with these he advanced and when later joined by several Infantry platoons, rendered Inestimable service In establishing outposts, encouraging all by his cheerfulness. In spite of the extreme dunger of the situation. When a shell had wounded one of the men In the outpost. Colonel Pike Immediately went to his sld. and was severely wounded himself when another shell burst la Dickena Lev of Humanity. be Dickens' hue for humanity, hi de the same place. While waiting toconair to right wrong- and relieve Buffer-Inj-f. brought Into the rear Colonel Pike Command, still retaining his wore some of the reason given tinued manner of encouragement, diJovial of member talented a by Sheriff Lyell, until the the reorganization recting the Scottish bar, apeaklng before the position could bo held. The entire Olaag'ow Pickens society, for the admiwas carried on under terrific ration that writer had won. "The Bar- oieratlon and the example of courbombardment wa the Dickens" of speaker's rister to duty ss set by devotion snd age Mr. to Voles, subject. Ha referred established the highest Colonel Eugen lUeburn. Tommy Traddle. standard Pike, of morale and confidence to Sidney Carton. Sergeant Buxbus and under his charge. The wounds he other character well known to Dick- Sll received were the cause of his death. ens readers. Ills daughter, Martha Agnes Pike, Uvea the behind "One must leave spirit tn Pes Moines, la. a of criticism and give oneself up to wholehearted enjoyment In reading HAROLD I. JOHNSTON, Pickens." he asld. "There might, at or forced senFirst Class, Co. A, 356th time, be eiaggeratlon Private, timent, but there I also genius. I Infantry. Trsd-oies don't know why he made Tommy was awarded the Private Jphnston a lawyer, unless It wa to show Service Cross for conDistinguished that w barrister are not all as black spicuous gallantry, near Peullly, w are painted. Pickens wa at November 9. 1018. When InFrance, hi best In depicting deep, and genuine formation was desired ss to the enpathos, free from entlmentallsin." emy's position on the opposite side of tbe river Meuse. Private Johnston, Fsmeu Fleet Street. with snother soldier, volunteered withA modern writer haa called Fleet out hesltstlon. and swam the river street the "Street of Adventure." snd to reconnolter the exact location of the name Is s good on, writes A. A. the enemy. He succeeded In reaching Methley. In "A Child's Guide to Lon- the opposite hank, despite the evident don." for here sll the news of th determination of the enemy to prevent world Is gathered together, and th a crossing. Having; obtained the Incrisscrossed Is strip of sky overhead formation, he acnln entered the water with th telegraph snd telephone wires for his return. This wns accomplished that bring tidings of warfare . . . sfter s severe struggle, which so exmarvelous snd revolutions, victories, hausted him that he hsd to be asdiscoveries. snd Inventions sisted from the water, after which he The road certainly deserves Its rendered hi of the exploit. Ills title, but. In medieval times mother, Mrs. report llelle Renshaw, lives In when, as Frolssart says, the I.ondoner Colo. were the perllotiaest people In the Denver, the most and the outrageousest, world, JAMES A. SHERET, name would have been even more apSergeant, Company F, 108th propriate. Then the adventure- themselves actually took place here; snd Infantry. again and acnln In history we find Conspicuous irntlnnfry In sctlon near wild stories of tumult . . . fought Konssoy. France, September I'.MS, ont on the rough cobblestone of old when he sold his life dearly, won the "Flete Strete." Distinguished Service Cross for Sergeant Sheret. During the operation First Thrift Dy. Strii in st the Hlndenhiirg line this solThe first "thrift day" In America dier displayed exceptional bravery In waa Asgust 11. K'lV That was tbe several single-handeattacks on enUral tlms on spsclal dy ws ever emy positions. After rushing two hos-M- e officially set asld for tbe purpose of posts snd killing the occupants with his revolver. Sergeant Sheret encoursglng attention t thrift. Th four of the enemy In s mschlne dsy waa celebrated In California ss "thrift dsy" In response to s procla- gun p"ill". killed one of them he was himself surrounded and mation of Governor Johnson. Th oo rsstnn msrked the opening of th killed by the other three. Srrgennt thrift congress, held fit th Panama-Parlfi- e Sherd's mother lives St 2S West Part xp"itlon by the American So- street, Athlon, N. Y. m ciety for Thrift. Thrift Magattne, BEDFORD B. LUNSFORD, Christian Unity. M, 117th Infantry. H who tskes hold of one end of Corporal, Company Corp. Lnnford (deceased) wns decth lifter on whirh a hurt brother is heroism In prone must not pause to question the orated for extraordinary t.srn and affiliation of th man who action nesr Itelllcouft, France, Octowas held take hold of the other end. The ber 7, J01S. When the line fire Corp. op by enemy machine gun Chrlt1o Herald. Lnnsford strapped sn sutomsllc rlfl to his shoulder snd advanced In the Hats aa Bedroom slipper. Old felt ht whlrh are too far gone face of machine run fire. Firing ss he of the to Tr worked over Into hats sgsln are went forward, he killed four riddled enemy before he fell dead, siow t ill red for bedroom ttprs. with bullets. Thomas I.unsford. his father, lives In Mount Vernon, Tenn. Don't Meet Then. O'ten. r-- . "T It elwsrs the hnosnd"s fsnltT . Well, srlvertlsarn'-nts NEL8 maratlne WOLD, Sks of roars, there are some thine with 1J8th Infantry. Co. I, Privste, never hsd snyth'rtf to jrVhHothntsnd are Wold drees ( ed) Was decoPrlvste Kana rre do. flty they rated f"r conspicuous gnllnlry in acRtar, tion near Cliej'py. F ranee, Septetitjer 2fi. VM Private Wold rendered most Gas tn Bamboo. Vntnrs! fa conveyed In bamboo vi linn t service In siding the advnne) had been h'il tnSrs mi ntl!fed tn Chin your ri, of bis company wbih . He sdvsnol up by tnnhl'ie gun nest-sone of their writer wM'h rere!t!ed th" sound of p"r--.r wi'Ii cr,o other n.ld'er and siU ii'ed the voices flint were d"d a ms pits. tfriiiEirig with iiMi upon hi re chine similar to the phonograph. f..4 NEPHI. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. Ogdeit, Utah. Scenes of long ago celebrawere at the two-da- y tion here, May 9 and 10, commemorating the Unking of the eust and west when the golden spike was driven, the Joining of the Union Pacific und the Central Pacific railways, railthus completing an oeeun-to-o.-en- n way. Just hulf a century ago some few pioneers of finance and pioneers of western toil -gathered at Promotory point, pot fur from Ogden, to drive the golden spike which knit together the first railroad. A few of those who participated in the ceremonies at Promotory isilut fifty years ago, were In Ogdeu on May U aud It) but It was n mere handful compared with the crowd nt the oris-liiu- l celebration . They were but a rem-naof tho vast army that took purt tn the work, many Indeed never having lived to see the work completed. For not only did the forces of nature and the distance from the then settled centres Conspire against the work In hand ut Unit time, but the plains at the time of the building of the road were Infested with hostile Indians who seriously objected to the coming of the iron horse; and many limes the men were coiitpollttd to lay down the shovel ilnd sledge, and take up the rifle to defend their lives; and many were the lives lost by the attacking savages, us well as from disease. While it was a two-dacelebration, the main features were staged for Saturday. Including a parade through the principal street", a flying exhibition by army aviators, addresses by railway officials at lMstcr park, numer-ou- r blinds playing throughout the day, meeting of old friends and the festivities cloning with a grand bull nt night. The pageant told pictoritilly the progress made pnshililc for the weM by that act which crowned the struggles and the aspirutlous of the former From early morning until late at night the throngs of visitors from all parts of the west and of toun Mople paid homage in one way or niir other to the little group of men and women Mho miw the late Stanford of California drive the golden spike. Ill the parade were two locum. iics representing the meeting ut Promotory Point on May 10. lsa. followed by the replim of the original hxom.iii . Jupiter No. . A. V. veteran Wells Fargo drove the IiicIwimhI stage, r. Alex ToiHtnee, veteran shotgun riding at his sole, while the old coscli contained as passengers veteran employes of the company. They were follow id closely by cowIhijs and cowgirls and oiiy express riders. At the lovid of twenty-twIndian dressisl In full regalia and brought to from Fort Ogden for the rode the marshal of the iliiv. II. M. Fox. fame dowdy after the pa . isc ii ud the traveling outfit of the trilie. The historical wet ion follow ed deeMiIitlon picting Father to I'tali. the father, friars and cruhi nppropiia- saders Iwing costumes. Then "ume the early pi (nfliir fully ec,.iilie " If they were about to start out in their quest of gold, with their burros carrying puck outfits. Then there was the flout representing the mallet mid the spike. wbl li was followed by the flout repri-- s nting the l.uilii cutoff. Illustrating a point along till wi-s- t shore of the lake show. Ing the new way, and followed In turn by a flwt representing the Promontory summit ind Illustrating the old scores of hardy pioneers trans-comlucnt- ul nt y I.e-la- !!, night-wo- uld lie awake and so nervoua I get would have to get up and walk around and in the morning would bo all tired out. I read about Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable and Com- pound thought ., : I would try it. My nervousness soon Hi left me. I sleer well and feel fin In the morning and able to do my work. I gladly recommend Lydia E, Pinkharn's Vegetable. Compound to make weak nerves strong." Mr. Albert Sultze, 604 Olmstead St. Winona, Minn. How often do we bear the expressioa among women, "I am so nervous not sleep," or "it seems as I should fly." Such women should profit and Sultxe's Mrs. givey experience by thia famous root and berb remedy, Cora-pouPinkham'a E. Vegetable Lydia a trial. For forty years It bsa been overcoming such serious conditions aa displacements, inflammation, ulceration, Irregularities, periodic pains, backache, dullness, and nervoua prostration of women, and is now considered the standard remedy for such ailments. ' tinti-kln- rt at i- Jsn. thJ) nd, Kill All tlmmmd nywtMrw. ttUe ajjl Bkaaa. retar ! Flies f UAUfY , "oTaEE" KiL.ucn wirmeisT w - LT orTiaVrrtsrviiau. rieHtn, asMaU. Vaon, mmII csr tiDvsri ill Itot oil sir in)urs MJlireT. na Ia v 'ru't I b HAJSOUJ BOUEKS. 1M i'xpHa.rnai li i auya rt.v silI.bb t. a i Ufslra,M.aV PAfisiER'tk HAIR BALSAM J S MIS MrMnUtaaj C Barli Sslaa taardleais asaarsS. For Raartoriaw Color mm4 H -ii.lssc. ma as 00 al lrrr'U Immediate Action Necessary. Kind Old Gentleman What are you ciylng for, my Utile man? Tommy Tuff I cuo't think of a name fer dat guy. K. O. G. And why should It be necessary for you to think of a name, my little chap? T. T. Yer wouldn't ask that If yer beard the one be called me. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured sa thay by Local. caonul raacb AffUtAllyNs, of Mi ll locaU diaeaas, arrwatly Catarrh la by conalltullonaJ cundllkuna. HAU. S CATARRH MKU1C1NK will cur caiarrli. It la taken Inlerimlly and acta tlirouali I ha Blood on the Muroua Hurfaraa of tlie Hyaiem. HALL'S CATARRH MKD1CINK la rompoasxt of aome of th beat tonic known, combined with soma of the beat blood purinera. The rwrferl cimlilnailnn. of tha nr.lanla In HALL'S CATARRH MKI1CINK la what produtea a'Jrh won dcrful In ralarrhst condltlooa Tie, Teadmoniala fro. ImjEtsa F. J. Cheney tt Co.. fropa.. Tulado. X OIa. ml ludu-eni-- ed n. f Mistress So you are the brother my cook? Her only brother Pol Iceman I hope so. mes-M'lige- o uu, dres The Southern Pacific band led the of tbe various depart mints, the foremen snd the miiliiteiiaiice of way men. who were led by a float tieiiriug t.lng Oil. Wong Fook and t'hoo, survivors of the orizimil scc-tlogang flint la'd the track nt Promontory. Immediately after wns s handcar float containing an and the present day tJe of gasoline employe n old-tim- SM-sle- There were Hone of these w Iit did not from their benrl ibiisre that nil and Infinitely more than they had honed In see has come tn (hiss. And while they did not want to take the credit for the creation of a land of Industry and proiwrity. the throng of later men and women thmsj it nMin Ibcin In their arrnteful testimony at tills ceMirstion of the completion of a great work fifty ago FRECKLES S4 Ik Tisaa tn Cat Hsi af Teeae Vfy Wis ax- - tka alUaleat a f aa Olfclao ashaaiist mt row atr-ala (uaraat-r- a tlm amiir Raw I tltt Ttm'i fwii Slaialf elmtalh r--t trmm aa raw aaaea rncM. f a4 OlSls arplf a tilt f It slaSt aa4 aaarslal atMM ao T 1 ISal frwklM Sao learsa ika Mi b ba aaa ilfhier ipssr, mmrm aa llrslf. Il la wbVna that aaara la m mnt,itrii rtrmt ttM aala aaS aait aSt aliral rlar rt.lD alfwimiS Otsta. la tt.fe fr la atla tinA--r trarailff of m&f Sac la rnaos frerti ma A4. m aa Ibis U It Ulia -- Superficiality. "There are two sides to every question." "Yen," replied Senator Sorahum. "And too many cf us ihnps who pose-powerful thinkers don't tske U trouiile to pet to the inside." a BOSCHEE'S SYRUP will quiet your couph. soothe the In- flammation of a sore throat snd lunga, stop Irritation In the bronchial tubes.-Insuri- ng a eod nteiit's rest, free frriaayQ cotichini; and with easy extxs'tnrstlon In the mom In a. Made snd sold ln America for fifty-twyear. A wonderful prescription, ssslstlng Nature In tuitling op your general hentth andi throw tnr off the disease. faVpeciallr nseful In lung trouble, asthma, (tonp. bronchlMs, etc For sale la all civilised countries. Adv. o f Hon Satisfied. Itut surely yon. a millionaire, have little to complain shout. Munition Mncnate oh. I don't know. The multimillionaires treat u) like so much dirt. London Opinion. Officer Shave With Cutlcura fiisp And double your ranof efticlcncy tm welt as pritmote skin purity, skin comfort and skin health. No mng, no slimy sop, no irerms, no waste, o Irritation even, when shaved twlca dally. One soap for sll oes shsrlng. Adr. bsthlng and shampooing Sis Killed in Race Clash. Two sailors snd four Charleston. negroes are reported to have been killAlwsys look on the bright sido of ed and a number of persons wounded things snd If yoa sr buying thens eight severely. In s race riot, which look on both sides. broke ont here Friday night and con. tlnued until early Saturday morning. Onaoltfei Eyelids. Ere ieam! by rr--v. jB N Resaoo for Price Advance. tor to Sot, Past and sti ' Yolk. There has been no real fWa. rara,aTs mKkly rHievedhyWsrhsa reason for any advance in the, price .f H ljtttrmt4j. No Sinartire. e , Amerir-aFre Comfort. At flour Is Julius I'.arnes, J.t ot by mail COc per Bottlav United State wheat director, told Mrs. Voor Dmpr' tM Beak el f h f r free writ Kvs J. Snow, of Wei I fleet. Ma.. in For Marie Cya Betnedy Ca Cblcaoa. a letter made public Sunday. YrajtM JU .VtlM |